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1、Lesson34 Quick workLesson34 Quick workQuestions:How long had the police taken to find his bicycle?Twenty years.Lesson 34 Quick workDan Robinson has been worried all the week. worry v.别担心我,我很快会好的。别担心我,我很快会好的。(worry about sb./sth.) Dont worry about me. I will be fine soon.n. 他脸上的表情证实了我的担心。他脸上的表情证实了我的担

2、心。(confirm)_ _ on his face confirmed _ _.worried adj. 她妈妈很担心她的健康她妈妈很担心她的健康. (be worried about sth. /sb. )Her mother is worried about her health.worrying adj. 这是一则让人担忧的关于地震的新闻。这是一则让人担忧的关于地震的新闻。This is _about earthquake. His look my worriesa piece of worrying newsLesson 34 Quick workLast Tuesday he re

3、ceived a letter from the local police.receive from = hear from sb = have fromlocal adj.a local newspaper local news local shops local foodIn the letter he was asked to call at the station. call at + some place call on + sb. call out call up (American English) call off (cancel) police station bus sta

4、tion railway station subway station fire station gas station TV stationLesson 34 Quick workIn the letter he was asked to call at the station. ask sb. to do sth. - be asked to do sth.be (am, is, are, was, were) + v. pp.I open the door. The door is opened by me.Is the door opened by you?Yes, it is. No

5、, it isnt.I opened the door.The door was opened by me.I will open the door.The door will be opened by me.Lesson 34 Quick workShe is cleaning the floor. (am/are)The floor is being cleaned by her.She was cleaning the floor. (were)The floor was being cleaned by her.She has cleaned the floor. (have)The

6、floor has been cleaned by her.She had cleaned the floor.The floor had been cleaned by her. I can make this model plane.This model plane can be made by me.Can this model plane made by me?Lesson 34 Quick workDan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he

7、is not worried any more.wonder v. (want to know)1. + (that) 从句从句我想知道我们什么时候能够到达北京我想知道我们什么时候能够到达北京.I wonder (that) when we can arrive in Beijing.我想知道他到底会不会回来我想知道他到底会不会回来.I wonder whether he will come back or not.2. + to / at 感到惊讶感到惊讶我听到隔壁传出她的声音我听到隔壁传出她的声音, 十分惊讶十分惊讶.I wondered to hear her voice in the

8、next room.Lesson 34 Quick workDan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more.wonder: +at/ about 感到惊讶感到惊讶,感到奇怪感到奇怪我惊叹他们的速度之快我惊叹他们的速度之快. 我总觉得那件事很莫名其妙我总觉得那件事很莫名其妙.I wondered at their fast speed.I was wondering about that thing.n C.

9、thing or event that causes the feeling世界七大奇迹世界七大奇迹 The seven wonders of the world奇迹总在发生奇迹总在发生.be wanted on the phone这就是警察在追捕的那个人。这就是警察在追捕的那个人。This is the man who is wanted by the police.Wonders never cease.Lesson 34 Quick workAt the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had be

10、en found. a sleeping dog a flying bird a crying babyFive days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.The policeman told him (five days ago) the bicycle was picked up in a small village (which was) four hundred miles away.Lesson 34 Quick work

11、pick up They picked up the weapons and fought for freedom. Ill pick up you at your place around 9.Ive picked up a bad cold. I picked up some French while traveling in Paris.He picked up the book in a small library. The mother picked up her crying child. The bicycle was picked up in a small village f

12、our hundred miles away.(hold)(receive)(get)(learn)(find)(hug)Lesson 34 Quick workIt is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. am/ is/ are/was/were + being + v. pp. A friend of my fathers is repairing the clavichord.The clavichord is being repaired by a fr

13、iend of my fathers.most adv. 这是我摸过的最贵的东西了。这是我摸过的最贵的东西了。This is the most expensive thing I ve ever touched.+v. 你最欣赏的是什么?你最欣赏的是什么?What did you most enjoy?Lesson 34 Quick work最近什么令你最烦恼?最近什么令你最烦恼?What troubled you most recently?= very (formal)她很为她的孩子着急。她很为她的孩子着急。She is most worried about her child.make

14、the most of sth. = make full use of 多美的一天,多美的一天, 咱们得好好享受呀!咱们得好好享受呀!It is a lovely day. We must make the most of it. Pron. 这个学校的大部分学生都是来自亚洲。这个学校的大部分学生都是来自亚洲。Most of the children in this school are from Asia.It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. Less

15、on 34 Quick workHe was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen !expect: v.to think or believe that something will happenexpect sth.expect to do sth. / expect sb. to do sth.I expect her to pass the exam.expect that+从句从句I expected that she would pass the exam.n. expectation Great ExpectationsThank you for your attention!



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