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1、1.慷慨慷慨2.好客好客3.一所一所理想的大学理想的大学4.以优异的成绩毕业以优异的成绩毕业5.彼此间的合作彼此间的合作6.待在纽约期间待在纽约期间7.最近她去了上海最近她去了上海8.在她生病期间在她生病期间9.道别道别10. 为某人带来荣誉为某人带来荣誉Words and expressionssay farewellto ones credit generosity n. generous adj. hospitality n. hospitable adj. an ideal universitygraduate with honorsmutual cooperationduring t

2、he stay in New Yorkduring her recent visit to Shanghaiduring her illnessa farewell party 告别会告别会11. 真诚的关心真诚的关心12.在你的亲切关怀下在你的亲切关怀下13. 学期学期结束结束14. 收获一份长久的友谊收获一份长久的友谊15. 英语原著英语原著16. 家人团聚家人团聚 17. 聚餐聚餐18. 增进相互理解增进相互理解19. 给予某人信心给予某人信心original English booksgenuine concernwith your tender caregain/be rewarde

3、d with a lasting friendshipa family reuniona reunion dinnerpromote mutual understandinggive sb assurance that 从句从句 Our sweet memories have taken root in my mind.20. 美好的回忆永远不会忘怀!美好的回忆永远不会忘怀!with the semester dropping the curtain你的外教你的外教Karen给你上课已经一学年,你和她结下了给你上课已经一学年,你和她结下了深厚的友谊,马上她就结束教学任务回国,你想请她深厚的友谊

4、,马上她就结束教学任务回国,你想请她到你家做客并为她践行。请你给她写一封到你家做客并为她践行。请你给她写一封email,内容,内容包括:包括:1. 感谢她一年来对你因故学习的帮助,你收获良多;感谢她一年来对你因故学习的帮助,你收获良多;2. 你想邀请她周六到你家做客,问她是否有时间。你想邀请她周六到你家做客,问她是否有时间。 注意:注意: 1) 词数词数80左右左右; 2) 请适当加入细节,使行文连贯请适当加入细节,使行文连贯。 The last thirty years The last thirty years have seen have seen the greatest number

5、 of the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached reached a stage a stage wherewhere we have almost no rights at all. we have almost no rights at all. 1. The past forty years _ _ (见证了曼德拉的艰苦努力和奉献精神见

6、证了曼德拉的艰苦努力和奉献精神见证了曼德拉的艰苦努力和奉献精神见证了曼德拉的艰苦努力和奉献精神), until today South Africa has reached a stage where many anti-black laws have been abolished. have seen Mandelas great efforts and devotion2. 2. The past half semester has seen/witnessed our progress,_ ( (到今天我们全班已经能够认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动了到今天我们全班已经能够认真听讲,积极参与课

7、堂活动了到今天我们全班已经能够认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动了到今天我们全班已经能够认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动了) )。until today the whole class have reached a stage where we can listen attentively and engage in class activities actively. see/witness 句式模仿句式模仿_ one of the last homes of the giant panda at the Wolong Nature Reserve and Panda Breeding Center, i

8、n Wenchuan County, Sichuan province. 3. 2008年年5月月12日一场强烈的地震侵袭了日一场强烈的地震侵袭了四川省汶四川省汶川县的卧龙自然保护区和熊猫繁育中心,这是大熊川县的卧龙自然保护区和熊猫繁育中心,这是大熊猫仅剩的几个栖息地之一。猫仅剩的几个栖息地之一。 see/witness 句式模仿句式模仿May 12th, 2008 saw a powerful earthquake affected 你的外教你的外教Karen给你上课已经一学年,你和她结下了给你上课已经一学年,你和她结下了深厚的友谊,马上她就结束教学任务回国,你想请她深厚的友谊,马上她就结束

9、教学任务回国,你想请她到你家做客并为她践行。请你给她写一封到你家做客并为她践行。请你给她写一封email,内容,内容包括:包括:1. 感谢她一年来对你因故学习的帮助,你收获良多;感谢她一年来对你因故学习的帮助,你收获良多;2. 你想邀请她周六到你家做客,问她是否有时间。你想邀请她周六到你家做客,问她是否有时间。 注意:注意: 1) 词数词数80左右左右; 2) 请适当加入细节,使行文连贯请适当加入细节,使行文连贯。 Words failed to convey my heartfelt gratitude for your unreserved help with my English lea

10、rning.你对我英语学习方面的毫无保留的帮助,难以用语你对我英语学习方面的毫无保留的帮助,难以用语言表达感激之情。言表达感激之情。offer me practical assistance with my English learning给我的英语学习提供实实在在的帮助给我的英语学习提供实实在在的帮助1. Knowing you are returning home soon, Im writing to extend my sincere invitation to a farewell dinner in my home. 2. The past year witnessed your

11、great efforts and dedication. 3. Without your lively and informative lessons, I wouldnt have developed a keen interest in English and progressed so much. 4. My appreciation is beyond any words. 5. I am wondering if you are available this Saturday to come over for dinner. Its a great privilege to hav

12、e you with us. 6. Thanks again for all your tender care and practical guidance. Dear Karen, (习作习作) Knowing you are returning home soon, Im writing to extend my sincere invitation to a farewell dinner in my home. The past year witnessed your great efforts and dedication. Without your lively and infor

13、mative lessons, I wouldnt have developed a keen interest in English and progressed so much. My appreciation is beyond any words. I am wondering if you are available this Saturday to come over for dinner. Its a great privilege to have you with us. Thanks again for all your tender care and practical guidance. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Hua



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