中医学教学课件:16 manipulation techniques

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1、刺法灸法学 study of acupuncture and moxibustion technique仁济医院中医科仁济医院中医科 TCM Department of Renji hospital针法acupuncture manipulation 体针、耳针、头针、鼻针、眼针体针、耳针、头针、鼻针、眼针Body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, nasal acupuncture, eye-acupuncture 梅花针、三棱针梅花针、三棱针Percussopunctator, three-edged needle

2、,电针、激光针、水针电针、激光针、水针Electroacupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupoint injection火针、芒针火针、芒针Fire needle, Fire needle, elongated needle腕踝针、穴位埋线、小针刀腕踝针、穴位埋线、小针刀Wrist-Ankle Acupuncture, acupoint catgut embedding, acupotomy灸法moxibustion manipulation直接灸、间接灸直接灸、间接灸direct contact moxibustion, indirect moxibustio

3、n艾绒灸、艾条灸、艾柱灸、艾绒灸、艾条灸、艾柱灸、moxa moxibustion, moxibustionwith a moxa stick , moxibustion with a moxa cone药物灸、发泡灸、温灸器灸药物灸、发泡灸、温灸器灸drug moxibustion, blister moxibustion, thermal box moxibustion拔罐法cupping therapy陶罐、铜罐、竹罐、玻璃罐陶罐、铜罐、竹罐、玻璃罐pottery cups, copper cups, bamboo cups, glass cupspottery cups, copper

4、 cups, bamboo cups, glass cups抽气罐抽气罐suction cupssuction cups走罐、闪罐、排罐走罐、闪罐、排罐moving cups, flashing cups, row cupsmoving cups, flashing cups, row cups药罐药罐drug cupsdrug cups刺法灸法的起源the origin 砭石(古代最原始的针刺与切割用具)砭石(古代最原始的针刺与切割用具)stone needle the original formstone needle the original form骨针与竹针骨针与竹针 bone ne

5、edle and the bamboo needlebone needle and the bamboo needle九针九针 nine needlenine needle灸法(取暖灸法(取暖烫伤烫伤治愈某些病)治愈某些病)moxibustionmoxibustionfrom heating to burning and healing some diseasefrom heating to burning and healing some disease罐法(从角法开始)罐法(从角法开始)Cupping therapy from horn cuppingCupping therapy fro

6、m horn cupping毫针的结构毫针的结构:毫针的结构:the structure of needlethe structure of needle针尖针尖apexapex、针身、针身bodybody、针根、针根rootroot、针柄、针柄handlehandle、针尾、针尾endend长度长度lengthlength: 0.50.5寸(寸(1515mm),mm), 1 1寸寸(25mm), 1.5(25mm), 1.5寸寸(40mm), 2(40mm), 2寸寸(50mm), 2.5(50mm), 2.5寸寸(65mm), 3(65mm), 3寸寸(75mm), 4(75mm), 4寸

7、寸(100mm), 5(100mm), 5寸寸(125mm), 6(125mm), 6寸寸(150mm). (150mm). 直径直径diameterdiameter:26(0.4526(0.45mm), 27(0.42mm), 28(0.38mm), 29(0.34mm), 30(0.32mm), mm), 27(0.42mm), 28(0.38mm), 29(0.34mm), 30(0.32mm), 31(0.30mm), 32(0.28mm), 34(0.23mm).31(0.30mm), 32(0.28mm), 34(0.23mm).毫针的选择choose the proper nee

8、dle质地质地( (好坏之外好坏之外, ,还有金银不锈钢之分还有金银不锈钢之分) )Material of needle: such as gold and sliver, mainly are stainless steelMaterial of needle: such as gold and sliver, mainly are stainless steel光洁度光洁度smooth finishsmooth finish针身挺直圆正富有弹性针身挺直圆正富有弹性straight body with flexibilitystraight body with flexibility针尖尖中

9、带圆犹如松针,锐利适度,进针阻力小针尖尖中带圆犹如松针,锐利适度,进针阻力小proper sharpness like pine with slightly fraction as the obstruction.proper sharpness like pine with slightly fraction as the obstruction.针柄缠绕成花式,要粗大为好针柄缠绕成花式,要粗大为好handle convolved, thick and bighandle convolved, thick and big针柄尾部有横向突出和平柄之分针柄尾部有横向突出和平柄之分end with

10、 two type : flat and protudedend with two type : flat and protuded针刺前准备preparation before manipulation做好诊断与解释工作做好诊断与解释工作Diagnosis and the explaination to the patientDiagnosis and the explaination to the patient检查选择针具检查选择针具Check-up before the needle are usedCheck-up before the needle are used消毒消毒Ster

11、ilizationSterilization体位选择体位选择Proper body positionProper body position针具消毒与一次性用针Asepsis and the single-use needleAsepsis and the single-use needle高温高压高温高压high temperature and high pressure high temperature and high pressure WYCWYC自助毫针消毒器自助毫针消毒器self-service sterilizerself-service sterilizer一次性针灸针一次性针

12、灸针single use needlesingle use needle针刺体位 body position仰卧位:头面仰卧位:头面 胸腹胸腹 四肢四肢supine position for head and face, chest and belly, limbssupine position for head and face, chest and belly, limbs俯卧位:头项俯卧位:头项 背背 腰腰 臀臀 下肢后侧下肢后侧prone position for the head and neck, back and waist, posterior of the legsprone

13、 position for the head and neck, back and waist, posterior of the legs侧卧位:体侧侧卧位:体侧lateral position: lateral side such as hypochondriumlateral position: lateral side such as hypochondrium仰靠坐位:头面仰靠坐位:头面 颈前颈前 胸部胸部 四肢四肢supine position during sitting: head and face, throat, chest and limbssupine position

14、 during sitting: head and face, throat, chest and limbs针刺体位俯伏坐位:头项俯伏坐位:头项 背部背部prone position during sitting for head and neck, backprone position during sitting for head and neck, back侧伏坐位:头侧侧伏坐位:头侧 面颊面颊 耳前后耳前后lateral position during sitting for temporal, cheek, aural regionlateral position during s

15、itting for temporal, cheek, aural region屈肘仰掌位:手三阴经屈肘仰掌位:手三阴经elbow flexion with palm up for hand yin meridianselbow flexion with palm up for hand yin meridians屈肘俯掌位:手三阳经屈肘俯掌位:手三阳经elbow flexion with palm down for hand yang meridianselbow flexion with palm down for hand yang meridians屈肘侧掌位:阴阳经同取屈肘侧掌位:阴

16、阳经同取elbow flexion with palm side for both yang and yin meridian on upper limbselbow flexion with palm side for both yang and yin meridian on upper limbs针刺的角度,方向,深度Angle, direction and depth of manipulationAngle, direction and depth of manipulation角度:角度:angleangle直刺直刺perpendicularlyperpendicularly(90

17、90度)度)斜刺斜刺obliquelyobliquely(4545度)度)横刺横刺horizontallyhorizontally(沿皮刺(沿皮刺15-2515-25度)度)方向:方向:directiondirection循经脉方向、病变部位或疼痛处循经脉方向、病变部位或疼痛处alongside the meridian, leison region, trigger point alongside the meridian, leison region, trigger point 深度深度depth: depth: 依据年龄、体质、病情、时令、针刺部位而定依据年龄、体质、病情、时令、针刺部

18、位而定according to the age, consititution, state of illness, season and the area for according to the age, consititution, state of illness, season and the area for manipulation.manipulation.针刺的基本手法basic manipulation提插法:提插法:lifting-thrusting methodlifting-thrusting method 一定深度一定深度to certain depthto cert

19、ain depth 浅浅shallowshallow深深profoundprofound 插插thrustthrust 深深profoundprofound浅浅shallowshallow 提提liftlift 针刺的基本手法捻转法:捻转法:twisting methodtwisting method一定深度一定深度 to certain depthto certain depth拇指和中、食指持针拇指和中、食指持针with the thumb, the index finger and the middle fingerwith the thumb, the index finger and

20、 the middle finger一前一后,来回旋转捻动一前一后,来回旋转捻动rotating back and forthrotating back and forth针刺的辅助手法supplementary manipulation循法:以手于所刺腧穴的四周或沿经脉的循行部位,进行徐和的循按循法:以手于所刺腧穴的四周或沿经脉的循行部位,进行徐和的循按的方法行气,催气;宣散气血的方法行气,催气;宣散气血Pressing :slightly kneading and press around the acupoints to promote the flow Pressing :slight

21、ly kneading and press around the acupoints to promote the flow of Qiof Qi刮柄法:拇指或食指指腹抵住针尾,拇指、食指或中指爪甲,由下而刮柄法:拇指或食指指腹抵住针尾,拇指、食指或中指爪甲,由下而上刮动针柄的方法催气上刮动针柄的方法催气Scrappng: scrap the handle of needle with nail or thumbs as to strengthen the Scrappng: scrap the handle of needle with nail or thumbs as to streng

22、then the needle sensation.needle sensation.弹柄法:以手指轻弹针柄,使针身产生轻微的震动,使经气速行弹柄法:以手指轻弹针柄,使针身产生轻微的震动,使经气速行 Plucking: pluck the handle of needle to make the body of needle shake Plucking: pluck the handle of needle to make the body of needle shake slightly,for stimulation in order to obtain Qislightly,for s

23、timulation in order to obtain Qi针刺的辅助手法摇柄法:手持针柄进行摇动,如摇橹之状,用以出针泻邪摇柄法:手持针柄进行摇动,如摇橹之状,用以出针泻邪rotating: rotate the needle to strengthen the sensation and purgation for rotating: rotate the needle to strengthen the sensation and purgation for the evilthe evil震颤法:右手持针柄,用小幅度、快频率的提插捻转动作,使针震颤法:右手持针柄,用小幅度、快频率的

24、提插捻转动作,使针身产生轻微的震颤,促使得气或增强扶正祛邪的作用身产生轻微的震颤,促使得气或增强扶正祛邪的作用 agitating: shaking the needle with small amplitude and high frequency, to agitating: shaking the needle with small amplitude and high frequency, to strengthen the Qi sensation or to strengthenthe body resistance for strengthen the Qi sensation

25、or to strengthenthe body resistance for eliminating pathogenic factorseliminating pathogenic factors关于得气的概念 What is De qi?What is De qi?进针后施以一定的行针手法,使针刺部位产生经气的感应,这种针进针后施以一定的行针手法,使针刺部位产生经气的感应,这种针下的感应,叫做下的感应,叫做“得气得气”。它包括病人在针刺部位有酸胀重麻的感。它包括病人在针刺部位有酸胀重麻的感觉,有时还可出现不同程度的感传现象;医生持针的手上也会感觉觉,有时还可出现不同程度的感传现象;医生持

26、针的手上也会感觉针下有沉重紧涩的现象。针下有沉重紧涩的现象。De qi refers the phenomena after the puncture progress of needle with the De qi refers the phenomena after the puncture progress of needle with the manipulation. The sensation such as aching, numbness, heaviness or manipulation. The sensation such as aching, numbness, h

27、eaviness or distention around the acupoints is caused by the interaction of the Qi in the distention around the acupoints is caused by the interaction of the Qi in the meridian and sometimes induce perception, meanwhile the practitioners are meridian and sometimes induce perception, meanwhile the pr

28、actitioners are sure to feel the heavy tension.sure to feel the heavy tension.针刺补泻的原则和依据 the principle for manipulation原则:原则:principleprinciple盛则泻之,虚则补之,热则疾之,寒则留之,陷下则灸之盛则泻之,虚则补之,热则疾之,寒则留之,陷下则灸之Treating the excess with reductionTreating the excess with reductionTreating the deficiency with tonificati

29、onTreating the deficiency with tonificationTreating the hot with prompt interventionTreating the hot with prompt interventionTreating the cold with retaining interventionTreating the cold with retaining interventionTreating the collapse of Qi by moxibustionTreating the collapse of Qi by moxibustion依

30、据:明辨经络、审察形神、辨别虚实。依据:明辨经络、审察形神、辨别虚实。Outline : meridian assessment, evaluate the body and spirit, and identify the sthnia Outline : meridian assessment, evaluate the body and spirit, and identify the sthnia and asthniaand asthnia针刺补泻手法徐疾补泻法(徐进疾出谓之补)徐疾补泻法(徐进疾出谓之补)Rapid and slow in insertion and withdra

31、wlingRapid and slow in insertion and withdrawlingReinforcing means slowly inserting and rapidly withdrawling.Reinforcing means slowly inserting and rapidly withdrawling.提插补泻法(重插轻提谓之补)提插补泻法(重插轻提谓之补)Lifting and thrusting: Lifting and thrusting: Reinforcing means heavily rapidly thrusting and gently sl

32、ow liftingReinforcing means heavily rapidly thrusting and gently slow lifting捻转补泻法(左转捻针大指向前,食指向后转谓之补)捻转补泻法(左转捻针大指向前,食指向后转谓之补)Twisting and rotating of needle:thumb forward and index finger backward in small amplitude Twisting and rotating of needle:thumb forward and index finger backward in small amp

33、litude as the reinforingas the reinforing呼吸补泻法(呼进吸出谓之补)呼吸补泻法(呼进吸出谓之补)Respiration :Respiration :Reinforcing means inserting needle when exhaling and withdrawling when inhalingReinforcing means inserting needle when exhaling and withdrawling when inhaling开阖补泻法(出针后速按针孔谓之补)开阖补泻法(出针后速按针孔谓之补)Acupints open

34、 and closeAcupints open and closeReinforcing means ressing the acupoints quickly after the withdrawling of needle.Reinforcing means ressing the acupoints quickly after the withdrawling of needle.迎随补泻法(顺迎随补泻法(顺 经脉而刺谓之补)经脉而刺谓之补)Directional supplementation and draining method:reinforcing means the dire

35、ction of needle is Directional supplementation and draining method:reinforcing means the direction of needle is along towards the direction of the meridian.along towards the direction of the meridian.平补平泻法(既补又泻平补平泻法(既补又泻, , 不补不泻)不补不泻)Moderate reinforcing and reducing method Moderate reinforcing and

36、reducing method Reinforce with the reduction , or keep balance of reinforcing and reducing.Reinforce with the reduction , or keep balance of reinforcing and reducing.留针与出针留针:留针:retentionretention一般病症,留针一般病症,留针10-2010-20分钟分钟10-20min as routine10-20min as routine慢性慢性, ,顽固性顽固性, ,疼痛性疼痛性, ,痉挛性病症留针时间延长痉挛性

37、病症留针时间延长Long duration for the chronic, intractable, painful and spastic diseases.Long duration for the chronic, intractable, painful and spastic diseases.期间可间歇性行针期间可间歇性行针Manipulation during the intervals for the retention.Manipulation during the intervals for the retention.若不得气,可留针待气若不得气,可留针待气Retent

38、ion for De Qi on the condition of slow reaction of sensationRetention for De Qi on the condition of slow reaction of sensation出针:出针:withdrawlwithdrawl出针应检查针数出针应检查针数to check the number of needleto check the number of needle针刺异常情况及处理(晕针)faintng during acupuncture treatment【原因原因causecause】体虚体虚infirmity

39、 and debility, infirmity and debility, 紧张紧张anxietyanxiety;疲劳;疲劳fatigue, fatigue, 饥饿饥饿hungerhunger;手法过强;手法过强inproper manipulation cause strong sensationinproper manipulation cause strong sensation【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】头晕目眩头晕目眩vertigo, vertigo, 面色苍白面色苍白pale face, pale face, 身出冷汗身出冷汗cold cold sweat

40、ing, sweating, 心慌欲呕心慌欲呕nausea and palpitation, nausea and palpitation, 晕厥晕厥syncopesyncope【处理处理measurementmeasurement】起针起针withdrawl the needle,withdrawl the needle,平卧平卧 lie down,lie down,放低头部放低头部head-head-down positiondown position;予以热饮;予以热饮hot refreshmenthot refreshment;针刺合谷;针刺合谷, ,人中人中, ,内关内关 needl

41、ing needling acupoints such as LI4, GV26, PC6acupoints such as LI4, GV26, PC6【预防预防preventionprevention】观察解释观察解释observation and explaination, observation and explaination, 合适体位合适体位suitable suitable position, position, 手法适宜手法适宜 proper manipulation proper manipulation针刺异常情况及处理(滞针)stuck needle during ac

42、upuncture treatment【原因原因causecause】精神紧张精神紧张anxietyanxiety;行针手法不当;行针手法不当inproper manipulationinproper manipulation;留针时;留针时间过长间过长 long retention of the needlelong retention of the needle【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】针在体内,行针困难,针下涩滞(提插针在体内,行针困难,针下涩滞(提插 捻转捻转 出针)出针)sticking feeling during manipulation, hard t

43、o withdrawl the needlesticking feeling during manipulation, hard to withdrawl the needle【处理处理measurementmeasurement】放松肌肉放松肌肉 relaxing the muslerelaxing the musle;旁刺;旁刺1, 21, 2针针auxiliary needle in auxiliary needle in the region nearby 1-2 cunthe region nearby 1-2 cun;反向捻转;反向捻转,twisting the needle in

44、to reversed direction,twisting the needle into reversed direction【预防预防preventionprevention】解释解释 explainationexplaination; 手法适宜手法适宜proper manipulationproper manipulation;避免单;避免单向捻转向捻转 both-way twisting in manipulationboth-way twisting in manipulation针刺异常情况及处理(弯针)curved needle during acupuncture treat

45、ment【原因原因causecause】手法不当手法不当inproper manipulationinproper manipulation;体位移动;体位移动shift during treatmentshift during treatment;外力碰撞;外力碰撞collision of external forcecollision of external force【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】针身弯曲针身弯曲curved needlecurved needle,针柄倾斜,针柄倾斜 lean handlelean handle【处理处理measurementmea

46、surement】恢复体位恢复体位restore the correct positionrestore the correct position;顺势拔针;顺势拔针withdrawl withdrawl the needlethe needle【预防预防preventionprevention】手法熟练手法熟练proper manipulationproper manipulation;体位适当;体位适当proper positionproper position;保护针刺部位保护针刺部位pay attention to the region during treatmentpay atte

47、ntion to the region during treatment针刺异常情况及处理(断针)Broken needle during acupuncture treatment【原因原因causecause】质量欠佳质量欠佳poor quality of needlepoor quality of needle;肌肉收缩;肌肉收缩muscle contractionmuscle contraction;手;手法过重法过重 inproper manipulationinproper manipulation【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】针身中断,残留体内针身中断,残留

48、体内 broken needle in the bodybroken needle in the body【处理处理measurementmeasurement】镇静不动镇静不动freeze the patientfreeze the patient;手或镊子拔针;手或镊子拔针withdrawl the withdrawl the needle by hand or tweezerneedle by hand or tweezer;手术处理;手术处理 surgerysurgery【预防预防preventionprevention】检查针具检查针具check the needle before

49、manipulationcheck the needle before manipulation;避免过强手;避免过强手法法proper manipulationproper manipulation;不随意移动体位;不随意移动体位correct position and hold oncorrect position and hold on;不宜将针;不宜将针身全部刺入皮肤身全部刺入皮肤pay attention to the depth of the needlepay attention to the depth of the needle;正确处理滞针、弯针;正确处理滞针、弯针 cor

50、rect measurements to the stuck needle or curved needlecorrect measurements to the stuck needle or curved needle针刺异常情况及处理(血肿)Hematoma during acupuncture treatment【原因原因causecause】质量欠佳质量欠佳poor quality of the needlepoor quality of the needle;刺伤血管;刺伤血管 injury of vesselinjury of vessel【现象现象phenomenonpheno

51、menon】皮下出血引起肿痛,局部青紫皮下出血引起肿痛,局部青紫 bruise cause by bleedingbruise cause by bleeding【处理处理measurementmeasurement】微量出血不必处理;反之冷敷止血,再热敷或按揉微量出血不必处理;反之冷敷止血,再热敷或按揉Little spot of bleeding just press with cotton ball as routine, cold compress to stop Little spot of bleeding just press with cotton ball as routin

52、e, cold compress to stop bleedingbleeding,then hot compress with massage after.then hot compress with massage after.【预防预防preventionprevention】检查针具检查针具check the needle before manipulationcheck the needle before manipulation;避开血管;避开血管 keep the needle away from vesselkeep the needle away from vessel针刺异

53、常情况及处理(后遗感)Leave over feeling of the needle【原因原因causecause】针刺手法过重针刺手法过重 strong sensation in the treatmentstrong sensation in the treatment【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】不适的酸胀痛不适的酸胀痛 inacceptable ache or distentioninacceptable ache or distention【处理处理measurementmeasurement】轻者不必处理;重者局部热敷轻者不必处理;重者局部热敷 the sl

54、ight is regular , the the slight is regular , the severe needs the hot compresssevere needs the hot compress【预防预防preventionprevention】手法熟练手法熟练 proper manipultionproper manipultion针刺异常情况及处理(刺伤内脏)Injury of the organs【原因原因causecause】针刺角度和深度不当针刺角度和深度不当inproper angle and depth of the needleinproper angle

55、 and depth of the needle【现象现象phenomenonphenomenon】气胸气胸pneunothoraxpneunothorax,死亡,死亡deathdeath,内脏出血,内脏出血bleeding of organsbleeding of organs【处理处理measurementsmeasurements】对症处理对症处理 emergency for acute measurementsemergency for acute measurements【预防预防preventionprevention】熟悉穴位解剖熟悉穴位解剖 basic knowledge of

56、 anatomical structurebasic knowledge of anatomical structure针刺注意事项 the caution of manipulation过饥过饥hungerhunger、过饱、过饱satiationsatiation,酒醉,酒醉drunkdrunk,大惊,大惊terrorterror,劳累过度,劳累过度overwork and fatigueoverwork and fatigue久病体虚久病体虚chronic disease with weak bodychronic disease with weak body、大汗、大汗profuse

57、sweatingprofuse sweating、大血大血hemorrhoeahemorrhoea皮肤感染皮肤感染skin infectionskin infection、溃疡、溃疡ulcer and anabrosisulcer and anabrosis、疤痕、疤痕scarscar、肿瘤、肿瘤部位部位tumor regiontumor region孕妇孕妇pregent womanpregent woman灸法的概念 What is moxibustion借灸火的热力给人体以温热性刺激,通过经络腧借灸火的热力给人体以温热性刺激,通过经络腧穴的作用,以达到防治疾病目的的一种方法。穴的作用,以

58、达到防治疾病目的的一种方法。Moxibustion is a therapy used to treat and prevent Moxibustion is a therapy used to treat and prevent disease by applying the burning moxa to stimulate the disease by applying the burning moxa to stimulate the human body with heat.human body with heat.灸法的分类classification of moxibustion

59、艾柱灸艾柱灸moxa conemoxa cone 直接灸直接灸direct contract moxibustiondirect contract moxibustion疤痕灸疤痕灸scarring scarring 无疤痕灸无疤痕灸non-scaringnon-scaring 间接灸间接灸indirect moxibustionindirect moxibustion隔姜灸隔姜灸with gingerwith ginger 隔蒜灸隔蒜灸with garlicwith garlic 隔盐灸隔盐灸 on salt on salt 隔附子饼灸隔附子饼灸 with aconitiwith aconi

60、ti艾条灸艾条灸moxa stickmoxa stick 回旋灸回旋灸circlingcircling 雀啄灸雀啄灸peckingpecking 雷火灸雷火灸thunder-fire moxibustionthunder-fire moxibustion温针灸温针灸warming needlewarming needle温筒灸温筒灸moxa burner moxibustionmoxa burner moxibustion天灸天灸natural moxibustion with medicinal herbsnatural moxibustion with medicinal herbs 白芥

61、子白芥子 蒜泥蒜泥 毛茛毛茛艾灸的作用 Efficacy of moxibustion温散寒邪,温通经络温散寒邪,温通经络Warming and activating the meridin to expel the cold evilWarming and activating the meridin to expel the cold evil活血逐痹,回阳固脱活血逐痹,回阳固脱Invigorating the blood circulation to dispel the blockage,Invigorating the blood circulation to dispel the

62、blockage,Recuperating depleted yang to treat collapse syndromeRecuperating depleted yang to treat collapse syndrome消瘀散结,防病保健消瘀散结,防病保健Dispersing blood stasis and resolving lumpDispersing blood stasis and resolving lumpPrevention of disease for healthcarePrevention of disease for healthcare艾柱灸(疤痕灸)sca

63、rring moxibustion【方法方法methodmethod】艾柱置于穴位上燃烧,愈后有疤痕艾柱置于穴位上燃烧,愈后有疤痕【适应范围适应范围indicationindication】顽固性疾病顽固性疾病intractable diseaseintractable disease:哮喘:哮喘asthmaasthma、肺痨、肺痨tuberculosistuberculosis、瘰疬、瘰疬scrofulascrofula【注意事项注意事项cautioncaution】颜面,血管,关节,皮肤薄弱处不宜颜面,血管,关节,皮肤薄弱处不宜face,vessel and joint are the c

64、ontraindicationface,vessel and joint are the contraindication艾柱灸(无疤痕灸)nonscarring moxibustion【方法方法methodmethod】艾柱置于穴位上燃烧艾柱置于穴位上燃烧1/21/2,2/32/3时,患者感到灼痛移除更新,无疤痕时,患者感到灼痛移除更新,无疤痕Moxa cone burnt about 1/2or 2/3 , with burning sensation, then remove the cone Moxa cone burnt about 1/2or 2/3 , with burning

65、sensation, then remove the cone with a new moxa pilewith a new moxa pile【适应范围适应范围indicationindication】一般虚寒性疾病一般虚寒性疾病 normally for the deficiency of yang and syndrome of coldnormally for the deficiency of yang and syndrome of cold【注意事项注意事项cautioncaution】局部红晕,不起泡为度局部红晕,不起泡为度 reddish without blisterred

66、dish without blister艾柱灸(间接灸)moxa cone【方法方法methodmethod】艾柱置于媒介之上燃烧,待燃尽移除更新艾柱置于媒介之上燃烧,待燃尽移除更新Moxa cone is burnt on the intermediary totally before it extinguish.Moxa cone is burnt on the intermediary totally before it extinguish.【适应范围适应范围indicationindication】隔姜灸:因寒而致呕吐、腹痛腹泻、风寒痹症等;隔姜灸:因寒而致呕吐、腹痛腹泻、风寒痹症等

67、;Vomitting ,belly pain, diarrhea and arthritis caused by cold syndrome with gingerVomitting ,belly pain, diarrhea and arthritis caused by cold syndrome with ginger隔蒜灸:肺痨、瘰疬、肿疡初期;隔蒜灸:肺痨、瘰疬、肿疡初期;Tuberculosis scrofula ulcer and anabrosis in the early state with garlicTuberculosis scrofula ulcer and ana

68、brosis in the early state with garlic隔盐灸:伤寒阴证,吐泻并作,中风脱证;隔盐灸:伤寒阴证,吐泻并作,中风脱证;Cold damage with yin syndrome, vomitting and diarrhea, stroke with prostrain syndrome with saltCold damage with yin syndrome, vomitting and diarrhea, stroke with prostrain syndrome with salt隔附子饼灸:阳痿早泄等隔附子饼灸:阳痿早泄等Impotence and

69、 premature ejaculation with the acontiniImpotence and premature ejaculation with the acontini【注意事项注意事项cautioncaution】媒介的制作媒介的制作the choice for the intermediatrythe choice for the intermediatry艾条灸 moxa stick moxibustion温和灸温和灸mild moxibustionmild moxibustion慢性病慢性病chronic illnesschronic illness雀琢灸雀琢灸pec

70、king moxibustionpecking moxibustion急性病急性病acute illnessacute illness温针灸warming needle针灸并用针灸并用the integration of acupuncture and moxibustionthe integration of acupuncture and moxibustion型如枣核型如枣核shaoe like a nucleusshaoe like a nucleus松紧适宜松紧适宜proper tightnessproper tightness适用于寒症(实寒、虚寒)适用于寒症(实寒、虚寒)indi

71、cation for cold indication for cold syndrome both of the excess and the deficiency.syndrome both of the excess and the deficiency.灸法的注意事项Caution for the moxibustion以虚证、寒证、阴证为主。以虚证、寒证、阴证为主。Indication for deficiency cold and yin syndromeIndication for deficiency cold and yin syndrome阴虚阳亢或邪热内炽禁灸阴虚阳亢或邪热

72、内炽禁灸Yin deficiency and yang excess syndrome as well as the inner evil heat syndrome is the Yin deficiency and yang excess syndrome as well as the inner evil heat syndrome is the contraindicationcontraindication实证、热证及阴虚发热者不宜实证、热证及阴虚发热者不宜Excess and heat syndrome as well as the yin deficiency syndrome

73、is not the proper Excess and heat syndrome as well as the yin deficiency syndrome is not the proper indication for moxibustionindication for moxibustion颜面五官、阴部和大血管处禁直接灸颜面五官、阴部和大血管处禁直接灸Face and the sense organs,Face and the sense organs, perineum and aorta is the region in the contraindicationperineu

74、m and aorta is the region in the contraindication孕妇腹部及腰骶部不宜施灸孕妇腹部及腰骶部不宜施灸The pregnant woman is not permitted to moxibustion at the belly and lumbosacral The pregnant woman is not permitted to moxibustion at the belly and lumbosacral regionregion罐的种类、拔罐方法及注意事项罐有:竹罐、陶罐、铜罐、玻璃罐、抽气罐、药水罐。罐有:竹罐、陶罐、铜罐、玻璃罐、抽

75、气罐、药水罐。Cup materials: bamboo pottery copper glass suction cups, drug cupsCup materials: bamboo pottery copper glass suction cups, drug cups方法:火罐(投火法、闪火法)与抽气罐。单罐与多罐、闪罐法、走罐法、方法:火罐(投火法、闪火法)与抽气罐。单罐与多罐、闪罐法、走罐法、药水罐法、留罐法、刺络拔罐法,针罐法。药水罐法、留罐法、刺络拔罐法,针罐法。Manipulation methods: fire-insertion or flashing, suction

76、 cups,single cup or group Manipulation methods: fire-insertion or flashing, suction cups,single cup or group cups,flashing cups,moving cups,drug cups,retaining cups, blood-letting pricking cups,flashing cups,moving cups,drug cups,retaining cups, blood-letting pricking cupping,cupping with needle ret

77、ention.cupping,cupping with needle retention.注意事项:时间不宜过长(注意事项:时间不宜过长(5-105-10分钟);关节突出部位不宜;起罐手法轻缓;分钟);关节突出部位不宜;起罐手法轻缓;高热抽搐痉挛禁用;皮肤过敏破损禁用。高热抽搐痉挛禁用;皮肤过敏破损禁用。Caution : last for 5-10min, not for the joints with ledge,proper manipulation for the Caution : last for 5-10min, not for the joints with ledge,pro

78、per manipulation for the withdrawl of cups, pay attention to the contraindication such as fever,spasm and skin withdrawl of cups, pay attention to the contraindication such as fever,spasm and skin damage.damage.关于电针electroacupuncture TENS影响电针效果的因素(刺激部位、刺激参数影响电针效果的因素(刺激部位、刺激参数 、刺激强度等)、刺激强度等)The domin

79、ating factors are: region of the body, parameters such as wave, time and The dominating factors are: region of the body, parameters such as wave, time and intensity.intensity.关于波形:关于波形:wave:wave:正弦波(调节神经肌肉的张力,密波正弦波(调节神经肌肉的张力,密波- -抑制反应;疏波抑制反应;疏波- -作用;疏密波作用;疏密波- -止止痛促进血液循环及渗出物吸收等。多用于神经痛扭挫伤及瘫痪等)、痛促进血液循

80、环及渗出物吸收等。多用于神经痛扭挫伤及瘫痪等)、Sine wave: regulation of the tension of muscle, condensation for inhibition and Sine wave: regulation of the tension of muscle, condensation for inhibition and rarefaction for stimulation, so as to promote the circulation and antiinflamation. Eg, rarefaction for stimulation,

81、so as to promote the circulation and antiinflamation. Eg, neuralgia sprian and paralysisneuralgia sprian and paralysis尖波(对运动神经和肌肉起兴奋作用,可使神经再生,常用于周围性尖波(对运动神经和肌肉起兴奋作用,可使神经再生,常用于周围性麻痹等症)麻痹等症)Sharp wave to stimulation the nerve and muscle, promoting the regeneration Sharp wave to stimulation the nerve a

82、nd muscle, promoting the regeneration of nerve such as the peripheral numbnessof nerve such as the peripheral numbness方波(消炎止痛镇静解痉,常用于急性扭伤劳损腱鞘炎等)。方波(消炎止痛镇静解痉,常用于急性扭伤劳损腱鞘炎等)。Square wave: for antiinflamation,analgesia, spasmolysis, and mitigation such Square wave: for antiinflamation,analgesia, spasmol

83、ysis, and mitigation such as the sprain and the peritendinitisas the sprain and the peritendinitis使用注意:零关闭;避免电流回路经过心脏(装起搏器者禁用);电使用注意:零关闭;避免电流回路经过心脏(装起搏器者禁用);电针感应由小到大。针感应由小到大。Caution: contraindication for the patient with pacemaker, Caution: contraindication for the patient with pacemaker, Circuit : no pass for the cross of heartCircuit : no pass for the cross of heartVolume: from zero to the maxVolume: from zero to the max



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