世界文化史课件 古埃及金字塔与七大奇迹

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《世界文化史课件 古埃及金字塔与七大奇迹》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《世界文化史课件 古埃及金字塔与七大奇迹(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、金字塔与金字塔与“七大奇迹七大奇迹”埃及金字塔及相关问题埃及金字塔及相关问题世界上的金字塔文化世界上的金字塔文化七大奇迹七大奇迹金字塔文化金字塔文化古埃及历史分期古埃及历史分期The archaic period (c. 3100 - c. 2770)The Old Kingdom (c. 2770 - c. 2200)The 1st Intermediate Period (c. 2200 - c. 2050)The Middle Kingdom (c. 2050-1786)The 1st Intermediate Period (1786 - c. 1560)The New Kingdom

2、 (c. 1560 - 1087)The 1st Intermediate Period (1070 - 664)The Late Period (664 - 323)金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsPyramids at Giza金字塔文化金字塔文化Mastaba: Precursor to Egyptian Pyramids金字塔文化金字塔文化Mastaba: Precursor to Egyptian Pyramids金字塔文化金字塔文化梯形金字塔梯形金字塔金字塔文化金字塔文化梯形金字塔梯形金字塔最最早早的的金金字字塔塔:法法 老老 佐佐 塞塞 尔尔( Zoser/Djoser)的的

3、陵陵墓墓,约约于于2770 BCE由由 其其御御医医伊伊姆姆霍霍特特普普(Imhotep)设设计和监建。计和监建。金字塔文化金字塔文化伊姆霍特普伊姆霍特普伊伊姆姆霍霍特特普普出出身身平平民民,因因其其智智慧慧惊惊人人,学学识识渊渊博博,受受到到法法老老的的破破格格重重用用。他他在在整整个个法法老老时时代代受受到到崇崇拜拜,死死后后被被尊尊为为神神,其其名名号号刻刻在在佐佐塞塞尔尔法法老老雕雕像像的的基座上。基座上。金字塔文化金字塔文化伊姆霍特普伊姆霍特普金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsThe Great Pyramid of Giza (Khufus Tomb), Constructed

4、c. 2540-2560 BCE; Height 146.5 m, Base 230.4 m金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造裔裔40:古埃及的政治经济大权全部集中在以法:古埃及的政治经济大权全部集中在以法老为代表的奴隶主手中,反映了其老为代表的奴隶主手中,反映了其奴隶主专制奴隶主专制的本质。古王国时期建筑的那些庞大的王陵的本质。古王国时期建筑的那些庞大的王陵金字塔,就是金字塔,就是君主专制的象征君主专制的象征。胡夫王因听从祭司们的建议,而使得国民陷于胡夫王因听从祭司们的建议,而使得国民陷于水深火热水深火热中。他中。他为了自己为了自己,强制全埃及的人民强制全埃及的人民工作工作,更常以

5、,更常以10万人万人每隔每隔3个月交替一次的方个月交替一次的方式服劳役。仅仅建设为拖拉石头的道路,就使式服劳役。仅仅建设为拖拉石头的道路,就使人民的劳役持续了人民的劳役持续了10年。年。建造一座金字塔须花建造一座金字塔须花费费20年年。希罗多德希罗多德历史历史金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造希罗多德(希罗多德(c. 484-425 BCE)与大金字)与大金字塔建造的时间(塔建造的时间(c. 2700-2600 BCE)相)相去去2000余年。余年。希腊人很以自己的自由民主制度为骄傲。希腊人很以自己的自由民主制度为骄傲。根据现代学者的估计,即使大金字塔的根据现代学者的估计,即使大金字



8、这进一步证实了他们参与的是一个哈瓦斯说这进一步证实了他们参与的是一个国家工程国家工程。金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造The builders of the Great Pyramid were almost certainly seasonal laborers. During the summer months, when the Nile was at its flood stage, there was little or nothing for farmers to do, so they could be employed on massive building pro

9、jects without detrimental effect to the Egyptian agricultural economy.Why would the laborers do it? Egypt at this time did not know slavery (aside from a small number of war captives); moreover, it is impossible to imagine that a handful of rulers could have forced tens of thousands of subjects to l

10、abor against their wills year after year without cowing them by any extraordinary weaponry. Religious psychology and group dynamics instead seem to provide the best explanations.金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造Bronze was in common use in Egypt only from the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) on.Iron deposits in

11、 Egypt were not worked before the Late or Greco-Roman Periods. The earliest iron smelting places in Egypt were found at Naukratis and Defenna.Early iron comes highly likely from meteoric iron. In Egypt iron comes into common usage only from about 500 BC.金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造裔裔40:从后王朝时期的第二十七王朝开始,:从后

12、王朝时期的第二十七王朝开始,利比亚人、亚述人、波斯人、希腊人、罗马人、利比亚人、亚述人、波斯人、希腊人、罗马人、阿拉伯人曾先后征服过埃及。阿拉伯人曾先后征服过埃及。The government of the Old Kingdom was founded upon a policy of peace. In this respect it was virtually unique among ancient states. The pharaoh had no standing army, nor was there anything that could be called a nation

13、al militia, and local militias generally devoted their energies to labor on the public works.金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造喜克索人喜克索人(Hyksos )由)由亚洲侵入埃及的游牧部族。亚洲侵入埃及的游牧部族。又译海克索斯人。该名起又译海克索斯人。该名起源于埃及语,意为源于埃及语,意为外国的外国的统治者统治者。初指侵入埃及的。初指侵入埃及的西亚部落首领,后来扩大西亚部落首领,后来扩大为整个部落集团。该部族为整个部落集团。该部族可能原居于叙利亚、巴勒可能原居于叙利亚、巴勒斯坦一带,人种来源

14、不明,斯坦一带,人种来源不明,主要是主要是塞姆语系人塞姆语系人,但也,但也有胡里特人的因素。有胡里特人的因素。金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造The Pharaoh Ahmose battling the Hyksos金字塔文化金字塔文化金字塔的建造金字塔的建造The laborers apparently believed that their pharaohs were living gods who could ascend to eternal life upon their earthly exits solely by means of proper burial. Z

15、osers step-pyramid was thus in a literal sense a stairway to heaven. And if the pharaohs journeyed well to their eternal glory, life on earth would flourish.Collaborative labor must have given the individual toiler a sense of uplifting comradeship and team accomplishment. This point seems borne out

16、by marks found on various pyramid stones reading vigorous team, enduring team, and so forth.金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsNubian Pyramids at Meroe.金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids outside EgyptThe Pyramid of Cestius, in Rome, was built about 1812 BCE as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, a magistrate and member of one of the four gre

17、at religious corporations in Rome, the Septemviri Epulonum.金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids outside Egypt少昊(黄帝子)陵(曲阜)少昊(黄帝子)陵(曲阜)金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids outside Egypt“五帝五帝”的不同说法的不同说法黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜(史记史记五帝五帝本纪本纪、世本世本五帝谱五帝谱、大戴礼大戴礼五帝德五帝德)宓戏宓戏(伏羲,太昊)(伏羲,太昊)、神农、神农(炎帝)(炎帝)、黄帝、黄帝、尧、舜尧、舜(易易系辞下系辞下)太昊、炎帝、黄帝、太昊、炎帝、黄帝、少昊

18、少昊、颛顼、颛顼少昊、颛顼少昊、颛顼(高阳)(高阳)、帝喾、尧、舜、帝喾、尧、舜(孔(孔安国安国尚书序尚书序、帝王世纪帝王世纪)黄帝、黄帝、少昊少昊、颛顼、喾、尧、颛顼、喾、尧金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids outside Egypt集集安安市市高高句句丽丽王王陵陵墓墓葬葬将将军军坟坟是是高高句句丽丽第第二二十十代代王王长长寿寿王王的的陵陵墓墓,俗俗称称为为“将将军军坟坟”,将将军军坟坟呈呈截截尖尖方方锥锥形形,将将军军坟坟被被誉誉为为“东东方方金金字字塔塔”。将将军军坟坟为为方方形形阶阶坛坛石石室室墓墓,是是高高句句丽丽文文化化高高等等级级墓墓葬葬的的代代表表,是是高高句句丽丽积积石石

19、阶阶构构陵陵墓墓的的巅巅峰峰之之作作,自自将将军军坟坟后后,石石造造陵陵墓墓不不再再见见于于高高句句丽丽王陵。王陵。金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids outside Egypt集安金字塔集安金字塔金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsThanjavur Temple in Tamil Nadu, IndiaTanjan, a legendary asura in Hindu mythology.金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsPyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsPyramid of the Moon in

20、Teotihuacan, Mexico金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsPyramid in the Mayan city of Chichen Itza, Mexico金字塔文化金字塔文化PyramidsMississippian Culture Mound金字塔文化金字塔文化Length 143.3 mNum. of towers 3Tower height 83 mNum. of spires 3 (now lost);Spire height 160 m裔裔43:胡夫金字塔是:胡夫金字塔是19世纪巴黎埃斐尔铁塔建成以前世纪巴黎埃斐尔铁塔建成以前世界上最高的建筑。世界上最高的建筑。Th

21、e Lincoln Cathedral金字塔文化金字塔文化Also called St. Marys Cathedral (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary), an Anglican cathedral in Lincoln, England, was the tallest building in the world from 1300 to 1549, when its central spire collapsed.The Lincoln Cathedral金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids TodayThe Summum Pyr

22、amid金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids TodaySummum is a religion and philosophy that began in 1975 as a result of Claude Corky Nowells claimed encounter with beings he described as Summa Individuals. According to Nowell, these beings presented him with concepts regarding the nature of creation. As a result of his e

23、xperience, Nowell founded Summum in order to share the gift he received with others.金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids TodayStockport Pyramid, England金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids TodayThe Walter Pyramid in Long Beach, CA金字塔文化金字塔文化Pyramids TodayThe Pyramid Arena (with 20,142 seats) in Memphis, TN金字塔文化金字塔文化Inversed Pyramids河内博

24、物馆河内博物馆金字塔文化金字塔文化Inversed Pyramids Today金字塔文化金字塔文化The Bosnian PyramidVisoica overlooking Visoko in 1973金字塔文化金字塔文化The Bosnian Pyramid金字塔文化金字塔文化The Bosnian Pyramid金字塔文化金字塔文化The Bosnian Pyramid金字塔文化金字塔文化The Bosnian PyramidFlatiron(平顶脊,熨斗形山)(平顶脊,熨斗形山)金字塔文化金字塔文化7 Wonders of the Ancient World16C Dutch art

25、ist Marten Heemskerk金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World1. Great Pyramid of Giza2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia5. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus6. Colossus of Rhodes7. Lighthouse of Alexandria金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient

26、WorldHanging Garden of Babylon金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldTemple of Artemis at Ephesus金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldStatue of Zeus at Olympia金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldMausoleum of Halicarnassus金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldColossus of Rhodes金字塔文化金字塔文化The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldLighthouse of Alexandria



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