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1、 山西省高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试本题共5小题,每题你将听到一组对话。请你从每题所给A、B、C三幅图片中,选出和你所听到信息有关联一项。1.A.B.C.【答案】B2.A.B.C.【答案】C3.A.B.C.【答案】A4.A.B.C.【答案】C5.A.B.C.【答案】A本题共5小题,每题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每题所给A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。1. A. June.B. July.C. August.【答案】A2. A. The museum.B. The square.C. The library.【答案】B3. A. By bus.B. By bike.C. By c

2、ar.【答案】C4. A. A father and a daughter.B. A teacher and a student.C. A manager and a worker.【答案】A5. A. To try his best to complete the task alone.B. To complete the task with Mrs. Browns help.C. To work with group members to complete the task.【答案】C本题你将听到一篇短文。请你依据短文内容和所提出5个问题,从每题所给A、B、C三个选项中,选 出一个最佳选项

3、。1. When did the writer learn something from his grandfather?A. During holidays.B. As a kid.C. In his later life.【答案】B2. What did the writer like doing when he stayed with his grandfather?A. Telling stories.B. Playing with clocks.C. Asking questions.【答案】C3. How was his grandfather in the writer s ey

4、es?A. Patient and wise.B. Kind and brave.C. Active and funny.【答案】A4. As for computers, what can we know about the writer now?A. He knows little about them.B. He is afraid to open them up.C. He loves looking for their problems.【答案】C5. Why does the writer want to thank his grandfather?A. Because his g

5、randfather paid for his education.B. Because his grandfather changed his life forever.C. Because his grandfather helped him get a good job.【答案】B本题你将听到一篇短文。请你依据所听内容,完成下面表格,每空一词。A Dragon Boat Race ReportThe backgroundToday, dragon boat racing is one of the most 1. water sports in the world.The raceTop

6、 students from 2. famous universities took part in the race.Deng Chao and his team members worked 3. and successfully finished the race.The meaningThe young people have learned a lot about courage, 4._ and cooperation.Now traditional Chinese dragon boat races 5. the world with their special power.【答

7、案】1.exciting2. fifteen/153.together4.friendship5.influence请从每题所给A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处最佳选项。1. In our lives, our parents give us love and warmth. In return, we should understand and care about_.AusByouCthem【答案】C考查代词。在生活中,我们父母给我们爱和温暖。作为回报,我们应当了解并关心她们。依据语境,指代我们父母,选C。2. When youre tired, you can get c

8、lose to the nature _ youll feel relaxed in the beauty all around.AorBandCbut【答案】B考查连词。当你累时候,你能够接近大自然并且在周围美景中感到十分放松。两句话是顺接关系,选 B。3. If a student is able to _ somebody else what hes learnt from textbooks, it shows he s understood it well.ApostBlendCteach【答案】C考查动词。假如一个学生能够把她课本中所学到东西教给其他人,这就阐明她已经了解得很好了。

9、A.邮寄,B. 借出,C. 教,依据题意,选C。4. Whoever he is, a common man can be called a _ hero when he is admired by us for doing something brave or good.ArealBsmartCperfect【答案】A考查形容词。无论一个人是谁,当她因为做了部分勇敢或是好事情被我们钦佩时,就算是一个一般人所有能够被称之为英雄。A. 真正,B. 聪慧,C. 完美,依据题意,选A 。5. Reading the first _ of each paragraph before you read

10、the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly.AletterBwordCsentence【答案】C考查名词。 在你读整篇文章之前读每段第一句话能协助你迅速取得主旨。A. 信、字母,B. 单词,C. 句子,依据题意,选C 。6. If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, youd better phone him _ first to make sure of that.ArecentlyBdirectlyCfinally【答案】B

11、考查副词。假如你一个好友在网络上给你发信息向你借钱,你最佳首先给她打电话去确定这件事。 A.最近地, B. 直接地, C. 最后,依据题意,选B。7. In China, we are using the FAST to find stars _. Now more and more people want to know about the largest radio telescope(望远镜 ) in the world.Ain personBin publicCin space【答案】C考查介词短语。在中国,我们正在使用FAST 射电望远镜去找星星。目前越来越多人想要了解这台 世界上最

12、大射电望远镜。A.亲自,B.在公共场所,C.在太空,依据题意,选C 。8. Except for working hard, we should give more attention to proper exercise and enough sleep. _ health always comes first.AFor exampleBAfter allCSo far【答案】B考查介词短语。除了努力工作以外,我们应当愈加关注适宜锻炼和足够睡眠。健康总是第一位。A.例如,B. 毕竟,C. 到目前为止,依据题意,选B。9. Nowadays China has made great achie

13、vements in many fields. We really _ our amazing China.Atake pride inBtake care ofCtake an interest in【答案】A考查动词短语。目前中国在诸多领域所有取得了巨大成就,我们确实我们伟大国家。A. 对感到自豪,B. 照顾、照看,C. 对感兴趣,依据题意,选A 。10. Sir, its true that being happy is an ability. So can you tell me _? Yes. Just as President Xi says, “Happiness is achi

14、eved through hard work. ”Ahow we can find happinessBwho can help achieve happinessCwhy happiness is so important to us【答案】A考查宾语从句。依据答语可知,问句问是“你能告诉我我们怎样才能找到幸福吗”,故选A 。请依据对话内容,从方框内所给选项中选出能填入空白处最佳选项。其中有两项为多出选项。Book Lovers (3 persons)John: David Charlie Hi, guys!David: Hello, John! Whats up?John: Im reading a book these days. Its so good that I cant put it down.Charlie: John Hello! 1._John: The Gay Genius by Lin Yutang.David: 2._John: Its about Su Dongpo experiences and his works.Charlie: 3



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