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1、L/O/G/O上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应应用用型型大大学学英英语语系系列列教教材材Book Application-oriented college English Course上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit 3Unit FiveTable of Contents Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1contentStarterText: Unknown sister Workin

2、g with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsHighlightsS:LateralthinkingquizL:AcoldcaseR:UnknownsisterW: Using pronouns or tra

3、nsition signals to achievecoherenceinaparagraphInternet work:SearchingforshortmysterystoriesPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA. Lateral thinking quiz. Read the riddles and give your answers.Mind Maplateralthinking水平思考,横向思维mute/a.哑的;无声的,沉默的i

4、mitate/vt.模仿,仿效5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starter1. Johns mother has 3 children, two of whom are named April and May. What is the third one named?John.6上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starter2. A mute person wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing o

5、nes teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if a blind man wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?Hesimplyopenshismouthandasks.7上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starter3. A woman lives on the tenth floor of a block

6、of flats. Every morning she takes the lift down to the ground floor and goes to work. In the evening, she gets into the lift, and, if there is someone else in the lift she goes directly to her floor. Otherwise, she goes to the eighth floor and walks up two flights of stairs to her flat. How do you e

7、xplain this?Thewomanisofsmallstatureandcouldntreachtheupperliftbuttons.8B. Listen to a passage and answer the following questions. focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextMind Mapassault/n.侵犯人身(罪)couch/n.长沙发EMS紧急医疗服务(emergencymedicalservice)ColdCaseUnit悬案组anonymoustip 匿名举报lead/n.线索custody/

8、n.拘留,拘押9focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext1. Who was murdered 23 years ago? A38-year-oldwomanwasmurdered.2. When did the murder take place? ThemurdertookplaceonOctober13,1985.3. When did the victim die and what was the direct cause of her death? Shedied18dayslaterfromheadinjuriesresu

9、ltingfromtheattack.10focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext4. Who re-examined the case? TheColdCaseUnitre-examinedit.5. Who is the suspect and where is he now?Oneofthewomansex-boyfriendsisthesuspect.Heiscurrentlyincustody.11Police Solve 23-year-old Murder Case More than two decades after

10、 an Austin woman was found severely injured in her apartment, police are charging her ex-boyfriend with murder. Officials closed the 1985 murder case of then 38-year-old Austin resident, Natalie Antonetti. On October 13, 1985, Austin police were called to investigate an assault on a victim who was l

11、ater identified as Antonetti. At about 5:15 a.m., Antonettis roommate said she found her attacked and on the couch, bleeding from her head. Police said EMS transported Antonetti to the hospital, where she died 18 days later from head injuries resulting from the attack.focus1starter 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版

12、社 1. StarterBackNext12focus1starter 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. Starter The initial investigation went cold after authorities said they were unable to charge a suspect in this case. However, the case was re-examined in 2007 by the Cold Case Unit. In the examination, police said they followed up on an anon

13、ymous tip that was received that year.The 2007 tip produced more leads, which ultimately led to the charge of one of Antonettis ex-boyfriends. Some 23 years later, the case was presented to a grand jury on June 10, and resulted in a charge for first-degree murder against Dennis Davis.Though Davis wa

14、s previously interviewed at the time of the murder, he was never listed as a suspect. Police said he is currently in custody awaiting a hearing.BackNext13focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in Text Organization14focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in15focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出

15、版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in16focus1text2. Text: Unknown Sister1 Lindsey, sitting on the couch in her living room, turned on the 5 oclock news channel. 2 “Supposedly, new evidence has been found identifying a person connected to a four-year-old robbery case in Portland, Oregon, and a fingerprint was a

16、ble to be matched with one of the perpetrators at the last crime scene,” reporting from Channel 10 news scrolls across the TV screen in bold letters. A picture was shown on the screen, identified by the fingerprint. (To be continued)Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext supposedly: ad.据信;据称e.g. Su

17、pposedly,shesarichwoman.Thispictureissupposedlyworthmorethanamillionpounds. Scrollcanbeusedasaverbmeaning“tomoveinformationonacomputerscreen up or down so that you canreadit(滚屏;滚动)”.e.g.scrolldowntothebottomofthepagescrollapageoftext Alsonotethatinthepresentcontextbold means “written or drawn in ave

18、ryclearway粗线条的,粗大醒目的”.e.g. His drawings were done in afewboldlines.But its more common meaning is“fearlessanddaring(大胆的,无惧的)”.e.g. Mr.Jordanmadeaboldspeech.家有姊妹不相识家有姊妹不相识1 琳赛坐在起居室的沙发上,打开电视,收看新闻频道5点的整点播报。2 “据称,新证据已确认一名嫌犯,该嫌犯与四年前在俄勒冈州波特兰市发生的一起抢劫案有关,现场采集的一枚指纹与上起犯罪现场中一名凶犯的相吻合。”这条新闻在第10频道以粗体字形式在电视屏幕上滚动播出

19、。而根据指纹所鉴定的嫌犯照片也一同出现在屏幕上。17 personality:n.1)C,U个性,性格e.g.Thoughtheirpersonalitiesdiffered,theygotalongasfriends.2)U魅力,气质,气度e.g. He won the election more onpersonalitythanoncapability. focus1textLindsey looked at the photo and went into shock because it was her or her twin sister Sara being accused of

20、the robberies. Lindsey and Sara were identical twin sisters and their personalities were the only key to telling one from the other. Lindsey was quiet and conservative, while Sara enjoyed partying with her friends. Sara was killed last year in a car accident. She was hit by a drunk driver and died i

21、nstantly, before the paramedics arrived on the scene.Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext看到照片,琳赛陷入了震惊,因为被指控犯下这些抢劫案的正是她或她的双胞胎姐妹萨拉。琳赛和萨拉是同卵双胞胎,她们之间唯一的明显区别是性格不同:琳赛文静保守,而萨拉则外向开放,喜欢和朋友聚会。萨拉去年死于一场车祸,被一个醉酒的司机撞倒,当场死亡,医务人员根本来不及到达现场进行抢救。 Questions about Para. 2 Meaning:Astwinsisters,Lindseyand Sara looked

22、exactly alike. Theonlywaytodistinguishbetweenthemis by observing their character andconduct. be accused of:被指控犯有罪e.g.Heisaccusedofmurder. identical:a.完全相同的e.g Myopinionisidenticalwithhis.Weareidenticalinourviewsofwhatshouldbedone. 2. Text: Unknown Sister181. What was reported from Channel 10 news sc

23、rolls across the TV screen in bold letters?focus1text That new evidence has been found identifying a personconnectedtoafour-year-oldrobberycaseinPortland,Oregonand a fingerprint was able to be matched with one of theperpetratorsatthelastcrimescene. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister1

24、92. What was the only key to telling Lindsey from Sara?focus1text TheirpersonalitiesweretheonlykeytotellingLindseyfromSara. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister20focus1text 3 Furthermore, Lindsey had been getting these strange dreams recently at night, in which she was the perpetrator.

25、 Some dreams involved her robbing an elderly couple in broad daylight of their vehicle and expensive jewels. (To be continued)Translation3除此之外,最近,琳赛夜里还经常做一些怪梦,梦见自己是一名凶犯。有时,她梦见自己在光天化日之下,抢劫一对老夫妇的汽车和贵重珠宝。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext involve:vt.1)包含e.g. DinneratJoesalwaysinvolvesatleastsixcourses.2)卷入,涉

26、入e.g. Thatsnoconcernofmine.Imnotinvolved.Dontinvolvemeinyourquarrel! broad daylight: 光天化日e.g. The crooks ripped off a car inbroaddaylight.Thieveshadbrokenintothehouseinbroaddaylightandstolenthejewels. 2. Text: Unknown Sister21focus1textOther dreams involved her torturing and burning an old man on hi

27、s chest and face with an iron pipe as he was tied to his bed in his home. Lindsey was unclear as to why she was having these images, nor did she know where these crimes had taken place. She replayed the broadcast message in her mind and wondered if her images and the robberies had any connection.Tra

28、nslation有时,她梦见自己在一个老人的家里,老人则被她绑在床上,她正用一根铁管折磨和灼烧他的胸部和脸部。琳赛不知道为什么会有这些梦境,也不知道这些犯罪行为发生在哪儿。然后,她又想了想刚刚播放的消息,心里纳闷:这些梦境和抢劫案究竟有没有关系? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 3 torture: vt.1)拷打,拷问;严刑逼供e.g. Hetorturedhisprisoners.Thepolicetorturedhimtoconfesshiscrime.2)使痛苦,使焦急e.g.Hewastorturedwithanxie

29、ty. be tied to: 1)系,栓e.g.Thekitewastiedtoapost.2)联系在一起;依附于e.g.Theflatistiedtothejob. 2. Text: Unknown Sister223. What kind of strange dreams had Lindsey been getting recently at night?focus1text In these strange dreams, she was the perpetrator. Somedreams involved her robbing an elderly couple in br

30、oaddaylightoftheirvehicleandexpensivejewels.Otherdreamsinvolvedhertorturingandburninganoldmanonhischestandfacewithanironpipeashewastiedtohisbedinhishome. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister23focus1text4 “Hello, Mom, did you see the picture of me or Sara on the news a few minutes ago?”

31、 Lindsey asked in a slow tone of voice.5 “Yes, honey, why is your photo on the news?”6 “Its not me, Mom. Its Sara. Ive never lived nor stayed in Portland, Oregon.”Translation4“嗨,妈妈,你看到几分钟前新闻里那张我的或是萨拉的照片了吗?”琳赛缓缓问道。5“看到了。亲爱的,你的照片怎么会出现在新闻里?”6“那不是我,妈妈,是萨拉,我从来没在俄勒冈州波特兰市住过或待过。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext

32、Question about Paras. 5-6 a tone of: 语气,口气e.g. aninterrogativetoneofvoiceThe questions of the driver had thetoneofasubtleexamination. 2. Text: Unknown Sister244. What did Lindsey say when asked why her photo was on the news?focus1text ShesaidthatthephotowasnthersandthatshedneverlivednorstayedinPortl

33、and,Oregon. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister257 琳赛没等妈妈回答,就挂断了电话。她意识到,要洗脱嫌疑,就得靠自己去做大量的调查。而且,她还必须确定,四年前案件发生前后萨拉住在哪儿。于是琳赛开车来到萨拉的住处,寻找一切遗留下来的能将萨拉和波特兰地区联系起来的线索。focus1text7 Lindsey hung up the phone before her mom could say another word. She realized that an extensive search on her part

34、was going to be required to remove herself from the case. Moreover, she was going to have to locate the place Sara was living in four years ago around the time of the crimes. Lindsey drove over to Saras home in search of anything left behind linking her with the Portland area. (To be continued)Trans

35、lation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMeaning:Sheknewthatsheshoulddo a lot of investigation by herself toproveherinnocence. in search of: 查找,搜寻e.g.HeplanstogototheHimalayasinsearchofyeti. left behind: 丢下,遗留e.g. The rubbish left behind by theCupFinalcrowdbegsdescription.Ifyoudontkeepupwiththetimes,youllg

36、etleftbehind. 2. Text: Unknown Sister26萨拉家里面貌依旧,她们的妈妈在萨拉去世之后负责料理这所房子。琳赛走进客厅、餐厅和厨房。客厅看起来非常干净。萨拉买这所房子的时候,琳赛和她在一起。现在,她不在了,琳赛再次走进屋子,总感觉怪怪的。房间也很干净整洁,对此,琳赛一点都不感到意外,但当她走进浴室的时候,却大吃一惊:浴室里一片狼藉,瓷砖地板上到处都是垃圾,浴缸里还有一圈污垢。focus1textHer home was still the same, because their mom kept it after Sara passed away. Lindse

37、y entered the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen. The living room looked very clean. Lindsey was with Sara when she bought the home and it seemed weird walking back into the home without her sister around. Lindsey wasnt surprised at the neatness and cleanness of the rooms. She looked shoc

38、ked as she entered the bathroom, which was a mess with trash on the tiled floor and a dirt ring around the tub. (To be continued)Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext mess:n.1)C凌乱,脏乱e.g.Thekitchenwasamess.leavetheyardinamess2)C(由于错误或疏忽所造成的)困境,麻烦e.g. With divorce and bankruptcy,hispersonallifewasina

39、mess. 2. Text: Unknown Sister27接着,琳赛走进了卧室,看见萨拉的内衣和短裤被扔在床上和地上,电视就在水床旁边,插头已经被拔出来了。之后,她又回到厨房,发现柜子上放着萨拉的通讯录。她找到带有俄勒冈区号的三个号码,分别是两个女性朋友和萨拉前男友约翰尼的号码。focus1textNext, Lindsey walked into her sisters bedroom and saw her bras and panties thrown on the bed and floor, with an unplugged TV sitting by her water be

40、d. Lindsey proceeded back into the kitchen and found Saras address book on the counter. She found three numbers with Oregon area codes, which were for two female friends and an ex-boyfriend named Johnny.Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 7 unplug: vt.拔去的电源插头e.g.UnplugtheTVbef

41、oreyougotobed.Be careful when you unplug themachine. proceed:vi.1)(向某一方向)前进,移动e.g.Heproceededtohisdestination.2)继续进行e.g.Shepausedtoclearherthroat,andthenproceeded. 2. Text: Unknown Sister28focus1text 5. Why did Lindsey drive over to Saras home?LindseydroveoverinsearchofanythingleftbehindlinkingSaraw

42、iththePortlandarea. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister298 于是,琳赛试着和这两位女士通了电话,她们同意琳赛第二天她们家里见面。第二天,琳赛搭乘前往波特兰的第一班飞机,抵达后,住进了机场附近的一家宾馆。一办完入住手续,她就给两位女士打电话以确认下午的会面。focus1text8 Lindsey took a chance and spoke with both women, who agreed to meet with Lindsey the following day at their homes on

43、ce she arrived. The following day, Lindsey boarded the first flight out to Portland and arrived at a hotel near the airport. Once she checked in she immediately called both women to confirm the meeting for that afternoon. (To be continued)Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext take a chance:冒险;投机e.g

44、.Hetookachancetohireher.Hetookasportingchanceinjumpingacrosstheditch. check in:登记,入住(旅馆)e.g. Would you check in at thereceptiondeskandsignyournameinthebook,please? 2. Text: Unknown Sister30focus1textLindsey took a cab over to the first young womans home and spoke with her for about an hour, and then

45、 she left and went to the other womans home. She was given pictures and took notes on some of their conversations. Lindsey took a cab out into town and did some shopping and sightseeing for a few hours. Later, she returned to the hotel and rested for the meeting with Johnny the next day. (To be cont

46、inued)Translation首先,她坐出租车去了第一位年轻女士的家里,和她谈了大约一个小时后,又去了另外一个女士的家里。这两位女士给了她一些照片,而她也记录下了部分谈话内容。之后,琳赛搭乘出租车去了市区,只花了几个小时购物、观光。随后,她回到了宾馆休息,因为第二天还要和约翰尼会面。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister31 initial: a.开始的,最初的e.g.Thegovernmentunderwrotetheinitialcostsoftheoperation.After shed overcome her ini

47、tialshyness,shebecameveryfriendly. focus1textShe arrived at the restaurant near the hotel the next morning. Lindsey was there 15 minutes early to gather her thoughts and to prepare herself for the initial conversation with Johnny. A young man walked into the restaurant, needing more sleep by the loo

48、k on his face. His clothes looked worn and his sneakers were covered in mud, and his hair was all over his head. Lindsey knew that this wasnt Johnny because he wasnt the type of guy that her sister was attracted to.Translation第二天早上,她去了宾馆附近的餐厅。琳赛早到了十五分钟来整理思绪,为和约翰尼的初次见面做准备。到了约定时刻,一个年轻男子走进了餐厅,他看上去睡眠不足、

49、一脸倦容,穿一身破旧的衣服,运动鞋上满是泥巴,头发也是乱蓬蓬的。借此,琳赛判断这不是约翰尼,因为他不是萨拉喜欢的类型。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 8 Meaning: Lindseygottotherestaurant 15 minutes ahead of theappointment time to think over thematter and get ready for the firstexchangesofwordswithJohnny.Meaning: Ayoungmanwholookedtiredandsl

50、eepyenteredtherestaurant. 2. Text: Unknown Sister32focus1text 6. What had Lindsey thought of Johnny before the young man introduced himself?ShehadthoughtitwasntJohnnybecausehewasnotthetypeofguythathersisterSarawasattractedto. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister339 然而,年轻男子却在琳赛对面的位子上坐了下

51、来,自我介绍说是约翰尼,并开始毫不避讳地跟她谈论起自己的感受以及他与萨拉的恋情,这激起了琳赛的兴趣。而他也提到了那些抢劫案,说四起案件中有三起是萨拉和他一起干的。他说,萨拉一点也没害怕,她甚至觉得这事很刺激。他给她看了一些照片,那是萨拉住在波特兰的时候和他在公寓里拍的合影。thrill:n.1)C引起激动或兴奋的经历e.g. It was a thrill to see Parisagain.2)C兴奋感,兴奋,激动e.g. ItgavemeathrilltoknowIhadpassedtheexamination.vt. 使兴奋,使激动e.g.Themenwerethrilledbyalou

52、dwhistleblow. Meaning: Johnny was ready tosharehisfeelingstowardsSaraandthe relationship between him andSara,whicharousedLindseyscuriosity.Meaning:JohnnysaidthatSarahad not been frightened by therobberies,butquiteexcitedinstead. focus1text 9 Nevertheless, the young man sat across from Lindsey at the

53、 table, introducing himself as Johnny. She was intrigued by his willingness to express his feelings and the relationship he had with Sara. He also spoke about the robberies, saying that Sara went with him on three of the four crimes. He mentioned that she hadnt been scared; she had taken it as a thr

54、ill. Johnny gave her a few pictures of him and Sara at his apartment when she lived in Portland. (To be continued)Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextsit across from: 正坐在的对面e.g.Amanandawomansitatatableacrossfromeachother.The two of them sit across fromme,eveningcomingdownoutside,lightsnowfalling.

55、 intrigue: vt.激起兴趣或好奇心e.g. Hibernationhaslongintriguedbiologists.Thenoticeintriguedmanystudents. take sth/sb. as:当作e.g.Itookhissmileasmeaningyes.Itakeitasapersonalinsult. 2. Text: Unknown Sister34focus1text Lindsey noticed how he fumbled with the zipper on his coat for the majority of their conversa

56、tion. Afterward, she and Johnny went in their separate directions as if they didnt know each other. Lindsey could see why her sister had stayed in the area for a long period of time. It was beautiful compared to their hometown of Churchland, where nothing ever happened.Translation琳赛注意到在他们谈话的大部分时间里,他

57、都在摆弄外套上的拉链。接下来,她和约翰尼就像素未谋面一样分手了。而琳赛也明白了为什么萨拉在这里呆了那么久,因为和她们波澜不兴的家乡丘奇兰德相比,这里的确很美丽。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 9 Meaning: Later on, Lindsey andJohnnypartedasstrangers.in direction 朝的方向e.g.Henoddedinthedirectionoftheirdeparture.runintheoppositedirection 2. Text: Unknown Sister35focu

58、s1text 7. What did Johnny tell Lindsey about Sara during the interview?HetoldherabouthisrelationswithSara.HesaidthatSarahadgone with him on three of the four crimes and hadnt beenscared;instead,shehadtakenitasathrill.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister36focus1text 10 Lindsey returned

59、to her hotel room later that day to pack her things to return to Churchland the following morning. In addition, she was looking forward to going back home because she had her proof and had finished her investigation. The following day, she called her mom and gave her the details of her trip; however

60、, she couldnt help feeling her mom was hiding information from her tone on the phone. (To be continued)Translation10 10 当天晚些时候,琳赛回到了宾馆收拾行李,准备第二天上午回丘奇兰德。她急着回家,因为她已经找到了证据,结束了调查。第二天,她打电话给妈妈讲述了这次旅程的细节;然而,从妈妈的口气中,她感觉妈妈似乎在隐瞒着什么。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister37focus1textEarly the next

61、morning, Lindsey went to the police department to speak with someone in charge of the four-year-old case. She was escorted to two detectives in a small room, only dimly lit. Lindsey was anxious, going ahead with the papers she had in her hands. Both men were intrigued by the extensive time, effort,

62、and money Lindsey had put into clearing her name.Translation次日一早,琳赛来到警察局,打算和办理四年前那个案子的警察谈话。她被带进一个昏暗的小房间,里面有两个警探。于是,她急急慌慌地讲述了起来,并且手里拿着一些记录作为佐证。看到琳赛为洗脱嫌疑投入了如此多的时间、精力和金钱,两位警探对此甚为好奇。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 10 in charge of: 主管,负责e.g.Youreresponsibletowhoeverisinchargeofsales.Iami

63、nchargeoffinancialaffairs.Note the difference between inchargeofandinthechargeof.Thelattermeans“由某人负责”.e.g.Thebuswasinchargeofthedriver. Meaning: Shewasaccompaniedbysomepolicetoseetwodetectivesinasmallroom,wherethelightwasnotbright.escort: vt.护送,护卫e.g. Several little boats escortedthesailingshipinto

64、theharbour.The police escorted her to theairport,andmadesurethatsheleftthecountry. Dimlyisderivedfromtheadjectivedim.dim:a.阴暗的,昏暗的e.g.Thelightistoodimformetoread.Imadeouttwodimshapesinthedark. 2. Text: Unknown Sister38focus1text 8. What did Lindsey do early the following morning after returning to h

65、er home from Portland?Lindseywenttothepolicedepartmenttospeakwithsomeoneinchargeofthefour-year-oldcase.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister39focus1text 11 She was sure that she would be eliminated from the case due to the proof she handed to the detectives, not knowing the detectives w

66、ould have a different story for her. She went on to tell the detectives that her twin sister Sara had been killed in a car accident the year before. 12 “Your sister Sara is alive and your mother is with her downstairs with a police officer waiting to speak with us,” replied Detective Ames.Translatio

67、n 11 她确信把证据交给警探,自己就会与案件完全脱离干系,压根儿不知道警探会告诉她一个完全不同的故事。她接着告诉警探,她的双胞胎姐妹萨拉已于一年前死于一场车祸。 12 “萨拉还活着。您母亲和她与一个警官正在楼下,等着和我们谈话。”艾姆斯警探答道。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNexteliminate: vt.1)排除,消除e.g.Hecanbeeliminatedfromthelistofsuspects.Let us eliminate all uncertainty inthought.2)淘汰e.g.Their teamwaseliminatedinthefirst

68、round.3)消灭,干掉e.g. He had many of his formercomradeseliminated.Meaning:Shewasconfidentthatshewould be removed (or cleared) fromthe case because of the evidence shehad produced to the police, but shedidnt know at all that the detectiveshadsomecompletelydifferentinformationfromhers. 2. Text: Unknown Si

69、ster40focus1text13 “Youre lying to me! I was there and saw my sister in her coffin before she was buried. I helped pay for her tombstone,” Lindsey answered in an angry tone of voice. She moved herself to another chair in the corner of the small room and put her head in her hands. A knock at the door

70、 and Sara and their mom walked into the room. Lindsey was shocked looking at her sister standing there, with a disturbed look on her face. (To be continued)Translation13“你撒谎!她下葬之前我亲眼看见她躺在棺材里,我还帮着付了墓碑的钱。”琳赛愤怒地喊道。她挪到小房间角落里的另外一张椅子上,双手抱住头。这时,有人敲门,萨拉和她们的妈妈走了进来。琳赛震惊地看着自己的孪生姐妹站在那里,脸上带着不安的表情。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版

71、社出版社 BackNextdisturbed: a.心神不安的,心烦意乱的disturbedby/about/at被扰乱,为烦恼e.g.Policeareverydisturbedaboutthelatesttrend.seriously/deeply/greatlyetc.disturbeddisturbed to find/see/discover/learnetc.知道(得知,发现)后变得担心e.g.Shewasdisturbedtolearn hehadboughtamotorbike. 2. Text: Unknown Sister41focus1textShe looked nic

72、e in a black pantsuit and her hair was draped around her face. Their mom wore a pair of blue jeans and a tan sweatshirt, and her hair was pulled back from her face in a ponytail. Neither detective could believe that Sara had anything to do with the robberies that had taken place in Portland, Oregon.

73、 When Lindsey saw her sister and mom, she knew the detectives werent going to believe her story after all. (To be continued)Translation她穿着一套黑色的连裤装,头发披在脸侧,很漂亮。而她们的妈妈则穿着一条蓝色牛仔裤,一件棕褐色运动衫,头发在脑后扎成一个马尾。两个警探都没法相信萨拉和发生在俄勒冈州波特兰市的抢劫案有关系。当琳赛看到她和妈妈的时候,就知道警探根本不会相信她了。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextdrape:vt.1)将(某物)悬挂

74、,披e.g. Hearrangedtheclothtodrapeoverthetablelegs.2)遮住,盖住;装饰e.g. The walls were draped withmaps. 2. Text: Unknown Sister42focus1textShe didnt understand how they couldnt believe that her sister had died when there had to be a report from the autopsy done after her death. Lindsey felt betrayed by her

75、family and she knew that her instinct had been right when she felt that her mom was hiding information the previous day. Both women turned and looked at Lindsey with disappointment as if she had just made up the entire story. Lindsey knew very well that the detectives wanted to solve the case and ge

76、t it off their desks.Translation她不明白为什么警探不相信她的孪生姐妹已经死了,她死后应该有一份验尸报告的。琳赛觉得被家人背叛了。她现在知道自己的直觉是对的前一天就觉得妈妈有什么在瞒着她。那两个女人转过来,很失望地看着琳赛,好像是她编造了整个故事。琳赛心里明白警探只想尽快了结这个案子。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 13 betray:vt.1)背叛,对不忠,出卖e.g. He betrayed Christ to theRomans.2)叛国;泄露(国家机密)e.g.Thespybetrayedh

77、iscountry. make up/invent (a story, lie or plan) 编造,虚构e.g. makeupanexcuseThewholestoryismadeup. 2. Text: Unknown Sister43focus1text 9. Why didnt the two detectives believe Lindsey?Because “Sara” appeared in front of them, contradictory toLindseyswordsthatSarahaddied.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Tex

78、t: Unknown Sister44focus1text 14 Finally, without further ado, Lindsey was handcuffed and charged with the robberies having taken place in Portland. She was escorted to the jail nearby for booking. Lindsey went to court and the jury found her guilty of all the robberies and she was sentenced to 15 y

79、ears in prison. (To be continued)Translation14 最后,没有再费什么时间,琳赛就被戴上手铐,罪名是在波特兰犯有抢劫罪,随后被押送到附近的监狱,等候起诉。在法庭上,陪审团认为,琳赛在所有那些抢劫案中的罪名成立,于是她被判了十五年监禁。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextwithout further ado: 毫不延误,干脆,立即e.g.Withoutfurtherado,hetookouthispenandlentittome.Withoutfurtheradoshesigned. charge sb. with (doing)

80、sth.:指控,控告;指责,谴责e.g. The court charged him withnegligenceofduty.Criticschargedthewriterwithalackoforiginality. jury:n.C陪审团,评判委员会e.g. The jury were divided inopinion.Thejuryfindstheprisonerguilty. guilty:a.1)犯有罪行的,有罪责的e.g. The defendant was guilty ofrobbery.Itcanbesafelyassertedthatheisguiltyofthemur

81、der.2)羞愧的,内疚的,自责的e.g.Hehadnosenseofshame,andneverfeltguilty.When I received your letter, itrevivedmyguiltyconscience. in prison: 坐牢e.g.Heenduredthreeyearsinprisonforhisreligiousbelief.Thepolicearrestedthethiefandputhiminprison. 2. Text: Unknown Sister45focus1textThe police were happy to have solved

82、this case and to have the right twin in prison, but the sister that should have been in prison was neither Lindsey nor Sara. Their mom had given birth to triplets and the woman the police had tried to put behind bars was in fact another sister, Cindy.Translation警方因为抓获了双胞胎中犯罪的那个,并结了案,非常欣慰。但事实上,应该坐牢的那

83、个人既不是琳赛也不是萨拉,她们的母亲当时生了三胞胎,应该被警方抓进监狱的是其中另外一个孩子:辛迪。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 14 behind bars:被监禁,坐牢,蹲班房e.g.Thetwohijackerswereatlastarrestedandputbehindbars.Ifyoucontinuetosteal,youwillendupbehindbars. 2. Text: Unknown Sister46focus1text 10. Who should have been in prison?The thi

84、rd sister of the triplets, Cindy, should have been inprison.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Unknown Sister47Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Translate the following Chinese expressions into English. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.与凶犯相吻合_2.被控抢劫_3.被判十年监禁_4.光天化日 _5.遗留的任何东西_6.登上


86、omeetmyfavoriteauthorinperson.5.Thesmokefromcookingb_thepresenceoftheenemy.6.Shewasf_aroundinthedarklookingforthelightswitch.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNexthrillroceedersonalityetr

87、ayedonservativeumbling49Focus1discussion 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMind Mapextensivemakeupfingerprintprofessionaladviceinthefirstplacelookintomatchwith50Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 1. Do you thin

88、k Lindseys search was helpful or just made matters worse? What is the right action when someone finds himself/herself a suspect in a case?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 To some extent, Lindseys search just made matters worse. Thedetectives would not believe her story. If someone findshimself/herselfasuspectinac

89、ase,he/shehadbetter.hintBackNextTosomeextent,Lindseyssearchjustmademattersworse.HersearchwasbasedonthefactthathersisterSarahaddied,butthefactwasthat“Sara”the other triplet sister unknown to herwas alive. Thedetectives would not believe her story, and her extensive search justreinforcedtheirsuspicion


91、yandthecourtfoundherguiltywasthatLindseysclaimthathersisterSarahaddiedinanaccidentwasnotbelievedtobetruesincethis“Sara” made her appearance right before the police with the twin sistersmother.So,inthefirstplace,IwouldlookintothetrafficaccidentwhichledtoSarasdeathagain.Aftermakingabsolutelysurethatit


93、lkwithLindseysmotherandgotothehospitalwherethewomanhadgivenbirthtothetripletsisters.Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Ihadtofindoutwhothisso-calledSarareallywas.Thisisthekeysolutiontothecase.Iwouldlookintothetrafficaccident.Aftermakingabsolutelysurethat.provethatthewomanwhoclaimedtob

94、eSaraisnotSara.observethiswomanveryclosely.gotoPortlandagaintomeetthetwowomenandJohnny.talkwithLindseysmotherandgotothehospitalhint2. If you were a lawyer who wanted to help Lindsey receive justice, what could you do to find out the truth?BackNext52律师:律师: 能告诉我你为什么做这么多调查吗?琳赛:琳赛: 我在电视上看到我或萨拉的照片,说我或她牵涉

95、一些抢劫案,我想要 洗脱嫌疑。律师:律师: 那你是怎么做的?琳赛琳赛: 我见到了萨拉的朋友,获得了足够的证据。我本以为可以将我的名字 从这个案件中抹去了。律师:律师: 怎么了?难道警探不相信你?Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 After Lindsey was put in prison, she asked one of her friendsa lawyerto help her find out the truth and prove he

96、r innocence. Lindsey told the lawyer everything about her investigation. They had a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner. BackNext53Focus1interpreting上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 To be continued6. Practice: interpreting BackNextLawyer: Couldyoutellmewhyyoudidsuchanextensivesear

97、ch?Lindsey:IsawmyphotoorSarasonTV,sayingthatsheorIwasinvolvedinsomerobberies.Iwantedtoremovemyselffromthecase.Lawyer: Thenhowdidyoudoit?Lindsey:ImetsomefriendsofSaraandobtainedenoughproof.IhadthoughtIcouldclearmynamefromthecase.Lawyer: Whathappened?Didntthedetectivesbelieveyou?54琳赛:琳赛: 是的,他们说萨拉还活着,是

98、我编造了整个故事。但是我亲眼看到萨 拉下葬,我还帮她付了墓碑的钱。律师:律师: 还有别的证据证明萨拉已死吗?琳赛:琳赛: 应该还有一份验尸报告。律师:律师: 那和你妈妈一起来的那个不是萨拉吗?琳赛:琳赛: 我不知道,很难分辨。律师:律师: 你还有姐妹吗?也许我们可以借助这条线索发现点什么。琳赛:琳赛: 如果我还有个妹妹的话,我妈妈一定知情!Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext55Focus1interpreting上海交通大上海交通大

99、学学出版社出版社 6. Practice: interpreting BackNextLindsey: No.TheysaidSaraisalive,soitsmewhomadeupthewholestory.ButIwasthereandsawSaraburiedandIhelpedpayforhertombstone.Lawyer: IsthereanyotherevidencetoproveSarasdeath?Lindsey: Therehadtobeareportfromtheautopsydoneafterherdeath.Lawyer: WasitnotSarawhocamewi

100、thyourmother?Lindsey: Idontknow.Itwashardtotell.Lawyer: Doyouhaveanothersister?Maybewecanfindoutsomethingwiththehelpofthisclue.Lindsey: IfIhadanothersister,mymothermustknowsomething!56Finally, without further ado, Lindsey was handcuffed and charged withtherobberieshavingtakenplaceinPortland.Shewas e

101、scorted tothejailnearbyforbooking.Lindseywenttocourtandthejuryfound her guilty ofalltherobberies,andshewas sentenced to15yearsinprison.Thepolicewerehappytohavesolved this caseandtohavetherighttwininprison,butthesisterthatshouldhavebeeninprisonwasneitherLindseynorSara.Theirmomhad given birth to tripl

102、ets andthewomanthepolicehadtriedtoput behind barswasinfactanothersister,Cindy.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation A. Put the following passage from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here57Focus1translat

103、ion7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 最后,没有再费什么时间,琳赛就被戴上手铐,罪名是在波特兰犯有抢劫罪,随后被押送到附近的监狱,等候起诉。在法庭上,陪审团认为,琳赛在所有那些抢劫案中的罪名成立,于是,她被判了十五年监禁。警方因为抓获了双胞胎中犯罪的那个,并结了案,感到非常欣慰。但事实上,应该坐牢的那个人既不是琳赛也不是萨拉,她们的母亲当时生了三胞胎,应该被警方抓进监狱的是其中另外一个孩子:辛迪。581.Ifyouaskthefastrunnertosetthepace,then(他们中的大多数人都将落后)_.2.Myb

104、rotherdidnotwantto_(被稳定的工作所束缚).3.Theysetoff_(寻找失踪的孩子).4._(因高速驾驶而造成的交通事故)wereverycommonthatmonth.5._(他被指控杀人)butfoundinnocentlater.Focus1translationB. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.mostofthemwillbeleftbehindbetiedtoasteadyjob上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7.

105、Practice: translation BackNextinsearchofthelostchildAccidentsduetodrivingathighspeedHewaschargedwithmurder59Focus1writing8. Practice: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 180 words), referring to the outline below.ForReferenceAnswerClick HereSummary outline:1. Lindseys finding herself or her

106、 sister Sara accused of the robberies;2. Lindseys search to remove herself from the case;3. Lindseys offering the proof to the detectives and their reaction;4. Lindseys being put in prison.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext60Focus1writing Lindsey learned from TV news that she or her twin sister Sara was ac

107、cused of some robberies in Portland, Oregon. Lindsey knew that she was not the perpetrator, and that Sara had been killed the year before in a car accident. In order to remove herself from the case, she drove over to Saras home and found three numbers with Oregon area codes. One of them was Saras ex

108、-boyfriend named Johnny, who told Lindsey that Sara had gone with him on three of the four crimes.8. Practice: writing Reference answer:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTo be continued61Focus1writingAfter coming back, she went to the police department to hand in her proof. But there, right before her eyes

109、, stood her mother and her sister “Sara”! Lindsey had the instinct that she had been betrayed by her family, but she was unable to defend her innocence. Lindsey was put in prison, not knowing that she had another sister Cindy, one of the triplets, who should be put behind bars. 8. Practice: writing

110、上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext62Focus1writing8. Practice: writing B. Basic writing techniques: using pronouns or transition signals to achieve coherence in a paragraph.ForReferenceAnswerClick HereExercise 1: In the following paragraph, the pronouns are not consistent. Correct them to make this paragrap

111、h more coherent. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext63Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextOlympic AthletesAnOlympicathletemustbestrongbothphysicallyandmentally.Firstofall,if he or she hopes to compete in an Olympic sport, he or she must bephysicallystrong.Furthermore,anaspiringOlymp

112、ianmusttrainrigorouslyformanyyears.Forthemostdemandingsports,he or shetrainsseveralhoursaday, five or six days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to beingphysicallystrong,heorshemustalsobementallytough.Thismeansthathe orshehastobetotallydedicatedtohis or hersport,oftengivingupanormalschool,f

113、amilyandsociallife.Beingmentallystrongalsomeansthatheorshemustbeabletowithstandtheintensepressureofinternationalcompetitionwithitsattendantmediacoverage.Finally,noteveryonecanwinamedal,sohe or shemustpossesstheinnerstrengthtolivewithdefeat.64Focus1writing8. Practice: writing Exercise 2: Compare para

114、graphs 1 and 2 below. Both paragraphs give the same information, yet Paragraph 2 is easier to understand than Paragraph 1 because the former contains transition signals to lead the reader from one idea to the next. Please explain how each transition signal (which is italicized) in Paragraph 2 has co

115、ntributed to coherence.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here65Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextAnother tells the reader that this paragraph is part of a longer essay.For example tells the reader an example of the preceding idea is coming.Two tells the re

116、ader to look for two different reasons.First of all tells the reader that this is the first reason.Second and furthermore indicate that additional ideas are coming.Therefore indicates that the second statement is a result of the first statement.On the other hand tells the reader that an opposite ide

117、a is coming.To be continued66Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextFrom the above we can see that each transition signal has a specialmeaning. Each one shows how the following sentence relates to theprecedingone.Ofcourse,wedonotmeanweshoulduseatransitionsignalinfrontofeverysen

118、tenceinaparagraph.Usingtoomanytransitionsignalscanbejustasconfusingasusingtoofew.However,goodwritingrequirestheuseofenoughtransitionsignalstomaketherelationshipsamongtheideasclear.67Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Gotohttp:/orhttp:/ to select one of theshortmysterystoriesforyourreading,andmake

119、alistofcontradictionsinthesuspectstestimonyinthestoryyouselect.Handinyourlistfortheteachertochoosethebestoneforpresentationinclass.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext68Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Reference answer 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext69Focus2 contentShort essay: h

120、ow to conduct an interview with your witnessesPair work: an interview with your witnessText: How to write a good surveyWorking with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTable of ContentsPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext70focus2highlights HighlightsR:Shortessay:how

121、toconductaninterviewwithyourwitnessesS:AninterviewwithyourwitnessLanguageforaninterviewwithawitnessR:HowtowriteagoodsurveyResearch project: Analyzing a questionnaire according to theguidelinesL&W:MakingNewYearsresolutionsLanguageformakingaNewYearsresolutionPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Ba

122、ckNext71focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Suppose you are a lawyer and a friend of Lindsey. You want to help her find out the truth, and plan to meet some witnesses. Here are some tips for your interview. Read and listen to the tips and answer the following questions.BackNext 1. Short essay:how to co

123、nduct an interview with your witnesses1.Whendealingwithawitness,whatcanalawyernotdo?2.Whatshouldalawyertrytogetfromthewitness?Whendealingwithawitness,alawyercannotstateorimplythatheisdisinterested.Thelawyershouldtrytogetacopyofthewitnesssrecordedorswornstatement,ifthereareany.72focus2dialogue上海交通大上海

124、交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses3.Whyshouldalawyerputthewitnessatease?4.Forwhatpurposeshouldalawyeraskopen-endedquestions?5.Whatcanalawyerdotomakesureheunderstandsthewitnessswordsproperly?Beinginterviewedbyalawyercanbefairlystressful.Ifthewitnessisn

125、tnervous,hellbemoreexpressiveandrevealmoreinformation.Thelawyercanrepeatbacktothewitnessanysignificantstatementthewitnessmakes.Inordertokeepthediscussiongoing,togatherasmuchinformationaspossible,andtolearneverythingthewitnessknowsaboutthecase,thelawyershouldaskopen-endedquestions.73focus2 dialogue 1

126、.howtoconductaninterviewwithyourwitnesses怎样会见证人conduct:vt.1)进行(调查、实验、询问等)e.g.Thepoliceareconductinganinvestigationintotheaffair.2)指挥e.g.BarenboimconductedtheChicagoSymphonyOrchestraforyears.n.U行为,举止e.g.Hisconductdisagreeswithhiswords.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Notes to the short essay 1. Short essa

127、y:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses74focus2 dialogue 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextAwitnessissomeonewhohasfirsthandknowledgeaboutacrimeordramaticeventthroughtheirsenses(e.g.seeing,hearing,smelling,touching),andcanhelpcertifyimportantconsiderationsconcerningthecrimeorevent.Awitnesswhohasse

128、entheeventfirsthandisknownasan“eyewitness”.Witnessesareoftencalledbeforeacourtoflawtotestifyintrials.Awitnesswhospecializesinanareaofstudyrelevanttothecrimeiscalledanexpertwitness.Scientistsanddoctorsareoftencalledtogiveexpertwitnesstestimony. 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your wit

129、nesses75focus2 dialogue 2.Whendealingwithawitness,alawyer cannotstateorimplythatheisdisinterested.当与证人交流时,律师不能表明或暗示,自己在其中没有利害关系。imply:vt.1)暗示,暗指e.g.Histoneimplieddisapproval.2)说明,表明e.g.Silencesometimesimpliesconsent.3)必然包含,使有必要e.g.Speechimpliesaspeaker.disinterested:a.客观的,公正的,无私的e.g.Thecounselorgave

130、ussomedisinterestedadvice.Iamquitesurethatheactedinthismatterfromdisinterestedmotives.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses76focus2 dialogue 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTheroleofthelawyervariessignificantlyacrosslegaljurisdictions.Theirresponsibili

131、tiesare:1)Oralargumentinthecourts2)Researchanddraftingofcourtpapers3)Advocacy(writtenandoral)inadministrativehearings4)Clientintakeandcounseling(withregardtopendinglitigation)5)Legaladvice6)Protectingintellectualproperty7)Negotiatinganddraftingcontracts8)Prosecutionanddefenseofcriminalsuspects 1. Sh

132、ort essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses77focus2 dialogue 3. Also,findoutifhehasgivenarecordedorswornstatement.查明还有谁会见了证人,并查明他是否做过笔录或填写过誓词。sworn:a.起誓保证的,发过誓的e.g.swornstatement/evidenceNotethat“swornenemies”refertotwopeopleorgroupsofpeoplethathavestronghatredforeachother(不共戴天的死敌).The

133、verbformofswornisswear.swear:vt./vi.1)宣誓e.g.IswearontheBible.IswearbyGod!2)发誓,立誓;严肃地许诺e.g.Youhavesworntobefaithfultome.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses78focus2 dialogue 4. To keep the discussiongoing,andtogatherasmuchinformationaspossible,ask

134、open-ended questions.为了使谈话不致中断,并且收集到尽可能多的信息,应该问开放性问题。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextAn open-ended question is designed toencourageafull,meaningfulanswerusingthesubjectsownknowledgeand/orfeelings.Itisthe opposite of a closed question, whichencourages a short or single-word answer.Open-ended questions als

135、o tend to be moreobjective and less leading than closedquestions.Open-endedquestionstypicallybeginwithwordssuchas“Why”and“How”,orphrasessuchas“Tellmeabout”.Oftentheyarenottechnicallyaquestion,butastatementwhichimplicitlyasksforaresponse. 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses

136、79focus2 dialogue 5.Trytouncoveranybiasesthatmayexist.争取发现可能存在的任何偏向因素。uncover:vt.发现;破获;揭露e.g.Itwastwoyoungreporterswhouncoveredthewholeplot.Geologistsuncoverhiddenriches.bias:n.C,U偏见,成见;偏心e.g. Agnewhadtoldsomewholetruthsabouttheirpowerandbias.HehasabiasagainstJapaneseproducts.vt.使有偏见;使偏向e.g.apleades

137、ignedtobiasthejury上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Short essay:how to conduct an interview with your witnesses80Focus2 pairworkWork with a partner to create a dialogue between a lawyer who represents Lindsey and the witness, Johnny, referring to the tips in the short essay.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2

138、. Pair work:an interview with your witnessLanguage for an interview with a witnessIamthelawyerrepresentingIsthisyourfirstinterviewwithalawyeroranyoneelse?Takeiteasy.YourwordswillhelpalotCouldyoutellmesomethingabout.?Yousaid.Doesthismean.?CanIregardwhatyousaidas.?Isthereanyoneelsewhoknowsaboutthecase

139、? Learning ForReferenceAnswerClick Here81Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextStudent A: IamthelawyerrepresentingLindsey.Couldyouanswersomequestionsaboutthiscase?Student B: Yes.But.IdontknowwhatIcan.Whatdoyouwanttoknow?Student A: Takeiteasy.Yourwordswillhelpalot.Couldyoutellmesomethingaboutyour

140、meetingwithLindsey?Student B: Yes.Shecametomeetmeforsomeinformationaboutmyex-girlfriend,andItoldherallIknow.Student A: DidLindseyhavealotincommonwithyourex-girlfriend?Student B: Atthefirstsight,theywerealmostthesame.Butafterawhile,Iknewtheyweredifferent.Howtosay.Student A: Yousaidtheyweredifferent.D

141、oesitmeanLindseywasnotthepersonwhomyoucommittedrobberiestogetherwith?Student B: Absolutelynot.Ihavetoldyoutheyaredifferent.Lindseyisnotmygirl.Student A:Thankyou.Youvereallyhelpedalot.2. Pair work:an interview with your witness82( ) 1. A good question should be short and straightforward. ( ) 2. You c

142、an make a good questionnaire as long as your draft is carefully written.( ) 3. If the question is not important enough to be included in your report, it probably should be the last question. Focus2 text 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext TFRead the text and decide whethe

143、r the following statements are true (T) or false (F). F83( ) 4. Use simple language in your survey.( ) 5. Everyone has the same understanding of the facts or a common basis of knowledge. ( ) 6. Dont write leading questions, for it demands a specific response. ( ) 7. You will get far more accurate in

144、formation from people if you ask, “About how many times last year did you go out and see a movie in a movie theater or a drive-in?” ( ) 8. It is good to ask a general question and then ask more specific questions.Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext TFTTF3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey84如何写好调

145、查表如何写好调查表1 1 不同的人往往有不同的表达方式,而你的目标是使设计的问题只有一种理解方式。好的问题应该简短明了。调查问卷不能太长,语言应浅显易懂,问题不能太难。而也只有通过仔细地写作、编排、检查和修改,你才能写出一份好的调查问卷。接下来是一些作调查的要点。 Focus2 text Translation 1 Words are often used in different ways by different people; your goal is to write questions that each person will interpret in the same way.

146、A good question should be short and straightforward. A questionnaire should be short in plain English and the questions should be easy to answer. Only through careful writing, editing, review, and rewriting can you make a good questionnaire. The following provides you with guidelines for conducting

147、your surveys: 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext straightforward:a.1)简单的,易懂的,不复杂的e.g. The explanation of thisphenomenonisstraightforward.This book presents an up-to-date,straightforwardcourseforstudents.2)诚实的,坦率的e.g.Heisnotbeingasstraightforwardasitappears. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey85Focus2 text

148、上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Aquestionnaireisaresearchinstrumentconsistingofaseriesofquestionsandotherpromptsforthepurposeofgatheringinformationfromrespondents.Althoughtheyareoftendesignedforstatisticalanalysisoftheresponses,thisisnotalwaysthecase.Questionnaireshaveadvantagesoversomeothertypesofsurve


150、em.Thus,forsomedemographicgroups,conductingasurveybyquestionnairemaynotbepractical.3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey86调查问卷要简短2 2 总的来说,调查问卷要尽量简短。在草拟调查问卷时,首先心里一定要清楚,什么是必需要知道的,什么是有用的,什么是不必要的。然后,保留必要的,并将有用的控制在最少数,而舍弃无用的。此外,如果一个问题不是很重要,不必包含在报告当中,则可以将它删除。Focus2 text Translation Write a short questionnai

151、re 2 Above all, your questionnaire should be as short as possible. When drafting your questionnaire, make a mental distinction between what is essential to know, what would be useful to know, and what is unnecessary. Retain the former, keep the useful to a minimum, and discard the rest. If the quest

152、ion is not important enough to be included in your report, it probably should be eliminated. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext distinction:n.1)C差别,区别e.g. A distinction should bemade between the primary andsecondarycontradictions.2)U优秀,卓越,杰出e.g.Hesadiplomatofdistinction. discard:vt.丢弃,扔掉e.g.Discardyoursill

153、yideas.Onceitbecomesstrongenoughtostandalone,itmightdiscardus. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey87语言要简单 3 3 调查对象可能有各种各样的背景,所以要使用简单的语言。比如:“在过去的三十天里,您使用汽车到您父母居住地的频率是多少?”就没有“过去三十天里您大概开车去了父母家多少次?”更能让人明白。 Focus2 text Translation Use simple words 3 Survey recipients may have a variety of backgrounds, so

154、 use simple language. For example, “What is the frequency of your automotive travel to your parents residence in the last 30 days?” is better understood as, “About how many times in the last 30 days have you driven to your parents home?” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext residence:n.C住所,某人居住的地方,住宅e.g.Thei

155、rresidenceisinNewYorkCity.Theartisthaschangedresidencefromtimetotimeinthelastfiveyears. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey88确保只有一种理解方式4 4 设计的问题必须保证每个人都能以同一种方式去理解;而不要事先假设每个人对事情都有相同的理解或有共同的知识基础。事实上,为了确保每个人都能理解,即使是很常用的缩略词,也要加以标注。 Focus2 text Translation Assure a common understanding 4 Write questions

156、that everyone will understand in the same way. Dont assume that everyone has the same understanding of the facts or a common basis of knowledge. Identify even commonly used abbreviations to be certain that everyone understands. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext assume:vt.假定,臆断e.g. She was in arrogance toa

157、ssume she would win everytime.Itissafetoassumethatgrowthrateisundergeneticcontrol. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey89以趣味问题开场 5 5 把那些听起来很可能比较有趣且能吸引答卷人注意力的问题放在调查表的开头,而把那些可能比较难或者让人有顾忌的问题放在后面。同时,以第三人称问问题会比用第二人称更能减少人的顾忌。例如:“你的同事如何看待管理层?”而不要问:“你如何看待管理层?”Focus2 text Translation Start with interesting qu

158、estions 5 Start the survey with questions that are likely to sound interesting and attract the respondents attention. Save the questions that might be difficult or threatening for later. Voicing questions in the third person can be less threatening than questions voiced in the second person. For exa

159、mple, ask, “How do your colleagues feel about management?” rather than “How do you feel about management?” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey90不写诱导性问题 6 6 诱导性问题需要特定的回答。例如:“一个月中哪一天最适合开刚刚确定的公司月会?”会引导答卷人不加思索地选一个日期,而不会考虑是否还想再开一次这样的会。 Focus2 text Translation Dont write leadin

160、g questions6 Leading questions demand a specific response. For example, the question “Which day of the month is best for the newly established company-wide monthly meeting?” leads respondents to pick a date without first determining if they even want another meeting. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext -wid

161、e:全范围的e.g. worldwide全世界的nationwide全国的 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey91Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext A leading question is a question that suggests the answer orcontainstheinformationtheexaminerislookingfor(诱导性问题).Forexample,thisquestionisleading:YouwereatDuffysbaronthenightofJuly15,we

162、rentyou?ItsuggeststhatthewitnesswasatDuffysbaronthenightinquestion.Thesamequestioninanon-leadingformwouldbe:WherewereyouonthenightofJuly15?Thisformofquestiondoesnotsuggesttothewitnesstheanswertheexaminerhopestoelicit.3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey92不要列太多选项7 7 如果答案选项很多而且令人感觉陌生,答卷人就很难对所有的答案加以判断。因

163、此要使选项列表尽量简短。 Focus2 text Translation Dont make the list of choices too long 7 If the list of answer categories is long and unfamiliar, it is difficult for respondents to evaluate all of them. Keep the list of choices short. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey93避免困难的回忆性问题8

164、 人们需要回想的事件越早,记忆就越不可靠。如果你问,“在过去的一个月里,你大约有多少次去电影院或汽车露天电影院看过电影?”而不是,“去年,大约有多少次,你到电影院或汽车露天电影院看过电影?”你就能从人们那里得到更准确的信息。Focus2 text Translation Avoid difficult recall questions 8 Peoples memories are increasingly unreliable as you ask them to recall events farther and farther back in time. You will get far

165、more accurate information from people if you ask, “About how many times in the last month have you gone out and seen a movie in a movie theater or a drive-in?” rather than, “About how many times last year did you go out and see a movie in a movie theater or a drive-in?”上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext un

166、reliable:a.不可信赖的,不可靠的e.g. The postal service here isveryunreliable.Shewastotallyunreliable,soshegot/wasgivenhermarchingorders. farther:a./ad.更远的/地e.g.thefarthershoreThey grew farther and fartherapart. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey94问封闭性而不是开放性问题9 大多数调查表的问题都列有一定数目的选项,答卷人能从中选出答案。这样设计的调查表很有用,因为答卷人

167、能清楚地知道问题的目的所在,且只能于一套选项中选出适于自己的答案。 Focus2 text Translation Use closed questions rather than open-ended ones 9 Most questionnaires rely on questions with a fixed number of response categories from which respondents select their answers. These are useful because the respondents know clearly the purpose

168、 of the question and are limited to a set of choices where one answer is right for them. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey95 10 10 开放性问题需要手写答案。比如说这个问题:“如果你不想参加公司的野餐活动,请解释原因。”如果有太多问题的答案需要手写,就会降低答卷人的回答质量和对答案投注的注意力。Focus2 text Translation 10 An open-ended question is a wri

169、tten response question. For example, “If you do not want a company picnic, please explain why.” If there are an excessive number of written response questions, it reduces the quality and attention the respondents give to the answers. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Excessive describes a quantity,an amou

170、nt, or a degree that ismore than what is justifiable,tolerable,ordesirable.e.g.excessivespeed超速excessivedrinking酗酒 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey96按逻辑顺序组织问题 11 11 由一个问题提出的问题会影响人们对后续问题的回答。因此,最好先问大致方向的问题,再问更具体的问题。举例来说,应该避免在问了一系列有关银行免费服务的问题后,再问有关影响选择银行的最重要因素的问题。Focus2 text Translation Put your que

171、stions in a logical order 11 The issues raised in one question can influence how people think about subsequent questions. It is good to ask a general question and then ask more specific questions. For example, you should avoid asking a series of questions about a free banking service and then a ques

172、tion about the most important factors in selecting a bank. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext logical:a.符合逻辑的;合乎情理的e.g. Rainwasalogicalexpectation, given the time ofyear. subsequent:a.随后的,继之后的e.g.Heconfessedtoothercrimessubsequenttothebankrobbery.Subsequenteventsvindicatedhissuspicions. 3. Text: How to Wri

173、te a Good Survey97pique:vt.1)激起(兴趣、好奇心等)e.g. Theportraitpiquedhercuriosity.2)使恼怒e.g. He was piqued to discoverthathehadntbeeninvited.Anna is piqued by Jacks ruderemarksaboutherappearance. 给调查表命名给调查表命名12 有些人只看主题或发送者的名字就会选择忽略某封电子邮件。你应该想些能激起收件人兴趣的标题。这里有一些例子,这些名称可能会成功地引起人们的注意: Focus2 text Translation Na

174、me your survey 12 Some people discard an electronic message based entirely on its subject or sender. You should consider titles that will pique the interest of the recipients. Here are examples of survey names that might be successful in getting attention: (To be continued) 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNe

175、xt 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey98发自首席执行官的备注福利办公室的服务评估你对金融服务的意见免费T恤有奖巴黎行周五之前请回复免费订阅笔记本电脑大奖Focus2 text Translation Memo from the Chief Executive Officer Evaluation of Services of the Benefits Office Your Opinion about Financial Services Free T-shirt Win a Trip to Paris Please Respond by Friday

176、Free Subscription Win a Notebook Computer 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey99封面备注或简介13 13 一旦收件人打开了你的调查表,你可能仍然需要让他或她有足够动力去完成它。封面备注或简介为此提供了一个绝好的平台。好的封面备注或简介不宜太长,但应包括:Focus2 text Translation Cover memo or introduction 13 Once a recipient opens your survey, you may still ne

177、ed to motivate him or her to complete it. The cover memo or introduction offers an excellent place to provide the motivation. A good cover memo or introduction should be short and include: (To be continued) 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext motivate:vt.1)激励,激发,促进e.g.Everymanagermustmotivateandencouragehis

178、employees.Ive found that the best way tomotivatethemistoletthemknowthe game plan so they can all bepartofit.2)使有动机,使产生动机e.g. He was motivated purely bygreed. 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey100调查表的目的收信人回复的重要性会如何处理调查结果及调查结果可能会起什么样的作用回信地址确认对调查表有疑问时需要咨询的联系人回信的截止日期Focus2 text Translation Purpose of t

179、he survey Why it is important to hear from the correspondent What may be done with the results and what possible impact the results may haveAddress identification Person to contact for questions about the surveyDue date for response 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: How to Write a Good Survey101F

180、ocus2 working with words4. Working with words Find the items (18) in the text that match the definitions (ah).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( )1.questionnaire a. occurringorcominglaterorafter( )2.guidelineb. asetofquestionsthatyouaskalargenumberofpeopleinordertofindoutabouttheiropinionsorbehavior( )3.r

181、ecipientc. agroupofpeopleorthingsthatallhavethesameparticularqualities( )4.categoryd. nothavingrulesthatlimitorrestrictsomethingbehc102Focus2 working with words4. Working with words 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( )5.subsequente.officialinstructionsaboutthebestwaytodosomething, especially something tha

182、t could bedifficultordangerous( )6.respondentf. to carefully consider something to see howusefulorvaluableitis( )7.evaluateg.someonewhoanswersquestions,especiallyonesupplying information for a survey or aquestionnaire( )8.open-endedh.someonewhoreceivessomethingagfd103Focus2 research project 5. Resea

183、rch project ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Issue/Event/Context: You are to surf online for a questionnaire. According to the guidelines in the text, analyze the questionnaire by listing its strong points and weak points and then give your comment.Research Goal: To give comments on a

184、questionnaire.Research Method & Route: Survey by surfing the Internet and referring to the guidelines given in the text. Result: Make a presentation, preferably with PPT.BackNext104Agoodquestionnaireshouldincludethesemainpoints:1.adefinitepurpose2.simplewords3.acommonunderstanding4.startingwithinter


186、research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Reference answer:BackNext105Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen to an interview about New Years resolutions twice. Then write a short passage about it, referring to the following hints.1. Explain the meaning of New Y

187、ears resolutions;2. Describe peoples different attitudes towards their resolutions;3. Make a list of the resolutions (in the imperative) you have heard from the interview.BackNext106Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing Mind Mapresolution/n.决心,决定resolve/vi.决心,决定allwalksoflife各行各业onlinedatingagency婚介

188、网Learning上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext107Focus2 L&WLanguage for making a New Years resolutionAs the New Year gets closer, it is the time for people to makeresolutions.Iamdeterminedtoloseweight,eathealthyfood,andexercisemoreintheNewYear.DoyoumeanNewYearsresolutionsdontmeanmuchtoyou?Youlookslimandingood

189、health.Didyouhavearesolutiontokeepfit?Haveyoufounditdifficulttosticktoyourresolution?I always startwith good intentionssuch as not drinking, quittingsmoking,andthingslikethat,butthenIcanneversticktothem.Youwillmakeitifyousticktoyourresolutionhardandlongenough. Learning 6. Listening-based writing 上海交

190、通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here108New Years Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, for looking forward to the coming year. Its a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. Howev

191、er, it is very common that most people will just give up those resolutions after a couple of weeks, partly because they dont take them so seriously when making resolutions, partly because they are not determined enough to keep them on. In spite of that, people are still interested in talking about t

192、heir different New Year resolutions whether they can carry them out or not in the end. Here are the resolutions mentioned in the interview: Lose weight, eat healthy food, and exercise more in the New Year; No more drinking, smoking or things like that; Look for ones dream girl; Join an online dating

193、 agency and go to a singles event.Focus2 L&W上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNext109Focus2 L&W Tapescript上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNext110Focus3content Translation Skills Pleasant Surprises in Language Table of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities

194、上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1111. At the thought of his failure in this test, Brian felt greatly ashamed.2. For a girl aged 12, such temptation is irresistible.Put the following sentences into Chinese. Pay special attention to the underlined words. Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 一想到想

195、到自己未能通过未能通过这次考试,布莱恩就感到非常羞愧。对于一个十二岁的小姑娘来说,很难抵抗抵抗这样的诱惑。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext3. To those small children, their teachers personified absolute power.对这些小孩子来说,老师就是绝对权威的化身化身。112Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 4. The reform aims at increasing the work efficiency of the whole department

196、.5. A young man, who looked and talked like a student, attracted my attention.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 这次改革的目的目的是提高整个部门的工作效率。BackNext一个言谈举止言谈举止都像学生的年轻人引起了我的注意。6. They tried their best to help the sick and the wounded.他们尽最大的努力帮助病人病人和伤员伤员。113Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 7. He is physicall

197、y weak but mentally sound.8. He is a perfect stranger in the city.9. The flood was closely related to the heavy rain in the upper reach of the river.10. The United States was unhappy with the slowness of Japan to advance free trade.虽然他身体身体虚弱,但思维思维活跃。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 他对这座城市完全陌生陌生。BackNext美国对于日本缓慢缓慢

198、推进自由贸易的行为感到不满。洪水与河流上游的大雨有密切密切关系。114Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Choose the word or phrase that best expresses the meaning of the italicized word or phrase in the following sentences.1. Immigrants have always been at the bottom of the pile for housing. B. th

199、e last ones C. the most common people D. the most inactive2. As an outside child, Henry has been badly treated and ignored. A. abandoned B. adopted D. other familysA. the least powerful group C. illegal 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext115Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Lang

200、uage 3. It is a hotel with approachable staff and high standards. A. that can be reachedB. ready to offer serviceC. that can be easily found 4. He will certainly have an executive above him to whom he reports. B. on a higher floorC. more successful than D. older than D. friendly A. having authority

201、over 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext116Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 5. The gulf between their cultures was too great to be easily bridged.A. built a bridge across C. made the difference smaller D. taking place in both periods of timeB. communicated and understood上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext117L/O/G/OThank You!上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程应用型大学英语综合教程Application-oriented College English Course



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