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1、b1-Unit-Ten-poetb1-Unit-Ten-poetPre-reading questionvTagores poems are noted for their beauty and simplicity. Have you ever read any of them? If so, how do you like his style? Where does Tagores wide appeal come from? 1. Tagores Poems Introductionv1. Is Tagore just a poet? v 2.What is his family bac

2、kground?v3.Name some of his masterpieces.v4.Comment on his career.vAnswer the following questions.v1. In poetry, theme is the abstract concept which is made concrete through its representation in person, action, and image in the work. Whats the theme of the poem?v2. Why does the poet describe the su

3、nset and the boy?v3. In the poem, is “the widowed land” an example of simile or metaphor? Why is the land compared to a widow?v4. Synecdoche is a form of metaphor which in mentioning a part signifies the whole. Is the phrase “mothers hearts” in the fifth paragraph an example of synecdoche? What does

4、 the poet compare mothers hearts to?v5. Explain the sentence “young lives glad with a gladness that knows nothing of its value for the world ”. (para.5) v6. Tone is the manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude; the intonation of the voice that expresses meaning. What is the tone of th

5、e poem? v7. Connotation combines the dictionary meaning of a word with the experience of the poet and the experience of the reader. What does the title “The Home” connote? v8. Does the poem remind you of any works written by Ma zhiyuan? Benediction vI. Answer the following questions.v1. Point out th

6、e parallelism, caesura and internal rhyme in “He loves the light of the sun, he loves the sight of his mothers face.” Paraphrase the sentence. v2. What does the phrase “hundred cross-roads” in para.5 suggest? v3. What is the baby blessed with? Why?v4. Whats the implied meaning of the sentence “thoug

7、h the wavesthe haven of peace.” in para.9 ? v5. To whom is the poet talking? What is he talking about? v6. Refrain is a group of words forming a phrase or sentence and consisting of one or more lines repeated at intervals in a poem, usually at the end of a stanza. Is “ and bless him.” an example of

8、refrain? Why is “bless him” repeated now and then in the poem?vII. Question for consideration and discussion.vDoes the poem reflect the poets belief that the child is an idea, a symbol of the new life? On the Seashorev1. Personification is a kind of metaphor that gives inanimate objects or abstract

9、ideas human characteristics. Find examples of personifications in the poem. v2. A symbol is something that is simultaneously itself and a sign of something else. In the poem, what do sea and seashore symbolize respectively?v3. The poet describes vividly the scenes of children playing on the seashore

10、 in the contrastive method. Find out the contrastive scenes, then discuss about their implied meanings. v4. Are the last three paragraphs similar in the structure? Why?v5. What are the refrains in the poem? What is implied in the repeated words? v6. What is the tone and the theme of the poem? The Gi

11、ftv 1. Whats the gift the parents give to the child? Do they expect anything in return from their child? Why (not)?v2. What do river, barrier and mountain symbolize in the poem respectively?v3. How do comment on the parental love after reading the poem? Strong Mercy vAnswer the following questions.v

12、What gifts are offered to the poet? vWhat changes have happened to the poet?v3. Is “strong mercy” an oxymoron or paradox? What does it imply? v4. Why is the word desire mentioned three times? vWhat is the theme of the poem? Make your comment on it. Question for consideration and discussion.vHaving s

13、tudied the poem, can you discuss with your partner why Gitanjali earned Tagore the Nobel Prize for Literature?LotusvWhy is “sweetness” mentioned again and again? vWhat is the implied meaning of “this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart”? vWhy is the refrain “I knew it not” u

14、sed? What does it refer to? Lamp of Lovev Answer the following questions.v1. What do light and night symbolize respectively in the poem?v2. Explain the sentence “There is the lamp but never a flicker of a flame is such thy fate, my heart?”v3. How do you interpret the title “ Lamp of Love”?Questions

15、for Considerationv1. Surf the Internet and get the information about India being a British colony. Discuss about the theme of the poem.v2. Name some Chinese patriotic poems, and compare them with “ Lamp of Love”.Dickinsons poems vDickinson is one of the most highly-regarded American poets. Before re

16、ading her poems, think about the following questions: Do you want to be somebody or nobody? Which is broader, the brain or the sky? Why?vI.1. The bird of hope asks for no favor or price in return for its sweet song. Hope is a free gift. It exists for all of us. Birds never stop singing their song of

17、 hope v2. The birds continuous song represents eternal hope.v3. The birds song of hope is the sweetest in the strong wind. v4. A person who destroys hope with a storm of anger and negativity feels the pain they cause in others. Dickinson uses a powerful image of a person abashing the bird of hope th

18、at gives comfort and warmth for so many people.If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking v1. It is a bliss to help others. Im nobody! Who are you?vI. 1. Frog refers to somebody; Bog , admirers of admirers of celebrity.The Brain is wider than the Sky v1. The sky and the seav2. This poem follows ABCB rhym

19、e schemes in each stanza; and uses the long dash as a rhythmic device designed to break up the flow of the meter格律and indicate short pauses.v3.“them” refers to “The Brain, the Sky”v4. It is written in an optimistic tone. His poem conveys a tone of awe, contemplation and reverence. The poet is held i

20、n wonder of the capacity of our minds. Along with that feeling of awe and wonderment is one of happiness and joy. She uses bright, happy colors like “Blue to Blue”, sweet and soothing sounds and references like “Syllable from Sound,” and energetic and optimistic words like “Heft” and “Buckets”, all

21、that enhance the feeling of happiness and strength of the tone.v5. The poet eulogizes the great thinking ability, creativity of humans brain.Success is counted sweetestv 1. The nectar and the victorious army. v 2.The stanzas here rhyme according to an ABCB scheme, so that the second and fourth lines

22、 in each stanza constitute the stanzas only rhyme.v4. Success is considered sweetest by those who never succeed. Things can only be appreciated when they are in sore urgent need. The person best qualified to evaluate the impact of success is the vanquished rather than the victor. The person who best

23、 understands the meaning of success is the person who fails. v5. The tone is unemotional and impersonal; the poet is reporting and interpreting what she sees but refrains from expressing sympathy or compassion. vII. Many of Emily Dickinsons most famous lyrics take the form of homilies, or short moral sayings, which appear quite simple but that actually describe complicated moral and psychological truths. Her terse, compacted style, whereby complicated meanings are compressed into extremely short phrases (e.g., “On whose forbidden ear”).结束结束



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