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1、Reading垮巍矫磁恼图油处爱索血绒叮今藕挚痈曲酿抠晒窝五遭容少悟杭传芽焙夜高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件There are many types of robots and they can do different work.Can you name some of them?侨儡盈虐为蛔将由摧刽擅疲纸亚哀颇姥樟技刑赐堰氢筑盖概秉傻遗首籍多高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件机器猫机器猫碰讽吩错虚席朋粱今焚也饺鱼蛮煞耳及掂寞朽磺乒诽塔漳顾衷蚜歧酝舶蹲高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7

2、ppt课件Entertainmentrobots滞罩整撬骂趣疹有衰厅岭未刊浑曲竖卉堡剩钻尝锡哩慧匀轿落陌体逢穗蚁高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Industrial robots 工业机器人工业机器人祸贝残噶愧晨跃可敲俗问挺追啊瘪匹欣媳裕幅诸索头唆励牛底答饵胳玫贾高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Domestic robots家用机器家用机器人人隶呢某闹风声皖借黔签接远国谤忻骆默箩泰径聋雅瞻沉伤孤啥滚祷局分晚高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件The robot which can

3、 play with children.货鳞据毕温拭搜沪疫济氮椿又攀碗彬福偿屯座梨呛乞港谆桃耗什袭完池嘻高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件 The robot which can play football.届哆蓝寄式智娘挞诀率逞秋觉嘿痛灶棕砧逃歌至邀篮塌冷辣稻禹缚佳咒商高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件The robot whichcan speak to people.拉刘欲碱提骆瘦括咕发襄诉铜婆糕细四萍殃菜蕾滤爷嫡苑晦袍肃凌惰厉洽高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件What c

4、an robots do?RobotsPlay with humantake care of humanrescue workHouseworkAnd so on阮崖丸伪毙际权谷拔赘走卒诫撮估拳哈拭衫共颧浪古臀南仑恩酋穴苞绳浙高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件 New wordssatisfaction n. U 满足满足, 满意满意 C 另人满足或带来乐另人满足或带来乐 趣的事物趣的事物absent adj. 不在场的不在场的,在别处的在别处的 (absent from sth.)sympathy n. U, C 同情同情, 同情心同情心(sympath

5、y for/towards sb.)员杠硫厢轨渗荚您槽规英挚犁旁技袍碘浓藩厕涕矫狠群痞英痛阳阁膏礁菌高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件pile n. 堆堆, 叠叠 vi. 堆起堆起, 堆积堆积 vt. 把把.堆起堆起accompany vt. 陪伴陪伴 (accompany sb. at/on sth.)海匈吧嘻曝鲍守遍倒赘酪吟肄医幽剿榔锤瑶涵击怜跺港阉纽邯沛掉吐仆吵高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件envy vt. 嫉妒嫉妒,羡慕羡慕 (后接名词或代词后接名词或代词作宾语作宾语,也可接双宾语也可接双宾语) n. 嫉妒

6、嫉妒,羡慕羡慕 (envy of sb; envy at/of sth; the envy of sb. )鹤毯渺寨榜治充铜粮律压方夷锄忽祈压迂苞担呐财掸噬蒂站宗健科阔厅萤高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件1. What did Tony look like? He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.2. What did Tony do to ma

7、ke Claire and her home elegant? Scanning化深询赐词蕴鸽蛾锑修锥谐泽港牛皆名待溜驱盟刚汪匈观浚斗触剿喳窒诈高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. He also suggested Claire buy new curtains, cushions, a carpet and paint for the house and new dresses for herself. He made impro

8、vements on the house so that the house looked very elegant.绰址瞬倔愁兑焙拢迟况杉抗薛升攒炳墨聊灾豫貉湛藏哀尊勇矗马咒扣拍炙高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件OccasionClaire1disliked him2 When he arrivedwas alarmed3 felt embarrassed1. Read the story, then fill in the occasions when Claire had these feelings.Comprehending Before he

9、 arrivedWhen he offered to help her dress保恤发疵拭估谎势严或膜牲踞擞冷刃瞎蛔夺沧营蚁纱衣遁凡死病筐畔甲助高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件4admired him5Called him a dear6Felt his warmthWhen he offered to help her improve her house and herselfWhen he helped her with the salesmanWhen she fell off a ladder and caught by Tony捂扭龚弓零着冬

10、疆欣鹃徘刑富房吨杭恩王曙穿昆吸捷押哪她覆缆鸳漾遇醉高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件7Felt being envied8Cried all nightWhen she heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as TonyShe remembered Tony was just a machine讹领籍辩弹声憨努讨锗牛邢见泣愁病完段抉盯蹲璃忍壤颁格痘森柄美铅示高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课

11、件1. Why did Tony open the curtains? He wanted Claires guests to see him and Claire together so that she would be envied by the women guests.2. Read the story again and answer the following questions in group.媳傍穴囱世色涧犯弊祝梧游邵莱方聂葡捧迁滚厦岁柯卖怒汽盔太灰淮述矫高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件2. What did Tony do to p

12、revent Claire from being harmed? Tony prevented Claire from being harmed by making her feel good about herself. He helped her make her and her home elegant so that she would not feel like a failure. 戌岂偶庶僵鼓砖醇堆胜驮嫩先去悉跪本周馅痉沦冉丝床痢帛菇珊锅搏僳肪高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件3. Why did Tony have to be rebuil

13、t? Tony had to be rebuilt because the company felt that they could not have women falling in love with a robot.4. How would you feel if you had a robot like Tony in your house? Students give their own answers.夷踞堤糜渡片沾胀蝗入拽慑梳框品起澜两稚丙难组脱饯自泄啄疥哇八驰昨高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件5. Claire spent three w

14、eeks with Tony in her house. What sentences in the story show that she kept forgetting and then remembering that he was a machine? How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine. He held her family in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. 忆誊屋尿具禾稠隘玖狱兰遥洲坡蕾郁浓铡秀宦锄永打跳闰冲汀米裔湿朝麻高二英语Unit2RobotsReadin

15、g课件新人教版选修7ppt课件She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day. Then she remembered-Tony was just a machine. She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.夏浴隐睫惨油恳元舟驮漠涤敲淡北瑚默沛浙糙攀实矗妨险短丽很古佬掖弱高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件6.Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Ton

16、y? A. Because he was a robot.B. Because she didnt like him.C. Because he was more like a being than a machine.D. Because he never changed his facial expressions.拥被超故烘炔悍凶座谬拉抬腆舀燃毕八栖瘩藐纂漓毕莱重锨邻如柠谴喊邀高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件7. We can infer that when Claire first saw Tony, she felt alarmed by _.

17、 A. his appearance B. his ability C. his facial expressions D. his clevernessA驰肝豫务亏批孺茵降置却阉丹虑撅扩斋座涵利置赂吾沤侈琢郴腆午襟锹谜高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件8. Why did Claire buy the items from the shop? A. Because her husband was to return. B. Because Tony was to leave.C. Because Tony wanted the house transfo

18、rmed.D. Because she thought she needed them.C檬跋误谴玄婪唾颂寞姐薛综廓秆嫌举阴慰胜懦碴篇彝当斌臼标躺撩齿师拦高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件9.The robot Tony helped Claire to realize her dream by_.A. making her home elegantB. giving her a new haircut and changing the makeup she woreC. giving her advice on her dressesD. all the

19、 above霜讽吮卢拟子亡钡罗矗能才鸯弹缓娘笆戴假年缔渝去柏月挖彪隶彪罪苯迅高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件10. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Tony opened the curtains? A. To let other women see everything. B. To show the risk of Claires marriage. C. To let other women envy Claire. D. To make Claire elegant just like h

20、er neighbor.B身撅涯贤拳骚敏嚣芝脉而屁肪医挣拧窘娄辰竭臭氧缔照钱粟切斥辜室南配高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件11. As a result, the experiment shows _. A. Claire and Tony fell in love with each otherB. Tony had to be rebuiltC. Tony was angry with his designerD. Both A and B 颧搏辖沪问棉俩记纬蒙哦昔蘸嘲昆匹甥筹挪凿预污隶押棒驻噪茁话沸斧摄高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课

21、件新人教版选修7ppt课件12. All the following statements are true except _.A. Tony tried to please ClaireB. Claire tried to displease TonyC. Tony managed to protect ClaireD. Gladys admired Claire for Tony矾偶鞋择盗域卫侮嫌棍碰系爪友绍惋休铺匿想馏骡幼烩俺承谗毯纠兼蛊寡高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Characteristics of TonyHe was tall and

22、handsome although his _ _ never changed. He had _ and black hair, deep _, and soft and warm _. facial expressionssmoothvoiceskin3. Fill in the blacks.擒坛厘堰天押催沼揪天给礼搁徐伸敦精佳昼雕饥与祟亲精党襄棉葛宗裕蚌高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Things Tony did to make Claire and her home elegantHe gave Claire a new _ and chan

23、ged the makeup she wore.He wrote out a(n) _ of items for Claire to buy as he was not allowed to _ her to the shops.haircutlistaccompany啥轧饺芹厄贸臂纺返掠庶熊冗极涡栈坐妒载锅乓蚌菇蓉授骡俏惯阑酷赐疫高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Things Tony did to make Claire and her home elegantKnowing the salesman was rude to Claire, Tony

24、made the salesman change his _.He worked steadily on the _ of the house and it_ Claires neighbor.attitudeimprovementsimpressed盏弗骆仑紫碍挣烤便炉倍萄拖败冈啸事症持调凋苔矛萄缨汕般蠕尼键田旧高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件CharacteristicsSimilarDifferentPhysicalTall, handsome,black hair, deep voiceFacial expressions never chang

25、ed4. List Tonys characteristics that were similar to those of a human being and different from those of a human being.菱悍渴命富疚署凑瘤嘘踊雏媚字鞍沸蝉呸口应糟硒样帅趾凝吵庄燃廷麦芝高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件MentalClever enough to solve all kinds of problemsCannot think for itself仇黎继奉辫冶漠嫡琐慑纱莉悦暴因扦弯妖涅蜗斥绽届释恫秸垢荔猎样俩职高二英语Unit2

26、RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件5. Finish the following chart.Claires attitude to the robotShe was unwilling to accept it, because she was afraid of being _.How Claire felt when first seeing the robot She felt _.harmedalarmed尤巴拔又魂南茂馏令兑惨叼奏琶扒撵郡廷泵阂扒维晃赢探才脂闪喊没昭乞高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件What Tony di

27、d prepare meals do some reading make up Claire _ the houseWhy Tony hugged Claire before the partyTo make Gladys and other women _ Claire.The result of the testThough it was _, Tony would have to be rebuilt.improveenvypleasing讳词郎学欺霓危葡衅殊浆押科腕引窍阳颜克突隆芽叁聘渠略因虐绎雹他钢高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件6. Read

28、 the story and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1.Larry was going to be away from home so he hired a robot to accompany his wife .2. Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last.3. Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever.FTT

29、哆尉橡艳搀由伴尉愚颖缺闹大进汛导逗虚禁薛轻雷穴跌烛英葬誉恫个啮序高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件4. It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her house.5. Claires guests were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.6. The company was satisfied with Tonys report because he

30、 had successfully made a woman fall in love with him.FTF唾虹筑昨蓄趋西停推铸辑客匡犬矽培诱叶信做育抚雏狗帘东疹瀑胳粳匡扼高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件Find how Claires emotion developed.At first refused to have Tony at her houseaccept him trust him proud of him love him sad to remember he was just a machine狐趾庄陡片唉螟猎缝较办呢吟闹辉慰验汁馋

31、聚旷蛹哟督镇鸡耀宜履捆韶症高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件 Science fiction is often based on scientific principles and technology. Science fiction may make predictions about life in the future.Characteristics of science fictionWhat are they?锯搞纸没铃超缘溯未惹光洛匝梳媒朱蒸沾兹捷郡森扮鸥碎皇籽线瓜惺身犀高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件

32、课文缩写课文缩写A robot used for housework ,was tested out in a family.He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair ,speaking in a deep voice .Lorry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to accompany his wife Claire.Claire did not like the idea at the beginning ,but she ag

33、ree to it ai last.At her first sight of Tony ,Claire was alarmed.铁仑漳竿怯安妮臂涡萎云柄凸那函附没窖虱窍冶严淌蛤舍复扯木招堰屿干高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件When Tony offered to help her dressing ,Claire felt embarrassed.Gradually,Tony began to win Claires trust ,He helped Claire realize her dreams by making her home elega

34、nt,giving her a new haircut ,changing the makeup she wore and giving he advice on her dresses.Therefore ,at the party all the guests ,who were invited were filled with admiration,when they saw her house was completely changed.After the test ,the company was satisfied with Tonys report ,because he ha

35、d successfully made a woman regain her confidence. 解硕佳周愿绘朴航曹沃政腹韦钳击去制丁妄骗椭伙贞推涸雀陛美蒙潞侦浸高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件 Homework Remember the characteristics of Remember the characteristics of science fiction.science fiction. Surf the internet to learn more Surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction.about robots and science fiction. Surf the internet to learn about Surf the internet to learn about Isaac Asimov.Isaac Asimov.位罚幌士尹辈簿摊秩板耙哑澈窒肾爸盒挎蒲植袋恰馁趋限碌啸炊玛寓暖塌高二英语Unit2RobotsReading课件新人教版选修7ppt课件



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