高中英语 Unit2 The United Kingdom Language points课件1 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、worthwhile. adj. 值得花时间的或精力的。这是一家值得捐助的慈善机构。这是一场值得怀念的演出。It is a worthwhile charity to contribute to.It is a worthwhile performance to remember.The performance is worthy to be remembered.1.worth 价值 后接表价值的数量词/ 值得; 后接n, pron, 或 v.-ing, 表示很值得“时,前面加well. 2. worthwhile , 值得花时间做某事。 It is worthwhile doing ( t

2、o do ) sth.3. worthy 值得 be worthy of n, / being done/ to be done.-What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. It is worth _ a second time.A.To read B. to be read C. reading D. being readCThe museum is well worth being visited.The museum is well worth visiting.改错:改错:1.leave out 遗漏,漏掉遗漏,漏掉eg. Be car

3、eful not to leave out any letter when remembering words. He is left out of this name list. 删掉,省去删掉,省去eg. You can leave out some unimportant details in your composition. 不理会,忽视不理会,忽视eg .No one speaks to him; hes always left out.leave-for-: 离开离开-去去-leave alone: 不管;不管; 撇下撇下-一个人一个人leave aside: 搁置搁置leave

4、 behind: 留下,遗忘,遗留留下,遗忘,遗留leave+宾语宾语+宾补宾补(adj / v-ing / v-ed )使使-处于处于-状状态态Dont _ me _when youre giving out the invitations!A. leave; out of B. leave; forC. cross ; out D. leave; outMr.White will _ Boston _ Beijing tomorrow with his life. A. leave ; out B. leave; for C. leave; / D. leave; toIm sorry f

5、or leaving you _ in the rain for an hour. A. to wait B. waited C. waiting D. to be waitedIn copying this paper, he is careful not to _ any words. A. leave behind B. leave aside C. leave off D. leave out3.arrange: vt. arrangement: n 筹备,安排筹备,安排eg. Dont worry, I will arrange everyting. The company arra

6、nged a dinner to celebrare their anniversary. 整理整理eg. He arranged the books on the shelves. He arranged his papers before starting to write.make arrangements for: 为为-做安排做安排eg. Please make your own arrangements for accommodations. 请自行安排食宿。请自行安排食宿。 4. fold : vt, vi 折叠,对折折叠,对折 unfold :打开打开eg. Can this

7、table fold? He folded his clothes neatly. The bird folded its wings.fold ones arms : 双臂合抱双臂合抱fold ones hands : 十指交叉合掌十指交叉合掌fold sb / sth in ones arms : 抱住抱住-5. available: adi 可利用的,有用的可利用的,有用的eg. Plenty of rooms are available. The ticket is available until the end of the month. Is the new timetable a

8、vailable yet? 可得到的,可找到的,有空余的可得到的,可找到的,有空余的eg. There are no tickets available for Fridays performance. The money would be available in the afternoon.6. Worried about the time available, - 过去分词作原因状语过去分词作原因状语 = Because she was worried about the time available,因为在森林里迷了路,这个小女孩突然大哭起来。因为在森林里迷了路,这个小女孩突然大哭起来

9、。 Lost in the forest, the little girl burst into tears.因为对邮票感兴趣,他养成了集邮的习惯。因为对邮票感兴趣,他养成了集邮的习惯。Interested in stamps, he forms the habit of collecting stamps.生在普通家庭,他花钱很谨慎。生在普通家庭,他花钱很谨慎。Born in a poor family, he is cautious about spending money.7.delight: (1) Un. (抽象意义的)快乐,喜悦抽象意义的)快乐,喜悦; Cn. (具体的)具体的)高

10、兴的原因高兴的原因 to ones delight = to ones joy take delight in sth / doing sth: 以以-为为乐乐eg. To his deligt, he passed the driving test. (2). Vt. 使高兴,使喜悦使高兴,使喜悦eg. Her singing delights everyone. delight in sth / doing sth: 以以-为乐,喜好为乐,喜好eg. He delights in playing jokes on his young sister. (3). delighted: ( at

11、 / to do sth): 高兴的,愉快的高兴的,愉快的eg. Im delighted at your success/ to hear of your success. delightful: 令人愉快的令人愉快的eg. a delightful holiday / talkremain. 残留,残存,剩下,活着孩子们一直吃个不停,直到把桌上的东西吃的精光。The children ate and ate until no food remained on the table.停留,逗留; 留下remain + 形 (副,名)那本书的真实作者依然不详。The author of the

12、book remains unknown.remain + 副聚会之后,朱迪留下来帮我清洗碗盘。After the party, Judy remained and help me do the dishes.仍然,依然尚待,.,留待. Nothing remained to be said.It remains to be seen whether he will pass.他能否通过考试,仍不得而知。The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.剩下的唯一问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。They rema

13、in good friends even though they entered different high schools.It looked as if time hadnt had any effects on him he _ so healthy and active.A.remained B . was remainedC. was remaining D. had remainedHaving a trip abroad is certainly good for the old Couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoye

14、d it.A.to B. to be seen C. seeing D. seenThe lady said she would buy her daughter a gift with the _.A. twenty dollars remained B. twenty dollars to remainC. remaining twenty dollars D. remained twenty dollarsoccasion. N. 时刻,场合, 时机那时我正好不在家。我只在特殊场合才打领带。On that occasion, I was not at home.I only wear a

15、 tie on special occasions.on that occasion 那时on occasion 偶尔, 有时on the occasion of 在 之际8. thrill : vt. 使激动,使胆战心惊使激动,使胆战心惊eg. The film thrilled the audience. We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news. thrill ( with sth)eg . I was thrilled with horror at his appearance. 他的出现吓了我一跳。他的出现吓了我一跳。 It is a film to make you thrill with excitement. 它是一部使人兴奋至极的电影。它是一部使人兴奋至极的电影。



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