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1、Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182 (2007) 456461A short note on an intelligent system for selection ofmaterials for progressive die componentsS. Kumara, R. SinghbaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat, Haryana, IndiabDepartment of Mechanical Engineer

2、ing, CRSCE, Murthal, Haryana, IndiaReceived 10 January 2006; received in revised form 15 August 2006; accepted 11 September 2006AbstractSelection of materials for die components is an important activity during progressive die design in stamping industries. This paper presentsan intelligent system fo

3、r selection of materials for progressive die components. The proposed system SMPDC comprises of two knowledge basemodules, namely DIEMAT and SELHRD. The module DIEMAT is designed for selection of materials for both active and inactive componentsof progressive die. The module SELHRD is developed for

4、determination of hardness range of materials for active components of progressive die.Knowledgeforboththemodulesoftheproposedsystemisacquired,analyzed,tabulatedandincorporatedintoasetofproductionrulesofIF-THENvariety. The system is coded in the AutoLISP language and loaded into the prompt area of Au

5、toCAD. The system is designed to interact with theuser through the user interface. The usefulness of the proposed system is demonstrated through a sample run using an example of an industrialcomponent. The knowledge base of the system can be modified depending upon the availability of new materials

6、and advancement in technology. 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords: Progressive die; Material selection; Knowledge base; Intelligent system1. IntroductionProgressive die is widely used for mass production of sheetmetal components due to its high productivity, high precisionand relatively

7、 economic cost in terms of per piece of prod-uct. The design of die components and their material selec-tion are major activities during progressive die design 1.The selection of proper materials for progressive die com-ponents essentially increases the die life and hence reducesthe cost of producti

8、on of sheet metal parts. Traditional meth-ods for carrying out this important activity are dependent onthe vast experience and depth of knowledge of die designexperts. Most of the times, material selection for progressivedie components is carried out manually using die design hand-books,materialhand

9、books,thumb-rulesandheuristics.Existingcomputer-aided die design systems have still not fully dealtwith the core die design issue of material selection for pro-gressive die components. Some existing CAD/CAM systemsfor progressive dies 24 are able to generate bill of materials,Corresponding author. T

10、el.: +91 130 2210756; fax: +91 130 2210755.E-mail address: skbudhwar2003yahoo.co.in (S. Kumar).however, these systems do not take in account the availabil-ity of other suitable materials for the choice of user for betterperformance of die components and hence the long life of pro-gressivedie.Further

11、,thesesystemsdonothaveevenknowledgebase consisting of experienced knowledge of domain expertsin material selection for progressive die components. World-wide researchers 5,6 have stressed to apply research effortsfor capturing and documenting the invaluable practical knowl-edge of experienced die de

12、signers and toolmakers through theapplicationsofartificialintelligence(AI)techniques.Thehighlyexperience based progressive die design activities such as mate-rial selection of die components can be simplified by usingknowledge-based system (KBS) or intelligent system approachDevelopment of such syst

13、em can prove a landmark to ease thecomplexitiesinvolvedintheprocessofmaterialselectionfordiecomponents.Althoughlonglifeofallthecomponentsofprogressivedieisdesirable, however special due attention is required to improvethe life of active components (i.e. punch and die/inserts). Forselecting the suita

14、ble material for a progressive die component,the die designer properly investigates the functional require-mentsofthatcomponentandthenacriticalstudyiscarriedouttoidentify the required mechanical propertiesand possiblecauses,0924-0136/$ see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1

15、016/j.jmatprotec.2006.09.004S. Kumar, R. Singh / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182 (2007) 456461457which may result the failure of the component. The selection ofmaterial for a given application depends on which failure mech-anisms dominate. The basic idea of a die designer is to select

16、 asuitable material such that all other failure mechanisms exceptwear are eliminated. The wear can then be optimized to matchthe required production quantity of sheet metal parts. To obtainlongerdielifeandhencehigherproductivity,toolsteelsarebeingwidely used as materials for die components. One of t

17、he mostimportant advantages of using steels as cutting tool materialsis that, they are originally soft and machinable, by applyingsuitable heat treatment, they become extremely hard and wearresistant. Selection of suitable hardness range of selected mate-rials of die components depends on the geomet

18、ry of the part tobe manufactured on progressive die. The specific objective ofthe present work is the development of an intelligent system forselection of materials for progressive die components to assistthe die designers and toolmakers working in small and mediumsize sheet metal industries. A brie

19、f description of the procedureTable 1A sample of production rules incorporated in module DIEMATS. no.IFTHEN1Sheet material=Al or Cu or brass or Pb or berylliumcopperSelect an easily available material for punch and die/inserts from the following:EN-31 (5660 HRC) (AISI 52100) ORUHB-ARNE (5462 HRC) (A

20、ISI O1, W.-Nr. 1.2510)5Shear strength of sheet material (kgf/mm2)20Type of operations=shearingProduction quantity100,0002Sheet material=mild steel or stainless steel oraustenitic stainless steel or hardened steel or CRCAor spring steelSelect an easily available material for punch and die/inserts fro

21、m the following:SEVERKER 3 (6064 HRC) (AISI D6 (D3), W.-Nr. 1.2436, JIS-SKD2) ORUHB-VANADIS 6 (6264 HRC) ORUHB-VANADIS 10 (6064 HRC)301,000,0003Sheet material=Al or Cu or brass or Pb or berylliumcopperSelect an easily available material for punch and die/inserts from the following:EN-31 (5660 HRC) (

22、AISI 52100) ORUHB-ARNE (5462 HRC) (AISI O1, W.-Nr. 1.2510) ORUHB-CALMAX (5659 HRC)5Shear strength of sheet material (kgf/mm2)20Type of operations=forming or forming andshearing bothProduction quantity 100,0004Sheet material=mild steel or stainless steel oraustenitic stainless steel or hardened steel

23、 or CRCAor spring steelSelect an easily available material for punch and die/inserts from the following:SEVERKER 21 (5862 HRC) (AISI D2, W.-Nr. 1.2379, JIS-SKD11) ORAISI A2 (5862 HRC) (UHB-RIGOR, W.-Nr. 1.2363)30Shear strength of sheet material (kgf/mm2)70Type of operations=forming or forming andshe

24、aring both100,0002mmUse lower limit of hardness=upper limit of hardness of selected material-4.0Sheet thickness5mmUse upper limit of hardness=upper limit of hardness of selected materialGeometry of blanked part=normalHardness range of selected material in HRC45Sheet thickness2mmUse same range of har

25、dness as mentioned with the selected materialSheet thickness5mmGeometry of blanked part=complicatedHardness range of selected material in HRC66Sheet thickness2mmUse lower limit of hardness=upper limit of hardness of selected material-6.0Sheet thickness5mmUse upper limit of hardness=upper limit of ha

26、rdness of selected materialGeometry of blanked part=complicatedHardness range of selected material in HRC67Sheet thickness5mmUse lower limit of hardness=upper limit of hardness of selected material-8.0Sheet thickness8mmUse upper limit of hardness=upper limit of hardness of selected materialGeometry

27、of blanked part=complicatedHardness range of selected material in HRC88Sheet thickness8mmUse same range of hardness as mentioned with the selected materialGeometry of blanked part=simple or normal or complicatedS. Kumar, R. Singh / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182 (2007) 456461459Fig.

28、1. Execution of proposed intelligent system SMPDC.system SMPDC comprises of more than 60 production rules.However, the system is flexible enough as its knowledge basecan be updated and modified, if necessary, on the advancementin technology and availability of new materials in future havingbetter pe

29、rformance than recommended by the proposed system.Both the modules of the proposed system are designed to beinteractive in nature to enable the user to input the essentialsheet metal component data; and to displays the optimal deci-sion choices for the users benefit. The former is accomplishedby fla

30、shing AutoCAD prompts to the user at appropriate stagesduring a consultation to feed data items. Messages or items ofadvices are likewise flashed into the computer screen wheneverrelevant production rules are fired. The system can be loaded byentering the command (load “A: SMPDC.LSP”) in the prompta

31、rea of AutoCAD. The execution of the system is demonstratedthrough a flow chart as shown in Fig. 1. The output of the pro-gram includes the intelligent advices for selection of materialsfor active elements (i.e. punch and die/inserts) and inactive ele-ments (i.e. plate elements, guiding and locating

32、 elements) andclose hardness range of the material selected for active elementsof progressive die.3. Sample run of the proposed systemTheproposedsystemisimplementedonPC(Pentium4CPU,2.4GHz,256MBofRAM)withAutodeskAutoCAD2004.Thesystem has been tested for different types of sheet metal partsfor the pro

33、blem of material selection for progressive die compo-nents.Typicalprompts,userresponsesandtherecommendationsobtained by the user during the execution of the proposed intel-ligent system SMPDC for an example component (Fig. 2) aregiveninTable3.Therecommendedmaterialsbythesystemwerefound to be reasona

34、bly close to those actually used in indus-try (Indo-Asian Fuse Gear Private Limited, Murthal, Haryana,India) for the example component.Fig. 2. Example component (all dimensions in mm): Brass, sheet thick-ness=0.6mm.460S. Kumar, R. Singh / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182 (2007) 456461T

35、able 3Typical prompts, user responses and expert advice generated during execution of the proposed intelligent system SMPDC for example componentPromptExample data entryAdvice to the user(Load “A: SMPDC.LSP”)Please enter command SMPDCSMPDCWelcome to the module SMPDC. Please enter command DIEMATDIEMA

36、TPlease enter sheet materialBrassPlease enter the type of operationsShearingPlease enter shear strength of sheet material15kgf/mm2Please enter required production quantity ofsheet metal parts90,000Please select an easily available material for punch and die/inserts from the following:EN-31 (5660 HRC

37、) (AISI 52100) OR UHB-ARNE (5462 HRC) (AISI O1, W.-Nr.1.2510)Please enter the category of inactiveelements (i.e. plate elements, locatingand guiding elements)Plate elementsPlease select an easily available material for plate elements from the following: Top plate and bottom plate: Mild steel OR UHB-

38、11 (AISI 1148) OR EN-31 (AISI52100) OR UHB-FORMAX (W. Nr.-10050, SS-2172) OR EN-8 (AISI 1040) Punch plate: Mild steel OR EN-8 (AISI 1040) OR UHB-ARNE (AISI O1, W.-Nr.1.2510) Punch back plate: EN-31 (AISI 52100) OR UHB-ARNE (AISI O1, W.-Nr. 1.2510) Stripper plate: EN-31 (AISI 52100) OR UHB-11 (AISI 1

39、148) Die support plate: EN-31 (AISI 52100)Please enter the category of inactive elementsGuiding and locatingelementsPlease select an easily available material for guiding and locating elements from thefollowing: Die gages (Ra=0.10.4?m) (4850 HRC): EN-31 (AISI 52100) OR UHB-11 (AISI1148) Die stops (R

40、a=0.10.4?m) (4246 HRC): EN-31 (AISI 52100) OR EN-47 (AISI6150) Lifter (Ra=0.10.4?m) (5255 HRC): HCHCr OR SEVERKER-21 (AISI D2, W.-Nr.1.2379, JIS-SKD11) OR H.S.S. Guide pin and guide piller pin (Ra=0.10.4?m) (5052 HRC): EN-353 Ball cage (Ra=0.0250.05?m): Aluminium OR Brass OR plastics Sleeve (Ra=0.10

41、.4?m): EN-31 (AISI 52100) Shank (Ra=0.83.2?m): Mild steel Dowel pins (Ra=0.83.2?m) (5052 HRC): C-40 OR EN-8 (AISI 1040) OR EN-9(AISI 1055) OR Silver steelPlease enter command SELHRDSELHRDPlease enter the selected material of punchand die/insertsEN-31 (5660 HRC)Typical analysis of EN-31: C=0.90/1.2,

42、Si=0.10/0.35, Mn=0.30/0.75, Cr=1.0/1.6, Sand P each=0.025 (maximum)Please enter sheet thickness (mm)0.6Please enter the geometry of blanked part(i.e. simple/normal/complicated)NormalPlease enter the difference of upper limitand lower limit of hardness (HRC) ofselected material4.0Use lower limit of h

43、ardness=upper limit of hardness of selected material-2.0, andUse upper limit of hardness same as the upper limit of hardness of selected material4. ConclusionThe proposed system is capable of giving expert advice onselectionofmaterialsforprogressivediecomponentsandselec-tion of close hardness range

44、of materials during the designstage of progressive dies. The user has been provided an optionto select easily available materials from the advice receivedby the proposed system and then a bill of materials can beprepared suitably. The system has been tested for variety ofsheet metal components and p

45、roved to be powerful and easyto handle because of its rich knowledge base and highly interac-tive nature. The sample run of the system using an industrialexample component has demonstrated the usefulness of thesystem. The system supports mainly tool steels, however, itsknowledge base can be modified

46、 and updated depending uponthe availability of new materials and advancement in technol-ogy. The cost of implementation of the system is low as itcan be run on a PC with AutoCAD software and hence it iswithin the easy reach of small and medium size sheet metalindustries.References1 L. Caiyuan, L. Ji

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