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2、otbalancedgeographicalreflect.Socialdialectformdifferentsocialvariantsofthesameterritorymembersofsocietybecausethesocialdifferencesinoccupation,class,age,gender,andculturalupbringing第2页/共21页第二页,共22页。FromSociolinguisticPerspectiveviewoftheU.S.dialect1 Social dialects2 Regional dialects第3页/共21页第三页,共22

3、页。SocialdialectsReasons Characteristic Black English第4页/共21页第四页,共22页。ReasonsA.人口的迁移B.一般说来,相对高收人和有教育背景的人所持语言基本相同C.和中产阶级迁移不同,下层百姓的搬迁一般不会使方言(fngyn)消失,因为新的语言环境和旧的没什么不同第5页/共21页第五页,共22页。Characteristic语言随情景而变化,每个说话人都掌握各种语言变体(bint),而根据情景、话题和说话对象选择合适的方式。一般认为,使用语言包括社会方言区别的语音特点。一般认为社会地位较低的人群把后缀ing发音为n,而不是叻例如:r

4、unnin,代替running。但是所有的美国人,无论社会地位,都在正式场合用们;同样还有用t和f代替幻,如wit和wif发with,对自己的语言没有把握的人经常挑剔他人的语言。一个突出的例子是代词I,me。大多数人通常说:Itsme.但教师们认为这个表达不对,而要求学生说:ItsI。在此人们对是用me或是I很敏感。对有人用Johnandmewenthome反应强烈第6页/共21页第六页,共22页。BLACK ENGLISHBLACK ENGLISH黑人创造的英语不注意过去时态和主谓一致。在现代黑人英语中常用He go 而不是He goes.黑人英语的显著特点就是(jish)动词可以表示完成、

5、动作, 却不注意时态。第7页/共21页第七页,共22页。S h e is in the hospital.在黑人英语中是S he in the hospital.(1 )She be in the hospital.(2 )She in the hospital.在(l) 中, 没有(mi yu)动词be 表示她已经在医院里一段时间了。(2 ) 中有be 表示她经常去医院。又如She be sillyShe silly.非标准英语的另一个语法特点是双否定现象, 如:You cant have no more John never did know nothing在标准英语中这两句话分别为:Yo

6、u cant have anymoreJohn never did know anything第8页/共21页第八页,共22页。NEXTRegional dialects第9页/共21页第九页,共22页。There are 8 major English dialect areas in North America, listed below the map at left. These are shown in blue, each with its number, on the map and in the Dialect Description Chart below, and are

7、also outlined with blue lines on the map. The first 6 of these begin at the eastern seaboard and proceed west, reflecting western settlement patterns.The many subdialects are shown in red on the map and in the chart, and are outlined with red lines on the map. All of these are listed in the margins

8、of the map as well.In the Dialect Description Chartadditional features not shown on the map are provided for distinguishing the dialects.第10页/共21页第十页,共22页。第11页/共21页第十一页,共22页。GeneralNorthernThis is sometimes also refered to as General American and is used in almost two-thirds of the country. It break

9、s down into the dialect regions below:第12页/共21页第十二页,共22页。NorthernNewEnglanddialect许多美国北方方言(fngyn)均源于此,并随着西进运动深入到美国中西部。此方言(fngyn)因波士顿地区的传统政治经济地位,和哈弗大学的学术地位,而在美国广受尊崇。凯瑟琳 赫本是此口音的典型代表,这些人有时将炸面包圈称作“cymbals”, “simballs”, 和“boil cakes”。第13页/共21页第十三页,共22页。EasternNewEnglanddialect这是所有美国方言中最特殊(tsh)的一个,R通常不发音,

10、但以元音结尾的词儿,却总是加上一个R;A被发作AH音,结果就有了“Pahk the cah in Hahvahd yahd”(把车停到哈弗)第14页/共21页第十四页,共22页。Bostoncitydialect和美国许多大城市一样,波士顿方言的形成并非地理原因,而是社会不同等级(dngj)结构和种族构成的产物。泛波士顿方言使用最广,并且听起来和新英格兰东部方言很像;还有一种被称为“新婆罗门”的本地方言,使用者主要是一些上层新贵族,就像电视连续剧Gilligans Island中的百万富翁Mr. Howell那样儿。第15页/共21页第十五页,共22页。Compared with the Ea

11、stern United States, the Compared with the Eastern United States, the Western regions were settled too recently for Western regions were settled too recently for very distinctive dialects to have time to very distinctive dialects to have time to develop or to be studied in detail. Many words develop

12、 or to be studied in detail. Many words originally came from Spanish, cowboy jargon, and originally came from Spanish, cowboy jargon, and even some from the languages of the Native even some from the languages of the Native Americans: Americans: adobe, beer bust, belly up, boneyard, adobe, beer bust

13、, belly up, boneyard, bronco, buckaroo, bunkhouse, cahoots, corral, bronco, buckaroo, bunkhouse, cahoots, corral, greenhorn, hightail, hoosegow, lasso, mustang, greenhorn, hightail, hoosegow, lasso, mustang, maverick, roundup, wingding.maverick, roundup, wingding. Western DialectsWestern Dialects第16

14、页/共21页第十六页,共22页。Southwesterndialectthere had already been as many as ten generations of Spanish speaking people living here, so the Mexican dialect of Spanish had an important influence on this area that became a melting pot for dialects from all over the USA. Some local words are: caballero, cantin

15、a, frijoles, madre, mesa, nana, padre, patio, plaza, ramada, tortilla. 第17页/共21页第十七页,共22页。Some American Slanglow key 低调(d dio)Ive been back and forth.我犹豫不定。squeezed juice 鲜榨的果汁juice with pulp 带果肉的果汁side effect 副作用He cant come to the phone now.他现在不能接电话herbal tea 花草茶第18页/共21页第十八页,共22页。Ready for a refi

16、ll? 我再给你倒一杯(y bi)吧?I love what you have done with this place.我喜欢这里的布置。What was tonight? 今晚本来要做什么?I cant feel my hands.我手麻了。have an affair 外遇Will anyone miss me if I werent here? 我在不在这里有什么区别吗?I saw a lot of stuff.我大开眼界了、call security 通知警卫dog walker 遛狗的人第19页/共21页第十九页,共22页。.showyouavideo.第20页/共21页第二十页,共22页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第21页/共21页第二十一页,共22页。内容(nirng)总结第1页/共21页。但是所有的美国人,无论社会地位, 都在正式场合用们。此方言因波士顿地区的传统政治经济地位,和哈弗大学的学术地位,而在美国广受尊崇。这是所有美国方言中最特殊的一个,R通常不发音,但以元音结尾的词儿,却总是加上一个R。和美国许多大城市一样,波士顿方言的形成并非地理原因,而是社会不同等级结构(jigu)和种族构成的产物第二十二页,共22页。



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