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2、规范化范化,准确性准确性.应先先对每一行做出判断是每一行做出判断是对还是是错.若是若是对的的,在在该行右行右边的横的横线上划一个上划一个(V);如果有如果有错误(每行不会多于一个每行不会多于一个),则按不同情况改按不同情况改错,如下如下:此行多一个此行多一个词:把多余的词用(/)划掉,并在该行右边横线上写上该词,再用斜线划掉.此行缺一个此行缺一个词:在缺词前加一个(),在该行右边横线上写上该加的词.此行此行错一个一个词:在错词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词.二、要弄明白改错题的特点二、要弄明白改错题的特点: 是没有现成答案可供选择;是否有错,错在那里,范围很大;是错只涉及一个词:多



5、(名词主动词形容词一般副词)的词形(包括词未变化,词性选择,拼写形式方面的问题,第三类是同义近义形似词选择的问题.其中相当一部分很可能是针对中国学生的弱点,即受汉语的影响而设计的.下面就这三方面的错误在多一词,缺一词,错一词,三种情况下的可能性进行一些估计.多一多一词多一介词或小品词:有些动词在汉语中是不及物动词,在英语中是及物动词,可能多一个介词。如:serve for thepeople,followafterhim,playwithherinamatch,marrywith,engagewithher,makehimasourmonitor.有些动词可做及物动词,也可做不及物动词,但搭配


7、。如;agreetoit,但agreetothat;besureofto但besureofthat;besorryforit但besorryforthat.有些副词或介词词组后加一个介词则是多余的。如:Hewalkedinfrontof.Ifyouwontgo;Illgoinsteadof.Hewalkedoutof.有些连词后加of成为复合介词,如果后接从句,of是多于的。如:Becauseofhewasill.地点副词的意义中已经包含to,如果有to 是多余的。如on my way to there ,get to home, go to upstairs,return to home.l

8、ast year ,next month ,this week,one day等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面用介词是多余的。有些动词受汉语影响而多一副词,如:stopdown(停下来),raiseup(j举起来),returnback(归来),repeatagain.有些动词在一种用法中加副词是多余的。如:buildupourcountry,但builduprailways。多一多一连词 状语从句与主语从句之间多一个并联连词。如:thoughbut;becauseso;the moreand the more;whybecause;onceand;充当状语的分词与主语之间多一个并列连词。如:

9、Sittingdownandhebegantowork.Hesatatthewindowandthinking.Regardedasthebestittheclass,sohewaspraisedatthemeeting. 从属连词后多一个that. 如:becausethat,since that,unless that)间接疑问句多一个that.如:I agree with that what he said.I dont remember that who did it. 复合宾语前多一个that.如:I heard that him say it.I found that her ly

10、ing on the ground.多一代多一代词主语与谓语之间多一个关系代词。如:Some people dont like football,but many people who do like it. 作定语的分词前多一个关系代词。如:I know the boy who standing there. The man who invited to the ball last night is my friend. 定语从句中的一个名词已由关系代词取代,再用一个代词是多余的。如:She bought the book(that)she had first asked for it.He

11、 is a good comrade to work with him. i用不定式做定语时,如果其逻辑宾语或介词宾语就是被修饰的名词词组,后面用代词是多于的。如:The tea is too hot to drink it. He is a good comrader to work with hm. “在形容词+不定式”句型中,如果不定式的逻辑宾语或介词宾语。就是句子的主语,在用代词做宾语或介词做宾语是多于的。如:This question is too difficult to answer it.The house is nice to live in it. 在“连词+分词名词形容词

12、副词介词词组”结构中加上代词做主语是多余的。如:He took notes while he reading it.If it heated ,ice turns to water. 多一个助动词多一个助动词 时间条件从句中用一般现在时表示将来时,用will,would是多余的.如:If he will try hard,he will succeed.Ill tell them about it as soon as they will come. Be sure或make sure+that分句结构中用一般时表示将来时,用willwould是余的。如:I m make sure you w

13、ill come early. 间接疑问句中主语的助动词是多余的。如;Would you tell me what do you want? ake sure you will come early. 独立结构中的be(助动词或联系动词)是多余的。如:The game was over, he went home. She smiled tears were still running down her face.多一冠多一冠词与介词at,in ,to连用的名词school,class,town,hospital,church,prison,bed等其有关的活动时,用冠词是多余的。如:go t

14、o the school(上学).be in the prison(坐牢),be in the bed(在睡觉)。与by连用的交通工具名称和air,land,sea等名词1前用冠词是多余的。如:by the bike,by the sea,by the train等。 家庭成员名称前不用冠词。如:Where is the father? Mother is ill. Ask the nurse to put the baby to bed. The Aunt is taking the sister out for a wall. 表示游戏活动而不是表示游戏工具的名词前不用冠词。如:play

15、the a volleyball,play the chess,play the table tennis. 由“专有名词+普通名词”够成的专有名词前不用冠词。如:The Beijing Airport,the Oxford Street,the Hade Park.at the first,at the last,the most of us中的 the是多于的。类似的还有:at once,at night,at noon.Most做“非常”解时前面用the是多余的. 如:Oh!Its the most beautiful! She is the most deligent. 形容词最高级做

16、表语而又不与其他人或物比较时,用the是多于的 如:My father is the busiest on Sundays. The lake is deepest at this point. 含有Day的节日前加the是多余的 如:the May Day, the Womens Day, the National day, the New Yorks Day. 在“名词+as though”结构中,名词前不用任何冠词。如:a child as he is, a fool as he is.多一小品词多一小品词to 在除have to,ought to,used to 之外的情态动词后用to

17、是多余的。如:He can to speak English.在had better,would rather,rather than后的不定式前用to是多余的。 You had better rather to stay at home。在make,let,have,see,feel,watch,notice,observe 等动词后充当宾补的不定式 to是多余的。如:He made me to do heavy work.Let me to hear you to play.not to go.I would rather to stay at home.缺一词缺一词 缺一介缺一介词有些动

18、词后有介词,有时没有介词,可能混淆而缺一介词。如:attend a meeting,但 attend (to) the patient;prepare breakfast,但 prepare(for) the exam;join us,但join(in) a game. 表语形容词通常具有动词意义,很可能误以为是动词而漏掉介词。如:be afraid (of) nothing, be present (at) the meeting, be sure (about)it. except, instead of, from, since, till,untilhm 后面可跟另一介词词组充当介词宾

19、语,可能漏掉第二个介词。如: He came on foot instead of (by) bike. A big bear ran out from (behind) a tree. hundreds,thousands 后面可能漏掉 。类似的还有 millions(of), dozens (of), scores( of)。缺一缺一连词汉语常用意合法,分句与分句之间往往不用连词,但英语里不行。如:It began to rain (and)they had to stop the match. (如果中间用分号可不用连词)。It was late,(so)we went home.You

20、 like sports,(while)Id rather read. He looked for the key,(but)didnt find it 受汉语影响,并列动词词组之间可能缺一个and.如:She smiled (and) said good-bye to her father. 名词性that分句置于句首或做同位于时不可缺少连词。如: (That)she is beautiful is known to us all.We heard the news(that)our team had won.Even后可能缺少连词if或though.如:Ishantmindeven(if或

21、though)hedoesntcome.缺一代缺一代词 充当定语从句主语的关系代词不能缺少。如:The accident (that) happened yesterday was very serious.He is a teacher.(as)is clear from his manner 英语中用来替代前面的“the+名词”的(单数)和those(复数),在汉语中往往没有反映,可以漏掉。如:The population of China is much larger than (that) of Japan. These shirts are expensive, but (those

22、) which we saw the other day were even more expensive. than,any后往往容易缺other。 如: Li Ping is clever than any (other) students in his class.缺一助缺一助动词或或连系系动词be表语不是名词时,可能缺少连系动词be ,因为汉语在这种情况下不用“是”。如:He (is) afraid of his father. The match (is) over.被动语态中缺少助动词be,成了主动语态。如:He has (been) asked to sing in Englis

23、h.完成体中缺少助动词have,成了主动语态。如:We realized that we (had) lost our way. They (have) live here since 1980.在倒装结构中缺少助动词或情态动词。如:Hardly (had)I reached bus stop when the bus started. Soldem (do)I get invited into the office alone. Only in this way (can) you learn English well.缺一冠缺一冠词 在such或so+形容词与单数名词连用时,不可缺a(an

24、).如:He is such (an)honest boy that all of us like him. This is so good (a) book that we will buy it. 表示“有些”时,little,few 前面不可缺少a. 如:Dont hurry.There is(a)little time left. many 前有 great,good时,要加a。 如:(a)great many people.若many后接单数名词,中间须有a(an).如:Many (a) man has tried it before. 即使是不可数名词,表示“一种”时,也要加a(a

25、n).如:Its (a) famous Chinese tea. Work is (a) pleasure to him. There was (a) heavy rain last night. 用专有名词表示“一个像叫 的人”时,用a(an). 如:He wished to be (a) Lei Feng. (A)Mr Wang called you up just now. 一般不用 “the+复数名词”表示类别,但用“the+复数名词”表示整个民族。如:(The) Chinese people are a brave and hard-working people.“The+复数名词”

26、表示某家人。如:The Smiths often go swimming. The Lis live upstairs.“形容词比较级+of the two”前必须用the. 如:He is (the) better of two. 缺小品缺小品词 不定式充当各种成分,一般都不缺少to. 如:She went there(to) see her mother. He asked me not( to) go there. I have something important to tell you. make, let,have,see,hear,notice,observe,wacth 等动

27、词变成被动语态时,充当主语补足语的不定式前的to不能减少. 如:She was made (to) do heavy work. The blind man was seen (to )cross the street. 为了避免重复前面的动词。 如:Would you like to come with me? _I”d love(to)We wanted to go, but we werent able (to).错一一词错一词的情况最为复杂。大致飞为虚词选择错误实词词形错误同 近 义形似词选择错误等。这里只能做一些粗略的猜测。1.虚虚词选择错误词选择错误:介词或小品词选择错误;这种情况

28、最为复杂,什么都是可能的。这里可提几组做为参考:before/ago, among/between, after/in,below/under,on/above/over,across/through,except/besides,with/in(用) ,to/for(对于) ,like/as等。连词选择错误或连词与介词混淆:because/for(since,as) ,if/whether,if/unless, no matter/though (although) ,so as/so that,hardly when/no sooner than,while/when,till/until

29、l。关系词选择错误:who/whom/whose,which/that,whom(which) /that,(it is)that/when/where/how等感叹词选择错误:how/what。代词选择错误:人称代词的格,如:I/me/my/mine。人称代词与反身代词。如:I (me)/ myself.先行词it做主语或宾语与指示代词:it/that(this)不定代词,限定词:some/any,no/none no one(nobody),everyone/every one,all/both,any/either,none/neither,few/little,many/much,ot

30、her/others/another,other/else,so/such(that)等.冠词选择错误:a/an/the.助动词情态动词选择错误:must/can/need/may,must/have to2.实词词实词词形形错误错误名词词形错误:名词的单复数形式,特别注意不规则名词复数形式,如加es的复数形式,貌似可数名词而实为不可数名词bread,paper,glass(玻璃)等。名词的通格与所有格,特别注意不规则名词复数的所有格,如:the childrens不是the childrens形式,动名词复合结构中的指物名词要通格,不要所有格,以及名词所有格的绝对形式。如:My son is

31、 older than my brothers. 动词词形错误:不规则动词的过去式过去式分形式错误,特别注意易与混淆的词,如:lie(躺)/lie(说谎)/lay, hang(挂)/hang(绞死), find/found(建立), fall/fell(砍倒),bear(忍受)/bear(生育) 等的过去试式与过去分词。规则动词的过去式过去分词现在分词的取掉e,双写,变y为ie或ie为y.非限定性动词用法的选择,特别是充当状语表语定语或宾补时是用过去分词还是现在分词(分别取决于主语,名词中心词,宾语的关系),在to 后是用不定式还是动名词(取决于to是介词还是小品词),以及并列结构中第二三个动

32、词的形式,必须与第一个相同。限定动词时态的选择,是现在时还是过去时,一般现在时单复数形式的选择,是单数还是复数,情态动词和do (does,did), will (would),shall (should)等助动词后面的动词形式的选择(只能用原形) 形容词与副词词形错误:是用原级比较级还是最高级,特别注意as much(many)as possible,容易错为as more as possible.是加more,most还是加-er,est构成比较级和最高级,加-er,-est时否要将y变成i. 词性选择错误:不同的词性充当不同的句子成分,要注意实词的词性是否适合其功能,不符合则应换用适当的

33、派生词。其中特别要注意:联系动词后用形容词而不用副词充当表语:He feels cold.做状语用副词而不用形容词:He works well. 拼写错误:大小写。句子开头要大写,专有名词要大写,月份节日星期名称要大写等。其他拼写错误,很难列举,只有牢固地记住每一个词的拼写形式3.同义词同义词近义词近义词形似词选择错误,这里举一些常见的例子:形似词选择错误,这里举一些常见的例子:a.alive/lively/living,allow/let,accept/receive,alone/lonely,aloud/loudly,already/yet/still,also/too/either,am


35、noise/voice,live/stay,very/much,try/manage,wide/widely,win/beat (defeat),hope/wish,worth/worthy.还能出现词序的错误,如:his both parents both his,never have I never have I.还有类似的词有待在学生学习在不断总结。五五、练习。以下文章是近十于年的部分高考改。以下文章是近十于年的部分高考改错题,供学生供学生练习使用。使用。NMET96 答案答案:Today I visited the Simiths _my first time visitto a Am

36、erican family.They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.They offered me coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing together. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question.In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year. 86 time87 aan88 forof89 drivedrive90 histhere91 92 havehad 93 were 94 questionquestions 95 in NMET2000 答案:答案:2006NMET 答案:答案:2006NMET答案:答案:Good bye



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