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1、【 2 3份】2 0 1 5年中考题型专练之语法复习及语法操练目录回2015年中考题型专练之语法操练( 动词时态)吟2015年中考题型专维之语法操练( 动词语态)四2015年中考题型专维之语法操练( 冠词和数词)四|2015年中考题型专练之语法操练( 介词)到2015年中考题型专练之语法操练( 连词)回2。15年中考题型专练之语法操续( 名词和代词)到2015年中考题型专炼之语法复习(宾语从句)到2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 定语从句)到2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 动词时态)里|2015年中考题型专缥之语法复习( 动词语态)回2015年中考题型专炼之语法复习( 非谓语动词)四20

2、15年中考题型专绘之语法复习( 冠词)四2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 简单句)则2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 介词)到2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 句子种类)到2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 连词)到2015年中考题型专维之语法复习( 名词)四2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 数词)2015年中考题型专绘之语法复习( 形容词和副词)现2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 主谓一致)回2015年中考题型专练之语法复习( 状语从句)现2015年中考题型专募之语法复习二( 代词)里|2015年中考题型专练之语法复习一( 代词)2015中考题型专练之语法操练( 动词时态)【 即时

3、操练】一、 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1.1 an e-mail to my pen pal when Susan called me last night.A. wrote B. will writeC. am writing D. was writing( ) 2 . Hi, Mary. Where is your father? Look! He his car over there.A. washes B. is washingC. will wash D. has washed( ) 3 . Mike the bookshop. I have to wait for hi

4、m.A. was going to B. was inC. has been to D. has gone to( ) 4. They will go swimming if it fine tomorrow.A. is B. is going to beC. will be D. was() 5 . Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?( John _ .A. cleaned B. doesC. did D. cleans) 6 .1 heard that Miss Green _ to Italy soon.(A. would go bac

5、k B. go backC. have gone back D. will go back) 7 . Ive got the final Harry Potter book.( Really? Its very interesting. I _ it twice already.A. am reading B. have readC. was reading D. will read) 8. Jimmy _ in a minute. Ask someone else to do it.(A. has left B. leftC. had left D. is leaving) 9. What

6、did the teacher say just now?( He said that the earth _ round the sun.A. go B. goesC. went D. will go)10. Catherine _ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.A. finishes B. has finishedC. had finished D. will finish- 、 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. The Smiths _ (fly) to Paris yesterday.2. Liste

7、n! Who _ (sing) in the next room?3. Bob wants to know if you _ (go) for a picnic tomorrow. Yes. But we will stay at home if it (rain).4. There (be) an important football match in our school tomorrow.5. Lisa often (go) to school at seven in the morning.6. You seem to know much about the city. Thafs t

8、rue. I (visit) it three times.7. We (watch) TV when the telephone (ring) suddenly.8. 一 you (finish) your drawing? Not yet. I ( f i n i s h ) it in a few minutes.9. The government said they (spend) a large amount of money on pollution the nextyear.10. We just (reach) the station when the train arrive

9、d.Key:一、1 5 DBDAC 6-10 ABDBC二、1. flew2. is singing3. will go; rains4. will be / is going to be5. goes6. have visited7. were watching; rang8. Have; finished; will finish9. would spend10. had; reached2015中考题型专练之语法操练( 动词语态)【 即时操练】一、 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Chinese _ by more and more people in the world no

10、w.A. is spokenC.speaks( ) 2 . A new cinema _B.spokeD. is speaking_ here. The workers say they will finish it in two months.A. will buildC. has been built( ) 3 . Sometimes milkB. is buildingD. is being built_ for making butter and cheese.A. is usedC. is using( ) 4. The girPs room _B. usedD. are used_

11、 pink. She likes it very much.A. is painting B. will be paintingC. has been painted D. has painted( ) 5. Can your computer work now? Yes, it _ .A. has repaired B. has been repairedC. had repaired D. will be repaired( ) 6. In the old days, the workers _ in the factory from morning to night.A. were ma

12、de work B. are made workC. are made to work D. were made to work( ) 7. The song very nice. Can you guess who is singing?A. sound B. soundedC. sounds D. is sounded( ) 8. Leave Mary alone, please. She should to do whatever she likes.A. allow B. be allowedC. be allowing D. being allowed( ) 9. Mary an E

13、nglish song in the next room.A. hears sing B. is heard singC. was heard sing D. is heard to sing( )10. How soon all the work ? In a week.A. will; finishB. is; going to finishC. will; be finishedD. are; going to be finished二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Spring is coming. The flowers (smell) sweet.2. The glass (b

14、reak) by Tom when he played football with his friends.3. All the fruits will (prepare) for Mrs. Green and her children.4. The boy is often seen (help) the old in his spare time.5. 一 How beautiful your hometown is! Yes, trees and flowers can (see) everywhere.6. There are many people downstairs. Do yo

15、u know what (happen)?7. The meeting will (hold) at 2 oclock this afternoon.8. Bad news! Jims pet dog (kill) in an accident last week.9. The cakes in this store (taste) nice. Lets buy some for Grandma.10. Nancy looked very young in the photo which (take) ten years ago.三、 按要求改写下列句子。1. Maria cleans her

16、 bedroom every d a y .( 改为被动语态)2. The students were made to plant trees by Miss Zhu last w eek.( 改为主动语态)3. Travelers shouldnt use mobile phones on the p la n e .( 改为被动语态)4. You must pay attention to your writing, Linda.( 改为被动语态)5. Has the classroom been cleaned by Lily and Mary y e t?( 改为主动语态)一 、1-5

17、 ADACB二 、1. smell4. to help7. be held10. was taken6-10DCBDC2. was broken5. be seen8. was killed3. be prepared6. has happened9. taste三 、1. Marias bedroom is cleaned by her every day.2. Miss Zhu made the students plant trees last week.3. Mobile phones shouldnt be used by travelers on the plane.4. Your

18、 writing must be paid attention to, Linda.5. Have Lily and Mary cleaned the classroom yet?冠词【 即时操练】根据句意提示,用a, an, the或 /填空。1. Pass me apple on the table, please.2. She is always in hurry every day.3. We should take good care of old.4. My mother bought me new bike. bike cost her 800 yuan.5. Please gi

19、ve me cup of coffee with sugar.6. Qingdao is attractive city. Its such nice place that many touristscome here every year.7 .1 think its really hard work for me to finish it in a day.8. 一 Wendy, is black hat under the chair yours?一No, I only have pink one. Maybe its Julias.9 .1 want to get useful inf

20、bnnation about my project.10. What bad weather! Yes. weather makes me so sad.数词【 即时操练】根据句意及括号内所给的提示填空,完成句子。1. They have lived in the city for ( 三十)years.2. His birthday is on ( 六月七日) .3. That song was very popular ( 在20世纪40年代) .4. Every year, ( 数以百万的)fish die because of the polluted water.5. ( 五分之三)

21、of her pocket money has been spent buying books.6. On his (11) birthday, he got a computer from his father.7. Excuse me, could you please tell me where Mr. Whites office is? Sure. He is in Room (nine) on the (two) floor.8. My grandfather is in his (eighty), but he is still very healthy.9. Zhang Yini

22、ng got the (100) Summer Olympics gold medal for China in(2004).10. There are (12) months in a year, and April is the (4) month.Key:冠词2015年中考题型专练之语法操练( 介词)1. the 2. a3. the4. a; The5. a; /; /6. an; a 7. /8. the;a9./10. /; The数词1. thirty2. June 7th3. in the 1940s4. millions of5. Three fifths6. elevent

23、h7. Nine; second8. eighties9. 100th; 200410. twelve; fourth一、 用适当的介词填空。1. The sun rises the east and goes down the west.2. Can you say the sentence Chinese?3. It was a very busy day Mary. She didnt get home 10 pm.4. Most students in my class often go to school bus.5. Its very important us to make pl

24、ans before a new term.6 . 1 dont like milk, so please give me a cup of coffee milk.7. Peter ate supper seven and he began to do his homework supper.8. her stay here, Sally visited many places of interest.9. I heard the song the radio and it was really nice.10. Who will give a seat to the woman a bab

25、y?二、 单项选择。( ) 1. Take good care of your son. I saw him walking the river. Its dangerous.A. with B. from C. towards D. at( ) 2. Sue, please put your homework my desk. Til see it tomorrow.A. from B. on C. for D. to( ) 3. Look! The plane is flying the bridge.A. on B. at C. about D. over( ) 4. Tinas fat

26、her will return from Da l i a n a few days.A. in B. on C. since D. till( ) 5. Sam shows a talent for languages. He can speak French English, Russianand Chinese.A. except B. beside C. besides D. without( ) 6. 一 How long have you learnt English?一five years.A. Since B. For C. In D. At()7. 一 Whos the ma

27、n black? Hes Mr. Wang.A. in B. with C. on D. of( ) 8. We all know that paper is made wood.A. for B. in C. from D. to( ) 9. It, s bad your health to go to work breakfast.A. of; with B. for; at C. to; for D. fbr; without( )10. the age of thirty, Peter went to Australia to look for a job.A. On B. At C.

28、 From D. By三、 根据提示完成句子。1. People ( 超过)eighteen can take part in the activity.2. John parked his bike ( 倚;靠)the wall and locked it.3. The lady is the most famous ( 在. . 中)the greatest scientists in the world.4. Id like to listen to music ( 代替)surfing online.5. ( 依据)the survey, this is a really wonder

29、ful movie.Key一、 1. in; in2. in3. for; until4. by5. for6. without7. at; after8. During9. on10. with二、 1-5 CBDAC 6-10BACDB三、 1. over2. against3. among4. instead of5. According to2015年中考题型专练之语法操练( 连词)一、 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语填空:than where as until if1. Henry will come to the meeting he is invited.2. The first

30、snow this year came a month l at er last year.3. Mrs Smith tells her son that he should stay there she comes back.4. Please put it we can see it.5. If you do the teacher says, you can do it better.but because so unless although6. he was very tired, he continued playing the piano.7. Sue didnt go ther

31、e she was ill.8. Dont come here I give you a call.9. Mr. Brown felt tired, he went to bed early.10. Lily likes chicken she doesnt like beef.even ifas soon asso thatsuch . thatneither. . nor .11. Would you like to call me you find out the truth?12. the weather is awful, there are a lot of things to d

32、o.13. the t e a c he r the students know how to work out the problem.14. Alan is a clever boy we all like him.15. Bob got up early he could catch the early bus.二、 写出下列句子的同义句。I. The boy is too proud to ask others for help.The boy is proud he doesnt want to ask others fbr help.2. I wonder if I will go

33、 with Linda tomorrow.I wonder to go with Linda tomorrow.3. Believe in yourself, and youll make it.you believe in yourself, you will make it.4. Not only Lily but also her sister was doing homework at eight last night.Lily her sister doing homework at eight last night.5. I think this shirt is the most

34、 beautiful of all the shirts here.I think this shirt is than here.三、 用所给连词翻译下列句子。1 . 我们没有水和空气就不能生存。(or)2 . 吉姆不如他姐姐花的钱多。(not so . as)3 . 汤姆总是问那么多奇怪的问题以致于很多人不喜欢他。( so that )4 . 他们上周不仅去了北京,还去了天津。( as well as)5 . 据说明天会下雪。( that)Key:、l.if2. than3. until4. where5. as6. Although7. because8. unless9. so10.

35、but11. as soon as12. Even if13. Neither; nor14. such; that 15. so that二、 1. so; that2. whether3. If4. Both; and; were5. more beautiful; any other shirt三、1. We cant live without air or water.2. Jim doesnt spend so much money as his sister.3. Tom always asks so many strange questions that many people

36、dont like him.4. They went to Tianjin as well as Beijing last week.5. It is said that it will snow tomorrow.【 即时操练】一、 用适当的介词填空。1.The sun rises the east and goes down the west.2. Can you say the sentence Chinese?3.It was a very busy day Mary. She didnt get home 10 pm.4.Most students in my class often

37、 go to school_ bus.5.Its very important us to make plans before a new term.6.I dont like milk, so please give me a cup of coffee milk.7.Peter ate supper seven and he began to do his homework supper.8.her stay here, Sally visited many places of interest.9.I heard the song the radio and it was really

38、nice.10.Who will give a seat to the woman a baby?二、 单项选择。()1.Take good care of your son. I saw him walking the river. Its dangerous.A. with B. from C. towards D. at( ) 2.Sue, please put your homework my desk. Til see it tomorrow.A. from B. on C. for D. to( ) 3.Look! The plane is flying the bridge.A.

39、 on B. at C. about D. over( ) 4.Tinas father will return from Da l i a n a few days.A. in B. on C. since D. till( ) 5.Sam shows a talent for languages. He can speak French English, Russian and Chinese.A. except B. beside C. besides D. without( ) 6. How long have you learnt English?一five years.A. Sin

40、ce B. For C. In D. At( ) 7. 一 Whos the man black? Hes Mr. Wang.A. in B. with C. on D. of( ) 8.We all know that paper is made wood.A. fbrB. inC. from D. to( ) 9.Ifs bad _ your health to go to work _ breakfast.A. of; withB. fbr; atC. to; fbr D. fbr; without( ) 1 0 .the age of thirty, Peter went to Aus

41、tralia to look for a job.A. On B. At C. From D. By三、 根据提示完成句子。1.People ( 超过)eighteen can take part in the activity.2.John parked his bike ( 倚;靠)the wall and locked it.3.The lady is the most famous ( 在. . .中)the greatest scientists in the world.4.rd like to listen to music ( 代替) surfing online.5.( 依据

42、) the survey, this is a really wonderful movie.即时操练:一、 1. in; in 2. in 3. for; until 4. by 5. for 6. without 7.at; after 8. During 9. on 10. with二、 1-5 CBDAC 6-10 BACDB三、 1. over 2. against 3. among4. instead of 5. According to名词一、 根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。1. There are a lot of new ( 工厂) 出 our city.2. Boys, c

43、ome and help me carry the ( 箱子) . They are too heavy.3. Finally, the ( 警察) caught the thief in the town.4. Lingling, do you know what your ( 父母的) favorite colors are?5. Rose had ( 两片面包) and an egg for breakfast this morning.二、 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的词,并用其恰当形式填空,使句意通顺、完整。( 每词限用一次)progress, winner, ill, leaf t

44、ooth1. She had to drop out of school because of her.2. In Autumn, turn yellow and fall to the ground.3. Dont eat too much sweet food. It is bad for your .4. With the help of his elder sister, Rick has made great in physics this term.5. Could you please give me the telephone numbers? I want to interv

45、iew them.三、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. They successfully saved two (child) lives.2. You should know the (different) between the two books.3. We saw some (mouse) in the old dirty house.4. Tony took a lot of (photo) in the zoo yesterday.5. Two and a half (month) has passed since the new term began.代词一、 根据句意,用

46、适当的人称代词、物主代词或反身代词填空。1. The coat isnt expensive, but I dont li ke color.2. The boy is in Class Five. name is Jack.3. The girls enjoyed at the English party last night.4. This school bag isnt Marys. is red but this is blue.5. My boy, don5t lose in playing computer games.6. My English is not good. Coul

47、d you please help improve ?7. Vivian is one of the students who always do best.8. Dave, may I borrow dictionary? I left at home.9. May I introduce ? My name is Sandy Watson.10. Tina asked William if could lend some money.二、 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的词填空, 使句意通顺完整。( 每词限用一次)neither, another, few, that, whom,one, n

48、othing, other, some, anybody1. She invited many classmates to her party, but came.2. This math problem is very easy and I think can work it out.3. She loves her family a lot. She thinks is more important than her family.4. I don?t like these flowers. Show me some.5. The population of Shanghai is lar

49、ger than of Xian.6 . 1 have two uncles, but of them is a maths teacher.7. Could I borrow your computer?一 Sorry, I dont have .8. Nick is the man with I used to work in Nanjing.9. The shirt is nice, but its too expensive. Show me , please.10. If there is any bread left, Td like to have .Key:名词1. facto

50、ries 2. boxes 3. police4. parents9 5. two pieces of bread1. illness 2. leaves 3. teeth4. progress 5. winners,三、 1.childrens 2. differences 3. mice4. photos 5. months代词一、1. its2. His3. themselves4. Hers5. yourself6. me; it7. their8. your; mine9. myself10. he; her二、 1. few2 .anybody3. nothing4. others

51、5. that6. neither7. one8. whom9. another10. some2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 宾语从句)【 经典习题】 单项选择。()1.一 Hey, whats up?一 We are talking about .A. when shall we go to the moviesB. how can we get thereC. who should we go there withD. why we like the movie( ) 2.一 Do you know tomorrow?一 Yes, at 8 oclock.A. when did Sar

52、a comeB. when Sara cameC. when will Sara comeD. when Sara will come【 考点点拨】宾语从句宾语从句的连接词:当宾语从句由陈述句变化而来时,连接词用that, that常被省略;当宾语从句由特殊疑问句变化而来时, 宾语从句用对应的疑问词引导;当宾语从句由一般疑问句变化而来时,连接词用whether或if。宾语从句的语序:陈述句语序。宾语从句的时态:主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的谓语动词可根据实际情况选用所需要的时态;主句是一般过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词要选用相应的过去时态;宾语从句叙述的是永恒真理或客观事实时,不管主句是什么时态,从

53、句都用一般现在时。【 即时操练】一、 单项选择。( )1. Hello, Jack! Could you tell me? Sorry, I dont know.A. where you liveB. where do you liveC. when Amy moved to townD. when did Amy move to town( ) 2. Thomas wants to know Nina will go camping with.A. who B. whereC. what D. why( )3. Do you know ? Yes, she is my neighbour.A

54、. whom is the girl B. what is the girlC. who the girl is D. what the girl is( ) 4. Tommy hasnt decided the bad news. I think he should tell her at once.A. when he told his mumB. when to tell his mumC. how he told his mumD. how to tell his mum( ) 5. Yesterday our teacher told us that .A. is the sun t

55、he center of the solar systemB. the sun is the center of the solar systemC. was the sun the center of the solar systemD. the sun was the center of the solar system二、 用适当的连接词将下列句子合并成一个完整的句子。1. Could you tell me? Where can I buy stamps?92. Do you know? How can I get to the nearest hospital?3.1 wonder.

56、 Will you watch the magic show with me this evening?4. Can you tell me? Is there a cafe in this building?95. John told Alice. John has been to London twice.Key:【 经典习题】1-2 DD【 即时操练】一、 1-5 CACBB二、 1. Could you tell me where I can buy stamps2. Do you know how I can get to the nearest hospital3 .1 wonde

57、r if / whether you will watch the magic show with me this evening4. Can you tell me if / whether there is a cafe in this building5. John told Alice (that) he had been to London twice2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 定语从句)【 经典习题】 单项选择。) 1. The first thing we should do is to tell her the truth.A. that B. who C. when D

58、. which) 2. Who is the man is reading a book over there? He is our head teacher.A. whom B. whose C. that D. which) 3. Tony, tell me the result of the discussion you had with your dad yesterday.A. whom B. which C. when D. who) 4.一 The t e a c h e r s visited our school yesterday arc from Shanghai, ar

59、ent they? Yes, they are.A. which B. whose C. whom D. who) 5. Timmy didnt tell me the reason he refused the invitation.A. why B. where C. which D. who【 考点点拨】定语从句含定语从句的复合句的基本结构:先行词+ 关 系 词 + 定语从句。引导定语从句的关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose等;引导定语从句的关系副词:when, where, why等。 关系词通常用that的情况:先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词或onl

60、y, fbw, very等修饰语 ;先行词是something, anything, nothing, everything, all等;先行词既有人又有物时。 关 系词只能用which的情况:当关系词紧跟在介词之后时。【 即时操练】 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空。1. Mike wants me to introduce him to the girl name is Tina.2 .1 think Mr Liu is the right person to you should talk.3. Do you like the red car is made in Hongkong? Su

61、re. It looks cool.4. Thafs the hotel in we stayed last week.5. The boy is talking to our maths teacher comes from Beijing.6. This is the only notebook I can find in her schoolbag.7. Do you still remember the old man and his hometown we visited last month?一 Yes, I do.8. Sunday is the day few people g

62、o to work.9. England is one of the few countries people drive on the left.10. Shirley, do you know the reason Luke left so early? Sorry, I dont know.2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 动词时态)Key:【 经典习题】1-5 ACBDA【 即时操练】1. whose2. whom3. which / that4. which5. who / that6. that7. that8. when9. where10. why考点一:一般现在时和一般过去时

63、【 经典习题】( ) 1. The cat eating fish very much.A. like B. will likeC. liking D. likes( ) 2. Our physics teacher told us that light faster than sound.A. travel B. travelsC. traveled D. will travel( ) 3. Can your mother drive? Yes, and she us ua l l y me to school.A. drove B. is drivingC. drives D. has d

64、riven( ) 4. We were in Hangzhou last week and great fun there.A. have B. hadC. will have D. have had( ) 5. The boys shouted excitedly when t hey to the top of the mountain.A. climbed B. are climbingC. climb D. has climbed【 考点点拨】一般现在时表示现在经常性、 习惯性的动作或存在的状态。 常与often, always, usually, sometimes, never,

65、once a week, twice a year, every year / week /day等状语连用。当宾语从句表示客观真理或科学事实时,用一般现在时。 若主句为一般将来时或祈使句,时间和条件状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 常 与 just now, yesterday, last night, a fbw days ago等状语连用。 常与when, while, before, after等引导的表示过去时间的状语从句连用。考点二: 现在进行时和过去进行时【 经典习题】) 1. Look! The children trees on t

66、he hill.A. planted B. plantC. have planted D. are planting) 2. 一 May I speak to the headmaster? Sorry, he a meeting now. Can I take a message?A. is having B. hadC. has D. will have) 3 . Can you tell me when Miss Gr een for New York? Next Wednesday.A. left B. is leavingC. had left D. has left) 4. 一 D

67、id you notice your mother go out a moment ago? No, I didnt. I TV then.A. have watched B. am watchingC. was watching D. watched( ) 5. The children computer games from 7 to 8 last night.A. were playing B. playC. played D. are playing【 考点点拨】现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作或现阶段正在进行的动作。 句中出现提示性的表达,如Look/ Listen!等时使用现在进行

68、时。 常与now, right now, this week, these days, at this moment等时间状语连用。 come, go, leave, arrive, start等动词的现在进行时表示即将发生的动作。过去进行时表示过去某个时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。 常与 then, at that time, this time yesterday, from 8 to 10 yesterday morning等时间状语连用。 常与when/while引导的表示过去时间的状语从句连用。考点三: 一般将来时和过去将来时【 经典习题】( ) 1. Andy told me t

69、hey bike riding the next day.A. would go B. will goC. have gone D. had gone( ) 2. There a sports meeting in our school in half a month.A. would have B. will haveC. will be D. would be( ) 3. I the Palace Museum tomorrow. Have a good trip!A. visit B. visitedC. am going to visit D. have visited( ) 4. L

70、ook at the clouds! It soon, Fm afraid.A. rains B. was rainingC. is raining D. is going to rain( ) 5. Mr. Zhang us a message as soon as he arrives in Shanghai.A. sends B. will sendC. is sending D. sent( ) 6. Has Wendy handed in her application form? Fm not sure. She told me that she wanted to check a

71、gain and it in soon.A. will handB. would handC. has handed D. had handed【 考点点拨】一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 常 与 tomorrow, next Friday / week / year, in the future, in + 段时间等时间状语连用。 常与when, as soon a s等引导的表示将来时间的状语从句连用。 be going to +动词原形” 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划做某事;或者有迹象表明将要发生的事情。过去将来时表示在过去某时看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 常与 the

72、next day / week / month / year / evening等连用。 常用在主句谓语动词是一般过去时的宾语从句中。考点四: 现在完成时和过去完成时【 经典习题】( ) 1. Tom isnt at home. He to the town with his father.A. has been B. has goneC. goes D. will go( ) 2. We dont know the number of people who of cancer so far.A. die B. diedC. are dying D. have died( ) 3. 一 Wha

73、t are you going to do tomorrow?一 Well, we yet.A. havent decided B. hadnt decidedC. dont decide D. didnt decide( ) 4. My br ot he r in the factory for three years before he joined the army.A. has worked B. had workedC. works D. will work( ) 5. 一 Mrs. Chen the English-Chinese dictionary for about twen

74、ty years, but itis still new.一 How careful she is!A. has bought B. has borrowedC. has had D. was having( ) 6. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I the dinner already.A. had cooked B. cookedC. have cooked D. was cooking【 考点点拨】现在完成时表示过去完成的动作对现在造成的影响和结果, 也可表示过去已经开始并持续到现在( 也许还会持续下去) 的动作或状态。

75、常与already, just, yet, never, so far 等连用。 常与fbr+时间段等时间状语连用。注意此时的谓语动词必须用相应的延续性动词。过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即“ 过去的过去 常与before, by, by the time, by the end of等引导的时间状语( 从句)连用。Key:考点一:1-5 DBCBA考点二:1-5 DABCA考点三:1-6 ACCDBB考点四:1-6 BDABCA2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 动词语态)考 点 r在语境中将语态与时态相结合【 经典习题】( ) 1. The doctor loo

76、ked over John carefully after he to the hospital.A. is taking B. is takenC. took D. was taken( ) 2. 一 Look! What a nice garden!一 Yes. It every day.A. has been cleaned B. is cleanedC. is being cleaned D. was cleaned( ) 3 .1 dont think sixteen-year-olds should to drive on their own.A. allow B. be allo

77、wingC. be allowed D. not allow( ) 4. The task in an hou匚 Then you can go home and have a good rest.A. will be finished B. was finishedC. has finished D. will finish( ) 5. Have you moved into your new apartment? Not yet. It .A. is being painted B. is being paintingC. is painting D. is painted( ) 6. W

78、hat good news! The t hi ef by the police already.A. is caught B. caughtC. has caught D. has been caught【 考点点拨】动词语态是动词的种形式, 用来表示句中主语和谓语动词之间的关系。语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。被动语态由“ 助动词be + 及物动词的ed形式” 构成。考 点 : :使用语态时的几个注意点【 经典习题】( ) 1. The young man was often seen by the lake.A. to draw B. to drawingC. draw D. drew(

79、 ) 2. Excuse me. I want to buy some of Jays CDs.Sorry, they are . But well get some more next week becausethey .A. sold well; are on saleB. selling well; sell wellC. sold out; sell wellD. sold out; were on sale( ) 3. In many places of China, old people not only by their family but also by thelocal g

80、overnments.A. are taking good careB. are taken good careC. are taking good care ofD. are taken good care of( ) 4. Great changes in my hometown. Many tall buildings .A. have taken place; have set upB. have taken place; have been set upC. were taken place; were set upD. have been taken place; have bee

81、n set up( ) 5. This dress smooth and soft. I would like to buy it.A. felt B. is being feltC. is felt D. feels【 考点点拨】 主动语态中make, see, watch, hear等后作宾补的不带to 的动词不定式,在改为被动语态时,需要补出动词不定式符号tOo feel, look, smell, sound, taste等感官动词后接形容词作表语时,没有被动语态,其主动形式表示被动意义。 当 sell, open, lock, write, burn, drive, wash等词的主

82、语为物时,其主动形式表示被动意义。不及物动词( 短语) 没有被动语态, 如 happen, last, rise, fall, appear, come out, take place 等。 将短语动词作为整体看待, 改为被动语态时必须保持其完整性, 如 hand in, talk about, useup, pay attention to, take care of, make use of, make fiin of 等短语动词在改为被动语态时、其中的介词或副词不可漏掉。Key:考 点一:1-6 DBCAAD考点二 :1-5 ACDBD中考语法复习( 非谓语动词)考 点 一 :动词不定式

83、【 经 典 习 题 】A. where park B. where to park( )1. Ifs bad fbr your eyes _ computer games too much.A. plays B. to playC. playD. to playing( )2. 一 What did Mr. Zhang say just now?一 He told us _ any further. ThereA. dont go B. not gois danger ahead.C. to goD. not to go( )( )3. My pen pal Andrew found it d

84、ifficult _A. learning B. learn4. 一 How do you know that Jenny likes singing? I often hear h er_ after class.A. to sing B. sang_ Chinese well.C. to learnC. singD. learnedD. sings( )5. Lisa was driving along a new street and she didnt know her car.C. when parked D. how parking) 6. Whats your plan for

85、the summer holidays?一 Ive no idea, but Fve decided at home and have a good rest first.A. to stayB. stayC. stayed D. staying【 考点点拨】动词不定式由“to+动词原形” 构 成,其否定形式是“not to+动词原形” ,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语或宾语补足语。 在句型Its + adj. (+ fbr / of sb.) + to do sth.和find / think / make it + adj. + to do sth.”中 ,it作形式主语或宾语,

86、,而 真 正 的 主 语 或 宾 语 ( 动词不定式)则放在后面。 动词want, decide, hope, plan, agree, choose等后常跟动词不定式作宾语;动词allow,ask, invite, teach, tell等后常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 动词不定式也常与what, which, where, when, how等疑问词连用,构 成 “ 疑 问 词 + 动词不定式” 结构。 在使役动词let, make, have以及感官动词hear, see, notice等后跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。考点二: 动词的ing形式【 经典习题】( )1. Kate,

87、 when shall we take a walk?一 After I finish _ the dishes.A. wash B. washing C. to washD. washed()2. Mary is looking forward to _herself after the exam.A. enjoying B. enjoy C. enjoyedD. be enjoying()3. Tom, have you seen your brother? Oh, I saw him _ basketball on the playground just now.A. to play B

88、. plays C. playingD. played()4. If you feel tired, you may stop _ to have a rest.A. to work B. worked C. workD. working()5. Thank you for _ us so much, Mr. Liang.A. helping B. helpC. helpedD. to help6. Mary dances best in our school. I agree. Til never forget her dance for the first time.A. to see B

89、. seeing C. see D. saw【 考点点拨】“ 动词+-ing”形式可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语和表语。 在consider, enjoy, finish, mind, practice, suggest, keep, look forward to, have fun, feellike, give up等动词及短语动词后常接动词的-ing形式。 动词remember, forget, stop, try 等后既可接动词不定式,也可接动词的ing形式,但表达的意义不同。 hear, notice, see, watch等表示感官的动词后也可以接动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语

90、。考点三: 动词的ed形式【 经典习题】( ) 1. 一 When are you going to have your hair ? Tomorrow afternoon.A. cut B. cuttingC. to cut D. cuts( ) 2. My best friend Charles comes from a village Ma Ji.A. calls B. to callC. called D. calling( ) 3. The book by Mo Yan is worth reading a second time.A. wrote B. writtenC. to w

91、rite D. writing【 考点点拨】动词的-e d 形式通常表示被动关系和/ 或动作已经完成,在句中可作定语或宾语补足语。 常位于have, get, make等使役动词之后作宾语补足语,表示宾语与宾语补足语之间是被动关系。 动词的-e d 形式短语作定语时,通常置于被修饰词之后,相当于一个定语从句。Key:考点一:1-6 BDCCBA考点二:1-6 BACDAB考点三:1-3 ACB考点一: 不定冠词【 经典习题】()1. Do you know David?一 Yes. He is university student. He likes sports and runs for h

92、ourevery morning.A. a; a B. a; anC. an;an D. an;a( ) 2. Have you ever seen the film Paddington!一 Yes. Its so interesting that I want to see it second time.A. the B. aC ./ D. an( )3. Its a sunny day today. Lets go for walk, shall we?A.a B. anC. the D. /【 考点点拨】不定冠词a和an用于单数可数名词前,表示首次提及或者泛指。a用于辅音音素开头的单词

93、前,an用于元音音素开头的单词前。不定冠词可用来表示某一类人或事物,也可用来表示某一类人或事物中的某一个。不定冠词表示数量“ 一” ,但数的概念不如one强烈。不定冠词可置于序数词前,表示数量或序数的增加。在某些固定搭配中用不定冠词,如 :talk a walk, have a cold等。考点二: 定冠词【 经典习题】( ) 1. Many people think Guo Jingming is one of greatest writers in China.A.a B. anC. the D./( )2. My little brother plays piano well and h

94、e wants to be a pianist when he growsup.A.a B. anC.the D ./( )3. wounded were taken to hospital at once.A. A B.TheC. / D. An【 考点点拨】定冠词the的常见用法:用于表示第二次提到或谈话双方都知道的人或事。用于有定语从句或of短语结构修饰的名词前。用于世界上独一无二的事物名称前。用于某些形容词前表示一类人。用于序数词、形容词最高级前。用于姓或名的复数形式前, 表示某一家人、 某夫妇或同名的某几个人所组成的小群体。用于西洋乐器名词前。用于某些固定词组。考点三: 零冠词【 经

95、典习题】( ) 1. She just had a cup of milk for breakfast.A. a B. anC. the D. /( )2. - Jim, shall we go and play football in the park?一I dont think thats a good idea.A. a B. theC ./ D. an( )3. Minnie had bad cold. She had to stay in bed.A. a; a B. a; theC. /; the D. a; /【 考点点拨】零冠词的常见用法:专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词等前使用零

96、冠词。星期、月份、季节、节 日 ( 中国传统节日除外) 等名词前用零冠词。学科、一日三餐、语言、球类运动和棋类游戏等名词前用零冠词。当表示独一无二的头衔、职位或身份的名词用作表语、补语或同位语时,名词前用零冠词。某些固定词组中要用零冠词。Key:考点一 1-3 BBA考点二 1-3 CCB考 点 三 1-3 DCD2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 简单句)【 经典习题】 下列各句属于简单句的哪种句型结构?请写出。1. Tom passed me a spoon.2. Susan missed her country.3. We heard someone singing in the next

97、 room.4. Marys mum is a cook.5. Maria left. _【 考点点拨】简单句是指包含一个主谓结构的句子,以下是简单句的五种基本句型: 主 语 + 谓语; 主 语 + 系 动 词 + 表语; 主 语 + 谓 语 + 宾语; 主 语 + 谓 语 + 间接宾语+ 直接宾语; 主 语 + 谓 语 + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语。【 即时操练】 把下列属于简单句的标号写在题后的横线上。1. Jimmy is very handsome.2. Nobody can tell what will happen in the future.3. The sun is rising

98、.4. My cousin doesnt like the adventure novel.5 . 1 spoke louder so that everyone could hear me.6. Tina saw a boy play football on her way home.7. We plan to take a trip this weekend.8. That is Harry and those are his friends.9. My uncle gave me a bike as a birthday present.10. Dr. Li advised me to

99、take more exercise.Key:【 经典习题】1 . 主 语 + 谓 语 + 间接 宾 语 + 直 接 宾 语2 .主 语 + 谓 语 + 宾 语3 .主 语 + 谓 语 + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语4 .主 语 + 系 动 词 + 表语5 .主 语 + 谓语【 即时操练】1,3,4, 6, 7, 9, 10考 点 一 :表示时间的介词【 经典习题】用适当的表示时间的介词填空。1. My parents have been staying here last year.2. As a nurse, Mary often works the night and rests in th

100、e daytime.3. Wc had learned 1,000 English words the end of last term.4. Mid-autumn Day, our family often get together and enjoy the moon.5. These birds begin to fly to the south autumn.【 考点点拨】at主要用在某具体时刻之前或某些固定短语中;in用在表示时代、世纪、年、月、季节 及 上 午 / 下 午 / 晚 上的名词前;on用于具体的日期前或某日的上午、下午、晚上前。in表示从现在算起的一段时间之后,其后常接

101、时间段。after以过去的某一时间为起点,其后既可按时间点,又可接时间段。“by+时间点” 表示“ 不迟于,在之前” ,强调时间的终点;until / till表示主句的动作持续到某个时刻为止。during和for都可接时间段, 但during指动作发生的时间, 可回答when引导的特殊疑问句;fbr指动作持续时间的长短,可回答how long引导的特殊疑问句。 fiwn和since后都可接时间点, 但from可与不同的动词时态连用,而since一般与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。考点二:表示位置、方位或地点的介词【 经典习题】 单项选择。()1. You can see all kinds

102、 of beautiful flowers _ both sides of the road.()A. by B. on C. toD. of2. The man _ me was so tall that I couldnt see the notice.()A. before B. behind C. towards3. Shanghai is a big city _ the east of China.D. fromA. between B. with C. inD. under【 考点点拨】表示大地方,表示空间、物体内部或在范围内用i n ;表示较小的地方或空间的某一点、 出入口等用

103、at。表示附在物体表面上、边上或线上用on。before表示在. . . . 的前面,behind表示在. . . .的后面,from表示来自. . . ., to和to wards表示朝向。考点三: 表示工具、手段或方式的介词【 经典习题】 单项选择。( )1. The word isnt clear enough. Its written _ _ _ pencil.A. in B. fbrC. onD. with( )2. How do you improve your listening skills?一 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ listening to the radio ev

104、ery day.A. At B. By C. AsD. Like( )3. We often eat meals _A. to B. from_ chopsticks.C. withD. by【 考点点拨】with表示工具或行为方式;by可表示工具、手段或方式。by表示“ 乘坐” 时后直接加表示交通工具的词,而on或in后需加冠词或代词再加表示交通工具的词;on fb o t表示步行。in表示方式、手段和原材料等;on表示通过媒介如收音机、 电视机或网络等。考点四: 容易混淆的介词【 经典习题】 单项选择。( ) 1. Peter, can you tell me the difference

105、s the two words? Sorry, I dont know.A. between B. among C. fbr D. with( ) 2. Both China and Japan are the east of Asia but China is the westof Japan.A. to; in B. in; to C. on; to D. in; in( ) 3. Walking the forest in the dark, the girls were really scared at first.A. fbr B. below C. on D. through( )

106、 4. There5s a big desk the classroom and ifs fbr the teachers.A. in front of B. in the front of C. next toD. away from( ) 5. Its very kind you to help me carry the heavy box. Thank you very much.Thats all right.A. fbr B. to C. of D. with【 考点点拨】among一般用于三者或三者以上的人或物之间,between一般指两者之间。与east, west, south

107、, north等 连 用 时 ,in表示在某地范围内,on表示与某地相邻、接壤,to表示在某地范围外部。through指从内部空间穿过,across表示从表面经过,past表示从旁边经过,over指从上方越过。infiw tof指在. . . . 的前面,其反义词是behind; in the front of指在某一空间内的前部,其反义词是at the back of。except表示被除去的部分不计算在内,而besides表示被除去的部分包括在句子所表述的事情范围之内( 表示相加) 。over / under表示在. . . . 的正上/ 下方,above / below表示在. . .

108、. 的上/ 下方( 不一定在正上/ 下方) 。be made (out) of表示从其制成品能看出原材料,而be made fyom表示从其制成品中已看不出原材料。在力t s +形 容 词+of/fbrsb. todosth.”句型中, 如果形容词用来描述事情的性质就用f o r ,用来描述人的品质就用of。Key:考点一1. since 2. during 3. by 4. On 5. in考点二 13 BAC考点三 1 3ABC考点四 1-5 ABDBC2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 句子种类)【 经典习题】 单项选择。( ) 1.一 Where you lunch?一 At home.

109、 My mother cooked some delicious dishes for me.A. did; have B. are; having C. will; have D. do; have( ) 2. John could hardly speak Chinese three years ago, he? No, he couldnt. But now he is quite good at it.A. couldnt B. could C. didnt D. did( ) 3. Lefs the school rules, Juliet.A. dont break B. not

110、to break C. not breaking D. not break( ) 4. Mum often says, more, and youll improve your English.A. Practice B. Practices C. Practicing D. To Practice( ) 5.一 interesting speech Mr Zhang has given us!一 Yes. His pronunciation is good too.A. How B. What C. What an D. How an【 考点点拨】陈述句是用来陈述或说明某一事实或某种观点的句

111、子,包括肯定句和否定句两种。肯定句就是肯定一个事实; 否定句就是否定一个事实, 句中常用not或一些否定词( 如no, nobody,nothing, never, none, neither等) 来表示否 定。疑问句包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。一般疑问句通常用yes或no来回答。陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如果谓语动词中含有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则直接把它们提至U句首;如果谓语动词是行为动词,则要根据人称和时态,在 句首加do, does或d id ,并将行为动词变成原形。温馨提示:由must引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答用m ust,否定回答用neednt或dont

112、havet o ;由may引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答用m a y ,否定回答一般用may n o t,但当表示绝对禁止时用 cant 或 mustnt特殊疑问句是就句中某一成分提问的句子,需有疑问词( 如what, who, whom, whose,which, when, where, why, how等 ) 弓 导。选择疑问句是指提供两种或多种情况供对方选择的疑问句,回答时不用yes或n o ,而是根据具体情况直接作出回答。选择疑问句的形式可以是一般疑问句形式, 也可以是特殊疑问句形式:一般疑问句形式的选择疑问句由“ 一 般 疑 问 句 + or +选择部分( 有时选择部分用ornot来

113、表 示 ) ” 构成;特殊疑问句形式的选择疑问句由“ 特殊疑问句,选项A + o r +选项B”构成。反意疑问句是中考常考的知识点。以下几点需特别注意:反意疑问句遵循 前肯后否,前否后肯” 原则,即前面的陈述句是肯定的,反意疑问部分用否定形式;前面的陈述句是否定的,反意疑问部分用肯定形式;当陈述部分为there be句型时,反意疑问部分用“be + there”;当陈述部分有hardly, few, little, never, nothing等表示否定意义的词时,反意疑问部分用肯定形式;当陈述部分为祈使句时,反意疑问部分通常用will you或won, t you;由let,s引起的祈使句,

114、反意疑问部分用shall we;对反意疑问句的回答,只要事实是肯定的,就用yes回答;事实是否定的,就用no回答。祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等的句子。肯定形式:以动词原形开头;L e t+宾 语 + 动词原形。否定形式:Dont +动词原形;Don,t let +宾 语 + 动 词 原 形/L e t+宾 语+ not +动词原形;N o +名 词 /动名词。感叹句是用来表示喜、怒、哀、 乐等强烈感情的句子,通常由how或what来引导。what通常修饰名词,引导的感叹句的结构为:What + a/an +形 容 词 + 可数名词单数+ 主 语 + 谓语!What +形 容 词 +

115、 可数名词复数/不可数名词+ 主 语 + 谓语!how通常修饰形容词或副词,引导的感叹句的结构为:H ow +形 容 词 / 副 词 + 主 语 + 谓语!【 即时操练】一、 单项选择。( ) 1. Do you like to go to the movies? Yes, I .A. am B. do C. does D. did() 2 . Must I wash my clothes now. Dad?一No, you . You can do it after the talk show.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. neednt()3. Ma

116、y we leave now? No, you . You must wait until the bell rings.A. wont B. dont have to C. neednt D. cant) 4.一 Are you going to borrow a pen or a pencil?A. A pen B. Yes, a pen C. No, pencil D. Yes, both()5. Ms Smith said, “Liu Li has been to Victoria Falls, he?”A. doesnt B. didnt C. hasnt D. isnt()6. h

117、ere and don5t go around, or your parents cannot find you.A. To stay B. Stayed C. Stay D. Staying( ) 7. Sorry for being late again.一here on time next time, or youll be punished.A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been( ) 8. and play ping-pong in the new gym after school. Okay.A. Lets to go B. Lefs go C. Lefs

118、dont go D. Not lefs go()9. weather it is today! Lets go out fbr a walk.A. How fine B. What fineC. What a fine D. How a fine()10. Tina, do you like my kite?一 ! Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!A. What wonderful B. How wonderful kiteC. How wonderful D. What wonderful kite二、 按要求改写下列句子( 每空一词)。1. There w

119、ere many foreign students in the school last year.( 改为一般疑问句)many foreign students in the school last year?2. Ann bought a pair of sports shoes last Monday.( 改为一般疑问句)Ann a pair of sports shoes last Monday?3. We can see some flowers in front of the house.( 改为否定句)We see flowers in front of the house.4.

120、 Lisa has already finished the film review.(改为否定句)Lisa finished the film r e vi e w.5. All of us want him to go rock climbing with us.(改为否定句)of u s him to go rock climbing with us.6. I was bom in Beiiing in 1990.( 对划线部分提问)were you bom?7. Susan improves Chinese bv listening to Chinese news on the rad

121、io.( 又 寸 划 线部分提问)Susan improve Chinese?8. Suis sister works as a worker.( 用a teacher改为选择疑问句)Suis sister work as a wo r k e r a teacher?9. Tom writes to his pen friend twice a week.(改为反意疑问句)Tom writes to his pen friend twice a week,?10. If you don7t hurry up, youll miss the early train.(改为同义句), or yo

122、ull miss the early train.Key:【 经 典 习 题 】1-5 ABDAC【 即时操练】、 1-5 BDDAC6-10CABBC 、1. Were there2. Did; buy3. cant; any4. hasnt; yet5. None; want(s)6. When and where7. How does8. Does; or9. doesnt he10. Hurry up考 点一:并列连词【 经典习题】 用适当的并列连词填空。1. Mr. Smith is an English teacher, he will teach us English next

123、term.2. You must work hard, youH fall behind.3. Im sorry, I dont think I know you.4. Neither my parents my aunt agrees with you.5. you and she are right.【 考 点 点 拨 】表示并列的连词有and, or, either . or neither. nor. . not only . but (also)both .and as well aso 其 匚Tor, either . or neither . nor not only . but

124、 (also).连接主语时 ,谓语动词与最靠近的主语保持一致。as well as连接主语时,谓语动词与连词前面的主语保持一致。both. and.连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。表示转折关系的连词有but, yet, however等。表示因果关系的连词有for, so等 。考 点 二 : 从属连词【 经 典 习 题 】 单项选择。( ) 1. you are, your parents will be caring about you.A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever( )2. _ Mary is just three, she

125、can write well.A. As B. TillC. Although D. Since()3. You will miss the train _A. unless B. untilyou leave right now.C. so D. after()4. The lady was _ angry _A. as; as B. so; that_ she couldnt speak anything.C. such; that D. not; until()5. David looked very quiet _A. as well as B. as ifhe knew someth

126、ing.C. since then D. or not()6. Tina didnt buy the book _A. until B. because_ her brother would send her one.C. if D. unless()7. Please give me your report _A. when B. while_ you come to school tomorrow.C. for D. that()8. Til send my parents a text message _A. so that B. in order to_ they wont worry

127、 about me.C. as soon as D. even if()9. Lily wants to know _ Jack still lives in that house.A. that B. like C. whether D. since()10. The trip cost me so much money.一 Really? But it didnt matter _A. when B. so_ you had a good time.C. than D. if【 考点点拨】引导时间状语从句的连词有before ( 在 之前) ,after ( 在 之后) ,as soon

128、as( 一. . .就. . . . ), when( 当. . . . 时) ,while( 与. . . . 同 时 ; 当 . . . . 的时候) ,since( 自从. . . . ),till/until ( 直到) 等。引导条件状语从句的连词有if ( 如果) , unless ( 除非;如果不) 等。引导原因状语从句的连词有because/as ( 因为) ,since ( 既然) 。because语气最强,常用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。引导目的状语从句的连词有so that ( 以便于) ,in order that ( 为了) ,so ( 以便) 等。so that从句

129、的谓语动词多和情态动词can, could, may, might, would等连用。引导结果状语从句的连词有so / suchthat ( 如此. . .以致于) ,so that ( 以致) ,so ( 因此,所以) 。在so/such that结构中,so后接形容词或副词,such后常跟名词或名词短语。但当名词前由many, much, few或little修饰时用so。引导让步状语从句的连词有though / although ( 虽然;尽管) , even if / though ( 即使) ,whatever / whoever / whenever / wherever / h

130、owever ( 无论什么 / 谁 / 何时 / 何地 / 如何)等。句中如果有although/though,则不能用b u t,但可与yet, still, never等连用。引导比较状语从句的连词有asas ( 与. . . 一样) , not so / as . as .(.不如. . .), than( 比. . .)o引导方式状语从句的连词有as ( 照的方式) , like ( 像. . . 一样;如同) ,as if / though( 似乎;好像;仿佛) 等。引导地点状语从句的连词有where ( 在. . .的地方) , wherever ( 在任何地方;各处) ,anyw

131、here ( 无论什么地方) 等。引导宾语从句的连词有that ( 无词义, 常可省略) , if/whether ( 是否) , when ( 何时) , where( 何地) , how ( 如何) , who ( 谁) , whose ( 谁的) , what ( 什么) 等。Key:考点一1. and 2. or 3. but 4. nor 5. Both考点二1-5 DCABB 6-10 BAACD考点一: 名词的数【 经典习题】( )1.1 like a lot and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.A. carrots

132、B. noodlesC. dumplings D. fish( )2. 一 Would you like something to eat? Yes, a, please.A. bread B. riceC. tomato D. bananas( )3. 一 How many can you see in the picture? Only one.A. sheep B. childC. mouse D. cat( )4. Its said that more than 100 will attend the meeting.A. man teachers B. men teachersC.

133、woman teachers D. women teacher( )5. His family waiting for him at the train station at this time yesterday.A. is B. beC. were D. are【 考点点拨】名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词有复数形式, 而不可数名词一般没有复数形式。可数名词由单数变复数遵循下列规则:一般情况下,在词尾直接加-S:以s, x, ch, sh等结尾的名词加es; 以辅音字母力灯结尾的名词,变y为i , 再加es;以瞰fe结尾的名词,多数变域fe为v , 再加es

134、;以o结尾的名词,一般直接加f s ;以“ 元音+。 ” 或以。 。 结尾的名词加s。某些外来词( 特另 (I是表示乐器的名词) 力如tomato tomatoes, zoo zoos, radio radios, piano pianos等。少数可数名词的复数形式是不规则的,具体有以下几种情况:改变单数名词中的元音字母,如man men, foot feet;词尾发生变化,如child children;单复数同形,如Chinese, sheepo集体名词的单复数: 部分集体名词如people,police,clothes等常用作复数, 而class,group,team, army, fa

135、mily等既可用作单数也可用作复数( 如果表示一个整体, 谓语动词用单数形式; 如果表示整体中的每一个成员,谓语动词用复数形式) 。复合名词由单数变复数时, 一般把最后一个名词变为复数, dapple tree - apple trees;但由man和woman构成的复合名词变复数时,两个名词通常均要变为复数形式,如womandoctor women doctorso不可数名词不可用不定冠词或数词直接修饰。不可数名词需要计量时,可用much, (a)little, a lot of, lots of, some, any等表示概数的词修饰,也可用表示数量的短语( 如a piece of,two

136、 bottles o f ) 修饰。考点二: 名词所有格【 经典习题】( ) 1. Sophies new dress is the same as her best .A. friend B. friendsC. friends D. a friends( )2. I know the man in black over there. He is uncle.A. Jims and Tims B. Jims and TimC. Jim and Tim D. Jim and Tims( )3. Miss Yang is . He and his classmates like her very

137、 much.A. my brother teacherB. a teacher of my brothersC. my brother teachersD. one of my brothers teacher( )4. 一 How far is Lucys home from here?一 Its about ride.A. two hours B. two-hours1C. two hoursD. two-hours( ) 5. fathers have gone to business, so they cant attend the meeting.A. Kates and Lilys

138、 B. Kates and LilyC. Kate and Lily D. Kate and Lilys【 考点点拨】名词所有格表示所有关系,其构成形式有以F 三种: S所有格,多用于有生命的名词或表示时间、距离、国家、城镇、机构等的名词。 般情况下,单数名词和不以-S词尾的复数名词加, S ; 以-S结尾的复数名词后直接加“ 小。如果是并列名词且表示共同所有,则只在最后一个名词后加S;如果是各自所有,则每个名词后都要加&of所有格,即“o f + 名词” 结构,多用于无生命的名词。有生命的名词也可用该结构表示所有关系,特别是当名词有较长定语修饰的时候。双重所有格, 即“of + 名词所有格该

139、结构常与a, some, any, this, that, these, those等词连用,表示部分概念或一定的感情色彩。考点三: 语境中的名词【 经典习题】( ) 1. Please give me some on how to deal with the problem.A. decisions B. reasonsC. advice D. purposes( )2. 一 Im going to the this afternoon. Would you like to buy anything?一 Yes, Id like to buy a kilo of apples.A. park

140、 B. museumC. library D. supermarket( ) 3. Jenny, there is good for you. Tve found your pen. Here you are. Thank you very much, Lily.A. news B. messagesC. notes D. ideas( )4. 一 What bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium or large? A large bowl, please.A. color B. priceC. size D. kind( ) 5 . 一

141、Whats the of your city? The West Lake. Lots of tourists come to visit it every year.A. courage B. prideC. invention D. effort【 考点点拨】名词辨析重在考查名词在不同语境中的用法,题目的选项一般不存在语法方面的错误,因此解答此类题的关键是对语境的深层理解与把握。Key:考点一 1-5 DC ABC考点二 1-5 BDBCA考 点 三1-5 CDACB考点一: 基数词【 经典习题】( ) 1. Jennifer lives in , next to me.A. six ro

142、om B. Six RoomC. Room Six D. the room six( ) 2. How many boys are there in your class? There are.A. twelve B. twelfthC. the twelfth D. the twelve( )3. His grandfather likes reading very much. He has already read books.A. two hundred of B. hundreds ofC. hundred of D. hundreds【 考点点拨】基数词表示数目,可与一些名词用连字符

143、连接构成复合形容词,其中的名词用单数形式, 如a five-day holiday。表示人的不确切岁数, 用几十的复数形式表示, 如in his thirties在他三十几岁的时候。当hundred, thousand, million等词前面有基数词修饰时, 须用单数形式。hundreds /thousands/ millions + of意为“ 数 以 百 / 千 / 百 万 计 的 “ ,表示大量的含义,前面不用基数词,但可用many, several等词修饰。“ 名词 + 基数词”可用来表示编号或次序。考点二: 序数词【 经典习题】( ) 1. The question is very

144、 hard. I cant work it out.A. five B. fifteenC. fifth D. fifths( )2. He has been to Beijing twice. And he is going there for a time this autumn.A. three B. thirdC. two D. second【 考点点拨】序数词表示顺序, 前面一般要用定冠词the,若序数词前加不定冠词a或an时表示“ 又一,再二考点三: 分数【 经典习题】( ) 1. The girl spends of her free time reading every day

145、.A. third four B. three fourthC. third fourths D. three fourths( )2. Theres much meat in the basket, but of it is dirty.A. two three B. two thirdC. two thirds D. second three( )3. of the oranges been eaten by him.A. One third; have B. One third; hasC. First three; have D. First third; has【 考点点拨】分数由基

146、数词与序数词组成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如果分子是1时,分母用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式。当分数修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与该名词保持一致。考点四: 年代与日期的表达【 经典习题】( ) 1. Most of the students in our class were born in the .A .1990 B.1990thC. 1990s D. 1990s( ) 2 . The correct pronunciation of ”12 月 25 日is .A. December the twenty-fifthB. December No. twenty-

147、fiveC. December twenty-fiveD. December the twenty-five【 考点点拨】“in the +年的复数 表示年代;“in the +序 数 词+ century”表示“ 在. . .世纪” 。英语的年、月、 日表达方法和汉语不同。英语中,一般是年在后,月、 日在前,书写时日用基数词或序数词皆可。Key:考点一 1-3CAB考 点 二 1 2CB考 点 三 1-3 DC A考 点 四 1-2 CA考点一:形容词、副词的原级【 经典习题】 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Sally was (happy) because she got an A

148、 in her math test.2. You need to explain your idea quite (clear) so others can understand you.3. (sudden) we heard a terrible noise at the door.4. Our teachers always ask us to keep our classroom (clean).5. The people in town are very (friend) to us.6. Youd better stay at home. The wind is blowing (

149、strong) at the moment.7. Theres something (excite) in todays newspaper.8. Practice as (much) as you can.9. There is no one (else) to come.10. The ten-year-old boy is (real) smart.【 考点点拨】形容词作定语时置于名词前,但修饰不定代词时需后置;作表语时置于系动词后;作宾语补足语时置于宾语后。形容词短语作定语要置于被修饰词后,但复合形容词作定语时,要置于被修饰词前。大多数形容词既可作定语又可作表语,但少数形容词只能作表语

150、,如afraid, alone,asleep, awake, alive, well等。某些以-ly结尾的词不是副词而是形容词,如friendly, lonely, lovely, lively等。副词修饰动词时前后均可。else只能作后置定语,置于what, who, where等疑问词和不定代词( 不定副词) 后。形容词或副词的同级比较用as . as . . . 或not so / as . a s结构。考点二: 形容词、副词的比较等级【 经典习题】 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What? Is Andy in his fifties? I think he is much (

151、young)!2. One of the (easy) ways to keep you strong is to exercise.3. Which do you like (well) of the four seasons? Spring.4. This is (difficult) question in the book. I cant answer it.5. This morning Jack came to school (late) than any other student in his class.6. Do you know who jumped (high) of

152、all the students?7. Tinas friends practice swimming (little) than her, so they swim (slowly)than her.8. Mike plays football badly, but David plays (badly) than him.9. There are (few) people who write with their left hand than those with their righthand.10. Your illness is (serious) than we expected.

153、【 考点点拨】形容词和副词的等级变化规则 规则变化有下列几种情况:1 .单 音 节 词 及 少 数 双 音 节 词 后 直 接 加 -er, -est ,如 : tall-taller-tallest;healthy-healthier-healthiest; clever-cleverer-cleverest。2 . 以不发音的e结尾的词直接加-r, 如:nice-nicer-nicest; fine-finer-finesto3 .以“ 辅 音 字 母 +y” 结 尾 的 词 变 y 为 i , 再加-est ,如 : easy-easier-easiest;lovely-lovelier

154、-loveliest 等。4 . 以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词,先双写结尾的辅音字母再加er, est,如:thin-thinner-thinnest; hot-hotter-hottest等。5 . 大 部 分 双 音 节 词 和 多 音 节 词 ,要 在 原 级 前 加 more, most,如 :beautiful-morebeautifiil-most beautiful; expensive-more expensive-most expensive等。6 . 以“ 形容词+ly”构成的副词, 多在前面加more, m ost,如: slowly-more slowly-m

155、ost slowly等。 不规则变化有下列单词:good / well-better-best; bad / badly-worse-worst; many /much-more-most; little-less-least; far-farther / further-farthest / furthest形容词和副词比较等级的用法比较级表示两者( 人 或物) 的比较;铲 比 檄 + than”结构中,than前后的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词, 该动词或助动词也可省略。 比较级前可以用much, even, far, a little, abit等修饰。为避免重复,通常用tha

156、t, those, one, ones代替前面出现的名词。最高级表示三者或三者以上( 人或物) 的比较且其中一个在某一方面超过其他几个。形容词最高级的前面一般要加th e ,副词最高级前的the可省略。形容词和副词比较级常用结构“ 比较级+ than”; “ 比较级+ a n d + 比较级” ;“the + 比较级,th e + 比较级” ;“ 比较 级 + than + any other + 单数 名 词 + of / i n 短 语 ” 比较级+ than + the other +名词复数形式 ;more and more + 原级” 等。形容词和副词最高级常用结构the + 最高级

157、+ in/o晦语“;oneof +最高级 + 复数名词 等。考点三: 频度副词【 经典习题】 从方框中选择合适的词语填空, 每词限用一次。never usuallysometimes hardlyseldom1. I saw you come to school by bus this morning.一 Yes. I come to school by bike, but it was broken this morning.2. Linda speaks French, because she doesnt know much French.3. Henry has been to Lon

158、don, has he?4. The teacher spoke so fast that I could understand her.5. it just makes me want to give up! But I know I cant.【 考点点拨】频度副词表示事情发生的频率。常用的频度副词有usually, sometimes, always, often,almost always, hardly ever (seldom), never等。它们在频度上的差异可以这样表示:alwaysalmost always usually often sometimes hardly ev

159、er (seldom) nevero频度副词在句中常位于系动词、 助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。但sometimes也可放在句首、句中或句末。当句中有hardly, never, seldom时,附加疑问句应用肯定形式。对上述频度副词提问时,用how often。Key:考点,1. happy 2. clearly 3. Suddenly 4. clean 5. friendly6. strongly 7. exciting 8. much 9. else 10. really考点二1. younger2. easiest3. best4. the most difficult5. la

160、ter6. highest7. less; more slowly8. worse9. fewer10. more serious考点三1. usually 2. seldom3. never4. hardly5. Sometimes2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 主谓一致)【 经典习题】 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. The number of girls in our chess club (be) 38.2. Not only my grandparents but also my mother usually (take) a walk after dinner.3. The

161、 teacher as well as the students (like) the robot a lot.4. There (be) no bread left in the fridge.5. Alice and her s i s t e r ( g o ) to school by bike every day.6. 70% of the boys (be) interested in playing basketball.7. Each of them (have) a private car.8. Many of the students in this u n iv e r

162、s ity ( w o r k ) part-time.9. Mrs Wang said almost all of the mu s i c ( b e ) from Italian operas.10. 200 yuan every week (be) not enough for the young man.11. In my opinion, physics (be) a very interesting subject.12. My daughters glasses (be) in style.13. To communicate with kids properly (be) v

163、ery necessary.14. Knowing some table manners (be) very important.15. There (be) a pencil box and two books on the desk.【 考点点拨】主语和谓语在人称和数上要保持一致: 由and连接的两个名词作主语时,如果指同一个人或物,谓语动词用单数形式;如果指不同的人或物,谓语动词用复数形式; 由both .and连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式; “each, either, every, no等 + 单数名词” 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式; “none of +不可数名

164、词 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;“n o n eo f+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数形式,也可用复数形式; 在主语后接with, like, along with, together with, rather than, except, besides, including,as well as等时,谓语动词要与主语本身保持一致。 表示重量、度量、衡量、价值等的名词作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式; 集体名词family, group, class, population等一般按单数看待,但强调其成员时,谓语动词要用复数形式; 形式上为复数而意义上却为单数的名词,如news, p

165、hysics等,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式; “th e +形容词” 表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式; “the number of +复数名词 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;“a number of +复数名词 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式; “ 分 数 + of +名词 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由of后的名词决定:后面为不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式;后面为可数名词复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。 在therebe句型中,be动词的单复数要与其邻近的主语保持一致; 由 or, either . or neither . nor not just . but not only.b

166、ut (also).等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数与其邻近的主语保持一致。【 即时操练】一、 单项选择。( ) 1. A dictionary with two notebooks to the little girl just now.A. was given B. is given C. were given D. are given( ) 2. One or two friends coming to visit me tonight.A. is B. are C. was D. were( ) 3. Not only Lily but also her parents presen

167、t at the tea party last night.A. is B. are C. was D. were( ) 4. Neither Jack nor I interested in the project.A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 5. Both John and Ross plenty of close friends. They are easy to get along with.A. have B. has C. like D. likes( ) 6. Two months quite a long time. Yes. Pm afraid t

168、hat Toby will miss a lot of lessons.A. is B. has been C. was D. were( ) 7. The news so exciting that everyone cheered.A. is B. was C. are D. were( ) 8.一 Tom, your shorts dirty. You should get washed. Okay, Mum.A. is; it B. are; it C. are; them D. is; them( ) 9. The pair of trousers too small for Tim

169、 who 187 cm tall.A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is( )10. There three bottles of wine on the table.A. is B. are C. has D. have二、 用括号中所给动词的的适当形式填空。1. A number of tourists (come) to Yunnan every year.2. Linda with her two brothers often (go) to the movies on weekends.3. Three fifths of the p

170、a p e r ( b e ) on the desk.4. The old (be) well looked after by the government in my country.5. Linda, like many girls, (enjoy) listening to music.6. The writer and d i r e c t o r ( w r i t e ) a novel every two years.7. The rest of the books (belong) to Larry, I think.8. Everyone in my family (lo

171、ve) going fishing.9. None of the s u g a r ( b e ) left yesterday.10. 一 What (be) the population of your village? About 3,000.Key:【 经 典 习 题 】1. is2. takes3. likes4. is5. go6. are7. has8. work9. was10. is11.is12. are13. is14. is15. is【 即时操练】一、1-5 ABDBA6-10 ABCAB二、1. come2. goes3. is4. are5. enjoys6.

172、writes7. belong8. loves9. was10. is2015中考题型专练之语法复习( 状语从句)【 经典习题】 单项选择。( ) 1. Mr Green stood on a chai r everyone could see him.A. when B. if C. so that D. because( ) 2 .1 will send you an e-mail as soon as I in Australia.A. arrive B. arrived C. had arrived D. will arrive( ) 3. You may easily lose yo

173、ur way in Shanghai you dont have a map.A. while B. after C. though D. if( ) 4. Jenny spends a lot on books she doesnt have much money.A. if B. though C. when D. because( ) 5.Jackie had to take two days off he had to take care of his dad in hospital.A. although B. while C. so D. because【 考点点拨】状语从句状语从

174、句的几种类型:引导时间状语从句的连接词:when, as, while, after, before, till, until, since, as soon as等 ;引导原 因状语从句的连接词:because, since, as等 ;引导目的状语从句的连接词:so that, in order that等 ;引导结果状语从句的连接词:so.that., such.that等 ;引导条件状语从句的连接词:if, unless, as long as等 ;引导让步状语从句的连 接 词 :although, though, even though等 ;引导比较状语从句的连接词:a s a s等

175、。【 即时操练】一、 单项选择。( ) 1. Why do you want a new job you have got such a good one? Because the company is far from my house.A. before B. when C. unless D. because()2. Mum is busy she often forgets to drink water.A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. enough; to()3. Mr Smith isnt very rich, he often giv

176、es money to the poor.A. Although B. Because C. Until D. If( ) 4. Millie was watching her favourite TV show I was making a model train.A. if B. while C. since D. before( ) 5 .1 know how to light a camp fire I have done it before.A. so B. until C. although D. because二、 根据括号中的汉语提 示 完 成 句 子 ( 每空词数不限)。1.

177、 The sports meeting will cont i nue( 除非天下 雨)this afternoon.2. A good friend always gives you a helping hand ( 当你处于困境的时候) .3. Its 9 oclock now. I must go. Its raining heavily outside. Dont leave ( 直至U 雨停) .4. Please close the windows ( 在你离开阅览室之前) .5. ( 我们的英语老师 一 走进教室) ,the boysstopped talking.Key:【 经

178、 典 习 题 】1-5 CADBD【 即时操练】一、 1-5 BCABD二、 1. unless it rains2. when youre in trouble3. until the rain stops4. before you leave the reading room5. As soon as our English teacher walked into the classroom考点一: 指示代词【 经典习题】( ) 1. Look at the boys over there. are my cousins. Lets go and play with them.A. Thi

179、s B. ThatC. These D. Those( ) 2. Hello, Victor speaking. Whos ? Hello, is Darning.A. this; that B. that; thisC. that; that D. this; this( ) 3. The schools in Beijing are quite different from in New York.A. this B. thatC. these D. those【 考点点拨】指示代词用来指代上下文出现的人或物,指距离较近的用this或th ese,而指距离较远的则用that或those。

180、一般情况下, that或those用来指代前面提到的人或物, 而this或these用来指代后面提到的人或物。that常用于比较结构,代替前面提到的单数名词或不可数名词;若前面提到的是复数名词,则用those代替。打电话时常用this指代自己,用that指代对方。考点二: 不定代词【 经典习题】( )1. Mr. Brown, what kind of house would you like? rd like with a garden in front of.A. it; one B. one; oneC. one; it D. it; it( ) 2. The apples look n

181、ice. Could you give me ? Sure. Here you are.A. some B. anyC. little D. few()3. Would you like coffee or tea?一is OK. I really dont mind.A. Both B. EitherC. Neither D. None( ) 4 . Oh, my God! My computer doesnt work. There must be wrong with it.A. anything B. everythingC. nothing D. something( ) 5 .1

182、have two brothers. One is in Beijing and is in Shanghai.A. other B. the otherC. another D. others【 考点点拨】many, few, a fbw指代复数名词;much, little, a little指代不可数名词。a fbw和a little表示肯定含义,而few和出tie表示否定含义。some多用于肯定句, 但当表示建议、 请求或期望得到肯定回答时, 可用于疑问句; any多用于否定句、疑问句及条件句。both表示 两者者Se汕e俵示“ 两者中的任何一个” ; neithe俵示“ 两者都不”

183、; all表示 三者都口one代替可数名词,代替前文中提到的名词或名词短语所表示的同类事物中的一个,即不是指同一事物;让 则用于代替前文中提到的同一事物。another用来泛指三者或三者以上的另一个;the othe喷指两者之中的另一个。no one在没有后置定语( of短语) 的条件下只能指人,可以用来回答who引导的特殊疑问句。none既可以指人也可以指物,可用来回答how many, how much引导的特殊疑问句。当形容词修饰由some、any-, no-, every-构成的复合不定代词时,形容词通常要后置。当复合不定代词与else连用时,else也要后置。考点三: 疑问代词【 经

184、典习题】( ) 1. 一 do you prefer, basketball or baseball? Baseball.A. Who B. WhatC. Whom D. Which( ) 2. 一 There is a notebook on the teachers desk. is it? Oh, its Lucys. It has her name on it.A. What B. WhichC. WhoseD. Who【 考点点拨】疑问代词用于构成特殊疑问句,置于谓语动词之前。其中what, which, whose也可作形容词与名词连用。which一般用于有一定选择范围的情况,而w

185、hat用于无选择范围或情况不明。Key:考点一 1-3 DBD考点二 1-5 CABDB考 点 三 1-2 DC考点一: 人称代词【 经典习题】( ) 1. The girl with a pair of glasses is Kat e. is my new classmate.A. HeC. HimB. SheD. Her)2. How is your grandfather? Please say hello to for me.A. itC. herB. sheD. him)3. 一 Jessica, whats the weather like in your city today?

186、一is raining heavily.【 考点点拨】人称代词分主格和宾格两种,前者在句子中作主语,后者作宾语。人称代词作表语时,口语中多用宾格。 it作代词时,可以替代上文提到的名词,还可以用来表示时间、天气和距离等。A. ThisC. ItB. ThatD. The city考点二: 物主代词【 经 典 习 题 】()1. Whose purse is it? Theres a girl over there. Maybe its .A. her B.sheC. hers D. Mary( ) 2. Emma, is this umbrella? No, its not . It is h

187、ers.A. you; mine B. your; mineC. you; my D. your; my( ) 3 . Who is Mr. Smith? He is teacher and he teaches English.A. our; our B. ours; usC. our; us D. us; ours【 考点点拨】物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特点,在句中只能作定语。名词性物主代词具有名词的特点,相 当 于 形 容 词 性 物 主 代 词 + 名 词 ,在句中可作主语 、表语和宾语。考 点 三 : 反身代词【 经 典 习 题 】)

188、 1. Dont worry about your son. Hes old enough to look after .A. himselfB. herselfC. yourselfD. myself) 2. Boys, help to some apples and bananas.A. ourselves B. yourselfC. themselves D. yourselves) 3. You speak French very well. Who taught you?一 Nobody. I learned it by .A. I B. myC. me D. myself【 考点点拨】反身代词在句中可作宾语、主语或宾语的同位语和表语。反身代词在人称和数上须与其所指代的名词或代词保持一致。反身代词常与介词或动词构成固定搭配,如by oneself, dress oneself。Key:考点一 1-3 BDC考点二 1-3 CBC考 点 三 1-3 ADD



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