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1、英汉语言对比及互译对策(下)英汉语言对比及互译对策(下)Translation exercise:1.Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, and is much poorer. It has, or had till yesterday, fewer students than the University of Toronto.例如,牛津大学在校学生数比明尼苏达州立大学要少多了,也穷多了。牛津的在校学生数无论现在还是过去无论现在还是过去都比多伦多大学少。

2、2.The kaleidoscope of shifting interests made it impossible to sort out the “winners” and “losers”.各国的利益变化不定,好像万花筒一样各国的利益变化不定,好像万花筒一样,这就人人难以分辨出究竟谁是“赢家”,谁是“输家”。3.He has a strong dislike for the sentimental.他非常讨厌多愁善感无病呻吟多愁善感无病呻吟。4.During his visit to China, the Korean foreign minister conferred with h

3、is Chinese counterpart a number of times.在中国访问期间,韩国外交部长与中国外交部长中国外交部长举行了数次会谈。5. Potatoes are an important source of starchy food in temperate countries and bananas in tropics.马铃薯是温带国家淀粉食物的重要来源,香蕉则是热带香蕉则是热带地区淀粉食物的重要来源地区淀粉食物的重要来源。6.玛丽会讲汉语,而且讲的很好。Mary speaks Chinese, and that very well.7.另外一种方法是化学方法。Ano

4、ther method is the chemical process.Another approach is the chemical method.8.非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。9. 这对加强中国国防十分重要。This is fundamental to the building up of Chinas national defence.10. 白雪纷飞,冬意正浓,在中国最大的传统节日春节来临之际,由XX大学文学院与XX商务中心联合创办的中外文化进修(研习)中心为您推出假日好去处集学习、考察、娱乐为一体的“中国民俗文化讲习考察班”。To coincide the

5、Spring Festivalthe Chinese equivalent of Christmas, the Study Center of Chinese and Foreign Cultures initiated by College of Humanities, Pujiang University and Jiehua Business Center, is going to organize “Chinese Folklore Study Program” mainly for foreigners to enjoy during the Chinese traditional

6、holidays. The program will include a training course and a joyful tour of finding facts of Chinese styles of life.l5.英语句子重“形合”,汉语句子重“意合”例1He is the last person for such a job.译文他最不适宜担任这项工作。例2This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the chair.译

7、文这是一次精心组织起来的会议。市政厅里济济一堂,热情洋溢,主持会议的是斯特朗先生。 英语往往运用词形变化,连接词、介词、定于从句和独立主格表示成分之间各种语法关系,句子外形很严谨;汉语由于没有词形变化、定语从句和独立主格,连接词和介词也比英语少很多,所以往往用隐性连贯方法来表示各种语法关系,句子外形比较松散、自由。l对策:英译汉:多运用汉语的动词,少用连接词,有时可以不译连接词;介词短语、定语从句和独立主格等在大多数情况下都被译为短语或分句l例3Come and see me tomorrow.l译文明天来看我。l例4He is the last person for such a job.l

8、译文他最不适于担任这项工作。例5This film show how they put aside a thousand acres out west where the buffaloes roam and nobody can shoot a single one of them. If they do, they get in jail. It also showed some big National Park with government airplanes dropping food down to the deer when they got snowed and had no

9、thing to eat.译文电影演的是他们怎么在西边哪儿把一千亩土地划出来,让水牛自由行动,谁也不准开枪打死一只。打死了,就得坐牢。还有一段演的是某个大国立公园,政府派飞机往下扔吃的,(因为)那里的鹿让雪封住了,没吃的。汉译英:1)将汉语句子内涵的语法关系(尤其是因果、连接、转折关系等)用英语的连接词表达出来例6他不老实,我不能信任他。译文I cant trust him because he is not honest.例7不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?译文If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the

10、sweetness of honey?2)把汉语的分句归化为英语的名词、分词短语、定语从句、独立主格等例7我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。公园就在人行桥那边,桥下很深的地方,汹涌的河流滚滚流过。译文Somehow our path took us toward the park across the footbridge high above the rolling waters of the river.例8他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的。在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命译文They are striving for the ideal which i

11、s close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 3)把汉语的众多动词分主次编排成英语的习惯表达,特别注意把一些汉语动词变为英语的名词、介词等。例9他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。译文His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.l6.英语句子被动

12、态用的多,特别是信息型和理论性的文体;汉语被动形式用的少,有时不用被动形式也可以表示被动的含义,有时可以用无主语句。l例1Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in “prospecting” for oil.l译文在石油“勘探”方面,已经花了大笔的钱,比如在埃及的沙漠里进行的勘探工作就是如此。例2To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick cove

13、ring of fat called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.译文大自然为了保护鲸,使它不至于在北冰洋受冻,便使它长了厚厚的一层脂肪,叫做鲸脂。鲸杀死后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。l有些英语被动句译成汉语时必须译成主动形式.如译成被动式则很别扭.l例1The peace talks were being held in Paris.l译文和谈那时正在巴黎进行

14、.l例2They want to be listened to.l译文他们希望有人听听他们的意见. 汉语的被动式数量少,用法窄。大多数被动意义都是用主动式来表达。例3今晚有人在此讲一些不该讲的话。译文Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.例4仔细看看信的地址是否写对了。译文Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.l7.英汉句子叙事、推理的顺序大部分情况下是相反的。叙事顺序英语:先说最近发生的事

15、,再说之前发生的事汉语:先说先前发生的事,再说最近发生的事l例1We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959.l译文我们于1959年离开了中国。此后,中国连续三年遭到自然灾害。当我们在国内读到这方面的消息时,心情颇为低沉。例2It must be a great satisfaction to all ranks and races engaged in our c

16、ommon effort that the Japanese have been challenged and beaten in jungle warfare in Burma, and that their boastfulness should have received a salutary exposure.译文在缅甸丛林战中,日军受到挑战并被击败。他们大言不惭的自吹得到了有力的揭露。这对于从事与我们共同事业的各阶层人士、各民族人民来说,必然是一件大快人心的事情。 推理顺序英语:先总提(如个人感受、结论、推断等),后叙述汉语:先叙述,后总结。例3Kongarov did not re

17、member his father who died when he was three years old.译文康加洛夫三岁丧父,所以记不得他。例4I couldnt beat a boy who hadnt got a relation in the world and whose father had left him to me because he thought I d be kind to him.译文一个举目无亲的孩子,而且他父亲当初是认为我会对他好才把孩子托付给我的,我总不能打他吧。l英语中的句首总提、推论或个人感受也并非在所有情况下都译成汉语的句尾收缩部分。一般说来,如果英

18、语的叙事部分不太长,把句首总提部分放在句首又不至于造成译文超载,那就不必放在译文的句末。l例1It is clear you were wrong.l译文显然你错了。l例2It is now generally accepted that reform is necessary in the factory.l译文现在全厂上上下下都普遍人为工厂必须进行改革。l8.英语的句子主次分明,先把主要信息以“主、谓、宾(表)”的语法主干形式突出表达出来,再运用独立结构或其他语法手段来表现次要信息。汉语句子所表现的信息从语法外形上往往主次不分,把主要信息和次要信息的区别暗含在短句的并列之中。针对这种特点,

19、翻译中应注意对句子的调整。例1 The soldiers embittered by the memory of hardships undergone and of battle so often hoped for against the elusive foe, took every man his full of revenge and blood.译文士兵们想到过去吃过的苦头,想到过去急盼打击敌人而敌人总同他们周旋,都窝了一肚子的火,这次战斗中都个个都尽情地报复和屠杀起来。例2Hoping to earn enough for his plane-fare home to Orego

20、n to keep Christmas, he responds to a small ad for a weekend job: a Mrs. Rossi needs a “minder” for her blind father, Lt Colonel Frank Slade.译文他希望挣到足够的钱买机票回俄勒冈老家去过圣诞节。当他一看到一则周末用工的小广告之后就立即前往应聘。这则广告是一位Rossi太太登的,他要找一个人去护理她双目失明的父亲Frank Slade中校。l9.英语和汉语的段落意识不同1)英语的一段话里如只讲一个人物或事件,那主语就应尽量避免跳动,以保持段落的流畅性。2)英

21、语的一个段落基本表达一个中心思想。汉语段落则可以包容几个意思。因此汉语意义混杂的段落,译成英文时都应一一独立成段。3)英语往往把人物的心理活动用引语形式分开,独立成段,汉语则习惯于把心理活动同文章的叙述语句混在一起。例1自上了轿,进了城,从纱窗中瞧瞧,其街市之繁华,人烟之阜盛,自非别处可比。译文1She got into her chair. They carried her through the city wall. She peeped through the gauze panel which served as a window. Streets and buildings coul

22、d be seen. She noticed that they were richer and more elegant. And throngs of people were soon seen who were more lively and numerous than she had ever seen in her life before. 译文2She got into her chair and was soon carried through the city wall. Peeping through the gauze panel which served as a win

23、dow, she could see streets and buildings more rich and elegant and throngs of people more lively and numerous than she had ever seen in her life before. 例21944年,美国飞行员O. Hinsdell在执行任务中受了伤。我们游击区人民营救了他,后来把它护送到延安。毛主席、周恩来副主席、朱德总司令等领导同志都分别接见过他。Hinsdell在延安一直住到抗战胜利。译文1O. Hinsdell, a U.S. flier, was wounded

24、while flying a sortie in 1944. people in our guerilla area rescued him. Later they escorted him to Yen-an, and Chairman Mao, vice-Chairman Zhou Enlai, Command-in-Chief Zhu De and other leading comrades received Hinsdell. He had stayed in Yen-an till the victory or the anti-Japanese war was won. 译文2I

25、n 1944, U.S. flier O. Hinsdell, wounded on a mission, was rescued by our people in a guerilla area. He was later escorted to Yen-an, where he was received by Chairman Mao, vice-Chairman Zhou Enlai, C-in-C Zhu De and other leading comrades respectively. Hinsdell did not leave Yen-an until the victory

26、 of the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression.lTranslation exercise:1.History has never been kind to this place.2.Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed on to me?3.It is, I am convinced, a mistake to commence at once upon a course of detailed comparative philology with pupils who have

27、only enjoyed the training in the classical or the modern languages or in both. 4.Why is it that most of us dont put work and human satisfaction together, except when it comes to the end product of work: automobiles and houses and good food?5.I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly. 6.我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。7.顷刻之间,滚滚的洪水像堵墙一般压了下来,一股脑儿连人带车都给冲走了。这情景到现在还印在我的脑海里。8.科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。9.我们不知道他的地址,没法和他联系。10.在许多国家还存在着不应有的贫穷落后的现象,因为这些国家的人民从整体来说还不知道用什么方法能摆脱贫穷落后。



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