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1、Historical Linguistics in the 19th Century十九世纪的历史语言学Comparative and Historical Linguistics 历史比较语言学Historical linguistics is a branch of linguistics, which studies the development history of a language or languages. It is also called diachronic linguistics(历时语言学).Comparative and historical linguistic

2、s refer to the historical research of languages based on the comparison of them.Work on the historical relations between languages before the 19th centuryDante 但丁(1265-1321) De vulgari eloquentia 论俗语Different dialects come from the same language; similarly, different languages come from a single sou

3、rce language.Language family Germanic 日耳曼语系Latin 拉丁语系Greek 希腊语系Work on the historical relations between languages before the 19th centuryJ.J.Scalinger 斯卡利杰(1540-1609), he dispensed with two fallacious dogmas:1.the supposedly linear historical relation between Greek and Latin.2.the alleged origin of

4、all languages in Hebrew. J.J.Scalinger 斯卡利杰(1540-1609)Scalinger recognized 11 language families, 4 major and 7 minor ones. Within the families the member languages were genetically related but between them no relationship could be established.Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz 莱布尼茨 (1646-1746)He pointed

5、to the evidence in place names and river names of the earlier distribution of languages over the areas from which they had later receded either through the expulsion of the speakers or the replacement of the language after the arrival of newcomers. important in the world of linguistic science: 1786S

6、ir William Jones, a judge in the British court in India, read his famous paper to the Royal Asiatic Society in Calcutta, establishing the kinship of Sanskrit with Latin, Greek and the Germanic languages.Significance of the study of Sanskrit1.The comparison between Sanskrit and European languages sta

7、rted the comparative studies of languages.2.The study of Sanskrit led to the discovery of the linguistic achievements in India and promoted the development of linguistics.Grimms law and Verners law格里姆定律和维尔纳定律The correspondences between consonants of Germanic languages and other languages. 辅音的一致性word

8、GreekGothicfootpousfotusheartkardiahairtoGreekGothicpfKhGrimms law and Verners law格里姆定律和维尔纳定律Sound shift is influenced by stress placementwordSanskrit O.E我变成vartamiweorle我变成了 vavartawearlExitexactExerciseexamine Wilhelm von Humboldt 洪堡特 (1767-1835)Famous statesman and linguistA link between the thin

9、king of the 18th and the 19th centuries.Developmental evolutionHe emphasized that each language lives in the speakers mind as a vital process.Wilhelm von Humboldt 洪堡特 (1767-1835)Three types of languages:Isolating language 孤立语Agglutinative language 粘着语Inflectional language 屈折语August Scheleicher 奥古斯特施莱歇 (1821-1868)Major historical linguist in mid-19th century.Classification of languages (biological method)Neogrammarians新语法学派



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