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1、business-affairs-1business-affairs-1ObjectivelEstablishing business relations 建立商务关系建立商务关系lEnquiry and reply 询盘与回复询盘与回复lQuotation and offer 报价与报盘报价与报盘lOrder and acknowledgement 订货与确认订货与确认 Establishing business relationslTo seek prospective clients and establish business relations is the fundamental

2、step in foreign trade and international newly established firm or an old one wishes to start or to expand its market so as to enlarge its scope and turnover.lTransaction can only be made after the business connections have been set up.lIt begins by telling the addressee how his name is k

3、nown; then some general information should be given as to the lines of business being handled.Establishing business relationsChannels:lCommunication in writing with information from public propaganda, such as advertisements in media, trade directorylAttendance at all kinds of commodities/trade fairs

4、 held home and abroadlMutual visits by trade groups and delegationslBeing introduced by middle-man (chamber of commerce, commercial counselors office, councils)Establishing business relationslDear sirs,lWe learn through the commercial attach of our Embassy in xxx that you are interested in xxx of Ch

5、inese manufacture. Therefore we enclose here our illustrated catalogue and price-list.lBrief introduction on the productslWe hope you will send us a trial order so that you can test our claims against the facts. Yours SincerelyEstablishing business relationslYour company has been introduced to us by

6、 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进会中国国际贸易促进会la commercial attach/counselors office 商务参赞处商务参赞处lon the recommendation of 承蒙承蒙推荐推荐lto take the liberty to recommend oneself 冒昧自荐冒昧自荐lon the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上在平等互利的基础上lWe have been engaged in expor

7、ting/dealt withexclusivelylOur latest price list and catalogue will be sent to you upon request.establish, recommend, commission, importers, literature, forerunner, cooperation, interested, introducelGentlemen, lThe Foreign department of Bank of China your company as being in business relations with

8、 a Chinese company.lMay we ourselves as of all general merchandise, exporters of Chinese Products and agents. We shall be obliged if you send us samples and other promotional . We hope that this letter will be a to many years of profitable .lYours truly, lGale Wu recommendedrecommendedinterestedinte

9、restedestablishingestablishingintroduceintroduceimportersimporterscommissioncommissionliteratureliteratureforerunnerforerunnercooperationcooperationEnquiry and replyHow to enquire:lstating why and what you want clearly;lexplaining what you want the recipient to do;lending on an optimistic note and r

10、equesting an early replyHow to reply:lAnswering promptly within two day at mostlto begin the reply by repeating the date and the enquirylIntroducing what the sender want directly with cooperative attitudeEnquiryDear Mr. Smith, We are in the market for coco nuts of the first and secondqualities, and

11、shall be obliged if you will let us have your offers together with representative samples by airmail. When offering the nuts, please state the earliest possible time of shipment and quantities available. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,Enquiry 尊敬的尊敬的Smith先生:先生: 我方拟购甲级和乙级

12、可可坚果,请予报盘,并空寄样品我方拟购甲级和乙级可可坚果,请予报盘,并空寄样品 为感。为感。 报价时,请说明最早装运期和可供量。报价时,请说明最早装运期和可供量。 盼早复。盼早复。 此致此致!Please put the sentences in right order to make it a request for a quotation.a.The refectory area is approximately 30m20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your new range.b.We l

13、ook forward to receiving your quotation soon, as we shall need to make a final decision in this matter before the end of the financial year.c.Can you please quote prices inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us when delivery will take place?d.Would you please quote for delivery and i

14、nstallation of new furniture for the refectory and office area of our company? ReplyDear Mr. Morgan:Thank you for your enquiry of October 21st showing interest in our product No. 1080.We sent you two sample units by courier service today. Today being Friday, they will most likely arrive in your hand

15、s on Monday, October 25.We are confident that the samples will be very satisfactory and we look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfullyReply 摩根先生:摩根先生: 感谢您感谢您10月月21日的询盘及对我方日的询盘及对我方1080号产品的兴趣。号产品的兴趣。 今天是星期五,我们由特快专递发去两个样品,预计今天是星期五,我们由特快专递发去两个样品,预计10月月25日(周一)抵达贵处。日(周一)抵达贵处。 我们相信产品会令您满意。盼早复。我们

16、相信产品会令您满意。盼早复。 此致此致!EMS (worldwide Express Mail Service) 全球邮政特快专递全球邮政特快专递(中国)中国)DHL (Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom 和和 Robert Lynn) 敦豪快递公司敦豪快递公司 Quotation & offerlA quotation is a reply to an inquiry; a response in simple form including the price of certain goods being sold, but in no legal sense. lA

17、n offer refers to a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated, in which the seller not only quotes the terms of price but also indicates all necessary terms of sales for the buyers consideration and acceptance. An offer include:lName of commodity, quality, quantitylUnit price and ty

18、pe of currencylPacking condition and date of deliverylTerms of payment and discountlTerms of validity of the offerlIndication of what the price coversoffersla firm offer (实盘实盘), i.e. an offer at a stated price within a certain time limit and can not be altered, withdrawn or revoked within its validi

19、ty timela non-firm offer (虚盘虚盘), i.e. an offer made without engagement, subject to prior sales and final confirmation, playing the function of quotationla counter-offer(还盘还盘), i.e. virtually a partial rejection of the original offer stating his own terms instead la counter counter-offer (反还盘反还盘), i.

20、e. the seller may renew the terms if unable to accept the relative terms in the counter-offer.lmake a bid (递盘递盘), i.e. given by a buyersentences on offerlYou are kindly requested to make us an offer on CIF Xiamen basis for the commodities we inquire hereunder. CIF: cost, insurance, freight 到岸价到岸价 FO

21、B: free on board 离岸价离岸价lThis offer is open/ valid/ available until March 3.lWe are pleased to quote you for 1,500 dozen Mens shirts as per the sample sent to you before, at the price of USD 10.00 per piece CIF Karachi for prompt shipment.lPayment of the purchase is to be effected by an irrevocable l

22、etter of credit in our favor by draft at sightlTo promote ( expand, develop) trade ( business) between us, we trust you would allow us a higher rate of discount.lSince this is our initial transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to offer you 5% off ( to cut the price by 5%).lIf you can make

23、 a reduction of 10%, we are considering of placing a ready order with you.lThis is the most reasonable price we can offer at present, and any further reduction on our side is out of the question.Counter-offercounter-offer, prompt, consider, increase, above, telegram, acceptance, await, lWe thank you

24、 for your of October 1, in which you made a at US$60 per dozen CIF Antwerp for our Working Gloves.lWe understand that the quantity you require is only 200 dozen. If you can the order to 400 dozen , we may allowing you a 5% commission.lWe trust you will be glad to accept the terms, and we are expecti

25、ng your before October 15.lWe your purchase orders, which will receive our most careful and attention.telegramtelegramcounter-offerincreaseconsideraboveacceptanceawaitpromptOrderA formal order should contain: lname of commodity, article number, specification, etc. ; lquantity;ldelivery date and port

26、 of destination;lunit price, total amount, and price terms; lpayment terms, etc.AcknowledgementIn acknowledgement, a seller may not accept the buyers order for some reasons: lwhen he is not satisfied with buyers terms and conditions; lwhen the goods are not available. lwhen the buyers credit is susp

27、ect;Negative sentence in Business correspondencelUnfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week.lOur stone-skin material wont do the job unless it is reinforced lYour misunderstanding of our January 8 letter caused you to make this mistake.lYour negligence in this matter caused the damage

28、to the equipment.lTo avoid the loss of your credit rating, please remit payment within ten days.lYour order can only be sent next week.lOur stone-skin material will do the job only when it is reinforced.lIf you had understood our January 8 letter, you would have done it correctly.lIf you had taken proper care of the equipment, it would have been in a good condition.lPlease remit payment so that you can maintain your credit rating.结束结束



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