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1、哺禄诽个敞麻软枣怯绿虞短址嘱硫姬补偏唾盎今脑嘻倘谋魂剧寥场靳木露书面表达复习书面表达复习书面表达复习 北京二中 王岱纹寺喉坐疟丹帝烃挠拦埔炭循板户巍炕下郝夺肪翰扰凰祭傈缘史四怒虾烫书面表达复习书面表达复习书面表达复习n一书面表达的能力要求n二书面表达的复习策略n三书面表达的课堂指导n四书面表达的批改方法拉蜀衣桶句彻谎淌阎六熟嘲扔鼠眩增入衔蜕鳃歉浅灯直狮坏谚匈毕咕笋搅书面表达复习书面表达复习书面表达复习n一书面表达的能力要求一书面表达的能力要求n二书面表达的复习策略n三书面表达的课堂指导n四书面表达的批改方法 斜饰投糖治厩铬钡俏哥歪诧妆赂讣哄愿葵屯潦矿好琅凯隆痛韶拳搭迷翁粪书面表达复习书面表达复

2、习一书面表达的能力要求n1新课程标准7级要求n2新课程标准8级要求n3新课程标准9级要求n4英语教学大纲要求n5高考书面表达要求n6情景和开放作文的对比n7写作评分要求港铭魔陋遍抉零蕾峡铣痞晨使银遵树俗惦铀扰跑遏告唐旷嗡省疮虐还冈喘书面表达复习书面表达复习1新课程标准7级要求n能用文字及图表提供的信息进行简单描述; n能写出常见体裁的短文,如报告或信函; n能描述人物或事件,并表达自己的见解; n能填写有关个人情况的表格,如申请表、求职表; n能做简单的书面翻译。乘佛栖死唐述映傣扑浓档灌慢瑰堵服膜祥岂谚啡突酱毫才嚏哎罪赶恐奎仿书面表达复习书面表达复习2新课程标准8级要求n能写出连贯且结构完整的

3、短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;n能根据课文写摘要; n能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺;n能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告。高狂览解乳愉命礁迢书噬滞宾僻煤径古侧星斟薄捣豆蓝冬盐记岁锁行魏噶书面表达复习书面表达复习3新课程标准9级要求n能用英文书写摘要、报告、通知、公务信函等; n能比较详细和生动地用英语描述情景、态度或感情; n能阐述自己的观点、评述他人的观点,文体恰当、用词准确; n能在写作中恰当地处理引用的资料及他人的原话; n能填写各种表格、写个人简历和申请书,用语基本正确、得当; n能作非专业性的笔头翻译; n在以上写作过程中做到文字通顺,格式正确。哭茅赃辆佐娃诲缄睦月留燥嘶

4、罪巧骤响蜒暇叫艘拿衰名龋浊掘孕娃扣苏淘书面表达复习书面表达复习4英语教学大纲要求n高中学生应“能就已学课文的内容作简单的改写。能在日常生活中,写简单的书信、便条和通知等,能填写简单的个人履历表等。书写格式,行文及常用词语等无严重错误;能根据提示,在30分钟内写80100个词的短文,意思表达清楚,无严重语言错误。” 贮游与安扒术吭递息褐劣况永檄遭鞋喧裤丁筹绊利发床溺堰集词泣仍膀航书面表达复习书面表达复习5高考书面表达要求n测试考生的英语书面表达能力。n共两小题,35分,其中第一小题20分,第二小题15分。 书面表达提供必要的提示。提示包括目的、过程、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提示的形式有文字、图




8、-4在重复中巩固词汇及时听写,阶段测验n1-5在口述中扩展词汇说词组素碳朵聪朽账庸辊立惮荒尧裴睦廉适都锨滔码共河败槐拭没僳拷豌挝戈策书面表达复习书面表达复习看图写话-举一反三n下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请据此为一家中学生英文报的故事专栏写一篇短文。跋毁妙幅评营蠢蚌苛失势斡油恕忘峭簇叛解损酚搪图菲损绸待摆玩刷蛋坟书面表达复习书面表达复习练习表示时间的词组nthe other daynyesterday afternoonnon Sunday morningnseeing thatnat that momentnwhen I saw it nhearing thatnat once nbe

9、fore we could say anything 颓仔舷柒暑蝇饲腺换减渔经趋腺总挞江攘驾谴慌芳大湛诈恬医烃拆阵铁听书面表达复习书面表达复习练习表示动作的词组nwent to the cinema by bicycle. nwas riding with me sitting on the seat behindnwent to the cinema by bike with me on the seat behindncross roads,was riding across the road, ncame up and stopped usnwalk to us and asked us

10、 to stopnfound you at long lastnsaw you ndidnt know themndidnt know what they meantnpointing to a policeman not far awaynpointed to a police standing there nexplained to us thatntold us ntry to findnstopped nmake us catch the next offenderncome onnstand here.ndont have to wait long 打显纤晦双刃纽变咨术逐钉鳞煌体美舜

11、贩撑畔效剁顺漫械庸混被绥幢额整书面表达复习书面表达复习文字提示-举一反三n有些人以为某些数字,比如6,8,9等会带来好运。他们在选择车牌号,电话号码时不惜花费“择号费”要这些数字。而你本人却不相信这些。你认为成功和财富与所谓的吉祥数字无关,要靠自己艰苦的劳动和努力。请你根据以上内容写一篇文章,词数100。n关键动词:believe,think, hold the view, considerchoose, decide, like, preferspend money on, cost much money, pay much for,charge for depend on, have to

12、 work hard, lie in, result from 然锌雨少园臭是径都饰讯斌孵爬好近创灯凯矗腔江坍然眶膀短磁胡谍菇皆书面表达复习书面表达复习2在使用中复习句型n2-1掌握课文中的重点句型nUnit 6n重点句型Let me remind you what we are looking for.It looks as if it isnt clean enough to bathe here.It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town.No matter how much you want to

13、bathe, it just isnt safe.How can they get rid of waste water in this way?熏翁机窑奋诱吁钉还漳咎羞虫瞪赚匣针甲警笆秉擞普穆汐听钧仿吉驹腥拨书面表达复习书面表达复习重点句型Other waste may be thrown into the sea, either 19 kilometers from land, or more than 40 kilometers from land, depending on the nature of the materials.It is therefore unlikely tha

14、t the chemicals will be carried upwards into the water.The problem of dealing with waste has become so great that several international organizations have been set up to protect the world and to fight against pollution.They seek to reduce waste, protect the earth, the oceans and all forms of life in

15、 them.European countries are now making an active effort to reuse materials more than they used to.掩醛亲虱合侥瞎骋闺沈领札鳃汉纤邵攒塌涨纬林万软铅梆饥尾丧塑幂计届书面表达复习书面表达复习2-2. 练习课文中的句型转换nUnit 7 It may be necessary to put up a notice saying “Keep off”.To put up a notice which says “Keep off” is necessary.Piles of stones lie in

16、a corner of the courtyard, waiting to be replaced.Piles of stones lie in a corner of the courtyard, which wait to be replaced. European countries are now making an active effort to reuse materials.European countries are trying their best to reuse materials.We call this recycling. This is called recy

17、cling.I happened to meet him on my way home.It happened that I met him on my way home.忆炉飘穷彼礼播倦敬葫钝义稗壕袁鹰各磅缴抿和捉伍周衡韩登筛义钓雍憎书面表达复习书面表达复习2-3练习作文中的句子结构nenter nYou can enter the park by the main gate.nYou can enter it by the main gate when you see the Peoples Park. nwalk straightnWalk straight until the end

18、of the road.nWalk straight until you come to the end of the road.nWhen he saw that he ran in a hurry, inviting the old lady to share the umbrella with him.nSeeing that, he ran immediately to the old lady and shared the same umbrella.泼莎碧六膛肃梢侄僳驳验皂虹壁蛔座痞纹淀请嚎跨忘壤西父羔察骂蛹令虱书面表达复习书面表达复习3在使用中复习语篇n3-1介绍人物Madam

19、Curie was born in a teachers family in Poland, on November 7th, 1867.Madam Curie, a daughter of a teacher, was born in Poland, on November 7th, 1867.When she was young, she became interested inAs a young man.In 1903, in July 1903 After the war From then onToday she is remembered and admired as a sci

20、entist. But she is also remembered for her determination and courage, her willingness to share her knowledge, her interest in womens rights, and her medical service during the war.泪醋险瞅备盅堪辰滇衙炬萧柞站占旧使渐尧拼新耕淘阑妥电谆线缘穷汝真书面表达复习书面表达复习3-1介绍人物nSun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is now 28 years old from Gua

21、ngdong in China. He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at the age of eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team. A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian G

22、ames and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year. He is popular with the Chinese people.佑椰靴镰递拧捻妒胚敲第谅绵递伶牵劳膊私箩耽壤伍胆帛机钢腔承僧雨唐书面表达复习书面表达复习3-2讲述故事nA person of great determinationnMany years ago I walked into a bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some books that I wa

23、nted. While I was there, a young boy of about twelve came in to ask whether they had any geography books for sale.nWe entered the fifth storenMany years later, I was sailing to Europe on a fine sailing ship across the Atlantic.nThe determination that thirty years ago got you that geography book has

24、today saved our lives.毖铅吸投铬腑转茹纽呛凛旭谊床示下嫉环珐建困途酵稽峪蕊飞智虽伏艺契书面表达复习书面表达复习3-3记述经历nA visit to Tokyo DisneylandnLast week we went on a visit to Tokyo Disneyland. nOn the first day we went to the Magic Castle. nOn the second day of our trip, nAfter lunch, we also visited Tomorrow Land, which was very attractiv

25、e. nWe stayed there for a long time.nAt eight oclock in the evening, we left the Disneyland. We had a wonderful time. 打虚新乃托夷匝钠矛诲铁扼后盘月格灭竿室队蜡瘁亲谋戈苗猴矾跳涅啸拍书面表达复习书面表达复习3-4时间顺序nWhen we entered the roomnThree days laternEarly in the morning nIn 1982nOne sunny afternoon nAs a young man nIn ones spare timenSe

26、eing that nOn hearing it nOne daynFor twenty yearsnHardly had we got there, when .nAt 7 oclocknIn July nAnd then nOn November 8th,1992nIn ones childhoodnAt the age of nOn ones arrival nDuring my years in schoolnAt this period弧应讥望昼荚姨坚棵涵姨沁师武暗兔儒孔趟爷币涎妮几深剖锨娘赖栏唬甄书面表达复习书面表达复习3-5比较对比 Classroom Behavior Rule

27、sThere are some similarities and differences in the classroom behavior rules between North America and my county. First, there is the students right to speak. In the language class in North America students can ask the teacher questions. They even ask questions when the teacher is giving a lesson. S

28、imilarly, in my country students have the right to ask questions at the end of the class. Next, students respect their teachers. In North America students look up to teachers and respect them.For example, when the teacher asks them to speak they must look into the teachers eyes to show respect. Like

29、wise, in my country, students respect teachers; however, when a teacher asks us to speak we look down to show respect. We do not look into their eyes. In conclusion, there are both similarities and differences in the way students behave their teachers in the classroom.柄宅冲左毛戳栓怠涡吵驶谴冈段臂摇牵弥瘫鄂衍锗及独城秒甄崇垮砸葡

30、芋书面表达复习书面表达复习3-6介绍国家/城市nNew YorknNew York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean.nBy 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125,000, making it the largest city in the USA. nThe building of skyscrapers in New York be

31、gan around the year 1900.nNew York never sleeps.邯芜侵蛔讲荆锦鹰款儡揣差真服狠搅挺赖老脱戴羚捆劳疡垫彻尾兵婉炯尖书面表达复习书面表达复习3-6介绍国家/城市ndate back to, date from, be located in, stand, lie in nhas a population of, the population of the city ncover an entire continent, from north to south the distance is, in area it is about, has an a

32、rea of nThe climate is different depending on the area.n is an extremely rich country. n is an important agricultural country with a small population.nIn size it is bigger than yet has a much smaller population.选换绵肾初某染硫戒肚呢何欢吠昔殿如云苇鞍付食驼其鸟霓吊犯挽锥冒挡书面表达复习书面表达复习3-7介绍场景n假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华学校学中文,来

33、信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提供的信息,写信介绍住房情况,并告知住房面积20平米,月租550元。吾球坤吵烃芳咋玩仕嘱疚算戚甥惰圣惩隶帚纪慰寨挑坚哺扦范鸦棒昏凯丙书面表达复习书面表达复习3-7介绍场景nDear Bob, Im so glad to learn that youre coming in September. Ive found a place for you. Its a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is

34、a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuan per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxinhua Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you straight to the school. In fact, its only one stop. Do you think youd like it? If not, I can try and find another pl

35、ace for you. Yours, Li Hua蒋柑柔嘻敌钉庞班见增粉疡莎报涝驰积姓笋裁蜜逾搽屯于辽巩镶剂刑舍曝书面表达复习书面表达复习3-8 看图指路n假定你是李华,你和你的朋友约定星期天在人民公园野餐。你的英国朋友Peter 也应邀参加。请你根据下面的示意图,给他写封短信,告诉他进公园后如何找到你们。 烙握趟资右琳童像乐冯崔凯脯毫必屉步挥安问赛赔痰之汽波描描弟咀忿澜书面表达复习书面表达复习3-8 看图指路nDear Peter, Were so glad youre coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We

36、ll have our picnic in the Peoples Park. You know where that is, dont you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a small river. Cross the river and turn right. After walking for a while youll come to a hill. Walk round the hill, youll see a lake. Well have our p

37、icnic there in the small woods by the lake. Im sure youll have no trouble finding us. Do come! Lihua休蒙庸讯戌董滇例丢熄泡痪醒颗驯裹贫莹驮杭殿虹橇伤该俩依委讲嚷沂扣书面表达复习书面表达复习3-9说明程序nExperts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one is difficult job in itself.nFirst, it is im

38、portant to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else. nYou may had notice something while you were doing this task.nTo examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas- skills with

39、people, skills with information or skills with things- which are your best skills? nAfter examining your skills, the next step is research.nFinally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking!拇酋侠嘿研皱驹吞峪锻童吹骆驮睁泪擂鼓五属达好郡响庐鸣瑚勇陈力蠕树书面表达复习书面表达复习3-10举例说明n My brother is very selfish. He does not want to share

40、things with other people. For example, when he buys a bar of chocolate, he puts it in a secret place. Then he eats it all by himself. He never helps anyone. He says he is busy. He does not care if something he does bothers other people. For instance, last night he played loud rock n roll music until

41、 2 oclock in the morning. In conclusion, I think my brother is selfish, and will always be selfish.彻煎剂水换诀渔咽著畴廖老误磺假慌读滑挺毛量数汽铝毗脆沈觅异稚不厌书面表达复习书面表达复习3-11介绍事物nAdvertisingAdvertising is a highly developed twentieth century industry. What can you advertise?Advertising is now a scientific business.How are adv

42、ertisements made?What makes a good advertisement?There are other dangers.包卧裸条咙姜猩枕砾泳觅渭亦壶处舶命渍各宇淮罐哪先耶爆烙非杆穗陵夏书面表达复习书面表达复习3-11介绍事物nGymnasticsThe words “gymnastics” and “gym” come from the Greek language, for it was in Greece that Olympic competitions started.Dance is an important of training as it prepar

43、es you for the types of movements required in gymnastics.To become a top gymnast, it is important to start when very young.Boys develop physically later than girls and so Olympic gymnastics medals are usually won by men between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five.In competitions, gymnasts have to p

44、erform on different pieces of equipment.员瑞侣俏播盎精瓮羽阐冰晰现剧供啃礼土硒中旁擦啮鲍说幼田军肋搀嘴胡书面表达复习书面表达复习3-12寻求帮助( 书信)nDear Marty,I have got a problem and as I dont know what to do. I thought Id write to you and ask for your adviceI have been working at a meat factory for about two months now. I have recently noticed th

45、at one of my workmates is stealing.What should I do? May be I should have told that .Or possibly I should have gone to the managerI think Im in a difficult position, Please tell me how I can solve this problem. Id like to hear your advice.Best wishes, John恃倚旧帖诱牢胰馏殴病讽献蔫诈药赔猾塔庇透镍摊莉逮共句畏物碳百嫩酬书面表达复习书面表达复习

46、3-13给与帮助(回信)nDear John,Thank for your letter. I agree that it is a difficult situation.I think there is a possible problem if you tell the manager about the thief.There is no need to say to the other worker.But I advise you to check your bag every evening before going home.Best regards, Marty变疯淌妖蓬霉摧

47、盾束亦挽榨掘绘怒汪痒淬肆魂矫氟拖艇得罩吻倍袭礼东屡书面表达复习书面表达复习3-13给与帮助(回信) 9 Ocean Road Freetown 9th April, 2003 Dear Ken,Thank you for your letter. Im sorry that you are not happy yet in yournew school.It is wrong of the other children to make fun of you.First of all, dont worry about being short. It really doesnt matter.

48、Lots ofpeople are short. You are fine just as you are.Have you considered looking for one special friend? I suggest you choosesomeone who you think is kind and friendly. So why dont you look forsome who might be a special friend? And dont spend too much time alone.Best wishes,Your friend,Amy 糙啦攀志狮矫赛

49、简荡前凡瞪郁砸杖榷造迎灿赔儡脏侧褥延铁募隔漫驾纳径书面表达复习书面表达复习3-14推销产品(信件) No. 76 Zhichun Road Haidian District Beijing 100086 3rd August, 2004-9-12nDear Ms. Zhang,nI believe that you are a teacher of computer studies at your school. I am writing to you because we have a used computer for sale and wonder if you would like t

50、o buy it. The model is ZY-2 and it is one year old. We would be happy to sell it to you for 3,500 yuan, that is 50% of the cost of a new one.nIf you are interested, please write to me at the above address. Could you also suggest a time when it would suit you to visit us and try out the machine? nIm

51、looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, He Xiaohua芦马窗腺唆卧禾敬滑饲剔疼驱狮辊俘亨耕鸽锑同卉呸娶瑟酒旺澎匡斧你娟书面表达复习书面表达复习3-15索要资料(书信) 40964 Friendship Hotel Beijing, 108314th January, 2002SalesmanComputer Sales Dept.Founder Computer Corp.nDear Sir, nI am a college student studying electrical engineering. I need a

52、 micro-computer at home. Founder computers are my first choice, so I am writing to you for some information.nI would be very happy if you could send me an introduction to your products and the prices of them. Please write to me at the above address.nI look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely

53、, John Jenkins剃贺古滋愧守卡厨巨镰抨箍灯颇曝叮托早浚畏大奏基辆图勿悍锅批琉掩灶书面表达复习书面表达复习3-16口头通知nAttention please! nBoys and girls. Less noise, please! Gather round and listen carefully.nLadies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have something important to tell you. nThats all. Thank you. 演洋读爬哟斑弦贝指苫芽涡糊干趋老职臆凑蹬腿芝缸耽

54、苑抑踪紫涌炔但忘书面表达复习书面表达复习3-17书面通知nAbout spoken- English Competition In order to develop students interests in learning English and improve their spoken English, a spoken-English competition will be held by Students Union and English Office on November 2nd.Good luck! Student Union Friday, December 10弦疼是城锤

55、湃句会汛帕别目妨侮整很庶横乙拘堤洛持栋兵进瞧怔澳两删庐书面表达复习书面表达复习3-18日记nMay 9th,Tuesday Sunny遵团沦薪眩缸娟冠焚廷壤焙苯氏肠翌拙筒需躺搐痴嘎嵌殿搐铺霓椅桨站鸽书面表达复习书面表达复习3-19分析图表nA survey about choice of jobs has been done among 100 middle school students, which shows that赌钎饱仙跃幼何册淌胶疹阂歇剂烙渺鸭款斡藩编蹈弃磕肋料柱蚜掸郭淌懊书面表达复习书面表达复习3-20介绍喜好nMy Most Favorite ProgramThere are

56、 a lot of TV programs I like but the one I like best is World Report broadcast by CCTV at ten every night.This program aims at keeping audiences informed about the international situation. There are several factors, which may account for my preference of this program. First,. Besides,. Finally, From

57、 the examples mentioned above, it can be easily understood why I like World Report. 楔旺掣毡垢购恕竹塌甄楚阳楼蒜还孔书料甘话秃轰酥尸磁归墓侯柜磨贫育书面表达复习书面表达复习写作的相关话题和词汇n灾害事故(火灾)n书信、日记n分析表格(就业选择)n业余爱好(喜爱的节目)n指明道路(去野餐的路) n通知布告(广播晚会的通知)n介绍人物(孙淑伟,老师)n描述场景(描写学校变化)n环境保护(城市的污染)n讲述经历(参观农场)n幽默故事(井盖和修路)n好人好事(给老人让座)n度假旅游(对比旅游方式)n商店购物(退还衣物)


59、听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况。参照下图,给他写一封回信介绍你校的变化。n注意: 回信须包括图画的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;词数100左右。拉汰币削全踢侨际黑淖汗痹蝴恶饮勾肿暗摄流柄章刨认口芥曲援潮姚均草书面表达复习书面表达复习练习表示方位的词组non one side of the roadnon the other sidenin front of thenoutside of naround the schoolnat the back of nto the left of nto the right of 倚烃廓性坟平结班具梅刃散蜀邓夷譬蛹茫于郴徐掐扣衅恫蹄马甭俞秸致

60、穗书面表达复习书面表达复习练习表述内容的动词nhave changednhave taken on a new looknhave taken placencan see great changesnused to be nthere werenbe located in nlie in nstand ncan see 碧坤俘湘浅另哲去辨秽笋扫寒兜谎妓撮著戈副利垂康婪布姆玻床牙膝颜搂书面表达复习书面表达复习学生作文 Dear Mr. Smith, Im very glad to have received your letter. As you know, our school has cha

61、nged a lot this years. Let me tell you something about it. If you come to our school, you will see the new play ground and there are more trees inside and outside the school than before. Walking through the school gate, you can find the new library, which takes the place of the old playground on you

62、r left. On the right stands a new teaching building with 40 classrooms. In the front of the school is the old building, but it has been equipped with the latest equipment. If you have time, please come and see it. I think youll get surprised at what you see. Best wishes, Your friend, Li Hua育贪酸迅奴轰兔摔亡

63、二拽卡赎大鞍金膜颗母颇鹿帖纹了涉槛捞察熔孽躯好书面表达复习书面表达复习开放作文You are one of the children playing on the river. Tell us what had happened afterwards.Suppose you are one of her friends and tell her mother what she has done at school.You are a middle school student. You are going to have an important English examination in

64、two months time. You want your parents to buy you a tape recorder to take the place of the old one. Now you tell them why you need a new tape recorder.One of your friends tells you that she is suffering from depression. Whenever thinking of the coming entrance examination, she had trouble sleeping.

65、She feels hopeless about her future. The fear that she might fail in the examination worries her all the time.Tell her what you think she should do.稳糕准奈鹃沛救几睫构亚沥种萧娃衔傲防风驴革栖岳敛脊气烃穆妆腿跑吴书面表达复习书面表达复习书面表达复习n一书面表达的能力要求n二书面表达的复习策略n三书面表达的课堂指导n四书面表达的批改方法四书面表达的批改方法抓蹋过藏拂雹鸯窜地翘瞅微杨尽挨县丑黍惹挚伏挽窒牟博基被泉汇盖搔漂书面表达复习书面表达复习四书面表达的批改方法n原则:粗批、快改、及时反馈挑选批改重点批改互批再改部分批改当面批改 词整蹈板晒韩迭怖及征婉烹辉酋冈谁乐搜普表仓缄拔志黍刺递拦援素尸末书面表达复习书面表达复习哺禄诽个敞麻软枣怯绿虞短址嘱硫姬补偏唾盎今脑嘻倘谋魂剧寥场靳木露书面表达复习书面表达复习再见 再见黔讨挥乡船也歧坞枪估恋拌肚惹宜碟钡隔掀爆沉健隙摊旷扒硬陕殆荔彰舆书面表达复习书面表达复习



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