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1、语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语学生用书见P211语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语抽象名词具体化1.具有某种特性、状态、特点、情感、情绪等抽象概念的名词可用来表达具体的人和事,这种情况就是抽象名词用作可数名词。 difficulty 困难; a difficulty 一件难事 experience 经验; an experience 一次经历 failure 失败; a failure 一位失败者,一件失败的事 knowledge 知识; a good knowledge 对精通/熟知 success 成功; a success 一位成功者;一件成功的事语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习

2、英语 surprise 惊奇; a surprise 一件令人吃惊的事 honour 荣誉; an honour 一位(件)带来荣誉的人或事 Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。 The party last night was a success. We sang and danced until it came to an end.昨晚的晚会很成功,我们唱啊跳啊直到晚会结束。语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语2.有些物质名词可个体化为可数名词。 物质名词物质名词 可数名词可数名词物质名词物质名词 可数名词可数名词drink 饮料two dri

3、nks 两杯饮料sugar 糖a sugar 一块糖coffee 咖啡a coffee 一杯咖啡paper 纸a paper 一张报纸;一篇论文tea 茶two teas 两杯茶hair 头发a hair 一根头发 Would you like some coffee?你想喝点咖啡吗? I would like a coffee and two beers.我想要一杯咖啡和两杯啤酒。语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语1.一些以-ing结尾的名词在使用时常用复数,如:belongings财产,携带物品;feelings感情;findings调查或研究的结果;savings存款,积蓄;surro

4、undings环境,周围的事物,等等。2.有些复数形式的名词的意义已超出原来单词的意思,如airs威风/神气;customs海关;damages赔偿物;papers论文/文件;goods货物/商品,等等。英语中有些名词常以复数形式出现语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语3.某些短语中,名词常用复数:be/make friends with和某人是/交朋友; be on good terms with sb.与某人关系好; shake hands with sb.和某人握手; change seats with sb.和某人交换座位; exchange greetings with sb.和某人

5、相互问好; take pains尽力,煞费苦心; in high spirits情绪高昂,等等。语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语.单句填空单句填空1.(2014陕西卷改编) That day I didnt learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt an (impression) lesson about gravity! 【解析】考查形容词,此处不能用名词作定语。【答案】impressive2.It took us quite a long time to get thereit was a three (hour)

6、 journey.【解析】考查名词所有格作定语。【答案】hours学生用书见P211语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语3.The little girl asked her mother to buy her a nice pair of shoes, so her mother went to some (shoe) stores.【解析】考查名词作定语,需用单数形式。 【答案】shoe4.It is important to promote (child) education, especially among the poor areas.【解析】考查名词所有格。【答案】childre

7、ns语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语5.For Americans, distance in a social conversation is about an arms (long) to front feet.【解析】考查所有格之后要用名词形式。【答案】length6.I have to interrupt your meeting because the news is of great (important).【解析】考查be of n.= be adj.。【答案】importance语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语7.The young dancers looked so c

8、harming in their beautiful clothes that we took (mass) of pictures of them.【解析】考查表示“许多”的名词修饰语。masses of可用于可数、不可数名词之前。【答案】masses8.(2014郑州高中毕业生第三次质量检测) The person who has taught me most about (live) is my grandmother.【解析】此处life为抽象名词,不需要冠词。【答案】life语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语9.(2014太原高三模拟考试二) I was born in Shanx

9、i Province and Im in good (healthy).【解析】考查短语“be in good health”,其中health为不可数名词。【答案】health10.(2014成都高中毕业班第二次诊断性检测) Besides, wed better have (meal) regularly.【解析】考查名词的复数。【答案】meals语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语11.(2014云南第二次高中毕业生统一检测) Yesterday afternoon, I fell (illness) all of a sudden.【解析】“生病”的表达是“fall ill”,而不能用

10、名词illness。【答案】ill12.(2014云南第二次高中毕业生统一检测) The doctor said the symptom was probably caused by too (many) pressure and tiredness.【解析】pressure和tiredness为不可数名词,前面要用much而非many。【答案】much语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语13.(2014海口高考调研) (organize) around the world recognize our diplomas.【解析】考查名词做主语,且此处要用复数形式。【答案】Organizatio

11、ns14.(2014乌鲁木齐高三第三次诊断性检测) Its true that some ads can be very (help).【解析】考查词性转换,此处是名词变成形容词。【答案】helpful语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语15.(2014内蒙古包头高三学业水平测试与评估二) One day his company sent him to go to a village on (business) by bus.【解析】考查词组on business,意为“为了生意”。【答案】business16.(2014沈阳高三教学质量监测二) I stopped and found tha

12、t they were (tour) from Canada who carelessly left a very important wallet in a taxi.【解析】考查名词的单复数问题。【答案】tourists语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语17.(2014甘肃第二次高考诊断考试) The London Eye, which is 450 feet in (high) above the Thames River, is the worlds biggest spinning structure.【解析】考查词组in height,意为“高度,在高度上”。【答案】height

13、18.(2014贵阳高三适应性监测考试二) The park was full of freshness and (beautiful) of spring, with the sun shining and birds singing.【解析】考查抽象名词。【答案】beauty语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语19.(2014西宁高三年级复习检测二) Maybe these following (advise) can help you.【解析】advice为不可数名词。【答案】advice20.(2014银川普通高中教学质量检测) I rushed out and it was my m

14、other, who is already in her (fifty), that brought me lunch.【解析】考查名词短语in ones fifties,意为“在某人五十几岁时”。【答案】fifties语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语.单句改错单句改错1.First of all, we have to recognize our strength and weaknesses.【解析】考查名词短语“strengths and weaknesses”,意为“优缺点,优势和劣势”。【答案】strengthstrengths2.It was great success to

15、host such a big event at our place.【解析】考查抽象名词转化为具体名词,a success意为“一位成功的人或一件成功的事”,此时为可数名词。【答案】was a great success语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语3.We paid a visit to a remote village, which is a four hours walk.【解析】考查名词所有格作定语。【答案】hourshours4.The bicycles shop is just around the corner two blocks away, and you cant

16、miss it.【解析】考查名词作定语。【答案】bicyclesbicycle语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语5.In America, if you are not yet at age of eighteen, you are not allowed to drink any spirits.【解析】考查年龄的惯用表达。【答案】at the age of6.Sometimes we talk to each other online very well, but we become stranger when offline.【解析】考查名词的单复数。【答案】strangerstran

17、gers语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语7.I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smile of welcome on their faces.【解析】考查可数名词的复数形式。【答案】smilesmiles8.Im sorry I forgot all of the rooms numbers. Can you show us there?【解析】考查名词作定语。【答案】roomsroom语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语9.Believe it or not, I used to be afraid of maki

18、ng new friend.【解析】考查名词短语make friends。【答案】friendfriends10.Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me two week ago.【解析】考查可数名词的复数形式。【答案】weekweeks语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语11.(2014全国卷I改编) Since thenfor all these yearwe have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.【解析】考查可数名词的复数形式。【答案】year

19、years12.(2014全国卷II改编) For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.【解析】考查名词的复数形式。【答案】hourhours语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语13.(2014辽宁卷改编) Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking.【解析】考查名词time表“次数”时用复数形式的用法。【答案】timetimes14.(2014东北三省四市第一次联考) They

20、 gave me so much love and spare no efforts to support me.【解析】考查spare no effort中名词的单复数问题。【答案】effortseffort语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语15.(2014东北三省四市第二次联考) It is good manners to shake hand with your host.【解析】考查固定搭配。shake hands意为“握手”。【答案】handhands16.(2014杭州第二次高考科目教学质量检测) One of the boy carried her on his back, w

21、ith the help of some others, to the hospital immediately.【解析】考查one of+名词复数形式。【答案】boyboys语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语17.(2015太原高三模拟考试二) Ive done well in all subject and Im especially good at computer studies and English.【解析】考查all后可数名词要用复数形式。【答案】subjectsubjects18.(2015太原高三模拟考试二) Besides, I know a few French.【解析

22、】考查单词French,这里意为“法语”,是不可数名词,故用a little修饰。a few修饰可数名词。【答案】fewlittle语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语19.(2015太原高三模拟考试二) And in my spare time, I like to play the basketball very much.【解析】考查短语play basketball,球类运动的名词前不需要冠词。【答案】play the basketball20.(2015石家庄高中毕业班第一次模拟) When English is the only language in class, students will have more opportunity to practise listening and speaking.【解析】考查可数名词opportunity的复数形式。【答案】opportunityopportunities语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语语法专项提升 专题一 高考总复习英语



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