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1、Id rather be black than femaleBy Shirley Chisholm1.vRather than: 不是不是而是而是,v-I, rather than you, should be responsible for car accident.v-This morning Tom ran to the school rather than walked.v与其说与其说.不如说不如说vHe is a businessperson rather than a professor.vWould ratherthan (do)vI would rather die than

2、live on knees.2.assemblyvassemblyman男议员男议员vassemblywoman 女议员女议员vThe General Assembly 联合国大会联合国大会vassembly linev装配线,流水生产线装配线,流水生产线3.Drawback不利因素,障碍;缺点v-Pride is a drawback to progress.v-Her shyness is a drawback.4.Empathy, sympathyvEmpathy 感情移入,同感(对他人的感情、经历等感情移入,同感(对他人的感情、经历等的想象力和感受力)的想象力和感受力)v-There

3、is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.v老妇人和她孙子之间有种某名奇妙的心灵相通的感老妇人和她孙子之间有种某名奇妙的心灵相通的感觉。觉。vSympathy for/towards sb. 同情同情 v-She never expressed any sympathy when I was injured.vIn sympathy with sb./sth. 对对表示支持或赞同表示支持或赞同v-I am sure she will be in sympathy with you proposal.5.Incredul

4、ous, incredible vincredulous 表示怀疑的,不相信的表示怀疑的,不相信的v-His eyes took on an incredulous look.vIncredible:令人难以相信的令人难以相信的,难以置信的难以置信的v-What she has said is incredible to us.v-He earns an incredible amount of money.v他挣钱多得惊人。他挣钱多得惊人。vCredulous 轻信的轻信的6.Inferior , superior v-She felt inferior because she was in

5、ferior to her sister in many respects.v-Our products are superior to theirs in color.7.Mold 塑造v- mold ones characterv-It takes great efforts to mold a child into a mature adult.8.Persistence, perseverance vpersistence: 坚持不懈(含有固执的含义)坚持不懈(含有固执的含义)vPerseverance: 坚持不懈,不屈不挠坚持不懈,不屈不挠(通常作褒义)(通常作褒义)v-That s

6、hows his perseverance in the face of hardship.v-We could not understand her persistence in wearing that suit to the party.vPersist in sb./sth. 坚持;执意坚持;执意v-If you persist, you will annoy them even more.v你若固执,他们就更恼火了。你若固执,他们就更恼火了。v-He will persist in riding that broken bicycle.vPersevere with 坚持不懈,不屈不

7、挠坚持不懈,不屈不挠(尤指不畏困难)尤指不畏困难)v-Its difficult, but Im going to persevere with it.9.predominatev(1)predominate over sb./sth.: have control, power or influence over 支配,统治,左右支配,统治,左右v-A small group has begun to predominate in policy-making.v(2) be superior in numbers, strength (在数量,(在数量,力量等上)占优势力量等上)占优势v-Oa

8、k-trees predominate in this forest.v这片森林以橡树居多。这片森林以橡树居多。10.Congress:vThe American Congress consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.11.Prejudice: (n.) prejudice against/ in favor of 偏见,成见v-She had a prejudice against modern music.vPrejudice: (v) prejudice sb. Against/ in f

9、avor of 使某人抱有偏见使某人抱有偏见v-Newspaper gossip prejudiced her against him.vPrejudiced: (a.) 有偏见的,有成见的,偏心的有偏见的,有成见的,偏心的v-Try not to be prejudiced in your judgments.v你作判断时尽量做到不偏见。你作判断时尽量做到不偏见。12.When blacks finally started to “mention” itv“mention” here refers to the use of action to fight against prejudice

10、 against black.13.Eliminate; illuminatevEliminate: remove 消除,清除,排除消除,清除,排除v-eliminate mistakes from the writingv-The police have eliminated two suspects from the enquiry.villuminate: provide (sth.) with light照明,照亮照明,照亮v-illuminate the football pitch(足球场足球场)villuminate: 用灯装饰用灯装饰v-illuminate the stree

11、t, building v用灯装饰街道,建筑物用灯装饰街道,建筑物14.That make the difference between victory and defeat vThat determine whether they will win or lose vMake a, some, no, etc. difference to 对对有有,一些一些,没有影响没有影响,作用作用v-The rain made no difference to the match.v-What the father said made great difference to me.vMake a dif

12、ference between 区别对待区别对待v-She made no difference between her sons.15.Lot: persons fortune, destiny命运,运气v-Her lot has been a hard one.v-I would not share his lot.v我不会和他同甘共苦我不会和他同甘共苦.16.Reward sb. With sth. For v-He was rewarded with $ 100,000 for his finding the lost child.17.Be supposed to 应该, 理应v-T

13、he students are supposed to study hard.v-The train was supposed to be at the station 15 minutes before.18.Project: (向他人表现以)使其产生深刻的或良好的形象v-The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.v这个党竭力这个党竭力装出一副装出一副(给热留下给热留下)关心工人阶级关心工人阶级的新形象的新形象.19.Be aware of sth.v-He w

14、as not aware of his mistake.v-I am not aware of the importance of the matter.vBe aware that-clausev-The young lovers were not aware (that) it was dangerous to visit the West Lake at deep night.20.Build oneself/sb up使健康,强壮 v-You need more exercises to build you up.vBuild her upv-help her gain reputat

15、ionvBuild up:变得更大变得更大,更多更多,更强更强v-Traffic is building up on roads into the city.v来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多.21.Convince sb. Of sth./to do sth/that 说服,使某人相信v-I finally convinced the jury that he was innocent.v-Tom managed to convince Mary to take part in the party with him.v-Youd better conv

16、ince others of your honesty, if you want to have business with them.vSb. Be convinced 深信不疑的深信不疑的vConvincing 令人信服的令人信服的22.Moral, morale v(1) Moral (a.) 道德的道德的,伦理的伦理的v- a moral questionv(2) Moral (n.) 寓意寓意v-The moral of the story is “Better late than never”.v这个故事的寓意是这个故事的寓意是“迟做总比不做好迟做总比不做好”.v(3) Moral

17、s 道德道德,伦理伦理,行为的标准行为的标准vHe has no morals and will do anything for money.v-a decline in the public morals v公共道德的衰落公共道德的衰落vMorale 士气士气,精神面貌精神面貌v-affect/ raise/ boost/ lower/ undermine sbs morale v影响影响/提高提高/鼓舞鼓舞/减低减低/损害某人的士气损害某人的士气v-The teams morale was high after the victory.23.历年考题分析v1. (2003)From the

18、 start of that campaign, I faced _ hostility because of my sex.vundisguisedv2. (2001)在美国,妇女的报酬比做同样工作的男人在美国,妇女的报酬比做同样工作的男人低大约低大约20%。vIn the United States, women are paid about 20% less than a man for the same job.vIn America, a woman is paid about 20% less than a man for the same job.24.B. Translate

19、the following sentences into Chinese. v1.我是第一个同时清除我是第一个同时清除(克服克服)了这两个障碍的人了这两个障碍的人.v2.那些白人那些白人包括那些自认为开明人士的人们包括那些自认为开明人士的人们需需要多年的时间才能发现并摈弃他们已持有的种族歧要多年的时间才能发现并摈弃他们已持有的种族歧视态度视态度.v3.从事这份工作从事这份工作,她得到几次免费旅行的机会她得到几次免费旅行的机会,去参加去参加州会议州会议,有时去参加全国性会议击政党召开的全国性有时去参加全国性会议击政党召开的全国性会议会议,在这些会议上在这些会议上,她的任务是照男主席那样去投她的任

20、务是照男主席那样去投赞成票或反对票赞成票或反对票.v4.当一位聪慧的女大学毕业生开始找工作的时候当一位聪慧的女大学毕业生开始找工作的时候,为为什么第一个问题总是什么第一个问题总是:”你会打字吗你会打字吗?”25.B. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. v5.每当我试图向上再前进一步的时候每当我试图向上再前进一步的时候,许多人就建议许多人就建议我应该回去教书我应该回去教书,说那才是女人的职业说那才是女人的职业,而要把政治而要把政治留给男人留给男人.v6.但是直到这种情况发生但是直到这种情况发生但是我们都知道这不会但是我们都知道这不会是

21、今年也不会是明年是今年也不会是明年我们所需要的是更多妇女从我们所需要的是更多妇女从政政,因为我们妇女要做出特殊的贡献因为我们妇女要做出特殊的贡献.v7.是妇女给政府带来善解人意是妇女给政府带来善解人意,容忍容忍,远见远见,耐心和持耐心和持之以恒之以恒这些品质是我们妇女天生的或者说受到男这些品质是我们妇女天生的或者说受到男性压迫而不得不发展的性压迫而不得不发展的.v8.现在现在,我们国家也许在政治上比在其它任何领域都我们国家也许在政治上比在其它任何领域都更需要妇女的理想主义和决心更需要妇女的理想主义和决心.26.F. Translate the following into English: v

22、American women have made important contributions to the American development, but they have been suffering from kinds of prejudice because of their sex (against their sex).vIn politics, they do all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat, but have little chance to rea

23、ch higher positions while men reap the rewards. 27.F. Translate the following into English: vIn economy, most women do the lower-paying, dead-end jobs and they are invariably paid less than men for the same job. vMany Americans do not admit this is prejudice, only saying it is a division of labor. vMany women are even content with their roles as second-class citizens.vSo the author says that it will be a long and hard struggle if women want to get real equality.28.



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