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1、20142014年春(四清导航人教版)七年级英语Unit 9What does he look like?Section A 1a1c 一、核心词汇。一、核心词汇。1直的直的straight2.高的高的tall3身高身高height 4.瘦的瘦的thin5重的重的heavy 6.身材身材build二、核心词组。二、核心词组。7中等个子中等个子(be)of_medium_height8中等身材中等身材(be)_of_medium_build9短发短发short_hair10直发直发straight_hair三、核心句型。三、核心句型。11那是你朋友吗?那是你朋友吗?不,不是。不,不是。Is_th

2、at_your_friend?No,_it_isnt.12你的朋友长什么样?你的朋友长什么样?她中等身高,头发又长又直。她中等身高,头发又长又直。What_does_your_friend_look_like?Shes_of_medium_height_and_she_has_long_straight_hair.四、根据句意及提示写单词。四、根据句意及提示写单词。13Her hair isnt curly.Its straight14Tom is not tall or short.He is of medium height15The bag is too heavyCan you hel

3、p me take it?16My father is of medium build17My cousin is very fat,and so tall五、单项选择。五、单项选择。18What C he _ like?Hes tall and thin.Ais,lookBdoes,looks Cdoes,look Dis,looks19He C tall and he _of medium build.Ahas,is Bis,has Cis,is Dhas,has20My grandfather is of medium C and he has black hair.Ashort Bta

4、ll Cheight D. long21Why do you have D?Aa long hair Blong hairs Ca few long hair Dlong hair22Is the boy heavy or thin?CAYes,he is BNo,he isnt CHe is heavy DYes,he isnt23Tom B his father and his father _ young.Alooks like,looks like Blooks like,looks Clooks,looks like Dlooks,looks一、根据句意及提示写单词。一、根据句意及提

5、示写单词。1Whats your height(身高身高)?2 Ginas hair is curly.But Anns hair is straight(直的直的)3My brother John is of medium(中等的中等的)build.4There is a tall(高的高的)tree in front of my house.5What does your brother look like?He is very thin(瘦的瘦的)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1Tony often spends an hour doing (do) his h

6、omework.2.They are watching the monkeys climbing(climb)around.3To_get(get)there on time,I get up very early.4Do you enjoy playing(play) chess?5I think you can find the library easily (easy) on your left.二、用二、用be/have适当形式填空。适当形式填空。6She is_tall and thin.She looks very beautiful.7Does your sister have

7、long hair?Yes,she does.8Mike has short curly hair and he wears glasses.9What do they look like?They are tall and heavy.10My brother is of medium build.三、单项选择。三、单项选择。11What does your English teacher look like?Shes tall and thin D long hair.AhaveBhasCthere isDwith12What does Mike look like?DAHe studie

8、s in a schoolBHe is a studentCHe is fifteenDHe is tall13Helen A of medium height.Ais Bhas Chave Dwith14Li Yong has AAlong curly hair Blong curly hairsCcurly long hair Dcurly long hairs15Is your brother tall or short,Mike?CAYes,he is BNo,he isnt CHe is really tall DHe is thin四、按要求完成句子。四、按要求完成句子。16He

9、is thin_and_of_medium_height(对对画画线线部部分分提提问问)What_ does he look like?17She has short hair.(改为同义句改为同义句)Her hair is short18Bob is of medium height.(改为同义句改为同义句)Bob is not very tall and not very short19His sister has long straight hair.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)Does_his sister have long straight hair?20What does your friend look like?(改为同义句改为同义句)Whats your friend like?



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