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1、Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic2 All these problems are very serious.Section ASection A晋江市尚志中学晋江市尚志中学 邱源邱源What kind of pollution does each picture show?Can you find around us ?1. water pollution2. soil pollution3.soil pollution4.litter5. light pollution 6. noise pollution7.air pollution1aLook, listen a

2、nd say1. Listen to 1a carefully and read it.2. Watch the flash of 1a.1.1.What are they talking about?What are they talking about?2. Why is air pollution a serious problem in China?2. Why is air pollution a serious problem in China? 3. What should students do and not do to protect3. What should stude

3、nts do and not do to protect the environment? the environment?4. Can you give some advice to the government?4. Can you give some advice to the government? They are talking about air pollution and environmental protection. Because China has become the worlds largest producer and user of coal.We shoul

4、dnt leave rubbish here and there. Dont spit anywhere in public. Dont walk on grass or pick flowers. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.1bWork aloneRead 1a again and answer the following questions.I hope the government does something useful to protect the environment .For exam

5、ple ,pass laws against pollution ,stop factories pouring waste gas into sky.1aLook, listen and sayLanguage points :1.produce producer use user write writer drive driver dance dancer2. do something useful to do : take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事e.g. The government is doing something useful to protect

6、 the environment.Our government has taken many measures to control the population. (p13)care for : protect e.g. we should care for wild animals3.As a result 结果。结果。e.g. As a result, we were all late for class4.None 指三者或三者以上的“没有,都不”,既可以指“人”也可以指“物”,常与of连用,即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。构成“none of +名词/代词”结构,当名词是不可数

7、名词时,谓语动词用第三人称单数,None of the money is mine. 这些钱中没有一文是我的。当名词是复数时,谓语动词用单复数均可。None of those buses go (goes) there.没有一辆公共汽车去那里。若要表示二者的“都不”,应该用neither.5.here and there 处处,到处。处处,到处。=everywheree.g. Ive looked for my key here and there (everywhere)6.everyone 表示表示“每个人每个人”,只指认,不指物,不接,只指认,不指物,不接of短语,短语,它强调整体,如果

8、后面接表范围的它强调整体,如果后面接表范围的of短语,则写成短语,则写成every one.e.g. He knows everyone in our class. 6. everyone与与every one 的区别的区别(1)everyone:everybody是不定代词,是“每个人;人人;大家”的意思,不指具体哪一个人,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。 e.g. Everyone can do it谁都可以做此事。 Everyone is here except Tom除汤姆外大家都到了。 (2)everyone只能指人,不能指物;every one既可指人,也可指物。 e.g. Ev

9、ery oneEveryone in our class likes playing football 我们班人人喜欢踢足球。 There is something wrong with every one of the bikes 每辆自行车都有毛病。 (3)every one可以和of连用构成短语,而everyone则不能。 e.g. Every one of us is getting ready for the exam 我们每个人都在为考试做准备。不定代词:不明确指代某(些)事物或某不定代词:不明确指代某(些)事物或某(些)人的代词叫做不定代词(些)人的代词叫做不定代词可数可数不可数

10、不可数许多许多一些一些几乎没有几乎没有many muchsome anya fewa littlefewlittlea lot of ,lots of ,plenty of每个任何一个全都都不另一个指两者两者以上eacheach /everyeitheranybothallneitherNone/no the otheranothersome-any-no-every-人人物物someoneanyonesomebody anybodysomething anythingno one/nonenobodynothingeveryoneeverybodyeverything 不定代词和不定副词有哪

11、些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?somebody, someone, something, somewhere anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere none, nobody, nothing, nowhere everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere不定代词和不定副词有哪些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?不定代词和不定副词有哪些?somebody, someone, something, somewheresomebody, someone,

12、 something, somewhere anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere none, nobody, nothing, nowhere none, nobody, nothing, nowhere everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere一般情况下用于肯定句一般情况下用于肯定句一般情况下用于肯定句一般情况下用于肯定句一般情况下用于否定句和疑问句一般情

13、况下用于否定句和疑问句一般情况下用于否定句和疑问句一般情况下用于否定句和疑问句表否定含义表否定含义表否定含义表否定含义可用于各种句式可用于各种句式可用于各种句式可用于各种句式Work alonePlease help Kangkang complete the letter to his headmaster, using the following words.none nobody others anything other something everyone everybody everywhere anybodyDear Headmaster, Im writing to tell

14、you _ important. _ likes to be untidy. However, some students throw waste paper and bottles _ . We all need a quiet place to study, but some students often make too much noise at school. Even worse, some of them are quite rude when talking to_ . somethingNobodyeverywhereothers_ knows their behavior

15、is bad, but _of us knows how to stop them. I think we should make rules to change the situation. Perhaps it will be hard for us to keep the rules in the beginning, but if _does their best to follow the rules, our school will become better and better day by day.Sincerely,KangkangEveryone/Everybodynon

16、eeveryone/everybody巩固练习:用下列不定代词或不定副词填空巩固练习:用下列不定代词或不定副词填空some ,any ,something ,someone ,somebody somewhere, anything ,anyone, anybody,everyone ,everybody, anywhere ,no one, nobody, nothing1. I cant hear anything = I can hear _.2. There is _ on the floor. Please pick it up.3. Did _ _ go to play baske

17、tball with you ?4. I phoned you last night, but _ answered it.5. _ should care for wild animals.6. Why dont you ask _ to help you ?7. Do you have questions8. Shall we get _ to drink ?9. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your ears.10. Theres not _ in the box. Its empty.11. Maybe _ put my pencil _. I ca

18、nt find it _.nothingsomethinganyone/anybodyno one/nobodyEveryone/everybodysomeone/somebodyanysomethingnothinganything someone/somebodysomewhereanywhere Useful expressionsBut the government is doing something useful to protect the environment.None of us likes pollution.Dont spit anywhere in public.Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.as a resultsomething usefulin the beginningday by daydie outLets protect our earth!Lets protect our earth!



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