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1、2008PearsonAddisonWesley.AllrightsreservedChapterNineProperties and Applications of the Competitive Model商學新書:聖誕禮物折現最好商學新書:聖誕禮物折現最好大公報大公報2009-12-07聖誕節在美國,互贈禮物被視為聯絡感情、表達關懷的最好手聖誕節在美國,互贈禮物被視為聯絡感情、表達關懷的最好手法,故禮物支出每年高達約法,故禮物支出每年高達約650億美元,也是經濟的寒暑表。億美元,也是經濟的寒暑表。賓州大學華頓商學院教授賓州大學華頓商學院教授JoelWaldfogel在他的著作吝嗇鬼在他的



4、賀卡是好方式。是好方式。資料來源資料來源http:/ Profit for Competitive Firms in the Long RunProducer WelfareHow Competition Maximizes WelfarePolicies That Shift Supply CurvesPolicies That Create a Wedge Between Supply and DemandComparing Both Types of Policies 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-4ZeroProf

5、itforCompetitiveFirmsintheLongRunCompetitivefirmsearn zeroprofitin the long run whether or not entry is completely free. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-5ZeroLong-RunProfitwithFreeEntryThe long-runsupplycurveishorizontalif firms are free to enter the market, firms have identical c

6、ost, and input prices are constant.All firms in the market are operatingatminimumlong-runaveragecost.They are indifferent between shutting down or not because they are earningzeroprofit. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-6ZeroLong-RunProfitWhenEntryisLimitedIn some markets, firms ca

7、nnot enter in response to long-run profit opportunities.One reason for the limited number of firms is that the supply of an input is limited.One might think that firms could make positive long-run economic profits in such markets; however, thats not true.The reason why firmsearnzeroeconomicprofitsis

8、 that firms bidding for the scarce input drive its price up until the firms profits are zero. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-7 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-8Figure9.1RentProducerWelfareA suppliers gain from participating in the market is measured by its prod

9、ucersurplus(PS), which is the difference between the amount for which a good sells and the minimum amount necessary for the seller to be willing to produce the good. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-9MeasuringProducerSurplusUsingaSupplyCurveThe producer surplus is closely related t

10、o profit. Producer surplus is revenue, R, minus variable cost, VC. Equation9.1Equation9.2 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-10 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-11Figure9.2ProducerSurplusMeasuringProducerSurplusUsingaSupplyCurveAnother interpretation of producer sur

11、plus is as a gain to trade.Producer surplus equals the profit from trade minus the profit (loss) from not trading.PS = ( R VC F ) ( F ) = R VC 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-12UsingProducerSurplusA major advantage of producer surplus is that we can use it to measure the effect of

12、 a shock on all the firms in a market without having to measure the profit of each firm in the market separately. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-13HowCompetitionMaximizesWelfareHow should we measure societys welfare? One commonly used measure of the welfare of society, W, is the

13、sum of consumer surplus plus producer surplus:W = CS + PS 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-14 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 915WhyProducingLessThantheCompetitiveOutputLowersWelfareProducing less than the competitive output lowers welfare.The change in consumersu

14、rplusis The change in producersurplusis The change in welfare , , is 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-16Figure9.3WhyReducingOutputfromtheCompetitiveLevelLowersWelfare 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 917WhyProducingLessThantheCompetitiveOutputLowersWelfareThis drop

15、 in welfare, , is deadweightloss(DWL):the net reduction in welfare from a loss of surplus by one group that is not offset by a gain to another group from an action that alters a market equilibrium.In short, the deadweight loss is the opportunity cost of giving up some of this good to buy more of ano

16、ther good. 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 918WhyProducingMoreThantheCompetitiveOutputLowersWelfareIncreasing output beyond the competitive level also decreases welfare because the cost of producing this extra output exceeds the value consumers place on it.Because price falls from

17、p1 to p2, consumer rises by The increase in output causes producer surplus to fall by 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-19Figure9.4WhyIncreasingOutputfromtheCompetitiveLevelLowersWelfare 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 920WhyProducingMoreThantheCompetitiveOutputLow

18、ersWelfareBecause producers lose more than consumers gain, the deadweight loss is A marketfailureis inefficient production or consumption, often because a price exceeds marginal cost.PoliciesThatShiftSupplyCurvesOne of the main reasons that economists developed welfare tools was to predict the impac

19、t of government policies and other events that alter a competitive equilibrium. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-21PoliciesThatShiftSupplyCurvesVirtually all government actions affect a competitive equilibrium in one of two ways. Some government policies, such as limits on the numb

20、er of firms in a market, shift the supply or demand curve. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-22PoliciesThatShiftSupplyCurvesOther government actions, such as sales taxes, create a wedge or gap between price and marginal cost so that they are not equal, even though they were in the o

21、riginal competitive equilibrium. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-23RestrictingtheNumberofFirmsAlimitonthenumberoffirmscauses the supply curve to shift to the left, which raises the equilibrium price and reduces the equilibrium quantity. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights rese

22、rved.9-24 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-25Figure9.5EffectofaRestrictionontheNumberofCabsRaisingEntryandExitCostsBarriertoentryAn explicit restriction or a cost that applies only to potential new firmsexisting firms are not subject to the restriction or do not bear the cost. 2008

23、 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-26RaisingEntryandExitCostsExitBarriers: Some markets have barriers that make it difficult (though typically not impossible) for a firm to exit by going out of business.In the short run, exit barriers can keep the number of firms in a market relatively h

24、igh.In the long run, exit barriers may limit the number of firms in a market. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-27 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 928PoliciesThatCreateAWedgeBetweenSupplyandDemandWelfareeffectsofasalestaxA new sales tax causes the price that consum

25、ers pay to rise, resulting in a loss of consumer surplus, , and a fall in the price receive, resulting in a drop in producer surplus, . However, the new tax provides the government with new tax revenue, , if tax revenue was zero before this new tax.As a result, the change in welfare is 2008 Pearson

26、Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-29Figure9.6WelfareEffectsofaSpecificTaxonRosesWelfareEffectsofAPriceFloorPricefloor: the lowest price a consumer can legally pay for the good.Excessproduction: More output is produced than is consumed, so Qg is stored, destroyed, or shipped abroad.Inefficiencyin

27、consumption: At quantity they actually buy, Qd, consumers are willing to pay $5 for the last bushel of soybeans, which is more than the marginal cost, MC = $3.60, of producing that bushel. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-30 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-31Figu

28、re9.7EffectofPriceSupportsinSoybeansWelfareEffectsofAPriceCeilingPriceCeiling: the highest price that a firm can legally charge.Because of the price ceiling, consumers can buy the good at a lower price but cannot buy as much of it as they would like. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.

29、9-32 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 933ComparingBothTypesofPolicies:TradeAllowfreetrade: Any firm can sell in this country without restrictions.Banallimports: The government sets a quota of zero on imports.Setapositivequota: The government limits imports to .Setatariff: The govern

30、ment imposes a tax called a tariff (or a duty) on only imported goods.FreeTradeVersusABanOnImportsEquation 9.3:Equation 9.4:Because the supply curve foreigners face is horizontal at the world price of $14.70, the total U.S. supply curve of crude oil is S1 when there is free trade. The free-trade equ

31、ilibrium is e1. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-34 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-35Figure9.8LossfromEliminatingFreeTradeFreeTradeVersusABanOnImportsWith a ban on imports, the equilibrium e2 occurs where the domestic supply curve, Sa = S2, intersects D. The ban

32、 increases producer surplus by B = $132.5 million per day and decreases consumer surplus by B + C = $163.7 million per day, so the deadweight loss is C = $31.2 million per day or $11.4 billion per year. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-36 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights res

33、erved. 937FreeTradeVersusATariffA tariff of per barrel of oil imported or a quota of drives the U.S. price of crude oil to $19.70, which is $5 more than the world price. Under the tariff, the equilibrium, , is determined by the intersection of the total U.S. supply curve and D demand curve. Under th

34、e quota, is determined by a quantity wedge of 2.8 million barrels per day between the quantity demanded, 9.0 million barrels per day, and the quantity supplied, 11.8 million barrels per day. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-38Figure9.9EffectofaTariff(orQuota)FreeTradeVersusATariffC

35、ompared to free trade, producers gain B = $42.8 million per day and consumers lose B + C + D + E = $61.9 million per day from the tariff or quota. The deadweight loss under the quota is C + D + E = $19.1 million per day. With a tariff, the governments tariff revenue increases by D = $14 million a da

36、y, so the deadweight loss is only C + E = $5.1 million per day. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-39RentSeekingGiven that tariffs and quotas hurt the importing country, why do the Japanese, U.S., and other governments impose tariffs, quotas, or other trade barriers?The reason is tha

37、t domestic producers stand to make large gains from such government actions; hence it pays for them to organize and lobby the government to enact these trade policies. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-40RentSeekingIn most countries, producers are often able to convince (cajole, inf

38、luence, or bribe) legislators or government officials to aid them, even though consumers suffer more-than-offsetting losses. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-41RentSeekingEconomists call efforts and expenditures to gain a rent or a profit from government actions rentseeking.If prod

39、ucers or other interest groups bribe legislators to influence policy, the bribe is a transfer of income and hence does not increase deadweight loss (except to the degree that a harmful policy is chosen). 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-42RentSeekingIf this rent-seeking behaviorsuc

40、h as hiring lobbyists and engaging in advertising to influence legislatorsuses up resources, the deadweight loss from tariffs and quotas understates thetrueloss to society. 2008 Pearson Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.9-43LaI6F3C0y)v%s#pXlUiRfNcK8H5E2A+x(u$rZnWkThPeMbJ7G4C1z-w&t!qYmVjRgOdL9I6F3B



















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