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1、Unit4HistorynI.TeachingObjectives:n1.ReadingSkill:Skimming2.TextStudy:ModelsforUnderstandingHistoryII.Teachingkeypoints:nTolearnthehistorymodelsandtheories;nIII.Teachingdifficultpoints:n1.Tolearnhowtounderstandhistory;n2.Tolearnandpracticethereadingskillskimmingskillfully.IV.Lead-inquestionsn n1. 1.

2、 WhatWhat is is history?history?n nHistoryisthepast,orasRomanphilosopherCiceroHistoryisthepast,orasRomanphilosopherCicerosisrusisru西塞西塞罗(古罗马政治家、雄辩家、著作家)罗(古罗马政治家、雄辩家、著作家)says,“Historyisthewitnesssays,“Historyisthewitnessthattestifiestothepassingoftime”.Itisarecordofimportantthattestifiestothepassingo


4、nggreatcenturyreformedthewholeEuropeanlandscape,bringinggreatimprovementsintheeconomicandtechnologicalaspects.Itimprovementsintheeconomicandtechnologicalaspects.ItmodernizedthewholeofEurope.Thatsahistoricalevent.modernizedthewholeofEurope.Thatsahistoricalevent.n nHistoryispresentedandrecordedinmanyf


6、hatyourgrandmataughtyoutooralmemoirsfromthefolksongthatyourgrandmataughtyoutooralmemoirsfromvictimsofthewar.Theseareallformsofhistory.victimsofthewar.Theseareallformsofhistory.n n n nHistoryisalsosomethingthatprofoundlylinkstoHistoryisalsosomethingthatprofoundlylinkstothepresent,andeventhefuture.Wha


8、Theseideaslaidthefoundationforideasgenerated.Theseideaslaidthefoundationfortheuniversalcorevaluesandconstitutions,liketheuniversalcorevaluesandconstitutions,likebasichumanrightsandfreedomofspeech.basichumanrightsandfreedomofspeech.n n2. 2. Do you believe that we can really know the truth of history?

9、nIt depends on, or it is hard to answer. For the past events, some are recorded, but some are lost. For those recorded, we are not sure the author could record them subjectively or objectively.3. Do you think it meaningful to study human history? History is the core of our life. We are one part in h

10、istory like a drop water in the ocean. It is human beings who create history and history itself guides us to walk less on crooked roads弯路弯路. It is worth learning from history.nV.PracticeofskimmingnAskSstofindtheidenticalunitorwordasquicklyastheycanandcrossitoutandtheteachertimesthespeedoftheirwork.n




14、供线索,使提供线索,使清楚的显现,阐明清楚的显现,阐明nHeshedhisimageasapushyboss.npushypuiadj.有进取心的;爱出风头的;有冲劲的;固执己见的nadj.markedbyaggressiveambitionandenergyandinitiativenShedyourclothes.n9.discerndis:n,-z:nnview,detect,spot,observe,perceive,seenvt.识别;领悟,认识vi.看清楚,辨别VI.TextIModelsforUnderstandingHistorylAsk Ss to spend 6 minut

15、es skimming Text 1 while bearing the questions of 1-6 on Page 58 in mind.And then check the answers.Keys:1. ModelsforUnderstandingHistory 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C lAsk Ss to spend 6 minutes reread the text again and then decide whether each of the statements on page 58 is true or false.And then check the

16、 answers.Keys : 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F 11.F 12.TVII.UnderstandingofTextIl7.1Comprehensionquestionsl What does model mean ?the way to help people to interpret and assemble the facts of history.l How many models for understanding history? What are they?3 models: the history of mankind is a record of progres

17、s and that future prospects are bright.things wre getting worse over time and that the prospects for the future were grim.(unpleasant,depressing,anddifficulttoaccept.严酷的;令人沮丧的)periods of accomplishment are followed by periods of decay7.2Topic-centeredAnalysisofTextnPart I (Para 1)nThe models of unde

18、rstanding history can be sorted into three broad categories.nPart II (Para 2-4)nMode A believes that the history of mankind is a record of progress and that future prospects are bright.nPart III (Para 5)nModel B is that things were getting worse over time and that the prospects for the future were g

19、rim.nPart IV (Para 6-9)nHistory is complicated. Periods of accomplishement are followed be periods of decay.nPart V (Para 10-11)nConclusion: Suggest the right attitude for history: The trick is to move beyond the simple models and to think critically about whatever time period they are studying.7.3T


21、ssumption-sththatyouthinkistruealthoughyouhavenodefiniteproof-alotofpeoplemaketheassumptionthatpovertyonlyexistsintheThirdWorld.7.3.2ModelA the future of mankind is better and brighteruthebenifitsofthismodel:flatteringtooneselfandonescontemporariesallowsonetofacethefuturewithoptimismutherepresentati

22、vesofthismodel:HegelmanyAmericanhistoriansGeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel(17701831)na German philosopher, and one of the creators of German idealism.nHegel influenced writers of widely varying positions, including both his admirers such as Marx, and his detractors such as Nietzsche. ni:t尼采尼采Hegel develop

23、ed a comprehensive philosophical system, to account in an integrated and developmental way for the relation of mind and nature, the subject and object of knowledge, and psychology, the state, history, art, religion, and philosophy. 围绕思维与存在的辩证同一这个基本命题,黑格尔建立起令人叹为观止的客观唯心主义体系:绝对精神自我发展的三个阶段:逻辑学、自然哲学、精神哲学




27、riedrichLudwig)(17971888)wastheKingofPrussia(2January18619March1888)andthefirstGermanEmperor(18January18719March1888).uUndertheleadershipofWilhelmandhisChancellorOttovonBismarck,PrussiaachievedtheunificationofGermanyandtheestablishmentoftheGermanEmpire.German Emperor; King of PrussiaBismark7.3.3Mode

28、lBgolden agegrimy futureHow does this model fit the outlines of Scripture? Paradise the earthAdam & Evethrough Gods covenants with Noah, Abraham, Mosesfulfill in JesusbacknThe word, scripture, has been firmly attached to the Bible in that it is used 32 times in 32 verses in the King James Bible.nThe

29、 Bible is the central religious text of Judaism and Christianity.nChristianity recognises the Old Testament which includes three parts: the Torah tr,tu-,tur:律法律法(“teaching” or “law”), the Neviim先知先知 (“prophets”), and the Ketuvim 圣卷,圣卷,著作著作(“writings”). ScripturenAnd all Christians also recognise the

30、 New Testament, a collection of early Christian writings that consists of the Gospels福音书福音书, the Acts of the Apostles使徒行传;圣经新约第五章(OftenshortenedtoActs), the Epistles/psl/使徒书信;圣经新约中的各卷书,原为早期基督徒的书信, and the Apocalypsepklips启示;天启;世界末日;世界末日AdamandEveAdam and Eve were, according to the chapters 1-5 of Ge

31、nesis of the Bible, the first man and woman created by God. In Genesis 1 God creates Adam in his image, and gives him dominion over the living things he has created.Genesis 2 God causes the man to sleep, and creates a woman from his rib. That is Eve.Genesis 3, the serpent tempts Eve to eat from the

32、tree of knowledge, telling her that it will not lead to death; she succumbs, and gives the fruit to Adam. thus, they broke Gods command by eating from the tree. God curses them with hard labor and with pain in childbirth, and banishes them from his garden.Genesis 4 and 5 give the story of Adam and E

33、ves family after they leave the garden. ngrim:-=harsh,makingyoufeelworriedorunhappywhenhelosthisjob,hisfuturelookedgrim.-lookingorsoundingveryserious.Illsurvive,hesaidwithagrimsmile.-verybad,ugly,orunpleasanttheweatherforecastisprettygrim.ntrend:ageneraltendencyinthewayasituationischangingordevelopi

34、ng-trendupward/downward:atendencyforsthtoincreaseordecreaseGodscovenantwithNoahnuThe biblical story of Noah is contained in the book of Genesis, chapters 69 ,God, saddened at the wickedness of mankind, decided to send a great delugedelju:d洪水 to destroy all life. But he saw that Noah was a righteous

35、man, and instructed him to build an ark and gather himself and his family with every type of animal, male and female. And so the Flood came, and all life was extinguished, except for those who were with Noah. nAndthenNoahbuiltanaltartoGodandmadeanoffering.AndwhentheLordsmelledthepleasingodour,theLor










45、thGodbyhisdeathfortheirsins.Revelation,revlein启示(录)启示(录)nWithin a set of mostly religious beliefs Revelation refers to the act of revealing or disclosing, or making something obvious and clearly understood through active or passive communication with supernatural entities实体 (divine, .). It is believ

46、ed that revelation can originate directly from a deity神, or through an agent, such as an angel. One who has experienced such contact with or communication from the divine 神学家is often called a prophet.nChristianity regards varied collections of books known as the Bible as authoritative and written by

47、 human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit圣灵.nIn a number of passages the Bible claims divine inspiration for itself. Besides the direct accounts of written revelation, such as Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. and in the New Testament, Jesus treats the Old Testament as authoritativ

48、e and says it “cannot be broken” ,“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking指责,非难, correction and training in righteousness.authoritativerttv;-,tetvadj.有权威的;命令式的;当局的ncovenantkvnnt:alegalagreementinwhichsbpromisestopayapersonororganizationanamountofmoneyregularly-hecovenanted



51、ayingthepianoisoneofhermanyaccomplishment.7.3.4ModelCperiods of accomplishmentperiods of decaythingsdeteriorateanddecaywithagendecay:damagegradually-tobeslowlydestroyedbyanaturalchemicalprocess,ortomakesthdothis.-ifbuildings,structures,orareasdecay,theirconditiongraduallybecomesworse.-iftraditionalb


53、xception:sthorsbthatisnotincludedinageneralstatementordoesnotfollowaruleorpattern-withtheexceptionofsb/sthwealllaughed,withtheexceptionofMaggie马吉(女名)马吉(女名).nsupernatural: impossible to explain by natural causes, and therefore seeming to involve the powers of gods or magic nempower: -to give sb more

54、control over their own life or situation The Voting Rights Act was needed to empower minority groups. -to give a person or organization the legal right to do sth The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.nreverse: to change sth, such as a decision, judgment, or process so tha

55、t it is the opposite of what it was before -More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.Greekcity-statesnAcity-stateisanindependentcountrywhoseterritoryconsistsofacitywhichisnotadministeredaspartofanotherlocalgovernment.nWhereasthenation-statesrelyonacommonheritage共同继承的财











66、refers to a period of cultural decline or societal collapse that supposedly took place in Western Europe between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance. rnsnsnThe concept of a Dark Age was created in the 1330s by the Italian scholar Petrarch. pet,ra:k彼特拉克(1304-1374,意大利诗人,学者、欧洲人文主义运动的主要代表)Petrarch wrot

67、e that history had had two periods: the classic period of the Greeks and Romans, followed by a time of darkness, in which he saw himself as still living. nLater historians expanded the term to refer to the transitional period between Roman times and the High Middle Ages. Popular culture has further

68、expanded on the term as a vehicle to depict the Middle Ages as a time of backwardness落后, extending its pejorativepi:drtive贬义的 use and expanding its scope.nAnd humanists believed one day the Roman Empire would rise again and restore classic cultural purity, and so by the late 14th and early 15th cent

69、uries, humanists such as Leonardo Bruni believed they had attained this new age, and that a third, Modern Age had begun. The age before their own, which Petrarch pet,ra:k彼特拉克had labelled dark, thus became a middle age between the classic and the modern. The first use of the term Middle Age appeared

70、around 1439.Renaissancernsnsnaculturalmovementthatspanned(lasted)roughlythe14thtothe17thcentury,beginninginFlorenceintheLateMiddleAgesandlaterspreadingtotherestofEurope.nAsaculturalmovement,itencompassed(included)arebirthoflearningbasedonclassicalsources古典源流,thedevelopmentoflinearperspective线条透视;直线透


72、ibutionsofLeonardodaVinci,Michelangelo,makel:ndel:米开朗基罗米开朗基罗,Shakespeare,etcwhoinspiredthetermRenaissanceman文艺复兴人;多才多艺的人Protestantprtistnt新教的;新教徒的ReformersnThe Protestant Reformers were those theologians神学者,i:ludin, churchmen, and statesmen whose careers, works, and actions brought about the Protest

73、ant Reformation of the sixteenth century. n the widening spread of the Protestant Reformation over Europe into diversifying movements like Lutheranismlu:rnizm路德教教义, Anglicanism, liknizm英国国教Calvinismklvinizm加尔文主义;加尔文教派, and Arminianism. :mininizm荷兰神学家阿米纽派教义nthey wanted to clarify the traditional Cath

74、olic Church大公教会;天主教;天主教会 and set up or turn back to the New Testament church新约圣经教会: the early church that believed in the basic principles of Gods. it seldom pays attention to the forms but the spirits.7.3TheOutlineofWesternHistory(Britain)RomanRepublicRoman EmpireDarkAgesRenaissanceReligious Reform

75、ationAge of Reason理性时代理性时代Victorian Agemodern societyGreak city-statesVIII.Reviewn1.WhatistheModelC?n2.CouldyouillustratethisModelthroughthedescriptionofwesternhistory?n(P.57-61)n3.WhatdoyouknowaboutRomanRepublicandEmpire?n4.HowabouttheDarkAgesandRenaissance?nthe commander of the Continental Army in

76、 the American Revolutionary War (17751783) and served as the first President of the United States of America (17891797). For his central role in the formation of the United States, he is often referred to as the father of his country.nhe was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of h

77、is countrymen.n Washington has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents.GeorgeWashington(17321799)nstrive:tomakeagreatefforttoachievesth-Iwasstillstrivingtobesuccessful.ngarb:aparticularstyleofclothing,esp.clothesthatshowyourtypeofworkorlookunusualntoga:alongloosep

78、ieceofclothingwornbypeopleinancientRomen(古罗马的)宽外袍JamesMadison(17511836)詹姆斯麦迪逊(美国前总统)nan American politician and political philosopher who served as the fourth President of the United States (18091817), and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. nthe “Father of the Constitution”, who was t

79、he principal author of the document, who drafted many basic laws and was responsible for the first ten amendments 修正案to the Constitution, and thus is also known as the “Father of the Bill of Rights”人权法案.nWithThomas Jefferson, he organized the Republican Party 共和党in opposition to key policies of the

80、Federalists联邦党人;联邦派, especially the national bank and the Jay Treaty.杰伊条约(见下页)nAs Jeffersons Secretary of State (18011809), Madison supervised the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the nations size. nAs president, he led the nation into the War of 1812 against Great Britain. n杰伊条约JayTreaty编辑n1794年美英签署的友好



83、法国大为不满,美法关系就此开始恶化,终致爆发了1797年的XYZ事件和1798-1800年的美法准战争。nXYZ事件是1797年发生在美国与法国之间的外交事件,法国外交部长塔列朗的三位代理人(在最初公布的保密外交文件中被分别称为X、Y和Z)向前来进行和平谈判的美国总统约翰亚当斯的外交使节索取巨额贿赂,作为继续谈判的条件。这一事件被披露后引发了美国的反法浪潮,进一步恶化了美国与法国的关系,并导致了1798年美国对法国的不宣而战。ThomasJefferson(17431826) the third President of the United States (18011809), the pr

84、incipal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his promotion of the ideals of republicanism in the United States.The first United States Secretary of State (17891793), and second Vice President (17971801) a man of the Enlightenment who

85、idealized the independent yeoman jumn自耕农farmer as exemplarizempl模范,榜样;标本 of republican virtues, distrusted cities and financiers, and favored states rights and a strictly limited federal government. Jefferson supported the separation of church and state and was the author of the Virginia Statute弗吉利亚

86、法规 for Religious Freedom (1779, 1786). nJeffersonwasalsoahorticulturist,h:tikltrist园艺家 statesman,architect,archaeologist考古学家,paleontologist,peilintldist古生物学者 ,inventor,andfounderoftheUniversityofVirginia.nHehasbeenconsistentlyrankedbyscholarsasoneofthegreatestofU.S.presidents.nimplications:apossible






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