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1、助动词与情态动词助动词与青苔动词的关系1.He can finish the work alone. He did finish the work alone.2. Can you do that? Did you do that?情态动词:可表达一定语义,去掉后句子意思改变。助动词:没有语义,去掉后句子意思不变。情态动词与助动词都必须与实意动词连用,共同构成句子谓语部分。Youhavedoneagreatjob.动词的分类根据在句中的功能,动词可以分为:1.实义动词(NotionalVerbs)2.系动词(LinkVerbs)3.助动词(AuxiliaryVerbs)4.情态动词(Modal

2、Verbs)助动词(Auxiliary)(Helping Verb)种类1.be 2. have 3. do 4. shall will2.写出上述助动词的各种形式。1. be ( is, am, are, was, were, being, been );2. have ( has, had, having );3. do ( does, did );4. shall ( should ), will ( would ).概念没有独立的实际意义,不能单独作谓语,通常帮助实 义 动 词并与其一起构成谓语,表示_等,或构成_。时态、语态、语气疑问句和否定句1.构成各种时态Weshallhavea

3、meetingtomorrow.Sheisdoingherhomework.Tomwasmakingacallatthistimelastnight.The plane had been away for almost an hour when I arrived at the airport. He promised that he would tell me the truth.2.构成被动语态Thewindowisoftencleanedbythelittlegirl.Iwastoldtoattendthatmeeting.Ameetingwillbeheldbyusheretomorr

4、ow.The trees are being watered by them. Hepromisedthatthetruthwouldbetoldtome. 3.构成强势语气 1)用于肯定句动词前He worked hard. He did work hard. She loves reading. She does love reading. -He plays the piano wonderfully. - So he does.2)用于祈使句前。Come to my party on time.Do come to my party on time.Be quiet!Do be qui

5、et! 4.用于不完全倒装句1)Not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground.2)The organization had broken no rules, but neither had it acted responsibly.3) -She plays the piano wonderfully. - So does he.将下列句子改为不完全倒装句。1. I have never seen such wonderful pictures in my life. 2. He seldom paints no

6、w. 3. John not only loves Chinese, but he is also good at speaking it. 4. I realized the importance of learning English only then. 5. Tom didnt begin to do his homework until his mother returned.6. China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances1. Never have I seen such wo

7、nderful pictures in my life. 2. Seldom does he paint now. 3. Not only does John love Chinese, but he is also good at speaking it. 4. Only then did I realize the importance of learning English. 5. Not until his mother returned did Tom begin to do his homework.6. Under no circumstances will China be t

8、he first to use nuclear weapons.5.构成否定,疑问句型Doessheworkhere?Theydidntbuythatcarlastweek.Hasyourfatherfinishedthatjob?Whenwillyoucomeback?do,have作实意动词1.Whatdidyoudoyesterday?Ididsomereading.2.Ihavenothingtosayaboutit.3.HetoldmetheTVsethehadhadrepairedwentwrongagain. 情态动词(ModalVerb)概念 We frequently use

9、 modal verbs when we want to, for example, ask for permission to do something; grant permission to someone; give or receive advice; make or respond to requests and offers, etc.情态动词用来表示说话人对一个动作或状态的看法,态度或者说话人的情感。它有一定的意义,即:说话人认为某事“可能”,“或许”,“应该”,或是“必须”发生等。但不能单独作谓语,它与行为动词或系动词连用构成谓语。情态动词特征:1.有一定的词义,但不能单独使

10、用作谓语。2.适用于主语的各种人称和数。3.后面接动词原形。4.具有助动词的作用,既可用来构成否定句,疑问句及简明答语。常用情态动词can could be able to may might must shall should will wouldought to dare need have to used to had bettercan,could,beabletocan可用于表能力,可能性及许可。He is only four, but he can read. Can this news be true? Can I smoke here?(练习33) could可以作为can的过


12、yquicklybuteveryone_getout.A)hadtoB)wouldC)couldD)wasabletoIcould/wasabletoswimwhenIwasveryyoung.(过去能力)Iwasabletopasstheexamalthoughitwasverydifficult.(p452)wasableto=couldandsucceededindoingcancan t/couldnt/couldn thavedonethavedone过去否定猜测过去否定猜测Hecouldnt/canthavegoneabroad.Isawhimjustnow(练习15)mustdo

13、现在肯定猜测cantdo现在否定猜测(练习19.39)musthavedone过去肯定猜测情态动词havedone情态动词完成式主要有两方面的含义:1.表示对已经发生的情况的推测:musthavedone2.表示一种虚拟语气:couldhavedonel常用在肯定句中,表示对过去发生行为的肯定推测,含有“一定”、“准是”的意思。ShemusthavestudiedEnglishbefore.Theroadiswet.Itmusthaverainedlastnight.(练习11 17 27 40)musthavedone 表示对过去事情的否定推测, “不可能做过某事”。史密斯先生不可能去北京了

14、,我刚才还在图书馆见过他。Mr.SmithcanthavegonetoBeijing,forIsawhiminthelibraryjustnow.玛丽不可能偷你的钱,她回家了。Marycanthavestolenyourmoney.Shehasgonehome.(练习 28 29 35)canthavedone/couldnthavedonemay/mighthavedonel表示对过去发生行为的不太肯定的推测,含有“可能”、“也许是”的意思。lHemayhavefinishedhishomework.Hemightnothavesettledthequestion(练习25) He_ you

15、 more help, even though he was very busy.A) might have given B) might giveC) may have given D) may givecouldhavedone表示本来能够完成的动作但没有完成。Youcouldhavecompletedthetaskalittleearlier.IcouldhavepassedtheexameasilybutImadetoomanystupidmistakes.lshouldhavedone/oughttohavedone过去该做而实际上未做的动作或行为;l否定形式shouldnothav

16、edone/oughtnottohavedone发生了不应该发生的行为。Ishouldhavethoughtofthat.(练习28 36)Theyshouldnothaveleftsosoon.Youshouldnothavetoldherthetruth.should/shouldnothavedonel表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要,意为“本没必要”。Youneednthavewokenmeup;Idonthavetogotoworktoday.你本来没必要叫醒我Sheneednthavecomeheresoearly.她本来不必要来这么早。(练习22 37)didnotneedtod


18、n.9.A.shouldB.canC.mustD.will4.I_havebeenmorethansixyearsoldwhentheaccidenthappened.A.shouldntB.couldntC.mustntD.needntB.5.Shelooksveryhappy.She_havepassedC.theexam.D.-Iguessso.Itsnotdifficultafterall.E.shouldB.couldC.mustD.mightF.6.Helooksveryyoung,sohe_beastudent.A.mustB.canC.willD.may may,mightlm

19、ay表请求、允许。lMayIcomein?lYes,please./Certainly.lNo,youmaynotlNo,youcant.lNo,youmustnt.lIamsorry.IdratheryoudidntlIamafraidnot.lyoudbetternot(练习38) IbelievethemanisfromEngland.ButImaybewrong. Peter_comeheretonight,butheisntverysureyet.A.mustB.mayC.canD.will 表示猜测,推测,might可能性更小.maybe与maybelmaybe是副词,意为“也许,


21、Yourpenmaybeinyourpocket.Maybeyourpenisinyourpocket.lHemaybeastudent.Maybeheisastudent. May you succeed! May you have a good journey! mayaswell+动原“最好,不妨”Youmayaswelldoitatonce.你最好马上就做这件事。表示祝愿;语气较正式must,havetomust表必须,必要,强调说话人的主观意愿,而haveto更强调客观需要,“不得不”。Imustcleantheroom.(主观想法)Ihavetocleantheroom.(客观需要

22、)lmust用于一般疑问句的时候,l肯定回答用must,或者Imafraidso,或lYes,please.l其否定回答用neednt或者donthaveto Must I go tomorrow? Yes, please./Yes, you must. No, you neednt.(练习21) No, you dont have to (练习9)lmust用于表示猜测,含有“一定”之意。(只用在肯定句中)Hemustbeanhonestboy.Youmustknowmyfather.lhaveto有第三人称单数和时态的变化。She/He/Ithasto.Theyhadto.Theywill



25、.2.表示经常性、习惯性的行为,常译为“总是”。Shewilllistentomusicaloneinherroomforhours.HewouldcometoseemewhenhewasinBeijing.3.用于第二人称作主语的疑问句中,表示对对方的请求,would的语气比will委婉。Would/willyoupleasetellmethewaytothestation?shall PerhapsIshallpayavisittoEnglandthiswinter.可能今年冬天我会去英国观光。 A.用于构成将来时(助动词)。 Shall we go by train, Mum? B.用于

26、征求意见(情态动词)用于第一人称。1.You shall do exactly as I say.(练习34)2.You shall have whatever you want.3.Nobody shall throw away rubbish everywhere! shall的主语是第二、三人称的陈述句,表示说话人的允诺、警告、命令等语气。“I will be drowned and no one shall save me!” “ I shall be drowned no one will save me!”needl既可以做实义动词,也可以做情态动词。l做实义动词,有人称和时态的变


28、.,指“不必.”lYouneedntwaitforme.lSheneedntwritetohim.lHesaidsheneedntwritetohim.l疑问句可由need直接构成,不必借助于助动词do.lNeedshewritetohim?lNeedIwaitforyou?lYes,youmust./No,youneednt.l肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt.l句子改错:lShe need some paper. lNeed you any help? lI neednt any help.lYou dont need wait for me.She needs some pap

29、er.Do you need any help?I dont need any help.You dont need to wait for me. You neednt wait for me.dare敢.l既可以做实义动词,也可以做情态动词。l做情态动词,无人称变化,只用于否定句和疑问句中,后接动词原形。lDareyougotherealone?(练习32)lIdarenotgotherealone.l做实义动词,常跟不定式,daretodosth.,此时疑问和否定须借助助动词。lHedarestospeakbeforeabigaudience.lDidhedare(to)speakbef

30、ore.lHedoesntdare(to)speakbefore.ldare做实义动词时,疑问句和否定句中的不定式符号可以省略。-Is this Toms bike? -I am not sure, but it _ be. A. might B. will C. must D. can -Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.- You _ it in the wrong place.A.must put B. should have put B.C. might put D. might have put C.

31、- John is abscent (缺席)缺席)today. D.- He _ have caught a cold, but I am not sure.E.A. can B. might C. must D. should - May I smoke here? - If you _, choose a seat in the smoking section.A.should B. could C. may D. must B.John, look at the time. _ you play the C.piano at such a late hour?D.A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need Tom graduated from college at a very Young age.- Oh, he _ have been a very smart boy then.A. could B. should C. might D. mustYou _ be tired - youve only been working for an hour. A. must not B. wont C. cant D. may not



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