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1、Unit8When is your birthday? DictationJanuary一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune六月六月三月三月一月一月四月四月二月二月五月五月JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember八月八月十月十月十二月十二月九月九月十一月十一月七月七月1.Spring Festival (春节春节)is in _ or _.

2、 2.Tree Planting Day (植树节植树节)is in _.3.Mothers Day is in _. 4.National Day (国庆节国庆节)is in _. 5.Teachers Day is in _.January FebruaryMarch MayOctober September Christmas Day(圣诞节)(圣诞节) is in _. April Fools Day (愚人节愚人节)is in _. Childrens Day (儿童节儿童节) is in _. Students have summer holiday(暑假暑假) in _ and

3、_.Thanksgiving(感恩节感恩节) is in _.December April June JuneJuly November Learn these numbers and find out the rules:一起找规律一起找规律1stfirst2ndsecond3rdthird4thfourth5th6th7th8theighth9thninth10thfifthsixthseventhtenth11theleventh12thtwelfth13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20thtwentieththirteenthfourteenthfifteent


5、ingDayisonthe_(twelve)ofMarcheveryyear.4、J_isthefirstmonthoftheyear.5、TeachersDayisinthe_monthoftheyear.A,ninethB,tenthC,ninthD,ten6、The_(one)dayofaweekisSunday.ebruaryugusttwelfthanuaryAfirstJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTwelve months of the yearJanuaryFe

6、bruary ddnjunjuriri 一月一月 februfebruriri 二月二月February14thJanuaryfirstMarchm:t 三月Aprileiprl四月Maymei 五月Junedu:n 六月Julydu:lai七月August:gst八月Septembersptemb九月Octoberktub十月Decembernuvemb 十一月disemb 十二月NovemberWhenisyourbirthday?MybirthdayisJulysecond.ItsJulysecond.两两种种回回答答Mary, September 6thA: When is Marys

7、 birthday? B: Her birthday is September 6th.Linda , October 20thLinda , October 20thBill, March 17th Nick, December 9thNick, December 9thJane, May 1stJane, May 1stBob, February 10thBob, February 10th MybirthdayisJuly seventh. My fathers birthday is.My mothers birthday is.My .Whenisyourfamilysbirthda

8、y?January 1stFebruary 14March 12thApril 1stMay 1stJune 1st Childrens DayChildrens DayTree planting DayTree planting DayFools DayFools DayValentines DayValentines DayNew years DayNew years DayLabour DayLabour DayMay DayMay DayJuly 1stAugust 1stOctober 1stDecember 25th Army DayNational DayChristmas Da

9、yThe Partys Day2A2CNameAliceFrankEricJaneMonthJulyAugustJanuarySeptemberDate4th22nd5th17th2d.Talk about the childrens birthday in 2c.A:WhenisAlicesbirthday?B:HerbirthdayisonSeptemer5th.A:Whenisyourfathersbirthday?B:HisbirthdayisonGrammer FocusA: How are you, Grace?B: twelve. A: And is your birthday?

10、B: My is on March 12th. How about you and Tom?A: Well, my birthday is July 5th, and Toms birthday is in December. Role-play the conversations in 3b. old Imwhen birthdayon1. _ English test 3. _ school trip2. _ party 4. _ basketball gamedcba1aMatch the pictures with the events. 1bListen and circle the

11、 events you hear in 1a.Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar.1c24 25 26 27 28 29 30SEPTEMBER1 2 3 4 5 6 7OCTOBERthe basket-ballgameSallys birthday partythe school tripthe English tripthe school trip1dPairworkWhen is Johns school trip?Its on September 25th.When is the basketball game?Its on October2nd

12、.Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar. When is Sallysbirthday party?Its on October5th.Soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day party 2aCheck () the activities youhave at your school. 1.Completethechartwiththecorrectformsofthenumbers.SelfCheck2.Write the dates for these holidays in China.1.When is Childrens Day? Its on.2.When is National Day? Its on.3.When is Womens Day? Its on.4.When is New Years Day? Its on.June 1stOctober 1stMarch 8thJanuary 1st



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