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1、American BeginningsWhat is an American?letters from an American farmer by CrevecoeurThe American is a new man ,who acts upon new principles;he must therefore entertain new ideas,and form new opinions. The New WorldThe American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration mo

2、vements:The first from AsiaThe continent peopled first by Siberian tribes about 25,000 years ago crossing the Bering Strait to Alaskaover 10-20 million people,called Indians mistakenly,they developed their own aboriginal culture. The New WorldThe second from Europe and Africa (from 16th century)16th

3、 century expansion of Europe1492 Columbus discovery (Bahama Islands)1497 John Cabot (Canada)17th Permanent settlements Europe in the 16th and 17th CenturiesBackground:In the 17th century, western Europe was undergoing great changes. Europe was under the single spiritual authority of the Roman Cathol

4、ic Church. Europe in the 16th and 17th CenturiesSome new and powerful social forces:The first major force: the development of capitalism the bourgeois class and the working class. The English Revolution was the result of this growth of capitalism.the second major force: Renaissancemore confident and

5、 more interest in the world Europe in the 16th and 17th CenturiesThe third influential force was the Religious ReformationAgainst the background of those emerging new forces, the 13 English colonies that would become the United States of America were planted in North America. The Settlement in Virgi

6、nia The first English permanent settlement was founded in 1607 in Virginia. This was organized by the London Company with a charter from the English King James I. The Settlement in Virginia Two Important Events in Virginia:the elected delegate and the governor and his appointed council member discus

7、s the enactment of laws for the colony. a Dutch ship brought in over 20 Negroes, thus a start had been made toward the enslavement of Africans. Puritan New England由来:由来:自自1616世纪上半叶开始的宗教改革运动席卷了整个欧洲大地,世纪上半叶开始的宗教改革运动席卷了整个欧洲大地,德国的马丁德国的马丁路德、法国的加尔文成为改教后基督教新教路德、法国的加尔文成为改教后基督教新教的领袖。在当时的英国,由于英国国教的专横,宗教改革的领袖。


9、上,将在英国的新教徒,那些信奉加尔文教义、不满英国国教教义的人称为清教徒。而由于英国的宗义、不满英国国教教义的人称为清教徒。而由于英国的宗教迫害,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美国,所以人们说起清教迫害,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美国,所以人们说起清教徒,一般指的就是美国的清教徒。教徒,一般指的就是美国的清教徒。 Puritan legaciesThe Puritans hopes to build “a city upon hill”(山巅之城)an ideal community, since that time, many Americans hold a strong sense of missi

10、on of viewing their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations.A strain of often intolerant moralismThe American values such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs. Catholic MarylandThe founder was Lord Baltimore II. His father had

11、 the experience of being suppressed for his Catholic beliefs and witnessed the persecution of his fellow Catholics. In 1623, he was granted a charter from the king and was allowed to set up a colony in todays Maryland. his son carried out his fathers will and became the owner of the colony. Catholic

12、 MarylandLord Baltimore II wished to introduce a feudal system. with the increasing number of Protestant, his plan was dropped for majority of Protestant were capitalistic-minded, and the wildernessof North America provide plenty of land while labor was scarce, Maryland ultimately followed a capital

13、ist developing road. Quaker PennsylvaniaBeliefs: people could communicate directly with God because everyone had an inner lightPlace of worship: meeting place; anywhere William Penns planHe encouraged the spirit of liberty and equality. He set no restrictions on immigration, and naturalization was e

14、asier for non English people.melting potHe also established a liberal self-governmentHe also carried out the policy of separation of state and church in his colony. The American RevolutionBy early 1760s 13 English colonies1689-1815 wars between France and Britain1756 Seven Years War1763 Peace of Paris 1773 Boston Tea PartySeptember 1774 First Continental CongressApril 19, 1775 the first shot The American RevolutionMay 1775 second Continental Congress-assume functions of a national governmentJuly 4, 1776 adoption of Declaration of Independence1781 end of war1783 Treaty of Paris Thanks



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