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1、Numerals Numerals 构成规律构成规律基数词基数词序数词序数词112有各自独立的形式。有各自独立的形式。13-19都是相对应都是相对应39加上加上teen构成,特殊拼写的构成,特殊拼写的词有词有thirteen,fifteen,eighteen。2090都以都以-ty结尾,特殊拼写的有结尾,特殊拼写的有twenty,thirty,forty,eighty。2199,整数十位数各位数,中间有整数十位数各位数,中间有“”。百位数,由百位数百位数,由百位数and+两位数组成。两位数组成。13分别为分别为first,second,third。419都是在后面加上都是在后面加上th,特殊的

2、有特殊的有fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth。2090把把y变成变成ie然后加然后加th,如如twentieth。2199的序数词变后面的各位数。的序数词变后面的各位数。序数词可以用缩写,如序数词可以用缩写,如1st,2nd,3rd,4th一、数词的分类一、数词的分类基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词onetwelvetwotwentythreetwenty-onefourfortyfiveone hundredsixone hundred and fiveeightone hundred and twenty-nineninenineteen一一. .基数词、

3、序数词基数词、序数词firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty-firstfortiethone hundredthone hundred and fifthone hundred and twenty-ninthnineteenth二二. . 读法(基数词)读法(基数词)1 1、百位和十位间用、百位和十位间用 and 连接连接, , 十位和个位间用十位和个位间用 - 连接连接three hundred and twenty-one3212 2、右往左数、右往左数, ,三位一组三位一组, ,逗号隔开逗号隔开

4、. .依次是依次是 thousand(千千) million (百万百万) billion (十亿十亿)four thousand three hundred and twenty-oneseven million,six hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred and twenty-one7,654,3211,987,654,32143214,321one billion nine hundred and eighty-seven million,six hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundr

5、ed and twenty-one2.基数词一般是用作单数的,但是特殊情况也有基数词一般是用作单数的,但是特殊情况也有复数复数的用法:的用法:a.表示几十岁:表示几十岁:inonesforties-41-49b.表示年代:表示年代:inthe1930sc.在表示一排或者一组的情况下:在表示一排或者一组的情况下:Theyarrivedintwosandthrees.1.基数词兼有名词和形容词的功能:基数词兼有名词和形容词的功能:NineofthemarefromGreece.Theyworkfortyhoursaday.2.序数词也可以用作序数词也可以用作副词副词,可省略冠词。,可省略冠词。Wh

6、endidyoufirstseehim?Whichhorsecameinfirst?1.序数词相当序数词相当形容词形容词用作用作定语定语。前前多加多加the,强调,强调顺序顺序:Thefirstpart.thethirdfloor.若加若加a a表示表示“又一,再一又一,再一”,不强调顺序,不强调顺序。可用可用another代替。代替。Theyhadasecondchildin1988.三三. .数词的基本用法数词的基本用法1. hundred thousand (具体数字具体数字) million billion2. hundreds thousands (概数概数:数以数以计计) mill

7、ions billions数词数词( (several)+)+ ofsome / many hundreds of1. If a = 3, b=4, whats the answer to the problem, a+2ab+1=? the answer is_. A. twenty eight B. twenty-eighth C. twenty-eight2. In our school several _ students are able to search the Internet . A. hunderd of B. hunderds of C. hundred3. Many _

8、 sheep were killed in the accident. A. thousands of B. thousand C. thousands4. There are over nine _ workers in the factory, but _ of young people hope to work in it. A. hundred; hundreds B. hundreds; hundreds C. hundreds; hundred 月日年月日年 在在2008年年10月月1日日四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 年月日年月日on Octorber the first,

9、two thousand and eight日日the+序数词序数词月月(首字母大写)(首字母大写)月日与年之间月日与年之间用用 ,分开分开年年(两位两位读)(两位两位读)on August the ninthin May, two thousand and ten有日用有日用 on 无日用无日用inon Oct. 1st , 2008月日月日在在8月月9日日月年月年在在2010年年5月月1. The accident happened on_. A. April 5, 2001 B. 2001, April 5 C. April 2001, 52. I was born _. A. in M

10、arch 8, 1993 B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May, 199520世纪90年代 1990s在他50多岁时in his fifties四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 年代世纪年代世纪in thein ones + 整十基数词s在某人几十岁时nineteen nineties1. There will be more chances in _ century than in _ century. A. twenty-one, twenty B. twenty-first, twentieth C. the twenty-first, the twentieth2

11、. The city changed a lot _. A. in 1980s B. in the 1980s C. in the 19803. He graduated in _ of _ century. A. the sixtieth; twenty B. sixty; the twentieth C. the sixties; the twentieth4. He got the prize _. A. in his fifties B. in fifties C. in his fifty时间类型时间类型表示法表示法例例读法读法整点整点基数词(基数词(+ oclock) 1:0030

12、分钟分钟分钟分钟 + past +小时小时 2:10= 30 分钟分钟half + past + 小时小时3:3030分钟分钟(60-分钟)分钟) + to +(小时(小时 + 1)4:40分钟逢分钟逢15即即 一刻钟一刻钟a quarter5:156:45简化法简化法按顺序读基数词按顺序读基数词7:50one oclockten past twohalf past threetwenty to fivea quarter past fivea quarter to sevenseven fifty表示在几点钟用介词表示在几点钟用介词 at四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 时间时间1. It

13、s already 7:40 now. When will the film start? _. We still have five minutes. A. A quarter to seven B. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter to eight1 / 5基序基序one fifth2/7基基1 序序+ stwo seventhsa quarterthree quartersa half13three and one third3基基and分数分数四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 分数、百分数、小数分数、百分数、小数1/43/41/280 %基数词基

14、数词 + percenteighty percent (百百)分数分数 / half + of + 可名复可名复+谓语谓语复复 不可名不可名+谓语谓语单单3.78three point seven eight分数分数小数小数一半:一半:halfanhour two and a half hours= two hours and a half one and a half hours= one hour and a half半个小时半个小时一个半小时一个半小时两个半小时两个半小时百分数百分数:1. _ of the students _ boys in Class A. Two three; a

15、re B. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is2. _ of her money _ spent on clothes. A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is C. Two third; is3. _ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and _ of them are women teachers. A. The number of; two third B. The number of ; two thirds C. A number of; two third

16、s5. The boy always stays there for _. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and a half hours6. The old man drank_ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half一倍一倍 once,两倍,两倍twice,三倍,三倍three times (三倍或以上三倍或以上 基数词基数词times)四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 倍数倍数Thisboxi

17、s5timesasbigasthatone.=Thisboxis5timesthesizeofthatone.=Thisboxis4timesbiggerthanthatone.as 形原形原 as 形比形比 than thesizeof Abe/实义实义倍数倍数/百分数百分数BIhavethreetimesasmanyasyou.我有你三倍那么多。Theearthis49timesthesizeofthemoon.地球是月球的49倍。Thegrainoutputis8percenthigherthisyearthanthatoflastyear.今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。by+倍数,表示增

18、加多少倍倍数,表示增加多少倍Theproductionofgrainhasbeenincreasedbyfourtimesthisyear.今年粮食产量增加了今年粮食产量增加了4倍。倍。1. This building is _ that building. A. three time as tall as B. twice taller than C. three times as taller as2. 我的箱子比你的重六倍我的箱子比你的重六倍! My box is _ yours. six times heavier thanseven times as heavy as 名词名词 +

19、基数词(基数词(the 序数词序数词+ 名)名)207房房 三年级一班三年级一班第五部分第五部分第一课第一课3 号汽车号汽车第一中学第一中学Room 207 Class One Grade ThreePart Five = the fifth partLesson One = the first lesson Bus No.3 =the No.3 busNo. 1 Middle School四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 编号编号用于书刊的卷、章、节、页的数目,住所、房间、教室、电话号码用于书刊的卷、章、节、页的数目,住所、房间、教室、电话号码Volume Two,Chapter Four

20、,Section Six,Page Eight,Room 304 The river is about _. A. 6,000 meters long B. 6,000-meters-long C. 6,000-meter-long四四. .数词的表示法数词的表示法 计量计量be+数词数词+量词量词+形容词形容词 年龄年龄The winner is _. He is an _ boy . A. eight-year-old; eight years old B. eight years old; eight-year-old C. eight-years old; eight-year-old

21、 He came to China _. A. at the age of 20 B. when he is 20 C. at age of 20Exercises:1.Isthereanyfoodforus_?A.tenB.tenthC.thetenthD.theten2.Thebikecostme_yuan.AfivehundredfortyBfivehundredsfourtyCfivehundredandfortyDfivehundredfourty3.“Whichlessonareyoustudyingnow?”-“_”A.ThelessonsixB.SixthlessonC.Les

22、sonsixD.Lessonsixth4.Thehaswrittena_compositionAthree-hundred-wordBthreehundredwordsCthreehundredswordsDthreehundredsword5.Shewasbornon_A A1986,March9BMarch9,1986C1986,9MarchDMarchnine,1986ACCAB1.Wehavefinishedreading_units.AthefirsttwoBfirsttwoCthesecondDtwofirst2.Mytelephonenumberis_Aeightyeighttw





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