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1、MAN AND THE MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENTActivity Book Chapter 6Activity Book Chapter 6ANSWERANSWERthis edition 2007this edition 200716.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong Kong1 Suggest five factors that determine the potential health effects of air pollutants.chemical structure and i

2、ts physical (size, shape, solubility) properties, toxicity, age of recipient, health status of recipient, dose (劑量劑量), duration of exposure, weather conditions (humidity, wind speed & direction, uv) presence of other contaminants, etc.26.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong Kong2 Suggest tw

3、o control measures to reduce the emission of air pollutants from the following sources.SourceControl measurePower plant1.Use of cleaner fuel such as coal with low sulphur content36.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong KongSourceControl measurePower plant2.Installation of control equipment s

4、uch as electrostatic precipitator.3. Use of alternative, renewable energy sources : hydroelectric power, wind energy, solar energy or geothermal energy for power generation46.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong KongSourceControl measureFactory1.Apply more efficient combustion methods (to m

5、ake less pollutants)2.Installation of monitoring device3.Regular checking by government officials to enforce emission standards56.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong KongSourceControl measureMotor vehicle1.Use of lead-free petrol, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or ultra-low sulphur diesel2.

6、Use of environmental friendly transportation modes (e.g. mass transit railway 集體運輸系統)66.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong KongSourceControl measureMotor vehicle3.New development in vehicle engine technology, more frequent inspection and better maintenance techniques4.Enforcement of emiss

7、ion regulations76.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong Kong3 Why can E. coli be used as an indicator of water pollution?E. Coli are found in faeces with organic wastes (i.e. foods). A large number of the bacteria in water therefore suggests water pollution by faeces and the presence of some

8、 other disease-causing micro-organisms.86.16.1Air pollution and water pollution in Hong Kong4 Suggest two potential effects on health if one swims in a beach at Grade 3 or 4.Eye irritation & infection, skin diseases, gastrointestinal illnesses, etc.96.26.2Environmental impactsimpacts of urban develo

9、pment1 What are the potential environmental impacts of the new railway project?l Loss of the natural habitats of wildlife.l Changing of the water level of wetland at Long Valley.l Loss of fish ponds & breeding ground of dragonflies.l Construction noise.l Emission of pollutants102 What will be done t

10、o minimize the environmental impacts in 1?Use of an underground tunnel instead of a viaduct to run across Long Valley. Use of non-toxic biodegradable foam and special machines to make the tunnel. Improvement of the functions of existing fish ponds. Use of quiet machines and noise barriers. Watering

11、of roads.113 Visit the following web sites to know more about this issue. Do you support the building of the new railway? State your reasons.Think about : economic, social, legal, beauty and environmental aspects 12Task1 Impacts of the Disneyland project - Society The theme park will provide- entert

12、ainment to local people and tourists ; - job opportunities- new community facilities, roads, ferry piers etc. ;- new infrastructural facilities for the urban development of Lantau Island.13Task1 Impacts of the Disneyland project - EconomyPromotion of tourism increased revenue for the government. Inc

13、reased commercial activities as the tourists have to spend money in Hong Kong.More investment projects around the park (houses, hotels, restaurants, recreational centres etc.)14Task1 Impacts of the Disneyland project - EnvironmentThe building of the theme park pollutes seawater and removes natural h

14、abitats at Pennys Bay. It also brings harms to the wildlife, such as the Chinese White Dolphin (中華白海豚中華白海豚), and reduces biodiversity. 15Task1 Impacts of the Disneyland project - EnvironmentThe shipyard near the construction site was also found to contain soil already contaminated with the cancer-ca

15、using dioxin (二噁莢二噁莢). In order not to delay the opening of the theme park, the government plans to carry out the treatment work at To Kau Wan.16Task1 Impacts of the Disneyland project - EnvironmentThe transportation and burning of the toxic soil are potentially risky to the environment and human he

16、alth.17TaskDiscussion on how to achieve sustainable developmentWrite down a few points.186.56.5Our responsibility in protecting the environment1 What else can you do in your everyday life to help save the environment? Give three examples.Avoid the excessive use of disposable materials (reduce). Rent

17、 or borrow items which are not used very often ; or buy durable products (reuse). Choose products with the least packaging (wise consumer choice).196.56.5Our responsibility in protecting the environment2 Write an essay of about 150 words to discuss the importance of environmental conservation and th

18、e responsibility of an individual in protecting the environment.206.16.1Cleaning up of dirty water1List the differences between the two bottles of liquid. One is clean, clear and contains no pollutants. The other is dirty, turbid and contains suspended solids.比較式寫法ActivityActivity212What substances

19、are present in the dirty liquid?(.)3Suggest the source of the dirty liquid.From the effluent of toilets, sewage of bathrooms or kitchens.224If the dirty liquid is directly dumped into the sea, what will happen?Sewage contains a lot of nutrients which promote the growth of algae and bacteria in water

20、. They may use up the dissolved oxygen and cause aquatic organisms to die. The bacteria may also produce toxic substances as they grow. Sunlight is blocked by the suspended solids in the sewage and cannot reach the aquatic plants. Even plants may grow poorly and die.236.16.1Cleaning up of dirty wate

21、r5Suggest methods to clean up the dirty liquid.Sewage treatment which includes sedimentation, aerobic decomposition of liquid (that is enriched with organic wastes) and anaerobic fermentation of sludge.ActivityActivity24Exercise 6Exercise 6Multiple-choice questionsQuestion No.AnswerQuestion No.Answe

22、r16273849510DBBDDDBADB25Structured questions1a What are X, Y and Z respectively?X : Oxides of nitrogen / Oxides of sulphur; Y : Oxides of sulphur / Oxides of nitrogen;Z : Acid rainExercise 6Exercise 6261b A student used a blue litmus paper to test the pond water. What would the student observe?The b

23、lue litmus paper would turn from blue to red. Exercise 6Exercise 6271c In the long run, what adverse effects will be resulted if Z drops down to theThe high acidity (low pH) of the pond water will inhibit enzymes and kill the organisms in the pondExercise 6Exercise 6i) pond,ii) buildings?Buildings c

24、onstructed with marble that contains carbonates will be corroded. 281d What can we do to reduce the release of X and Y?Use fuels that are free of sulphur, e.g. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Control the emission of exhaust fumes from factories, power plants and vehicles. Exercise 6Exercise 6291e Giv

25、e an effect of X and Y on humans.They cause irritation to our respiratory system and eyes and may lead to bronchitis.Exercise 6Exercise 6302a State the difference between the water samples collected from positions A and B. Explain the differences.The level of dissolved oxygen at B is lower than that

26、 at A. It is because the discharged waste contains large amount of nutrients, which promote the growth of decomposing bacteria in the river. A lot of oxygen is used up at B. The phosphate content at B is higher than that at A. It is because the organic waste contains a lot of fertilizers, which are

27、rich in phosphate.Exercise 6Exercise 6312b If the organic waste is drained directly into the sea, what will happen? Explain your answer.Algal bloom / red tide occurs.It is because the organic waste is rich in phosphate which promotes the growth of algae.Exercise 6Exercise 6322c Name the processes in

28、 sequence in sewage treatment that can reduce the pollutants in sewage.Screening and filtering sedimentation decomposition fermentation .Exercise 6Exercise 6333a What is deforestation? Suggest two causes for this.Deforestation means over-exploitation of woodlands / forest (濫伐). The great demand for

29、timbers in construction and furniture making and land for agriculture are the main causes.Exercise 6Exercise 6343b Apart from destroying the habitat of giant pandas, state two consequences of deforestation.Deforestation also results in soil erosion and an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide conce

30、ntration in the forest region.Exercise 6Exercise 6353c Why is the toothpick made by bamboo regarded as more environmentally friendly than the toothpick made by wood?Bamboos grow faster than trees. They can be renewed at a faster rate. Exercise 6Exercise 6363d Suggest two methods to save giant pandas.Set up legislation to restrict deforestation / Restore the habitat of giant pandas / Conduct conservation researches on giant pandas life history / Set up conservation parks for giant pandas to live and mate.Exercise 6Exercise 637



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