江苏省太仓市第二中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural disaster Vocabulary课件 人教新目标版

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江苏省太仓市第二中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 6 Natural disaster Vocabulary课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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1、Unit 6 Natural disastersnowstorm rainstormfloodthunder and lightningtyphoon sandstormsunThe sun is shining brightly.Theres a lot of sunshine today.Whats the weather like today?sunnyIts sunny today.What a sunny day!cloudcloudymany cloudsthe blue sky with white cloudsIts cloudy today.How cloudy it is

2、today !Whats the weather like today?windwindya strong windWhat a strong wind!Its windy.on windy daysItll be windy later on.Whats the weather like today?rainrainyTheres a heavy rain today.It rained heavily yesterday.Its rainy today.I hope the rain will stop soon.on rainy daysHows the weather today?st

3、ormstormyIt is storming now.Theres a heavy storm.What a stormy day!Its stormy.Hows the weather today? fogfoggya foggy morningTheres a thick fog.Its foggy.Hows the weather today? frost frostyTheres a heavy frost.Theres white frost everywhere.What a frosty morning!Its frosty.Hows the weather today?HOW

4、S THE WEATHER TODAY? snowsnowyIt often snows heavily in winter. play in the snow Its snowy.Thick snow covers everything,FILL IN THE BLANKSnounadjectivenounadjectivesunstormycloudfog windyfrostyrainsnowysunnycloudywindrainystormfoggyfrostsnow FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH PROPER WIRDS.1.Its a _day.Look,the

5、_is shining brightly. I I feel a bit hot.(sun)2.The radio says it is going to _later in the afternoon.I hate _days.Its wet everywhere.(rain)3.Whats the weather like tomorrow? Its_. Cant you see the_in the sky?They wont lift up until the day after tomorrow.(cloud)4.Look,its_outside.Lets go out and pl

6、ay with the _.We can make a lovely snowman.(snow)5.Its very _this morning.The _is so thick that I cant even see the man standing in front of me.(fog)6.Can you hear the thunder? A_is coming.Its usually _ _ in summer.(storm)sunny sunrainrainycloudycloudssnowysnowfoggy fogstormstormyWHAT IS THE WEATHER

7、 LIKE TODAY?ITSTODAY.IT WILL BE LATER. WHATS THE TEMPERATURE TODAY? Monday7-9Tuesday5-7 Wednesday2-4 Thursday0-2 Friday-5-0 Its today. On Tuesday the temperature will be.Millie:The weather today is _but itll be _tomorrow.The temperature will be around 7.What about Wednesday?Sandy:Itll be _The temper

8、ature is going to drop a little.Millie: So the weather wont be too bad.What about Thursday?Sandy: Itll be _on Thursday. The temperature will be lower.It will be only 0 .Millie: The weather will become worse on Friday. Itll be _and the temperature will drop to -5 .sunnycloudywindyfrostysnowyMondayTue

9、sdayWedesdayThursdayFriday7-95-72-40-2-5-0LISTENINGLISTEN TO THE TAPE AND FILL IN THE BLANKSCity LowtemperatureHightemperatureWeatherGuangzhouBeijingHarbinTaiyuanShanghaiChengdu-614-20-9-1044126121222SpeakingMake a weather report for the following big cities according to the map.Good morning!Heres t

10、he weather report for some big cities in China.Thank you for listening.CityHighLowWeatherBeijing9-4Nanjing-1-3Xian156Fuzhou139Guilin2114Haikou2217Wuhan187Tianjin10-51.今天今天艳阳高照阳高照,很多孩子都在游泳池游泳。很多孩子都在游泳池游泳。 Today_Many children _ _. 2.昨天雨下得很大,在新街口,人昨天雨下得很大,在新街口,人们不得不在水不得不在水中行走。中行走。It _yesterday.People _

11、at Xinjiekou square.3.外面外面风很大,李明在关窗很大,李明在关窗户。There is _ _outside.Li Ming is closing the windows.is sunny.are swimming in the swimming pool.rained heavilyhad to walk in the watera strong wind4.看,到看,到处都都积上了厚厚的雪,上了厚厚的雪,让我我们去堆雪人吧。去堆雪人吧。Look!There is_everywhere. Lets make a snowman.5.你知道外面怎么了?你知道外面怎么了?沙沙尘暴来了,到暴来了,到处都是沙都是沙尘,没人敢出去。,没人敢出去。A:Do you know what is happening outside?B:_has come.There is_ everywhere. No one dares to walk outside.thick snowThe sandstormsandListening1.A2.B3.C4.D1.A1.A1.A2.B2.B2.B3.C3.C3.C4.D4.D4.DThanks a lot !



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