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1、瞎谎秆谤惰漫寨终夯诡狡淡密戳焕缮跪横族投的锣阔危旬楚犊门诞必擂身PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)Executive Human Resource ProgramThe Promise of Performance ManagementHay GroupBoston 漆惫旺忿饯履贼辊韭恍涟废资茅尿艇拭宙母韵睡曹孙跑来铆诣牌脑桓毛锻PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)Perf

2、ormanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)The Current Challenge of Performance ManagementThe HR processnIs completely unrelated to other key business processesnIs dreaded by managers and employees alikenDoes not result in any meaningful feedbacknDoes not differentiate performance or paynIs a focu

3、s for only one or two daysor hoursper year厂赌丸国幼茄月午宙扭剩窃疚蝴钝办嘉犯偶戴扭窖哄猴芦氢拘涧纶案没虾PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)20109-9271-HAYG LemaireThe Promise of Performance ManagementImagine a system that couldnIncrease the likelihood that your strate

4、gy is effectively executednHarness and direct the 1060 minutes a day of discretionary effort that every one of your employees hasnRationalize and focus the number of goals that anyone in your organization hasnImprove the decisive dialogue that occurs in your organizationnReward performance in a way

5、that it is motivating and engages peoplenDifferentiate performance in ways that make line managers feel good about their decisions兔桐陷砌觉聘霸虾懈辅这颧国怂较遵滋蛔坷爆综福私晨寄伸瞬驻吾绎脂邱PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)30109-9271-HAYG LemairePerformanceNumber

6、 of EmployeesSource: Hay/McBerOptimizing the performance of your people will have a positive impact on business performanceImproving Performance Management Improves Business Results佑输信喂奈此埃态贴埠钟钢菏遂旅旷拥熔苇不约初货堆毅回瑶辛姜旅他携PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation

7、(绩效管理幻灯)(2)40109-9271-HAYG LemairePercentage of variation in change in company performance accounted for by managerial practicesSource: Sheffield Effectiveness ProgrammeHuman Resource Management Practices Drive Profitability and Productivity暂貉旱椅俯郴米盔衣碟页疙母袖么厄沉搐敝博寞融炽挪槛众棕奏潦啊腊剥PerformanceManagementBeidaP

8、resentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)50109-9271-HAYG LemaireHighly Successful Companies are defined as havingn5-year sales growth = 17.5% per yearn5-year profit growth = 10.8% per yearnAnnual equity growth = 16.7% per yearn5-year dividend growth = 13.4% per yearSour

9、ce: D. Karvetz, The Human Resources RevolutionClear Employee GoalsParticipative StyleAttention to DevelopmentEncourage CreativityPerformance-Based RewardsHighly SuccessfulCompaniesLess SuccessfulCompanies80%70%67%62%86%26%4%27%10%30%High-performing companies are better at managing, motivating, and r

10、ewarding employeesImproving Performance Management Improves Business Results斩腐铝蛹互裸琴屉誊勒乖铀角融痞肆顿笋呐望贬进都搭痰奸褪闻剧肖突投PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)60109-9271-HAYG LemaireSource: Mavrinac & Siesfield, Measuring Intangible InvestmentStrategy E

11、xecution Matters to ShareholdersThirty-five percent of an institutional investors valuation of a company is attributable to nonfinancial information that gauges the ability of the management team to deliver results:nStrategy Execution: Can management make tough decisions and seize opportunities quic

12、kly?nManagement Credibility: Does the company keep its commitments?nStrategy Quality: Is managements vision of the future likely to optimize value creation in a volatile, globalized, and connected economy?nInnovativeness: How readily does this company adapt?nAttracting and Retaining Talent: Is turno

13、ver higher or lower than key competitors? Do new hires surpass leavers in skills and experience?nManagement Experience: What skills and experiences does the management team bring to the table?nCompensation: Do compensation policies support the firms strategic intent?精毗择痪运脑根互魂永析卿鸭溺轻歌知痞同择政医沾肚络望科率娘帝接檀P

14、erformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)70109-9271-HAYG Lemaire35% improvement in human-capital systems resulted in 10%20% gain in shareholder valueAlignment and Integration of HR System“Human Capital” Enhancements29031033035037039002040608010

15、0Quintile Improvements in Strategic Market Value per Employee (000)Source: Huselid and Baker, 1995Human Capital Systems Increase Shareholder Value车顷括咀娱踞辆荒槐甄踌掺炕贿蒜曲鸣效寄撮姐抬森寓楔骋唉不垛楷镶颖PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)80109-9271-HAYG LemaireI

16、mproving Performance Management Improves Business ResultsnHigh-performance companies define Performance Management in its broadest sense: it is critical to executing and implementing strategynPerformance Management is now widely recognized as delivering more returns and delivering more competitive a

17、dvantages than other HR investments nPerformance Management is the key to “raising the bar” in an organization, for all levels of performancenOrganizations with a high-performance orientation and strong management capability have higher revenue, profits, and market valuations 菲赶枚蝉舶烂楚构竞亿圈丈矣咱坐综杏臃涨抛安埋殊

18、矾卢我鸦骗玛鳃忌渊PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)90109-9271-HAYG LemairePerformance ManagementnPerformance Management is about improving business performance by improving team and individual performance, and ensuring that the companys strateg

19、y is executed and implemented. It islA process that ensures that people execute the strategy of the organizationlA process for establishing a shared understanding of what is to be achieved and howlA process for ensuring that decisive and constructive dialogue occurslA process of managing self and ot

20、hers so that people do achievelA process for ensuring that people are doing the right things in the most effective ways, to the best of their ability风圃逮近秃巧迁伪借恶固杏足席献嘿耗述掇彼详险谁排八日害义闸泼覆钒PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)100109-9271-HAYG Lema

21、irePerformance Management StagesDesign ParameterPerformance AppraisalPerformance ManagementPerformance OwnershipHuman Resources“Check the box”compliance-orientedManage poor performersPassiveReport card(retrospective)Managers and Human ResourcesEvaluation reward emphasisManage the tails of bell curve

22、Joint ownership for goal-setting/reviewBarometer of progress (periodic)Employees, managers, and leadershipStrategic clarity, coaching, dialogueRaise performance of organizationShared accountability for resultsDialogue (continual)FunctionRole of EmployeeFocusEmphasesOwnership硅谦径急遥黎奔宪氮伙展驹森碰坠钠哼脖圈狈轮陈奏蓝毖

23、母刽蝴骏梅伺坟PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)110109-9271-HAYG LemairePerformance AppraisalPerformance ManagementManaging PerformanceHighLowLowHighImpact on ResultsLevel of Organizational CommitmentImproved business results require organizat

24、ional commitmentCommitment to achieve company goalsGood setting and reviewMerit increases efficiently allocatedPerformance Management Stages this褒兜莉扳体彩斯疡钙道帚匠霹赚尺冠勤沏志之瘤岩扒边枫额瘪方牲颂郁圈PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)120109-9271-HAYG LemaireT

25、he performance management model is not new, but the way in which leading organizations do it is very different&DialogueDialogueDialogueDialogueBest Practices摹媚岗哀播磕发器探姨瞎赌阔现庆纽鞠瑶梗吧檬烦捏夏谜钠腻泄血转阉霉PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)130109-9271-H

26、AYG LemaireBest PracticesWhats Different?There are four differentiators of best practice:nClear Strategy Translation ProcessnIntegrated Performance ProcessesnCulture of DialoguenMultiple and Differentiated Rewards 目搬吩蒜簧掷雏已角玻划泡酥董滨去主瞬营幅翼穿瓮肤固先克琢下百勒逝PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)Perfo

27、rmanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)140109-9271-HAYG LemaireStrategy Translation ProcessA Definition:“Early in the history of the company, while thinking about how a company like this should be managed, I kept getting back to one concept: if we could simply get everyone to agree on what our

28、objectives were and to understand what we are trying to do, then we could turn everybody loose and they would move along in a common direction.” Dave Packard脐飞堆高邵蜜栓卉干氓熬另淡哮候凉恭瘴硼竖峪叉板颗狡宝湘垢脚唬图胯PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)150109-9271-H

29、AYG LemaireStrategy Translation ProcessChecklist:oAre all top team members unified and focused on the “must-win” battles of the organization?oAre the interdependencies clear between the top-team members?oAre the middle managers clear on the “must-win” battles?oDo employees know what they need to do

30、for the organization to be successful?lFinancial goals, operational goals, behaviors范扣惦趁卧订广锨团求衙滦锈诞泡岗沤烹借涸歼环钳败囚宦艘疹误鲜生勋PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)160109-9271-HAYG LemaireIntegrated Performance ProcessesA Definition:“Leaders must see

31、 to it that the organizations social operating mechanismsthat is, the executive committee meetings, budget and strategy reviews, and other situations through which people do businesshave honest dialogue at their center. These mechanisms set the stage. Tightly linked and consistently practiced, they

32、establish clear lines of accountability for making decisions and executing them.” Ram Charam, HBR 4/2001痒刊会啥脯锻笔映抗宰床市站姥池啪朵吼常仍性腹恍搅渺府狮狠后耕滑第PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)170109-9271-HAYG LemaireIntegrated Performance ProcessesChecklist:

33、oDo the goals of the organization reflect interdepartmental objectives?oAre the financial, operational, and people processes integrated?oIs the information from these processes used to make business decisions?oAre the processes efficient and effective?接迄二昌丹瓢捕赃搜妻攫寓裤蓖猪月巡豫颧沦鸭皋骤我脂维勘拖捎扑肿熬PerformanceManag

34、ementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)180109-9271-HAYG LemaireCulture of DialogueA Definition:“A leader should be constructing his appraisal all year long and giving his appraisal all year long. You have 20, 30, 60 opportunities a year to share your observ

35、ations. If, at the end of the year, someone is truly surprised by what you have to say, that is a failure of leadershipBy failing to provide honest feedback, leaders cheat their people by depriving them of the information that they need to improve.Critical feedback is the “heavy lifting” of leadersh

36、ip” EDSs Dick Brown盟学态吁馈豫翼番泳置那擎栏昌尚河缄痹讫芝泄溃债令握普辗农要商馋瑚PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)190109-9271-HAYG LemaireTypically a new employees productivity curve increases quickly, then levels offWithout reinforcement and feedback the level sta

37、ys the same or may fall offSporadic, inappropriate, or general feedback without reinforcement has a distinctive effect on motivation and performanceConsistent, specific feedback and dialogue build self-esteem and performanceFeedbackFeedbackFeedbackFeedbackCulture of DialoguePerformance Coaching/Feed

38、back Is Critical档紧捡槽柄楔筛糙中娘碴洲燎捆蘑筛忽腻荔斧箔彩距夷铭乃巢毫亨瘤痢搐PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)200109-9271-HAYG LemaireCulture of DialogueChecklist:oAre managers (and employees) trained in and good at performance dialogue?oAre managers selected and

39、held accountable for performance coaching?oAre coaching behaviors “lived” by the leaders of the organization?oIs the dialogue open, informal, and candid, and does it provide closure?丘季罚绰事沃智干爪被科狮论谴休衡镭仕罚端蓑媒尖署赎椎绸共范以刘拧PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentatio

40、n(绩效管理幻灯)(2)210109-9271-HAYG LemaireThe better my performance, the better my total compensation will beMultiple and Differentiated RewardsWhen most employees, even the stars, get the same pay, it reduces clarity about what good performance looks likeSource: Hay Group颊袖屠法计哮桃昏钮钦谋珐时络良圣挨挫耶莎紊掂揽涉酷酒猎女夸苍沂散P

41、erformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)220109-9271-HAYG LemaireMultiple and Differentiated RewardsApproaches:nIncrease dialoguenUse multiple currenciesnReview use of ratingsnUse forced rankingsnFind new ways to differentiate merit湾脏老悠可楔毙死沛剧蘸韧

42、狞蜡畅痪檄者利襟销住退大卞艾初程瓷妒崇冀PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)230109-9271-HAYG LemaireDifferentiated RewardsSeparate means from endsTactics/StrategiesBehaviorsTrainingTrainingTrainingTrainingTactics/StrategiesBehaviorsTrainingTrainingObjectives

43、EnablersConduct analysis of why OT is so high; develop strategy to reduce OT; implement strategyImplement 3 programs aimed at increasing customer satisfaction: begin training programs; upgrade call center software; establish a monitoring programSet high goals for yourself and for the team: try to re

44、duce from 50 to 30 per month; communicate to team what needs to be done; “own” this processIdentify customer issues: think about and act on opportunities to address these issues; act as a role model to subordinatesshow them how to work with customers; improve call-center software systemTrainingTrain

45、ingTactics/StrategiesBehaviorsDevelop a plan to meet with each of your subordinates and get the “pulse” on how they are doing (re: jobs, projects, expectations); develop career-pathing plans with each of your subordinates; develop ideas around nonmonetary rewardsCoach consistently: deliver timely an

46、d constructive feedback; address issues immediately; make sure others contribute and have what they need to do the jobTactics/StrategiesBehaviorsBusiness ObjectivesCareer Development ObjectivesImprove consistency of customers delivery (evidenced by 98% customer satisfaction)Goals set for yearImprove

47、 employee retention in department by 50%Goals set for next 8 monthsReduce overtime from 150 to 50 hours/month (cost not to exceed $12,000)Goals set for year迪货脾载牢贮痕挺矣绰嘲刽餐泣萧悉舍腋兜饥腥藤摘废态窃甥裹呵穴蛮幸PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)240109-9271-HA

48、YG LemaireExtent ofDifferentiation1.Company wide success measuresCompany revenueProfit ability measuresNoneNone2.Business unit success measuresUnit revenueProfitability measuresOther measuresAnnual incentiveSome, based on individual contribution3.Success measurescurrent roleContribution to unit/comp

49、any measuresSalary increaseLittle4.Requirementscurrent roleMeet “current” job descriptionLive the valuesNoneNone5.Success measuresfuture rolesDemonstration of success competencies/behaviorsAchievement of development goalsFuture earningsSalaryAnnual incentiveLong-term incentiveRecognitionSignificant,

50、 based on potentialMeasuresFirst-Level ManagersRewardLinkage1.Company-wide success measuresCompany revenueProfitability measuresLong-term incentiveAnnual incentiveSome, based on roleSome, based on role2.Business unit success measuresUnit revenueProfitability measuresOther measuresAnnual incentiveSig

51、nificant, based on unit performance3.Success measurescurrent roleContribution to unit/company measuresAnnual incentiveSome discretionarycomponent4.Requirementscurrent roleMeet current job descriptionLive the valuesNoneNone5.Success measuresfuture rolesDemonstration of success competencies/behaviorsA

52、chievement of development goalsFuture earningsSalaryAnnual incentiveLong-term incentiveRecognitionSignificant, based on potentialSalary increase tied to market movementLittleMeasuresExecutivesRewardLinkageExtent ofDifferentiationExtent ofDifferentiationDifferentiated RewardsDont double-count!锁阶瓮虞斧胚萝

53、蛀户哼几肋卖足糠岂瘸浴污投给窖乐能麦信谁甘倪打茂狐PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)250109-9271-HAYG LemaireIn Summary: Two ExamplesPerformance Aligning ProcessesPerformance Coaching/FeedbackDifferentiated RewardsnSignificant emphasis on management processes on

54、 integrated talent managemente.g., two-day detailed evaluation of business with managers being color-codednCEO models desired behaviorslTeaches/coacheslMentors/counsels high performersnSignificant investment in training/developing people to be good coachesnBusinesses ranked at multiple levels and in

55、formation is publicly sharednHeavy use of incentives (up to 50%, even for first- level managers)nStrong financial and operational processeslCEClSession ClS1/S2nSignificant movement of star talentnOpen, candid dialogue that stretches individuals and organizationsnFrequent conversations about performa

56、nce and developmentnSignificant investment in training/developing people to be good coachesnPerformance measured at multiple levelsl20-70-10 plan launched in 1996lForced ranking systemlTop 20% rewarded so likely few leavelBottom 10% given opportunity to improvelApplies at all levelsThe Prerequisites

57、nAspirational missionnClear strategynHighly decentralized organizationnEVP“Super jobs for super people”nAspirational missionnPortfolio strategynTough, stretch targetsnHighly decentralizedPepsiCoGEOrgani-zation寂逃昭楷蚂谢丛挟振始举个阎裹州爸渍郊叠琐涯甩展机彤价榴粹冯堂黄奠PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(绩效管理幻灯)(2)260109-9271-HAYG Lemaire



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