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1、河南河南师师大附中大附中陈龙陈龙高二年级 英语教师12009年5月15日2The contentsPart I (pic37): Teaching strategyParII (pic830): A Teaching Plan“莫愁莫愁”歌歌“完了完了”叹叹3英语学习是学习方法的学习。“积累”“归纳”“举三反一”“感性理性感性”“以用用致学”4根本途径根本途径激发学生的兴趣调动学生的能动性发挥学生的主体作用由“不知”而“求知”而终“乐知”5 为发挥学生的主体作用,改善学习效果,我们将学习的重心放在上课之前,强调课前预习。 通过设置“知识问题化,问题层次化”的学案,激发学生兴趣,强化学习动机,明

2、确学习任务,引导学生自学教材。 使学生能了解基本知识,捕捉重点难点,根据个人实际,有选择、有目的地学习,为下一步学习做好准备,从而切实提高学习效率。6重心前置 “学案学案”导学About the students54 of the best 200 students in our gradeSeated and well-assigned in groups of sixCapable of self- study and cooperation7SB2B UNIT11Scientific achievement8Analysis of the UnitText1 ZHONGGUANCUNTe

3、xt2 RED HOT CHIEVEMENTSText3 THE AGES OF MAN9Text1 ZHONGGUANCUNPart1 (1) The introduction of .Part2 (2-8) History & development of . (2-7) successful individuals Chen Chunxian Returned overseas Chinese(Xiang Yufang) (8) successful companies (the first part of Para.8) Founder LenovoPart3 (9) The expe

4、rience to success mottos (the latter part of Para.8) failure creativity success T1 “Zhongguancun” , by introducing a remarkable example in China, is intended to illustrate that success, or in a sense, scientific achievement, comes from failure and creativity.10Text2 RED HOT ACHIEVEMENTSSPACELIFECOMP

5、UTERSCANCER T2 “Red hot achievements” offers examples of achievements in different fields in modern China to further arouse Ss interest and confidence in science.11Text3 THE AGES OF MANI.General introduction: Human achievements come in all shapes and sizes.(1st sentence)II.Facts: We divide history n

6、amed after the latest technology of the time. (Para.1-2)III.Topic: The connection between science and society. (Para.3)IV.Illustration: (Para.4-6) Matter on Mind(Para.4-5) Mind on Matter(Para.6) (4)Technology and people: It takes time for a new technology to enter everyday life. (5)Technology and so

7、ciety: New technologies show its role and importance in society. (6) People and technology: Human ability has developed. V.Summary: Science is sure to change our life and way. (Para.7) 12 T3 “The ages of man” discusses the relationship between the development of technology and human society, fully e

8、xploring the contribution of technology to social evolution. T1:individuals companies Success AchievementspersuasionT2: Chinese achievementsT3: Technology and Societyexamplespersuasion and examplesUnit CoreTask13UNIT CORE TASK: Imitating the way the three texts are written, learn to write a persuasi

9、on essay on: individual technology society success/achievement14Teaching aimslKnowledge aimslAbility aimslMoral aims15uKey words & phraseslwords: achieve, arrange, rely, base, element, grasp, announce, breakthrough, likely;lphrases: in store, get started, put forward, set foot in/on, have an effect

10、on, rely on, come to life, aim (sth.) at, come trueuSentence pattern (see the text)l Sentences to be remembered R句 l Sentences to be translated T句l Sentences to be paraphrased P句uExpress intentions and wishesuGrammar: word formationuWrite a persuasion essayKnowledge aimsKnowledge aims16Improve Ss ab

11、ility to:develop four skills, laying special emphasis on reading;search useful information in reading materials to discover, analyze & solve problems;grasp how a passage is logically organized and understand materials as a whole;write a persuasive article. (Unit core task)Ability aimsAbility aims17A

12、rouse Ss interest in scienceEnable Ss to understand success comes from failureCultivate Ss quality of creativity and persistence Encourage Ss to seek for their life goalMoral aimsMoral aims18Teaching procedureslPre-1st class: preview T1 by “studying guideline”l1st class: T1(communication, question &

13、 solution)l2nd class: T2 & T3 (read & learn writing skills)l3rd class: language points (Ss personal & team work)l4th class: consolidation (Teachers Aid)l5th class: Practise & assessment (on reference books)l6th class: Testl7th class: Evaluation & Review19uGive out “studying guideline”uAsk Ss to1st s

14、can: finish Post-reading Qs on P4 in the textbook2nd skim: structure the text & finish reading comprehension on the newspaper3rd detailed reading: Find out the language points in the text according to the guideline, understand and learn them. Deal with the sentences on the guideline to be translated

15、, to be paraphrased and to be remembered.uEach group member is assigned one or more paragraphs and is obliged to co-explain the text in the coming class.Pre-1Pre-1stst class class20uCheck the previewed work (5 mins):Representatives from each group present their answers;Teacher gives the definite ans

16、wers if necessary.u Discuss and learn the text (30 mins): Draw lots to choose Ss to explain each paragraph;Other groups questioned the speaker with any puzzles; Teacher gives the definite answer if necessary.u Summarize and Direction (5 mins) Teacher estimates todays performance and direct the “stud

17、ying guideline” of tomorrow.1 1stst class: T1 class: T121uReview what have been learned in T1uPreview T2 according to “studying guideline”Read text and learn new words on the guideline and finish a quizDeal with the sentences to be T-ed, P-ed, and R-ed.Post-1Post-1stst class class22Check homework (5

18、mins)Teacher explains some key points in T2(10mins)Deal with T3 (25mins)Fast reading and finish post-reading Qs on the textbook (5mins)Structure the text and analyze the logic of T3 (5mins)Compare the three texts, study their coherence and writing skills and announce the units core task: writing a p

19、ersuasive essay.(7mins)Learn some key points (8mins)2 2ndnd class:T2 &T3 class:T2 &T323Review what have been learned.Remember new words and sentences to prepare for Wednesday mornings dictation before class.Post-2Post-2ndnd class classPS: Ss will listen to and follow the tape every afternoon for 10m

20、ins before class.24Self-study language points and grammar “Word Formation” on the reference book 优化方案Discuss and solve difficulties in group.Teacher aids to solve any puzzle individually and publicly if necessary.3 3rdrd class & post: d class & post: digestionigestion25Teacher explains some importan

21、t or puzzling points on the reference book 优化方案.Teacher summarizes some learning skills and offers some tips.4 4thth class: consolidation class: consolidation26Finish the exercises on 优化方案Post- 4Post- 4thth class class27Teacher explains the practiceTeacher analyses Ss performanceTeacher gives advice on Ss study5 5thth class: assessment class: assessment28 Learn the newspaper Student Times to make up for or strengthen what have been learned.Post 5Post 5thth class: review class: review29 6 6thth class: test class: test30



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