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1、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityUnit 6职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2ENGLISH FOR CAREERSUnit 6Quality新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityContentsListening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8职业综合职业综合职

2、业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-upTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-1Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match the quality symbols with their meanings. ( ) 1. It is a compulsory conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the

3、 European Economic Area. It certifies that a product has met European consumer safety, health or environmental requirements. ( ) 2. It is a standard for quality management systems. It is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization. ( ) 3. It is the abbreviation for China Compuls

4、ory Certification. It covers 135 products divided into 20 categories, including household appliances, motor vehicles, motorcycles, safety glasses, medical devices, lighting apparatus, cables and wires, etc.BACNotes职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-1ISO 9000国际标准化组织国际标准化组织90009000。IS

5、O9000ISO9000系列是众多由系列是众多由 ISOISO(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。 而是评估产品在生产过程中的品质控制,是一而是评估产品在生产过程中的品质控制,是一个组织管理的标准。个组织管理的标准。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-2CE欧洲合格认证。大部分来自欧洲经济区(欧洲合格认证。大部分来自欧洲经济区(EEAEEA)的产品,都需要印上欧洲合格认证的产品,都需要印上欧洲合格认证CECE标志

6、,代标志,代表产品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相表产品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-3CCC中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简称称 CCC CCC 或或 3C3C。它是中华人民共和国强制规定。它是中华人民共和国强制规定各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和

7、使用必须取得的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安全、电磁兼容性(全、电磁兼容性(EMCEMC) 、环保等方面符合强、环保等方面符合强制要求。制要求。CCC CCC 标志的图案由基本图案、认证种标志的图案由基本图案、认证种类标注组成。类标注组成。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-2Task 2 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match the following quality symbols with their corre

8、sponding products. A F HB D GC ENotes职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-1中国质量认证中心中国质量认证中心(CQC)是经中央机构编制委员会批准、由国家质量监督检验检是经中央机构编制委员会批准、由国家质量监督检验检疫总局设立、委托国家认证认可监督管理委员会管理的疫总局设立、委托国家认证认可监督管理委员会管理的国家级认证机构。该中心颁发的认证包括产品认证国家级认证机构。该中心颁发的认证包括产品认证(CCCCCC产品认证、农食产品认证、产品认证、农食产品认证、CQC CQC 自愿性产品认自愿性产

9、品认证等)、体系认证(证等)、体系认证(ISO9001 ISO9001 认证、认证、ISO4001 ISO4001 认证等)和认证等)和国际认证(国际认证(CBCB认证、认证、CECE认证等)。认证等)。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-2中国质量认证中心农食产品认证 中国质量认证中心(中国质量认证中心(CQCCQC)认证的一种。)认证的一种。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Kno

10、w-howTask 3职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-1A Smashing Way to Start a Global Business1 1 At one time, there was hammer in a glass case in the At one time, there was hammer in a glass case in theboardroom at Haier. The hammer has been removed toboardroom at Haier. The hammer has

11、been removed tothe new corporate museum. Although the story has beenthe new corporate museum. Although the story has beenfrequently frequently told, it is still a good way to explain the told, it is still a good way to explain the remarkable remarkable company that Zhang Ruimin has created overcompa

12、ny that Zhang Ruimin has created overthe years.the years.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-22 2 The Qingdao Refrigerator Plant was close to failure when The Qingdao Refrigerator Plant was close to failure when Mr. Zhang was sent in at the end of 1984. Production at the ti

13、me Mr. Zhang was sent in at the end of 1984. Production at the time was at a low was at a low ebbebb, and there was no money to pay the staff. Mr. , and there was no money to pay the staff. Mr. Zhang borrowed some cash, and set about seeing what could be Zhang borrowed some cash, and set about seein

14、g what could be done to save the company. Pretty soon, Mr. Zhang was done to save the company. Pretty soon, Mr. Zhang was confronted with complaints from refrigerator buyers. In confronted with complaints from refrigerator buyers. In response, he gathered the workers in a yard outside the plant, res

15、ponse, he gathered the workers in a yard outside the plant, and and smashedsmashed 76 substandard fridges to pieces in front of them 76 substandard fridges to pieces in front of them with the hammer. A quality quest to revive the plant started with the hammer. A quality quest to revive the plant sta

16、rted from that symbolic hammer attack. And it worked!from that symbolic hammer attack. And it worked!Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-33 3 Another Another striking striking Haier Haier innovationinnovation is is “catfish “catfish management”. management”. It It is is exp

17、lained explained as as follows. follows. In In the the sea, sea, a a lone lone catfish catfish creates creates a a disturbancedisturbance when when it it swims swims near near a a school school of of other other kinds kinds of of fish. fish. Live Live salmon salmon are are transported transported to

18、 to market market with with a a catfish catfish in in the the tank tank in in order order to to keep keep them them active active and and lively. lively. Haier Haier gives gives each each of of its its many many division division bosses bosses a a “catfish” “catfish” shadow shadow manager, manager,

19、who who is is ready ready to to take take over over if if the the man man or or woman woman in in charge charge falters. falters. If If three three months months of of missed missed targets targets should should occur, occur, the the catfish catfish disposes disposes the the leader he or she has bee

20、n shadowing.leader he or she has been shadowing.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-44 4 When When Zhang Zhang Ruimin Ruimin was was busy busy creating creating waves waves at at Haier Haier in in the the 1980s 1980s and and 1990s, 1990s, the the great great Chinese Chinese

21、 industrialindustrial revolution revolution was was changing changing the the whole whole global global landscape. landscape. The The country country was was becoming becoming the the industrial industrial production production house house for for the the world, world, but but most most new new Chin

22、ese Chinese companies companies were were making making things things that that were were designed designed and and ordered ordered by by Western Western companies. companies. Haier Haier wanted wanted to to export its own goods quite a different export its own goods quite a different philosophyphil

23、osophy. . Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-55 5 Haiers Haiers export export strategy strategy was was also also unusual unusual when when the the company company started started to to sell sell in in well-developed, well-developed, tough tough Western Western markets, ma

24、rkets, like like Germany.Germany.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-6Reading A6 6 Mr. Mr. Zhang Zhang said, said, “We “We tried tried an an experimentexperiment. . We We put put German German products products together together to to let let people people see see which whi

25、ch were were Haier Haier products. products. After After a a good good while, while, they they couldnt couldnt find find any any difference. difference. Most Most Chinese Chinese companies companies would would choose choose the the other other way; way; the the easy easy markets markets first first

26、 and and then then the the more more difficult difficult ones ones later, later, and and people people thought we were crazy.”thought we were crazy.”职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-6Reading A7 7 Zhang Zhang wanted wanted to to set set the the standards standards high, high, and

27、and thus thus force force Haier Haier to to solve solve all all the the problems problems and and to to meet meet those those high high standards. standards. His His story story reminds reminds us us of of the the old old Chinese Chinese saying: saying: “If “If you you want want to to play play ches

28、s, chess, you you need need to to play play it it with with the the master,” master,” because thats the only way you learn.because thats the only way you learn.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-1Reading A铁锤砸出国际化道路铁锤砸出国际化道路1 1 1 1 在海尔公司董事会会议室的玻璃展示柜中曾经放着在海尔公司董事会会议室的玻璃展示柜中曾经放着一把铁锤。这

29、把铁锤后来陈列在海尔公司新建的公司一把铁锤。这把铁锤后来陈列在海尔公司新建的公司博物馆中。尽管对这个铁锤的故事人们已经耳熟能详,博物馆中。尽管对这个铁锤的故事人们已经耳熟能详,但是对于由张瑞敏创立的这家非同凡响的公司来说,但是对于由张瑞敏创立的这家非同凡响的公司来说,它依然是一个良好的注脚。它依然是一个良好的注脚。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-2 2 2 2 2 1 1984984年,当张瑞敏被委派接手青岛冰箱厂时,年,当张瑞敏被委派接手青岛冰箱厂时,这家工厂已经濒临倒闭,生产处于低谷,工厂根本没这家工厂已经濒临倒闭

30、,生产处于低谷,工厂根本没钱支付员工工资。张瑞敏筹借了一些资金,并开始着钱支付员工工资。张瑞敏筹借了一些资金,并开始着手想办法拯救工厂。上任伊始,张瑞敏就收到了很多手想办法拯救工厂。上任伊始,张瑞敏就收到了很多冰箱用户的投诉。作为回应,张瑞敏将工人冰箱用户的投诉。作为回应,张瑞敏将工人 们召集到工厂外的一块空地上,并当着他们的面把们召集到工厂外的一块空地上,并当着他们的面把 76 76台不合格的冰箱砸碎。这具有象征意义的一砸开台不合格的冰箱砸碎。这具有象征意义的一砸开启了海尔公司通过质量提升来重振工厂的战略。事实启了海尔公司通过质量提升来重振工厂的战略。事实证明,这个战略是有效的。证明,这个战

31、略是有效的。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-3 3 3 3 3 海尔公司另外一个引人注目的创新海尔公司另外一个引人注目的创新是是“鲶鱼管理鲶鱼管理”。对于这种管理模式,人们是。对于这种管理模式,人们是这样解释的:在大海中,当鲶鱼游近一群其他这样解释的:在大海中,当鲶鱼游近一群其他鱼类时,往往会制造一阵骚乱。当人们用大桶鱼类时,往往会制造一阵骚乱。当人们用大桶运输马哈鱼到市场销售时,里面往往会放一条运输马哈鱼到市场销售时,里面往往会放一条鲶鱼,这样做的目的是迫使马哈鱼不停游动来鲶鱼,这样做的目的是迫使马

32、哈鱼不停游动来保持鲜活。海尔公司给每个部门主管配备了一保持鲜活。海尔公司给每个部门主管配备了一个鲶鱼式的影子经理,其作用就是,当部门主个鲶鱼式的影子经理,其作用就是,当部门主管不能胜任时随时会被替换。如果部门主管连管不能胜任时随时会被替换。如果部门主管连续三个月无法完成任务目标,影子经理将接任。续三个月无法完成任务目标,影子经理将接任。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-4 4 4 4 4 上世纪上世纪8080,9090年代,当张瑞敏在海尔公司年代,当张瑞敏在海尔公司进行热火朝天的改革时,中国工业革命的大

33、潮也进行热火朝天的改革时,中国工业革命的大潮也正在改变着全球经济格局。中国正日益成为世界正在改变着全球经济格局。中国正日益成为世界工厂,但大多数新兴的中国公司仅仅局限于生产工厂,但大多数新兴的中国公司仅仅局限于生产由西方公司设计和订购的产品。海尔希望出口它由西方公司设计和订购的产品。海尔希望出口它自己的产品,这是一种截然不同的思路。自己的产品,这是一种截然不同的思路。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-5 5 5 5 5 海尔公司的出口战略与众不同,这表海尔公司的出口战略与众不同,这表现在它首先选择进入类

34、似德国这样成熟而竞争现在它首先选择进入类似德国这样成熟而竞争激烈的西方市场。激烈的西方市场。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-6 6 6 6 6 张张瑞瑞敏敏曾曾讲讲过过:“我我们们曾曾经经做做过过一一个个实实验验,将将德德国国产产品品放放在在一一起起让让消消费费者者辨辨别别哪哪个个是是海海尔尔产产品品,结结果果看看了了半半天天,他他们们依依然然没没有有发发现现两两种种产产品品有有什什么么不不同同。大大部部分分中中国国公公司司在在开开发发国国际际市市场场时时会会从从容容易易开开发发的的市市场场开开始始,

35、然然后后慢慢慢慢开开始始开开发发一一些些难难度度大大的的市市场场,所所以以当当我我们们选选择择了了一种相反的道路时,大家都认为我们疯了。一种相反的道路时,大家都认为我们疯了。”Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-6 7 7 7 7 张张瑞瑞敏敏希希望望通通过过制制定定高高标标准准来来推推动动海海尔尔解解决决所所有有这这些些问问题题,从从而而最最终终达达到到这这些些高高标标准准。他他的的故故事事让让我我们们联联想想起起一一句句古古老老的的中中国国名名言言:“弈弈棋棋还还须须找找高高手手”,因因为为这这是是学

36、学习习进进步步的的唯唯一方法。一方法。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityad. oftenReading Afrequentlye.g.e.g.He is frequently in debt. She frequently visits the house by the riverside.c.f. c.f. a. frequente.g.e.g.His trips to France are less frequent now.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Quali

37、tya. worthy of notice; noticeable This product is of remarkable quality.This product is of remarkable quality. e.g.e.g. Your work has been remarkable this week.Reading AremarkableTran: 这个产品质量优异。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityn.falling back from the flood stage; a period of decline e.g

38、.e.g. The tide was at its ebb and the rocks were no longer underwater. Tran: 他的政治权力降到了最低点。 His political power has plunged to its His political power has plunged to its lowest ebb. lowest ebb.Reading Aebb职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityv. to break (something) into pieces suddenly, nois

39、ily, and violentlye.g.e.g. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was unhurt. Tran: 这辆车在一次交通事故中被严重摧毁。 The car was badly smashed in an The car was badly smashed in an accident. accident. Reading Asmash职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityn. the act of introducing something newe.g.e.

40、g. The movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory. Tran: 我们引进了四项能提高生产率的创新成果。 We have introduced four innovations that We have introduced four innovations that have increased productivity. have increased productivity. Reading Ainnovation职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

41、 2Unit 6 Qualityn. the act of breaking up something; the act of troubling mentally or physicallye.g.e.g. There has been a disturbance in the street; some people have been hurt. Tran: 绝对不允许有任何扰乱我们业务程序的行为。 There must be no disturbance of our There must be no disturbance of our business routine. busine

42、ss routine.Reading Adisturbance职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualitya. of or relating to a business sector, commercial production or sales of goods e.g.e.g. Many European countries are developed industrial nations. Tran: 中国是个工业化国家,因为有很多工厂。 China is an industrial country because it has China

43、 is an industrial country because it has many factories.many factories. Reading Aindustrial职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Quality n. the system of values by which one lives or workse.g.e.g. The companys philosophy is “putting quality first.”Reading Aphilosophy职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2

44、Unit 6 Qualityn. a scientific method of determining what is right or wronge.g.e.g. The scientist performs many experiments in his laboratory. Tran: 我们通过实验可知油和水是不相溶的。 We can learn by experiment that oil and We can learn by experiment that oil and water do not mix.water do not mix.Reading Aexperiment职

45、业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityProduction was at a low ebb;There was no money to pay the staff;Complaints from refrigerator buyers.Borrowed some cash;Set about seeing what could be done to save the company;Gathered the workers in a yard outside the plant, and smashed 76 substandard fri

46、dges to pieces in front of them with the hammer.A-Task-1Task 1Task 1 Complete the following table according to the passage. Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityReading Achanging the whole global landscape.HomeHome BackNext becoming the industrial productionhouse for the world.maki

47、ng things that were designed and ordered by western companies.starting to sell in well-developed, toughWestern markets, like Germany.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityTask Task 2 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.A-Task-2-1Readin

48、g AFTTTF职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityReading ATask 3Task 3 Work in groups of 4-5 persons and discuss how to improve the service of your college canteen. First, you list the major aspects that you are not satisfied with; then, you analyze the reasons why the services are not satisfac

49、tory; finally, you work out some practical solutions.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityBusiness Know-howPromoting Excellence in Quality Controll Develop a quality control system that works for the company;l Document the quality control policies properly and keep documentation as simple a

50、s possible; l Check the process from time to time to ensure that the policies are being properly implemented; l Train the staff;l Involve the management and staff members in quality control procedures and periodic reviews;l Use standards to specify minimum quality criteria for suppliers and encourag

51、e them through some form of recognition.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityReading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText B-1Reading BQuality Control ProcessQuality Quality is is not not only only an an attitude, attitude, but but also also an an esta

52、blished established system. system. Through Through strict strict procedures, procedures, our our engineers engineers keep keep control control of of quality throughout every step of production.quality throughout every step of production.We We divide divide the the quality quality control control pr

53、ocess process into into three three separate separate processes, processes, which which ensures ensures that that specialized specialized professional professional knowledge is applied to each stage of our operation.knowledge is applied to each stage of our operation.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2

54、Unit 6 QualityText B-2Reading BIncoming Quality ControlIncoming Quality Control The The IQC IQC process process conducts conducts inspections inspections and and deals deals with with quality quality problems before the production process starts.problems before the production process starts. Specifi

55、c tasks of IQC include: Specific tasks of IQC include: Perform sampling of incoming materials; Perform sampling of incoming materials; Perform visual and functional inspection of material samples; Perform visual and functional inspection of material samples; Keep track of quality control chart of in

56、spected materials; Keep track of quality control chart of inspected materials; Inform engineering staff of major deviations. Inform engineering staff of major deviations.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText B-3Reading BIn-Process Quality ControlIn-Process Quality Control The The IPQC I

57、PQC process process controls controls the the quality quality systems systems during during the the assembly assembly process process in in order order to to detect detect and and deal deal with with problems problems that may come up as a result of assembly.that may come up as a result of assembly.

58、 Specific tasks of IPQC include: Specific tasks of IPQC include: Perform inspections on assembled and in-process Perform inspections on assembled and in-process materials materials;职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText B-4Reading B Use Use statistical statistical control control techniq

59、ues techniques and and watch watch for for major major deviations;deviations; Perform Perform in-process in-process checks checks to to ensure ensure processes processes are are up up to to standard.standard.Outgoing Quality AssuranceOutgoing Quality Assurance OQA is the last process before products

60、 are delivered to OQA is the last process before products are delivered to customers, and therefore is very important to ensure our customers, and therefore is very important to ensure our shipment is defect-free. Numerous redundancies with IQC and shipment is defect-free. Numerous redundancies with

61、 IQC and IPQC are performed here to ensure the validity of previous IPQC are performed here to ensure the validity of previous processes.processes.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText B-5Reading BSpecific tasks of OQA include:Specific tasks of OQA include: Perform visual and functional

62、 Perform visual and functional inspection; inspection; Apply sampling based on industry Apply sampling based on industry standards; standards; Conduct reliability testing; Conduct reliability testing; Submit failure analysis reports Submit failure analysis reports and inform engineering staff. and i

63、nform engineering staff.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityB-Trans-1Reading B质量控制流程质量控制流程 质质量量不不仅仅是是一一种种态态度度,而而且且是是一一套套规规范范化化的的体体系系。通通过过严严格格的的程程序序,工工程程师师可可以以对对生生产产过过程程的的每一个步骤进行质量监控。每一个步骤进行质量监控。 我我们们的的质质量量控控制制流流程程分分为为三三个个独独立立的的过过程程,确确保保将将专专业业知知识识应应用用到到生生产产的的每每一一个个环环节节。这这个个体体系也提供了必要的复检,避免遗漏

64、任何质量问题。系也提供了必要的复检,避免遗漏任何质量问题。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityB-Trans-2Reading B进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(进料质量检验(IQCIQCIQCIQC)IQCIQC负负责责生生产产过过程程开开始始之之前前的的检检验验及及质质量量问问题题的处理。的处理。IQC IQC 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括: 对进料进行取样;对进料进行取样; 对材料样品进行外观和功能检测;对材料样品进行外观和功能检测; 跟踪受检材料的质量监控图;跟踪受检材料的质量监控图; 将大的偏差通知工程技术人员。将大

65、的偏差通知工程技术人员。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityB-Trans-3Reading B过程质量检验过程质量检验过程质量检验过程质量检验 (IPQC)(IPQC)(IPQC)(IPQC)IPQC IPQC 程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检程序控制装配过程中的质量体系,以便检查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。查并处理装配过程中可能出现的问题。IPQC IPQC 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括: 对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;对已组装好的和正在组装的材料进行检测;职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

66、 2Unit 6 QualityB-Trans-4Reading B 使用统计控制技术监控大的偏差;使用统计控制技术监控大的偏差; 实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。实施过程检查以确保所有过程都达标。成品质量检验成品质量检验成品质量检验成品质量检验 (OQAOQAOQAOQA)OQA OQA 是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确是产品送交客户前的最后一个过程,因此确保发出的货物没有瑕疵至关重要。在这里要进行保发出的货物没有瑕疵至关重要。在这里要进行进料质量检验(进料质量检验(IQCIQC)和过程质量检验)和过程质量检验 (IPQC) (IPQC) 的多次复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。的多次

67、复检,以确保前两个过程的有效性。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityB-Trans-5Reading BOQA OQA 的具体任务包括:的具体任务包括: 进行外观和功能检测;进行外观和功能检测; 按工业标准进行抽样;按工业标准进行抽样; 进行可靠性测试;进行可靠性测试; 提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。提交错误分析报告并通知工程技术人员。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityDB-Task-1Task Task 1 1 Arrange Arrange the the followi

68、ng following quality quality control control tasks tasks in in time time order order according to the passage.according to the passage.Reading BEBCA职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityB-Task-2Reading BTask 2Task 2 The following are some quality control tasks. Decide in which of the three q

69、uality control processes (IQC, IPQC, OQA) they are carried out.1.1.Conduct the reliability testingConduct the reliability testing2.2.Examining the surface of the material to look for any Examining the surface of the material to look for any defect.defect.3.3.Take out 1% of the finished products rand

70、omly to check Take out 1% of the finished products randomly to check whether they are packed properly.whether they are packed properly.4.4.Report major deviations in the quality of the materials to Report major deviations in the quality of the materials to the engineers.the engineers.5.5.Prepare a f

71、ailure analysis report.Prepare a failure analysis report.6.6.Find out which step in the assembly process results in the Find out which step in the assembly process results in the most defects.most defects.7.7.Increase the number of material samples for inspection Increase the number of material samp

72、les for inspection according to the updated quality standard.according to the updated quality standard.OQAIQCOQAIQCIPQCOQAIQC职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityListeningListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 6Task 5职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 1Task Task

73、1 1 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. W: We are unhappy with the machine we received last month.M: Im very sorry to hear that. We seldom get any complaints about our products or services.W: Your trouble-free machine Lampe 300 has actually been making trouble in ou

74、r workshop every day ever since it was set up by your engineer two weeks ago. You should either replace the machine or offer us a credit.M: Well, its not our policy to provide replacements or a credit before any investigation is made.W: I think you have guaranteed the machine for three years.M: That

75、s right. Anyway Ill send our engineer over to your factory to do the inspections first.W: I hope you can treat the matter as urgently as possible since we have many orders to fulfill nowadays.Listening & Speaking_声音声音_being_职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 2Task Task 2 2 Sarah is

76、 making a phone call about a defective product. Listento the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Listening & SpeakingScriptScript_声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-2-ScriptTask 2Task 2 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

77、 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 3-1Task 3Task 3 Listen to a journalist interviewing a toy manufacturer on the product recall. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Then write key words to support your answers. Listening & SpeakingScriptScript1.The product is recalled because excessive le

78、ad has been detected. True False _2. Stricter quality control measures have been adopted after the recall. True False _design problems; do not have excessive lead声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 3-2Listening & SpeakingScriptScript3. Matt operates through its own plants. True

79、False _4. The recall has greatly influenced Matts orders. True False _cooperate with other companiesorders on the rise职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-3-ScriptTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音Next Next 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-3-ScriptListening

80、& Speaking职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 4-1Task 4Task 4 John is asking his business consultant about quality control. Listen to the conversation and tick off the points the woman mentions.Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task

81、4-2Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-4-ScriptTask 4Task 4 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音Next Next 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-4-ScriptListening & Speaking职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 5-1Task 5Task 5

82、Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening & Speaking In the late 1960s, a large department store in America had a special sale on electric knives. Although they were priced very low, surprisingly, few knives sold. The store then raised the price a little, and th

83、e knives quickly sold out. It is clearly different from what _ says. What could explain this strange phenomenon? The most likely explanation for this event is that people often make judgments about _ based on their prices. the demand and supply theorythe quality of items声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语

84、2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 5-2Listening & Speaking Usually, high-quality items are expensive and low-quality items are cheap. Thus, when people see an item that appears unusually cheap, they suspect that the item has low quality. In the knives example, people must have thought that something was wr

85、ong with the knives because the price was so low. When the store raised the price a bit, people no longer thought that the deal was _.too good to be true职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityL-Task 5-3Listening & Speaking It is true that sometimes quality depends on price. For example, consi

86、der how parents would act if they had won _ and had to hire someone to watch their baby. Would they seek out the cheapest babysitter available? If they love their baby, they wont act this way. Those who are willing to work for very little indicate that they are unable to get higher wages. They will

87、probably provide low-quality child care. People know what is fair, and often _.a free vacationwork less if paid less and work harder if paid more 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Quality2. A: What measures do you adopt to ensure the quality? B: _ _.We use quite a few quality control measures,s

88、uch as IQC, IPQC and so on.Task 6Task 6 Work in pairs and switch roles to practice orally the following mini dialogs related to quality control.1.A: This is our first order with you but we are not satisfied with your slow after-sales service. B: _ _.I apologize for the inconvenience andpromise to im

89、prove it immediately.3. A: The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent. B: _with the quality control system.There must be something wrongListening & Speaking职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityListening & Speaking4. A: Does your company follow ISO 9000? B

90、: _ _.Sure, our company got ISO 9000 certification10 years ago5.A: Hello, the machine I bought from your company doesnt work. Whom should I call? B: Im sorry to hear that. Would you try _our customer service department 0755-288888888. 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWritingWritingTask

91、1Task 2职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityTask 1Task 1 Revise the following inappropriate sentences in questionnaires and explain why.1.How do you feel about our products and do you have any suggestions for our improvements? 2.Dont you think the distribution of fashion magazines is adequa

92、te? 3. Do you think the delivery service is prompt and liable? Doublequestions. The sentence should be divided into two separate questions: How do you feel about our products? Do you have any suggestions for our improvements?Negative question.Do you think the distribution of fashion magazines is ade

93、quate?Difficult terms.Do youthink the delivery service is quick enough?W-Task 1-1Writing职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityW-Task 1-2Writing 4.In a typical month, how often do you shop online? 5. How do you usually go to work? By bus. By subway. By private car. The question doesnt include

94、 all the possible alternatives. By bus. By subway. By private car. By ship. By train. By bike. On footNot specific.In October, how often do you shop online?职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityW-Task 2Task 2Task 2 Suppose you are hired by the marketing department of a mobile phone company,

95、and asked to prepare a questionnaire to determine college students preference for messenger products (聊天软件). Please finish the question part of the following questionnaire for collecting related information from your classmates.WritingWhat is your gender?What year student are you?Which messenger bra

96、nd do you choose?What is the most important thing to consider when you choose a messenger product? A. Cost. B. Reliability. C. Popularity. D. Ease of UseHow often do you use your messenger?A. Male B. FemaleA. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.A. Tencent QQ. B. MSN Messenger. C. Y

97、ahoo Messenger. D. Skype. E. WeChat. F. OthersA. Frequently. B. Sometimes. C. Seldom. D. Never.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityMiniMini-projectWork in groups. Your company specializes in childrens toys and has lately developed a new product. Search the website of China Quality Certific

98、ation Centre (CQC), and try to find out the information on the quality certification your new product is subject to. Then report the details in class. Below is the homepage of CQC for your reference. Your report should include the following information:1. Which product certification can be awarded t

99、o your new product (e.g. CCC, CQC, CB or ISO)?2. Brief introduction of the certification (e.g. CCCs full name, products subject to CCC, etc.).3. What does a sample of certification look like?职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualitySampleMini-project职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualit

100、yLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Quality( ) 1. frequently( ) 1. frequently( ) 2. remarkable ( ) 2. remarkable ( ) 3. ebb( ) 3. ebb( ) 4. innovation ( ) 4. innovation ( ) 5. disturbance ( ) 5. disturbance ( ) 6. revive( ) 6. revive( ) 7. su

101、bstandard ( ) 7. substandard ( ) 8. symbolic( ) 8. symbolic( ) 9. striking( ) 9. striking( ) 10. strategy( ) 10. strategy LL-Task 1Language LabF FDDAABBJ JC CI IHHGGE ETask 1Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 2-1

102、Language LabTask 2Task 2 Complete the following statements with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary. 1. Going public is a _ event in the history1. Going public is a _ event in the history of our company. of our company. 2. She _ visits the house by the riverside. 2. She _ visits the

103、house by the riverside. 3. The _ of air travel during this century has 3. The _ of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. made the world seem smaller. 4. Hes over sixty, so his strength is slowly_4. Hes over sixty, so his strength is slowly_ away. away. 5. I have heard some

104、bad news which has _ 5. I have heard some bad news which has _ me very much. me very much.remarkableremarkablefrequentlyfrequentlyinnovationinnovationebbingebbingdisturbeddisturbed职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 2-2Language Lab6. 6.He was made CEO in the hope that his experienc

105、e could He was made CEO in the hope that his experience could _ the company._ the company.7. 7.The dove is a _ of peace.The dove is a _ of peace.8. 8.All these cars are made to a _ design.All these cars are made to a _ design.9. 9. The island is of _ The island is of _ importance to France.importanc

106、e to France.10. She took two quick steps forward and _10. She took two quick steps forward and _ him across the mouth. him across the mouth.reviverevivesymbolsymbolstandardstandardstrategicstrategicstruckstruck职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityTask 3Task 3 Complete the sentences with the

107、 following phrases. Change the form if necessary. comes upcomes upremindsremindsin response toin response toset aboutset aboutconfronted withconfronted withLL-Task 3Language Labofof职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 4-1Language LabTask 4Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after

108、 the models.Model 1: Model 1: It is a good way to explain the remarkable company. Zhang Ruimin hasIt is a good way to explain the remarkable company. Zhang Ruimin hascreated the company over the years.created the company over the years.It is a good way to explain the remarkable company It is a good

109、way to explain the remarkable company createdcreated by Zhang by ZhangRuimin over the years.Ruimin over the years.1. They are living in that big house. Their parents built the house several1. They are living in that big house. Their parents built the house several years ago. years ago.2. They are sh

110、ipping the goods. Their customers ordered the goods last year.2. They are shipping the goods. Their customers ordered the goods last year.3. They are dealing with the complaints. The customers made the complaints3. They are dealing with the complaints. The customers made the complaints over poor qua

111、lity and high price. over poor quality and high price. They are dealing with the complaints made by They are dealing with the complaints made by customers over poor quality and high price.customers over poor quality and high price. They are living in that big house built by their parents They are li

112、ving in that big house built by their parents several years ago.several years ago. They are shipping the goods ordered by their customers They are shipping the goods ordered by their customers last year. last year. 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 4-2-1Language LabModel 2: Model

113、 2: The catfish deposes the leader. The catfish has been shadowing theThe catfish deposes the leader. The catfish has been shadowing theleader.leader.The catfish deposes the leader The catfish deposes the leader that that he or she has been shadowing.he or she has been shadowing.1. 1.The secretary i

114、s correcting the letter. She drafted the letter last The secretary is correcting the letter. She drafted the letter last night.night.1. 1.The worker drives the remarkable car. He designed the car three The worker drives the remarkable car. He designed the car three years ago.years ago.1. 1.He is goi

115、ng to fire his secretary. He recruited her two months ago.He is going to fire his secretary. He recruited her two months ago. The secretary is correcting the letter that she drafted The secretary is correcting the letter that she drafted last night.last night.He is going to fire his secretary whom h

116、e recruited two He is going to fire his secretary whom he recruited two months ago.months ago.The worker drives the remarkable car that he designed The worker drives the remarkable car that he designed three years ago.three years ago.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 5-1Language

117、LabTask 5Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.We must encourage innovation if our company is to We must encourage innovation if our company is to remain competitive.remain competitive. He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.He showed remarkable

118、courage when he faced the danger. The woman had fainted from the heat, but she soon The woman had fainted from the heat, but she soon revived.revived.We should confront with hardships in our life, not avoid them.We should confront with hardships in our life, not avoid them.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2

119、 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityLL-Task 5-2Language LabThe emperor attempted to depose the Pope.The emperor attempted to depose the Pope. The rate of substandard products should not exceed 1%.The rate of substandard products should not exceed 1%.There has been no response to his remarks from the There has been

120、no response to his remarks from the government.government.Buses run frequently between the city and the airport. Buses run frequently between the city and the airport. 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityEntertainmentEntertainmentBackgroundBackgroundAnother Day in Paradise Sung by: Phil Co

121、llinsSung by: Phil Collins 声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityBackground This song, Another Day in Paradise, is like a narrative poem, expressing the thought of the sympathy for the weak and the heaven in the dark society. It describes a kind, homeless woman appealed for the passers-b

122、y, but got refused. This is a strong and realistic song. The singer Collins was one of only three recording artists (along with Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson) who have sold over 100 million albums worldwide both as solo artists and (separately) as principal members of a band. EntertainmentBackground职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityThank You!职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2ENGLISH FOR CAREERS新职业英语新职业英语



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