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1、 计信学院第四小组计信学院第四小组The Pursuit of The Pursuit of HappHappy ynessness1BASICINFORMATIONThisfilmisaboutapoorfathercalledChris.Hewantedtochangethesituationofthefamily. Soheputallhismoneybought50bonescannerstosalethesetomake a change.But he failed.Once hemeet a person who own a wonderfulcar,heaskhimhowtoma

2、keit,andhegottheanswerthathewasstockbroker.Butbecameastockbrokerisnotaneasything,thereare20internaship(实 习 生 ).Butatlast,onlyonepersonwillbehired.Andtomakemattersworse,duringthe6monthsofthepractice,therearenosalary.But fortunately, after aseriesofdifficulties,hefinallysucceed.2Classic SceneChris Gar

3、dner:Its an I in happiness,There is no Y in happiness,Its an I 3Classic SceneChrisGardner:Yougotdream,yougottaprotectit.Youwantsomething.Gogetit! 4Classic SceneChrisGardner:Peoplewhocantdosomethingbythemselves;theywannatellyouyoucannotdoit.5Classic SceneIn the basketball court, he told his son “if y

4、ou have a dream, you gotta protect it”. Yes, we all should have a dream, because nobody knows what will happen in the next.6Classic Sceneevem worse is ,Chris is no money to pay for the rent,they became homeless,they sleep in the subway station public bathroom.But Chris never give up, he strongly bel

5、ieve that happinese would come one day! 7Classic SceneWith Chris strong willpower and persistence ,he was succeed, he did it and he got the job with full salary,he became a successful stock worker! 8COMMENTSIthinkitisreallyagoodmovie,weare unique and we are ourselves, justholdadreamanddowhatyoucando

6、.and do you best, dont ever letsomebody tell you that you cant dosomething. If you want something, goget it.we should believe the sentencethat:everythingispossible.I think I am on the journey topersue happiness too. No matter whoyouare,youaresuretopursueyoursselfhappinessallthetime,Ihopeallofyoursca

7、nachieveyourdreamsandfindyourhappiness!9Influences in our lives This movies make we think deeply,think about life like this: your dearest child cant get a good education bacause of you poor situation, and your love leaves you desperately, you are in a very serious finacial problem, will you still ha

8、ve the courage to pursue the happiness? Sometimes we may get stuck, we meet difficulties and we feel sad.But we have to take heart of grace and spare no effort to solve the problems. It will be a hard process,but perhaps after all you tries,you will find a way out. After you keeping trying and going through hard life you will find happiness is just around the corner.10Thankyou!



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