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1、1部门部门 Department售后服务部售后服务部版本号版本号 VersionNo. 1保密级别保密级别 Secrecy levelSecrecy level更新日期更新日期 Date 2010-012010售后服售后服务商商务政策政策2010 Dealers After Sales Commercial Policy2激励经销商拓展市场空间,提高销售额的商务政策是完成公司下达的销售及边际贡献目标的重要保证满足服务能级、配件利润、附件等各项业务的进一步提升要求提高经销商满意度,引导经销商提高售后服务的整体质量,最终提升用户满意度关注经销商服务过程中关键岗位的人员奖励背景背景背景背景提高II、

2、III车龄段用户进站率3理由理由20102010年方案年方案年方案年方案调调整整整整项项目目目目调整项目调整项目1.取消原I、II、III档目标的设置l减轻经销商超目标压力l以完成目标为重点,提高100%完成率奖励系数3. 季度系数细化为月度系数l提高经销商计划的准确率和完成率l与分销中心考核相呼应4.调整油漆考核方法,将油漆开关指标与等级系数相结合l激励因事故车偏少的经销商提高业务l随着项目全面推广,专项考核应逐步衔接到常规销售额考核2. 返利质量等级从三级上升到六级l与整车返利体系保持一致l细化返利差异,鼓励经销商提高业务水平420102010经销经销商目商目商目商目标标完成完成完成完成奖

3、奖励励励励 奖励金额奖励金额 = (年度销售额年度销售额 - 超额超额10%以内销售额以内销售额 )X 基本奖励系数基本奖励系数 + 超额超额10%以内销售额以内销售额 X 超额奖励系数超额奖励系数计算说明计算说明1.经销商完成年度总目标为获得基本奖励的必备条件,年度总目标经销商完成年度总目标为获得基本奖励的必备条件,年度总目标 = 配件年目标配件年目标 + 附件年目标附件年目标2.完成季度目标,可取得当季完成季度目标,可取得当季3个月的月度系数,包括未完成月份的系数。未完成季度目标,只能取得完成月份的月度系数个月的月度系数,包括未完成月份的系数。未完成季度目标,只能取得完成月份的月度系数3.

4、超额超额10%以上的经销商,超额以上的经销商,超额10%以内销售额以内销售额 = 年度目标年度目标 X 10%;超额超额10%以内的经销商,超额以内的经销商,超额10%以内销售额以内销售额 = 年度销售额年度销售额 - 年度目标年度目标 4.当年新建经销商工具销售额不计入考核销售额当年新建经销商工具销售额不计入考核销售额5.原则上,全年目标不低于原则上,全年目标不低于2009年实际销售额,上半年目标应大于全年目标的年实际销售额,上半年目标应大于全年目标的46%,如有特殊情况,应提出书面申请。,如有特殊情况,应提出书面申请。6.考核销售额不含税考核销售额不含税7.升级规定:服务满意度升级规定:服

5、务满意度MOT得分符合以下两个条件,则年度奖励系数可再跃升一级(以得分符合以下两个条件,则年度奖励系数可再跃升一级(以A级为限)级为限)四个季度四个季度MOT得分环比持续提升且一季度得分环比持续提升且一季度MOT得分得分75分;分;2010年度年度MOT得分相比得分相比2009年度年度MOT得分提升得分提升 2分;分;+= 配件直销完 售后服务质 成率量综合排名基本奖励系数(100%,110%)超额奖励系数(100%-110%)奖励系数年度系数月度系数超额销售额 X 超额奖励系数RSSC TOP 20%A4.50%2.70%0.15% x 1215.00%RSSC TOP 21%-40%B3.

6、90%2.10%0.15% x 1212.00%RSSC TOP 41%-60%C3.30%1.50%0.15% x 1212.00%RSSC TOP 61%-80%D2.70%0.90%0.15% x 1210.00%RSSC TOP81%-100%E2.10%0.30%0.15% x 1210.00%低于合格线F0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%+= 奖励系数奖励系数 奖金计算奖金计算51.100%完成经过经销商签字确认的年度配件采购总目标(签署目标中已包含附件目标)完成经过经销商签字确认的年度配件采购总目标(签署目标中已包含附件目标)2.附件完成率必须大于总目标的附件完成率必须大于


8、2010年分设配件年分设配件,增设增设奖励奖励2. 奖励奖励系数基于年度总目标系数基于年度总目标, 奖励奖励基于实际超额部分采购金额基于实际超额部分采购金额3. 月度目标合计等于年度目标,季度目标等于当季月度目标合计等于年度目标,季度目标等于当季3个月累计目标个月累计目标4. 奖励奖励按月度和季度考核,但于年终执行按月度和季度考核,但于年终执行配件配件配件配件/ /附件业务基本条件附件业务基本条件附件业务基本条件附件业务基本条件6基本达标后的奖励等级分类依据:基本达标后的奖励等级分类依据: MOT 70% + 神秘顾客调查神秘顾客调查20%+投诉处理投诉处理 10% 投诉处理:投诉处理:1.投

9、诉率 -30%2.一次解决率-25%3.投诉响应率-20%4.投诉封闭率-25%服务质量基本条件(同时适用季度和年度):服务质量基本条件(同时适用季度和年度):MOT MOT 7272分以上分以上(满分(满分120120分,二季度起可能视需要调整)分,二季度起可能视需要调整)Audit IIAudit II评级评级C C级及以上级及以上投诉处理投诉处理6060分以上分以上(满分(满分100100分)分)服务质量基本条件服务质量基本条件服务质量基本条件服务质量基本条件MOT投诉处理投诉处理神秘顾客调查神秘顾客调查7V-StarV-Star奖奖励方案(励方案(励方案(励方案(详见详见具体方案)具体

10、方案)具体方案)具体方案)经销商售后服务奖励管理层总经理服务总监服务经理配件折扣额度90%V-Star服务人员奖励10%V-Star奖励发放周期:奖励发放周期:同售后服务奖励一致,年度发放V-Star奖励预算:奖励预算:10从经销商服务奖励中配件奖励中提取。另外10奖励预算由售后服务部申请,并与上述10一起发放追加10的预算用于V-Star奖励+一线人员服务顾问索赔员配件经理技术经理附件经理8 配件直销完 售后服务质 成率量综合排名基本奖励系数(100%,110%)超额奖励系数(100%-110%)奖励系数年度系数月度系数超额销售额 X 超额奖励系数RSSC TOP 20%A4.50%2.70

11、%0.15% x 1215.0%RSSC TOP 21%-40%B3.90%2.10%0.15% x 1212.0%RSSC TOP 41%-60%C3.30%1.50%0.15% x 1212.0%RSSC TOP 61%-80%D2.70%0.90%0.15% x 1210.0%RSSC TOP81%-100%E2.10%0.30%0.15% x 1210.0%低于合格线F0.0%0.00%0.00%0.00%附件:举例附件:举例附件:举例附件:举例l某经销商服务达标分数排名位于21%-40%之间,定为B级奖励;l年目标500万元;年度系数2.1%l实际完成采购568万元,超额50万元,超

12、额系数12%;剩余518万元,年度系数2.1%l第1季度油漆外采购超标,第2季度未完成季度月累计目标,但6月完成月度目标,扣除1季度的0.45%以及4、5月度0.3%,全年月度系数1.05%;l油漆采购率2.5%,奖励金额x95%l年终奖励金额=518x(2.1%+1.05%)+50x12% x95%=21.20115万元。其中:1、90%即19.081035万元作为企业奖励,以配件折扣方式发放2、10%即2.12万元作为服务V-Star,奖励经销商服务顾问等个人3、追加与10同等金额的2.12万元奖作为经销商服务顾问等个人的补充奖励,与上述10一起发放举例举例9In order to enc

13、ourage dealers to exploit market potential and increase turnover, commercial policy is the important support to achieve target.To meet the need of further increase of service level, parts profits, accessories, and other businessesIncrease our dealers satisfaction and improve their after sales servic

14、e quality, and finally increase our customers satisfaction Concern about incentive to key position staff in dealers service processBackgroundBackgroundIncrease the consumer repair and maintenance rate for Segment II and Segment III.10ReasonsReasons20102010年方案年方案年方案年方案调调整整整整项项目目目目Amendments1.The targ

15、et levels I, II, III will be cancelledlReduce the overachievement pressure for our dealerslTo encourage our dealers to achieve 100% of the target. The bonus rate for 100% achievement is increased3. Change the quarterly bonus to monthly bonuslImprove our dealers parts order accuracy and their achieve

16、ment lIn line with the RSSC check4. Adjust the paint assessment methods, combine the painting level assessment bonus with old method. lEncourage the dealers with low accident car repair to increase their businesslSince the painting project has been extended, the special check should be changed to no

17、rmal check 2. Bonus levels will be increased from 3 to 6.lIn line with the car sale bonus structurelTo encourage our dealers improve their after sales business, the policy will be more detailed.1120102010 Dealers Bonus PlanDealers Bonus Plan Annual bonus = (Actual purchase volume more than 10% over

18、purchase volume ) X basic bonus factor + more than 10% over purchase volume X overachievement bonus factorNotes:1.100% achieve annual parts purchase target signed by dealers (target includes accessories target) is the basic requirement to get the after sales bonus.2.Achieve the quarterly target coul

19、d get 3 months bonus (including the unachieved month), if didnt achieve the quarterly target, only can get the monthly bonus which has achieved.3.more than 10% over purchase volume = Actual purchase volume annual target(=10%)4.The tools purchase volume of new dealers will not get the bonus5.In princ

20、iple, 2010 parts target could not be lower than 2009, and first half year target should be 46% of whole year, if have some special situation, RSSCs should apply first.6.Exclude tax7.Upgrade rule: if the dealers meet the two conditions as follows at the same time, the annual bonus could jump-up one l

21、evel (the maximum is level A).The dealers MOT score keep increasing from quarter to quarter during the whole and the MOT score of the first quarter in 2010 75Annual MOT score is 2 points higher than 2009+= Part AchievementAfter Service QualitySynthetic RankingBasic Bonus(100%,110%)Overachievement Bo

22、nus(100%-110%)TotalAnnualMonthlyOverachievement Volume X Overachievement Bonus FactorRSSC TOP 20%A4.50%2.70%0.15% x 1215.00%RSSC TOP 21%-40%B3.90%2.10%0.15% x 1212.00%RSSC TOP 41%-60%C3.30%1.50%0.15% x 1212.00%RSSC TOP 61%-80%D2.70%0.90%0.15% x 1210.00%RSSC TOP81%-100%E2.10%0.30%0.15% x 1210.00%Lowe

23、r than qualification lineF0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%+= Bonus Factor Formula121.100% achieve annual parts purchase target signed by dealers (target includes accessories target)2.Accessories purchase volume shall be 7% of total target3.External purchase satisfy the requirement. 4.Painting purchase satisfy t

24、he requirement. For parting purchase volume:. Painting purchase volume 3% of total purchase = whole bonus x 100%;. Painting purchase volume 2% and 3% of total purchase = whole bonus x 95%;. Painting purchase volume 1% and 2% of total purchase = whole bonus x 90%;. Painting purchase volume 1% of tota

25、l purchase = whole bonus x 0%;. We will check the painting external purchase every quarter. If we found painting external purchase once, one quarterly bonus will be cancelled. If we found twice, the whole year bonus will be cancelled.5.Basic stock satisfy the requirement6.No whole sales between deal

26、ers7.To get the monthly bonus should get the annual bonus first1.We have parts target in 2010, add overachievement bonus2. bonus factor is based on annual target. Overachievement bonus is based on actual purchase;3.The sum of monthly targets shall be equal with annual target, and sum of 3 months tar

27、gets = quarterly target4.bonus will be evaluated monthly, and paid by the end of year Basic Conditions of Parts and Accessories BusinessBasic Conditions of Parts and Accessories Business13Service Satisfaction Basic Condition Service Satisfaction Basic Condition MOTComplaint TreatmentClassification f

28、ormula: MOT 70% + Phantom test20%+Complaint treatment quality 10% 30%25%20%25%Service quality basic conditions (for annual and quarter bonus)Service quality basic conditions (for annual and quarter bonus)Service satisfaction MOT Service satisfaction MOT 7272(full score 120full score 120,can be adjus

29、ted if need from Q2)can be adjusted if need from Q2)Audit II Audit II C CComplaint treatment Complaint treatment 60 60 (full score 100)(full score 100)Phantom test14V-Star Bonus (The details please see the specific planV-Star Bonus (The details please see the specific plan) Dealer After Sales Servic

30、e BonusParts Discount90%V-Star Service score bonus10%V-Star bonus payment time:By the end of year, as after sales bonus. V-Star bonus budget:10 from parts bonusAnother 10% budget to be applied by SA and paid with the 10% above.Another 10% budget for V-Star bonus+Front-line StaffService consultantCla

31、ims staffmanagement staffManagerService DirectorService ManagerParts ManagerTechnical ManagerAccessories Manager15 Part AchievementAfter Service QualitySynthetic RankingBasic Bonus(100%,110%)Overachievement Bonus(100%-110%)TotalAnnualMonthlyOverachievement Volume X Overachievement Bonus FactorRSSC T

32、OP 20%A4.50%2.70%0.15% x 1215.0%RSSC TOP 21%-40%B3.90%2.10%0.15% x 1212.0%RSSC TOP 41%-60%C3.30%1.50%0.15% x 1212.0%RSSC TOP 61%-80%D2.70%0.90%0.15% x 1210.0%RSSC TOP81%-100%E2.10%0.30%0.15% x 1210.0%Lower than qualification lineF0.0%0.00%0.00%0.00%lDealer with Service KPI ranking between 21-40%, be

33、long to Service KPI level B;lAnnual target is 5mio, and annual factor 2.1%;l Actual annual achievement is 5.68mio, 0.5mio for overachievement, and overachievement factor is 12%; and the factor of the rest sales 5.18mio is 2.1%lPainting external purchase in Q1, and it does not achieve Q2 target, but

34、achieve the Jun, so loose Q1, April and May bonus, the annual bonus factor is 1.05%lPainting purchase 2.5% of whole purchase volume, so the bonus will x95%lFinal bonus volume = 5.18x(2.1%+1.05%)+0.5x12% x95%= 0.2120115mio. 1、90% (190,810.35) as company bonus, to be paid by parts discount 2、10% (21,201) as V-Star bonus, for individual bonus to dealer service consultant3、Another budget equal to 10% (21,201) as additional individual bonus to dealer service consultant, to be paid as the above 10% together. ExampleExample:Example: 16



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