广东省中考英语 第一部分 基础知识归纳梳理 第一节 介词类单词、词组辨析复习课件

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《广东省中考英语 第一部分 基础知识归纳梳理 第一节 介词类单词、词组辨析复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语 第一部分 基础知识归纳梳理 第一节 介词类单词、词组辨析复习课件(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、介词类单词、词组辨析介词类单词、词组辨析1. after all,above all,in all,all in all,first of all【解析】 (1)after all意为“毕竟;终究;到底”,表示一种让步语气,通常放句首。 (2)above all意为“首要的是,尤其; 最重要的是”,强调需要特别注意,通常放句首。 (3)in all意为“总共;合计”,与in total, altogether同义,通常放句中或句尾。 (4)all in all意为“大体而言;总之”,与in a word同义,通常放句首。 (5)first of all意为“首先”,通常放句首。【举例】 Aft

2、er all,it is not my fault,so dont blame it on me. 这毕竟不是我的错,所以不要为此责备我。 Above all,we are still friends. 最重要的是,我们仍然是朋友。 24 monkeys in all. They all gathered near this plant. 一共24只猴子。它们都聚集在这棵植物周围。 All in all,it has been a great success. 总的来说,非常成功。 First of all,you should know what job suits you. 首先,你该知道

3、什么职业适合你。【应用】( )1. _,hes an excellent teacher. A. All in all B. In the word C. In a world D. In a short( )2. _,the small company has raised 385 million dollars. A. In end B. In total C. Of all D. At all( )3. He is sure to come. _,hes already accepted the invitation. A. Above all B. After all C. All i

4、n all D. First of allABB2. like,as【解析】 两者都可表示“像一样”。区别在于:like是介词,用于名词、代词、动名词之前,as是连词,用于分句之前。但在口语中,like往往也可用作连词,并可与as互换。当表示职业、身份、作用等意义时,两者都作介词,此时的区别在于:as 意为“作为”,like意为“像”。【举例】 Like me, she enjoys all kinds of music. 她和我一样, 各种音乐都喜爱。 She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do. 她各种音乐都喜爱, 和我一样。 Nobody underst

5、ands him like / as I do. 没有人能像我这样理解他。(口语中,like也可作连词) He worked as a slave. 他是奴隶。(即:他实际上就是奴隶。) He worked like a slave. 他像奴隶一样工作。(即:他工作很辛苦,但仍是自由人,不是奴隶。)【应用】( )1. Do everything _ I do. A. as B. after C. that D. likesA( )2. He _ his mother. A. like B. looks like C. be like D. as( )3. She _ a teacher for

6、 many years. A. is like B. works C. works as D. work for( )4. Our doctor always talks to me _ a teacher talking to a child. A. as B. like C. likes D. likingBCB3. at the end of.,by the end of.,in the end【解析】 at the end of.意为“在的尽头/末端(可以指时间,也可以指空间)”,其反义词组是at the beginning of。by the end of.意为“到(时间)末”,多用

7、于完成时。in the end意为“最后;终于”,单独使用,后面没有of,其同义词(组)为finally,at last。【举例】 Who says that well have an exam at the end of this month? 谁说这个月末我们会举行考试? Weve learned about 9,000 words by the end of this semester. 这个学期末为止我们已学了大约9,000个单词。 He tried many times,and in the end,he succeeded. 他尝试了很多次,最后,他成功了。【应用】( )1. Im

8、 sure everything will work out by itself _. A. at the end B. by the end of C. in the end D. in the end ofC( )2. _, I have to repeat my advice. A. At end B. Finally C. By the end D. In end( )3. Well have an exam _ JanuaryA. in the end B. at the end C. at the end of D. by the end of( )4. _ last term w

9、e had learned 16 units of Book III. A. By the end of B. In the end C. At the end of D. To the endBCA4. be good for,be good at,be good to,be good with【解析】 be good for意为“对有好处”,反义词是be bad for,意为“对有坏处”。 be good at (doing)意为“在方面(学得、做得)好;擅长”,近义词组是do well in (doing)。be good to意为“对好、仁慈(和善)”。be good with意为“与

10、相处融洽”,同义短语为get along / on well with。 【举例】 Sleeping too much is actually bad for your health. 睡得太多对你的身体健康反而不好。 Some of the children are good at learning languages. 其中一些孩子擅长学习语言。 Our door-keeper is good to everyone in the factory. 我们的门卫对工厂里每个人都很好。 Try to be good with your new neighbors,thats good for

11、you. 努力与你的新邻居相处好,那对你有好处。【应用】( )1. Mandy _ English. A. is good for B. is good to C. does well in D. is well at( )2. To be a teacher in a kindergarten(幼儿园),first you should learn to be good _ kids. A. of B. with C. at D. for( )3. Eating vegetables _ our health. A. are good for B. is good with C. are g

12、ood at D. is good for( )4. Was Jim good at _ short stories?A. wrote B. write C. writing D. to writeCBDC5. across,cross, through,past, pass【解析】 (1)across,through,past作介词。across意为“横跨;横穿;穿越”,与go / walk等动词连用表示“穿过;越过;横穿”的意思,与cross基本同义;across (from)还可以表示“在/到对面”。 through意为“穿过;通过;贯穿;透过”,常与go,walk等动词连用,主要表示从

13、物体内部穿过,如穿过森林、隧道等。past意为“过去;经过”(介词),“过去(的)”(名词、形容词)。 (2)cross,pass是动词。cross意为“横过;交叉”,主要表示在物体表面上横穿,如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义。pass意为“经过;穿过;渡过”,相当于动词后接past,如go / travel / run past。pass by意为“走过;路过”。 【举例】 Be careful when you cross (go / walk across) the street. 过马路时要小心。 As Sam passed (walked past) the mus

14、eum door,a fire broke out. 当山姆经过博物馆门口时,一场大火爆发了。 The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China. 绿色长城横跨中国西北。 Go across (=Cross) the road,you will find the post office on your left. 横过这条公路,你会发现邮局就在你的左边。 The two friends were walking through the forest. 这两个朋友正沿着森林走。 After they went past (=passed)

15、 the forest,they came to a river. 他们穿过那片树林后,来到了一条河边。【应用】( )1. Three months _ and then one morning,Sam found his wallet outside his front door. A. passed B. past C. crossed D. pass( )2. The river runs _ our city. A. across B. through C. though D. pass( )3. Before walking _ the bridge, buy some drink

16、in the store. A. cross B. across C. through D. crossingABB6. except,besides,but,except for【解析】 这四个词里,except和besides是中考重点。 (1)except 表示“除之外(没有)”,着重强调在同类中“排除、减除”。 (2)besides表示“除了(还有)”,指在整体中加入一部分,有“加上”之意。 (3)but表示“除之外”,与except的用法基本相同,但着重强调整句的内容,且习惯用于every / all / any / nobody / nothing / no / who等词后面。

17、(4)except for是异类排除(而except是同类排除)。【举例】 We all felt sorry for him except her. 除了她,我们都为他而感到难过。 Who else went swimming besides you? 除了你,还有谁去了游泳? There was nothing we could do but waiting. 除了等待,我们什么也不能做。 Your writing is rather good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了几个拼写错误,你的习作很不错。(作文与拼写错误是异类的)【应用】( )

18、1. _ his wife,his daughter also went to see him. A. Besides B. Beside C. But D. Except( )2. Nobody went to see him _ his wife. A. expect B. except C. besides D. except for( )3. Do you know any other foreign language _ English? A. except B. but C. beside D. besides ( )4. They all went to see the film

19、 except _. A. she B. her C. us D. hersABDB7. in,after,later【解析】 三者都含有“在以后”的意思。 (1)in作介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用在将来时。 (2)after可作介词,其后既可接时间点,又可接时间段。如果after用于一般将来时,那么其后只接时间点。 (3)later作副词,可以指过去,也可指将来,常常放在表示时间段的名词之后。【举例】 They will arrive in half an hour. 半小时后他们将到达。 He started to go again after two days. 两

20、天以后,他又走了。 At first she was asleep. Half an hour later / After half an hour she woke up. 开始她睡着了,半小时后醒来了。【应用】( )1. Four days _, they reached the island. A. after B. on C. later D. in( )2. Well meet him _ two oclock. A. in B. for C. after D. later( )3. The 30th Sports Meeting will be held in this city

21、_ about six weeks this year. A. at B. on C. after D. inCCD8. in,on,at 【解析】 in,on,at后均可以接时间表示“在(时候)”。区别如下: (1)in除了接时间段用在将来时中,还可接年、季节、月等,或者用在一些固定短语当中。 (2) on后接具体的一天或者具体一天的上午、下午或晚上,或者用在一些固定短语当中。 (3)at后接具体时刻,或者用在一些固定短语当中。【举例】 in 2008 在2008年; in winter 在冬季; in August,1938 在1938年8月; in the end 最后;终于;in a

22、minute 立刻;马上;in time 及时 on August 28,1938 在1938年8月28号; on Monday 在星期一;on Christmas Day 在圣诞节;on a cold,wet morning 在一个寒冷、潮湿的早晨;on Sunday evening 在星期天晚上;on weekends 在周末;on time 准时 at half past six 在六点半;at mid-night 在半夜;at breakfast 在早餐时;at first 首先;at the moment 现在,此时;at that time 在那时;at this time of

23、day 在一天中的这个时候【应用】( )1. When was David born? He was born _ June 12th,1989. A. at B. in C. on D. for( )2. The charity work begins _ 9:00 a.m. Dont be late. No problem. A. in B. at C. on D. to( )3. How soon will Rachel come home? _ half a month. A. In B. On C. For D. AtCBA9. in,with,by【解析】 三者都可以用来表示方式,

24、意为“用”。 (1) in表示“用方式;用语言(或语调、笔墨、颜色等)”。 (2) with表示“用工具(具体有形的工具)”。 (3) by 表示“以方法、手段;搭乘某种交通工具;传达、传递的方式或媒介等”。【举例】 Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么讲? He broke the window with a stone. 他用一块石头击碎了玻璃。 He makes a living by selling newspapers. 他以卖报为生。 My elder brother gets to school by bus every day. 我哥哥每天乘公交车去上学

25、。【应用】( )1. Whos the girl _ white?A. in B. of C. under D. with( )2. I can sing it _ French. A. of B. in C. with D. by( )3. Please fill the bottle _ water. A. by B. with C. in D. of( )4. Do you go to school _ bike or on foot?A. on B. in C. by D. withABBC10. instead,instead of【解析】 两者都表示“代替;而不是”。instead

26、常用于句中,后跟逗号,起连接上下句的作用,也可放在句尾。instead of后面接名词、代词或动名词。 【举例】 George didnt go to Wales,instead,he stayed in London. 乔治没有去威尔士,取而代之,他待在了伦敦。 Emma played tennis with Ann instead of going swimming with Kate.=Emma didnt go swimming with Kate,instead,she played tennis with Ann. 艾玛没有跟凯特去游泳,而是跟安打了网球。【应用】( )1. Phi

27、lip didnt go hiking with his sister,_,he stayed and played games alone at home. A. instead B. rather than C. instead of D. in stead( )2. Philip stayed and played games alone at home instead of _ hiking with his sister. A. went B. going C. to go D. goesAB( )3. Will you go to the meeting instead of _?

28、A. she B. hers C. her D. my( )4. He didnt give Jack the money, but he gave it to me _.A. instead B. that C. last D. instead of11. on time,in time【解析】 on time意为“准时;按时”,in time则表示“及时;迟早”。 CA【举例】 Subways in this city are always on time. 这个城市的地铁总是准时的。 The ambulance got there just in time. 救护车正好及时赶到那里。【应

29、用】( )1. We want to start the meeting _ time,so please dont be late. A. on B. at C. with D. in( )2. As long as you stick to it, you will make progress _. A. in time B. at a time C. at one time D. on timeAA( )3. Thank you for telling me this news _. A. in time B. at times C. at one time D. on time12.

30、since,for【解析】 两者都可以作为完成时的标志。 (1)since 意为“自从起”,后常接表示过去的时间点,表示动作或状态从过去的这一时间点持续到现在。如果该时间点用时间状语从句来表示,那么该从句的谓语要用短暂性动词的一般过去时。 (2)for一段时间,表示动作或状态持续多久。 A【举例】 I have seen a lot of friendly people since I came to China. 自从来到中国,我认识了很多友好的人。 My aunt has worked in a clinic since 9 years ago. 我姑姑从九年前到现在一直在一家诊所工作。(

31、注意区别:My aunt worked in a clinic 9 years ago. 我姑姑九年前在一家诊所工作。) My aunt has been working in a clinic for 9 years. 我姑姑在一家诊所工作九年了。(句中的for 9 years相当于前句中的 since 9 years ago)【应用】( )1. Theyve been in China _ one and a half years. A. in B. for C. every D. after( )2. They _ in this city since one and a half ye

32、ars ago. A. have worked B. worked C. are working D. would work( )3. This museum has been open _ 2013. A. in B. after C. for D. since( )4. We have made many new friends since we _ jobs here. A. find B. have found C. found D. findBADC( )5. How long have you taught here? _. A. Since two years B. For tw

33、o years ago C. Since 2012 D. Two months ago13. under,below【解析】 under指“在正下方;少于(用于数量等)”,其反义词为over。below泛指“在下方;少于(用于温度、高度等)”,其反义词为above。 C【举例】 I want to have a rest under the tree. 我想在树下休息一会儿。 There is a lake below the mountain. 山下有个湖。【应用】( )1. Theres a cat _ the table. A. in B. under C. next D. betwee

34、n( )2. Anyone who is _ 18 years old isnt allowed here. A. under B. less C. below D. on( )3. The temperature today is ten degrees _ zero. Its freezing cold. A. above B. on C. below D. underBAC14. until,not.until【解析】 两者都可表示“直到”。until意为“直到”,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间,用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是延续性的。not.until 意为“直到才”,表示某一行

35、为直到某一时间才发生,之前该行为并没有发生,用在否定句中,主句中的谓语可以是延续性的也可以是短暂性的动词。 附:until也可以作连词,作连词后面要跟一个完整的句子,而作介词后面跟名词或名词短语。【举例】 I studied English until 9 oclock last night. 我昨晚学英语一直学到9点钟。(表示9点前一直在学) Jane didnt go to sleep until midnight yesterday. 昨天简直到半夜才睡觉。(表示半夜前没有睡)【应用】( )1. I _ the hospital until five oclock. A. left B. not leave C. didnt leave D. did leave( )2. She _ until ten oclock. A. went B. started C. waited D. died( )3. He didnt turn up _ half an hour later. A. for B. since C. in D. untilCCD



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