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1、2024年教师资格考试小学英语专业面试真题汇编1. 【简答题】 请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:Big cities and the countrysideTeaching aimsStudents can understand the differences between big cities and the countryside.Students can be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.Students will develop their reading abili

2、ties to catch keywords.Students can foster the awareness of protecting the environment and understand their own options.Key and difficult pointsKey pointTo understand the content of the reading material and be familiar with the structure and usage of comparative degree.Difficult pointHow to foster t

3、he awareness of protecting environment and understand their own options.Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Let students enjoy a song named Five Hundred Miles and ask them whether they like this song and what kind of music the song belongs to. The song goes like this:If you miss the

4、 train I am on.You will know that I am gone.You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.A hundred miles, a hundred miles.A hundred miles, a hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them the features of country music and lead into th

5、e topic.Step 2: Pre-readingShow pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, and the countryside. And ask students to describe these pictures. After that ask a question, “Where do you want to live?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the passage according to the title and these pictures.Step 3: While-r

6、eading1. Extensive listeningRead the passage for students and ask them to find the main idea of the reading material. At the same time, check their prediction.Then invite one student to share the answer.2. Intensive listeningAsk students to read the passage carefully and catch keywords for detailed

7、information. They need to find out the cities mentioned in the passage and their features. Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.After that explain the usage and structure of comparative degree.3. Ask students to read after the tape to imitate the intonation and pronunciation.Ste

8、p 4: Post-readingAsk students to hold a discussion in groups of four and talk about where they want to live and why. 5 minutes are given for discussion. Then invite some groups to share their opinions. And give positive feedback.Step 5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: invite a student to be a little te

9、acher and summarize the whole class. Ask students to protect the environment and make cities more beautiful. They should work hard to achieve their goals.Homework: ask students to draw a picture of the ideal place to live.Blackboard design略2. 【简答题】1.题目:Look, Sam. Heres a dog对话教学试讲2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间

10、约10分钟,采用英语授课;(2)突出教学重点和难点,呈现对话教学的主要环节;(3)运用地理位置示意图辅助教学,配合教学过程适当板书;(4)创设情境,引导学生在相关情景中谈论各个场所的地理位置。 请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:The teacher shares his/her own experience of gettinglost with students and asks students“What will you do ifyou get lost?”ll.Presentation1. Listen to the tape and get the mai

11、n idea of thedialogue.1: How many people are there in the dialogue?Q2: What are they talking about?2. Listen to the tape again and answer somequestions.1 : Who is lost?Q2: Who helped the lost one?Q3: What is the right way?IlI.PracticeActivity 1: Listen and imitateStudents listen to the tape together

12、 and imitate it,paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Activity 2: Role playStudents read the dialogue in pairs. Then exchangeroles.lV.Consolidation1.Students share their own experience of getting lostwith others.2.The teacher shows students four maps and dividesstudents into four grou

13、ps. Each group chooses one mapand makes a new play according to the way on the map.using the important sentence structures.Ten minutes later.each group shows their play in the front of the class.V.SummaryStudents summarize what they have learnt in thislesson and the teacher gives supplements if nece

14、ssary,and reminds them the importance of asking for ways andhelping others.VI.HomeworkDraw a picture about the way from their home to theschool and make a report about the way. Share withclassmates next time.板书设计:略3. 【简答题】 请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:My FriendTeaching aimsStudents can understand th

15、is passageJoe introduces his friend Tom.Students can understand new words “T-shirt”, “shorts” and “skate”.Students are able to develop their reading and speaking abilities such as reading to get detailed information.Students are willing to describe friends and cherish their friendship.Key and diffic

16、ult pointsKey pointTo understand this reading material and use target language to describe their friends.Difficult pointTo have the awareness to love friends.Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Set a situation: when you are in trouble and you want to ask someone for help, or if you want to play football o



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