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1、 Revision of Passive VoiceUnit 1Grammar My mother felt alarmed when I had my hair coloured purple. My mother was alarmed when I had my hair coloured purple. Look at the sentences.Is this a passive sentence? Though the structure seems like a passive sentence, it is not. A passive sentence indicates a

2、 passive action while this sentence describes a situation when someone has the feeling of alarm. “alarmed” is an adjective formed by v+ed.Key!Discovering useful structuresGo over the passive voice be+ V+-ed/-en/-t My hamburger was eaten by the dog. The toy is made by hand.使用被动语态的情况使用被动语态的情况1. 我们不知道或

3、没有必要说明动作的执我们不知道或没有必要说明动作的执 行者是谁的时候行者是谁的时候(这时不带这时不带by引起的短语引起的短语)。Printing was introduced to Europe fromChina. (省略了省略了by短语。)短语。)Look! There is nothing here. Everything has been taken away. (省略了省略了by短语。)短语。)2. 当我们出于礼貌、措辞圆通等方面的当我们出于礼貌、措辞圆通等方面的 考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁时。考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁时。You are requested to give a

4、performance.You are cordially(诚挚地诚挚地) invited to a party to be given at the Teachers Clubat 3 p.m. Nov. 23. 3. 当我们强调或兴趣在动作的承受者当我们强调或兴趣在动作的承受者 时时(这时可带这时可带by引起的短语引起的短语)。The song was composed(组成组成; 写作)写作)by a student. A good time was had by all.被动语态由被动语态由be过去分词构成,过去分词构成,be随时随时态的变化而变化。以态的变化而变化。以give为例,各

5、种时为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为:态的被动语态形式为:一般现在时:一般现在时:am/is/aregiven 【例句】例句】The first section of New College English is designed for speaking practiceand is based on pictures and topics.被动语态的构成被动语态的构成一般过去时:一般过去时:was/weregiven【例句】例句】These computers were made in our own country.一般将来时:一般将来时:will/shall begiven【例句】例句】

6、Shall we be asked to attend the opening ceremony?Sir Denis, who is 78, has made itknown that much of his collection _tothe nation. (CET-4 1996) A. has left B. is to leaveC. leaves D. is to be left本句意思为:本句意思为:78岁的岁的Denis先生声明他将先生声明他将把他的大多数收藏品留给国家。所以把他的大多数收藏品留给国家。所以leave应用一般将来时的被动形式。一般应用一般将来时的被动形式。一般将来

7、时可以用来将来时可以用来be to do sth来表达,因来表达,因此答案为此答案为D。过去将来时:过去将来时:would begiven【例句】例句】The news would be sent to the soldiers mother as soon as it arrived.现在进行时:现在进行时:am/is/are beinggiven【例句】【例句】The machine is being repairedin the workshop. The fifth generationcomputers, with artificial intelligence, are _and

8、perfected now. A. developed B. have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed本句测试点是动词的时态和语态本句测试点是动词的时态和语态develop和和perfect是两个并列的谓语动词,是两个并列的谓语动词,perfect 用的是被动形式,用的是被动形式,develop也应该也应该用被动形式,而且句子的时间状语为用被动形式,而且句子的时间状语为now,故故develop应用现在进行时的被动语态,应用现在进行时的被动语态,答案为答案为C。过去进行时:过去进行时:was/were b

9、einggiven【例句】例句】The feast was being prepared when the birds arrived in the sky现在完成时:现在完成时:have/has beengiven【例句】例句】Swift progress has also been made in culture and education.过去完成时:过去完成时:had beengiven【例句】例句】 The huge bridge had been damaged before the World War.将来完成时:将来完成时:will/shall have beengiven【例

10、句】例句】The book will have been published by the end of next month.含有情态动词的动词变成被动语态:情含有情态动词的动词变成被动语态:情态动词态动词+be +过去分词过去分词This problem can be solved. 这问题可解决。这问题可解决。Whats done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。覆水难收。George might be sent to America by his company in August.公司可能八月份派乔治去美国。公司可能八月份派乔治去美国。或类似结构(或类似结构(be go

11、ing to, have to 等)等)变成被动语态:变成被动语态:This room is going to be painted next week. 这个房间下周粉刷。这个房间下周粉刷。Go away! I want to be left alone.走开!我想独自待一会儿。走开!我想独自待一会儿。1. 有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留在谓语语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾语(指人指人的宾语)。的宾语)

12、。一些特殊的被动语态一些特殊的被动语态They didnt offer Ann the job. Ann wasnt offered the job. 安未得到这份工作。安未得到这份工作。2. 在使役动词在使役动词have, make, get以及感官以及感官动词动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时,等后面不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加被动结构时,要加 to。They make her clean the floor. She is made to c

13、lean the floor by them.3. Itbe过去分词过去分词that从句从句 (=主语主语be过去分词过去分词to do sth)表示:据说表示:据说/据报道据报道/据悉据悉/据信等据信等。 例:例: 据说这个男孩已经通过了这次全国据说这个男孩已经通过了这次全国性的测试。性的测试。It is said that the boy has passed thenational exam. The boy is said to have passed thenational exam.但:但:It _that there was a car over there. A. so hap

14、pened B. so happens C. is so happened D. was so happened 答答案案: A. happen 是是不不及及物物动动词词,无被动语态。无被动语态。4. be supposed to (suppose: vt. 推想推想; 假设假设; 猜想猜想) supposed:假定的假定的; 推测的推测的;意图的意图的(1)(1)据说据说(=be said to) 如:如: Lets go and see that film. Its supposed to be very good.我们一起去看那电影好吗我们一起去看那电影好吗? 人们都说它人们都说它不错。

15、不错。(2) 计划、安排计划、安排 如:如:Id better hurry. Its nearly 8 oclock. Im supposed to be meeting Tom at 8:15.我要快些了。现在差不多我要快些了。现在差不多8点钟了。点钟了。我我8点一刻去接汤姆。点一刻去接汤姆。(3) be not supposed to 表示表示“不允许不允许” 如:如:You are not supposed to park here. 这儿不允许停车。这儿不允许停车。5.动词动词get代替代替be. ( get往往用在口语往往用在口语6. 中。)中。)酒馆里发生了打斗,幸好无人受伤。酒馆

16、里发生了打斗,幸好无人受伤。There was a fight at the pub, but fortunately nobody got (=was)hurt.get + done 同同 be+done 的区别:的区别:get done 往往表示行为不是计划之往往表示行为不是计划之中,而是意外发生的。如:中,而是意外发生的。如:The dog got run over by a car. 狗被汽车辗死了。狗被汽车辗死了。1. 某些感官动词加形容词及少数其他的动某些感官动词加形容词及少数其他的动 词可以表示被动意义。词可以表示被动意义。 cook, smell, taste, wash, w

17、rite, shut, prove, sell, read, write The dish tastes delicious. The theory proved right at last. The book is so interesting that it sells well. 不可以变成被动语态不可以变成被动语态The book is so interesting that it sells well. “sells”此处为不及物动词此处为不及物动词“销售起来销售起来; 有销有销路路”的意思;作及物动词为的意思;作及物动词为“卖卖; 出售出售”)This kind of cloth

18、washes well. (耐洗耐洗) 2.Need +V- ing 表示表示“主语承受动词主语承受动词 发出的动作发出的动作”,表示被动意义。,表示被动意义。 我的车需要修理。我的车需要修理。 My car needs repairing (= to be repaired). beg, equal, fail, hold, possess, fit,become, contain, cost, fit, have,lack, resemble(相似相似), suit等。等。This new English-Chinese dictionarycost me ten dollars.3. 某

19、些表示某些表示状态或者特征状态或者特征的及物动词的及物动词没有被动语态形式。这类动词常见的有:没有被动语态形式。这类动词常见的有:如:战争爆发了。如:战争爆发了。可以说:可以说: The war broke out .但不能说:但不能说:The war was broke out.4. 通常只有及物动词(组)才有被动语通常只有及物动词(组)才有被动语态,不及物动词没有。态,不及物动词没有。 “be过去分词过去分词”这个结构并不都是这个结构并不都是被动语态,也可能是系表结构。被动语被动语态,也可能是系表结构。被动语态与系表结构主要区别是:态与系表结构主要区别是:被动结构表被动结构表示一个动作,而

20、系表结构表示主语的特示一个动作,而系表结构表示主语的特点或所处的状态,点或所处的状态,试比较下面的句子:试比较下面的句子:被动结构与系表结构的区别被动结构与系表结构的区别被动结构被动结构The enemy was soon surrounded by us.系表结构系表结构The house is surrounded by trees.被动结构被动结构 She was bitten by the dog in the darkness. 系表结构系表结构I was excited by the news that my husbandgot promoted.1. Old McDonald

21、gave up smoking for a while, but soon _ to his old ways. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. had returned2. In some parts of the world, tea _ 3. with milk and sugar. A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served3. The new dictionaries are very useful. They _ well and _ already. A. sell, have

22、 been sold out B. sold, had sold out C. sell, sell out D. are sold, have been sold out4. The train _ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. was about to B. was likely to C. was supposed to D. was certain to5. This dictionary mustnt _ from the library. A. take away B. taken away C. are taken aw

23、ay D. be taken away6. My shoes _ . I went out for a new pair. A. is worn out B. wore out C. were worn off D. were worn out 7. That kind of shirts _ cotton. A. is made from B. are made from C. is made of D. are made of8. Rice _ in South China. A. growing B. is grown C. are grown D. is grow9. All the

24、preparations for the task _, and were ready to start. A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed10. The teacher told his students that they _ to be useful men to the country. A. were all expected B. were all expecting C. all were expected D. all expected11. Some of the hot

25、els in my hometown _. A. have now been rebuilding B. are now rebuilding C. are now being rebuilt D. are rebuilt now 用被动语态改换下列各句:用被动语态改换下列各句:1. My father will repair my bike for me.My bike will be repaired by my father for me.2. I have found my wallet.My wallet has been found.3. She told me to wait h

26、ere for her.I was told to wait here for her.4. The police will surely arrest the murderer.The murderer will surely be arrestedby the police.5. They invited Mr. Green to make a speech.Mr. Green was invited to make a speech.6. The students clean their classroom every day.Their classroom is cleaned by

27、the students every day.7. You mustnt take those books out of the reading-room.Those books mustnt be taken out of the reading-room.8. I dint tell you the girl could do the job.You werent told by me that the girl could do the job.9. Do people speak English in your country?Is English spoken in your cou

28、ntry?10. He gave me a present.I was given a present. A present was given to me.11. Mother often tells her children a story at bed time.Children are often told a story at bed time by mother.A story is often told by mother to children at bed time.Go over the grammar.Finish the exercises on P.P. 13-14.Homework



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