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1、关系副词关系副词Revision1.Is he the man_wants to see you?2.He is the man _I saw yesterday.3.They ran to help the man _car had broken down.4.The book_he is carrying is about to drop.Notes:Notes:引导定语从句的连词叫关系代词或关系副词。引导定语从句的连词叫关系代词或关系副词。关系代词:关系代词:who,whom,whose,that,which,aswho,whom,whose,that,which,as关系副词:关系副词

2、:when,where,whywhen,where,why关系副词还相当于关系副词还相当于“介词介词+which+which”的结构的结构who/thatwhom/thatwhosewhich/that关系副词关系副词whenwhenwherewherewhywhy1. Ill never forget the day when I joined the League.定语从句定语从句我将永远忘不了我将永远忘不了_那一天。那一天。 我入团我入团的的when I joined the League.先行词先行词关系副词关系副词=on which=on which在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当时

3、间状语时间状语whenwhen I havent seen him since the year when he went abroad定语从句定语从句从从_ _ 那年,我就没见过他那年,我就没见过他。 他出国他出国的的when he went abroad先行词先行词关系副词关系副词=in which=in which在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当时间状语时间状语whenwhen定语从句的翻译:定语从句的翻译:April Fools Day is a day when people play jokes on friends 愚人节是愚人节是_日子。日子。人们可以和朋友开玩笑的人们可以和朋

4、友开玩笑的 七月一日是七月一日是(他出生的)(他出生的)日子。日子。July 1st is the day _. when he was born 1945年是年是(二战结束的二战结束的) 时间。时间。 The year 1945 was the time_ _. when the Second World War ended.我永远忘不了我永远忘不了(第一次来深圳的第一次来深圳的)那一天。那一天。 I will never forget the day _ _. when I first came to Shenzhen.PracticePractice Tomorrow I will go

5、 to the town where I was born. 明天我要去明天我要去_那个小镇。那个小镇。 我出生我出生的的 where I was born.定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系副词关系副词= = in whichin which在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当地点状语地点状语wherewhere定语从句的翻译定语从句的翻译:The factory where I work will close down. _ 那家工厂将倒闭。那家工厂将倒闭。我工作的我工作的 我将要去我将要去(我爷爷住的我爷爷住的)那座城市。那座城市。Ill go to the city _. where my

6、grandpa lives. 这附近有没有这附近有没有(我可以买到花的我可以买到花的)商店?商店? Is there a shop near here _ _? where I can buy some flowers?我在我在(我们吃午餐的)(我们吃午餐的)那家餐馆里丢了钱包。那家餐馆里丢了钱包。 I lost my wallet in the restaurant _ _. where we had lunch.PracticePractice I really dont know the reason why he was late again.我真的不知道我真的不知道_原因。原因。 他

7、再次迟到他再次迟到的的 why he was late again.定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系副词关系副词= = for whichfor which在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当原因状语原因状语whywhy The reason why he was so sad was that he lost the game._原因是他比赛输了原因是他比赛输了。 他如此伤心他如此伤心的的 why he was so sad定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系副词关系副词= = for whichfor which在定语从句中充当原因状语在定语从句中充当原因状语whywhy定语从句的翻译:定语从句的

8、翻译:I didnt tell him the reason why I was afraid. 我没告诉他我没告诉他_原因。原因。我害怕的我害怕的(我不给你写信的我不给你写信的)原因是我不知道你的地址。原因是我不知道你的地址。The reason _ was that I didnt know your address. why I didnt write to you你是否知道你是否知道(他们做这件事的他们做这件事的)原因?原因? Do you know the reason _?why they did it(我不喜欢那家餐馆的我不喜欢那家餐馆的)原因是我在那丢过东西。原因是我在那丢过东

9、西。The reason _ is that I once lost something there. why I dont like the restaurantPracticePractice小结小结:关系副词关系副词whenwhenwherewherewhywhy在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当时间状语时间状语在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当地点状语地点状语在定语从句中充当在定语从句中充当原因状语原因状语相当于相当于介词介词+ + whichwhich关系词关系词及其用法小结及其用法小结关系代词关系代词 指代指代 在定从中在定从中 省略否省略否 who whom whose which

10、that 人人作作主主语语不省不省人人作作宾宾语语可省可省人人/物物(的的)作作定定语语(+n)不省不省事事/物物作作主主语语/宾宾语语作宾语时可省作宾语时可省人人/物物作作主主语语/宾宾语语作宾语时可省作宾语时可省关系代词在关系代词在定语从句中定语从句中作宾语时作宾语时可可以以省略省略 that 关系副词关系副词 指代指代 在定从中在定从中 省略否省略否 when where why介词介词+which作作时间时间状语状语介词介词+which介词介词for+which作作地点地点状语状语作作原因原因状语状语不省不省不省不省不省不省不可以不可以省略省略way 作先行词时关系词的使用作先行词时关

11、系词的使用I really dont like the way ( that/ in which ) he talks with his parents.Do it the way I showed you. 先行词先行词 the way in which that 2. The village has developed a lot _ we learned farming two years ago. A. when B. whichC. that D. where点拨点拨 该句先行词是该句先行词是The village,定语从句,定语从句和先行词被谓语和先行词被谓语has develop

12、ed a lot隔开,隔开,从句中缺地点状语,故选从句中缺地点状语,故选where。 3. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a child. A. which B. that C. where D. when 辨析辨析which which or where / when /whyor where / when /why在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语which or where/when/whywhich or wher

13、e/when/why 1. This is the museum _ my mother worked 10 years ago. (worked in the museum 地点状语地点状语) This is the museum _ was built in 1950. (the museum was build) (museum 主语主语)在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语wherewherewhichwhich2. July 1, 1921 was the day _ our Party was founded(成立成立). (our Party w

14、as founded on the day 作状语)作状语) July 1, 1921 was the day _ we will not forget.(we will never forget the day作宾语)作宾语)whenwhenwhichwhichwhich or where/when/whywhich or where/when/why在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语3. I remember the days _ I lived in my home town. (I lived in my home town during the d

15、ays 作作状语)状语) I remember the days _ I spent with my grandpa.(I spent the days with . the days作宾语作宾语)whenwhenwhichwhichwhich or where/when/whywhich or where/when/why在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语4. The house _ were going to visit was built a century ago. (visit the house) The house _ used to be a

16、 temple is a school now. (the house used to be a temple) The house _ he used to live was flooded. ( he used to live in the house)(which / that )(which / that )which / that which / that where where 5.A bookstore is a place_ you can get books. (you can get the books in the place) A bookstore is a plac

17、e _ books are sold. (books are sold in the place) A bookstore is a place _ sell books. (the place sells books)wherewherewhich/thatwhich/thatwherewhere6.I cant find the card _ I wrote your address. ( I wrote your address on the card) I cant find the card _ _ I wrote your address.7.The box _ he put hi

18、s photos is gone. (he put his photo into the box) The box _ he is carrying is heavy. (he is carrying the box)wherewherewherewhereononwhichwhich(that/ which)(that/ which)8.The hotel _ we stayed during our holiday stands by the seaside. (we stayed in the hotel) The hotel _ stands by the seaside is qui

19、te comfortable. (the hotel stands by the seaside)wherewherewhich/ thatwhich/ thatwhich or where/when/whywhich or where/when/why在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语9.The reason _ he did it is not clear. (he did it for .reason 作状语作状语 ) The reason _ he gave to the teacher is unbelievable. (he gave the reason(宾语宾语) to the teacher) whywhywhichwhichwhich or where/when/whywhich or where/when/why在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语还是还是作主语作主语/ /宾语宾语



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