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1、备考2025福建省莆田市城厢区小学教师公开招聘考前练习题及答案一单选题(共100题)1、根据下面资料,回答题 A.lostB.locatedC.occupiedD.trapped【答案】 D2、把26,33,34,35,63,85,91,143分成若干组,要求每一组中任意两个数的最大公约数是1,那么至少要分成()组。A.3B.4C.5D.6【答案】 A3、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don

2、t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.holdB.supportC.live onD.k

3、eep【答案】 B4、 朱自清与俞平伯写下的两篇同题散文,题目是()。A.荷塘月色B.背影C.给亡妇D.桨声灯影里的秦淮河【答案】 D5、Beauty has always been regarded as something praise worthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advi

4、ce for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants (被告). But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability. A.disadvantageB.advantageC.misfortuneD.trouble【答案】 A6、根据下面资料,回答A.goneB.increasedC.workedD.moved【答案】 B7、马王堆汉墓帛画描绘的主题思想是()。A.天地神话B.引魂升天C.墓主生沧D.仙人出行【答案】 B8、Now and agai

5、n I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dream

6、ing so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western

7、 Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating little habit, like sneezing or yawning. A.the short moments it has relieved people from the burden of lifeB.experiencing the impossible or unrealistic, even broken parts of lifeC.the refreshing p

8、ower it endows people when they wake up in the morningD.the mystery it brings when in dream people can predict their future【答案】 B9、对自己的评价是“诗第一,治印第二,绘画第三,写字第四”的画家是()。A.陈师曾B.吴昌硕C.黄宾虹D.齐白石【答案】 D10、下列选项体现记忆敏捷性品质的是_。A.出口成章B.死记硬背C.博闻强记D.过目成诵【答案】 D11、“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”最初的写作场景体现的传统节日是( )A.中秋B.元宵C.七夕D.元旦【答案】 B12、

9、Walters work _ efficiently, the boss decided to promote him to senior manager.A.finishedB.had been finishedC.finishingD.to finish【答案】 A13、Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don! begin thinking about careers until they reach junior or senior year,

10、which, in my opinion, is too late. A.a chemist working at collegeB.a person who works in the instituteC.a doctor in a hospitalD.a person doing all types of body care for people【答案】 D14、依据中华人民共和国教师法,“指导学生的学习和发展,评定学生的品行和学业成绩”属于()。A.教师应当履行的义务B.教师享有的权利C.既是教师享有的权利,也是教师应当履行的义务D.既不是教师享有的权利,也不是教师应当履行的义务【答案】

11、 B15、I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what I wanted to do. Over the next six years, I was treading water, just trying to earn an income. I tried journalism, but I didnt think I was any good, then finance, which I hated. Finally, I got a job as a rights assi

12、stant at a famous publisher. I loved working with books, although the job that I did was dull.A.I was waiting for good fortuneB.I was trying to find an admirable jobC.I was being aimless about a suitable jobD.I was doing several jobs for more pay at a time【答案】 C16、教师资格条例规定,教育部门和受委托的高等学校每年受理的教师资格认定申请

13、次数为()。A.1次B.2次C.3次D.4次【答案】 B17、学习一种新材料时运用联想假借意义,对记忆有帮助的方法称为( )A.语义联想法B.视觉想象法C.关键词法D.谐音联想法【答案】 D18、计算2584=25(80+4)=2580+254=2100,运用的运算律是( )。A.加法结合律B.乘法交换律C.乘法结合律D.乘法分配律【答案】 D19、Children may get into some bad habits _ they lack self-discipline.A.whenB.unlessC.thoughD.until【答案】 A20、小学儿童以具体形象思维为主要形式逐步过渡到以抽象逻辑思维为主要形式的关键 年龄大约在( )。A.78岁B.1011岁C.1213 岁D.56岁【答案】 B21、教师资格条例规定,教育行政部门和受委托的高等学校每年受理教师资格认定申请的次数是 _ 。A.1次B.2次C.3次D.4次【答案】 B22、 德育过程是培养学生知,情,意,行的过程。贯彻该德育规律的要求不包括_ 。A.注重全面性B.注重多端性C.注重均衡性D.注重针对性【答案】 C23、 世界文学史上第一部正面描写工人阶级生活和斗争的长篇小说是()A.名利场B.简?爱C.呼啸山庄D.玛丽?巴顿【答案】 D24、He w



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