九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A(3a-3c)课件

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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (3a-3c)Here is a list of things many people are afraid of. Which of these things did you use to be afraid of ? Which ones are you still afraid of ? a. the darkb. being alonec. snakesd. flying in an airplanee. big dogsf. high placesg. speaking in front

2、 of a groupTo learn some key words and useful expressions. Talk about what you used to be like“used to” and its negative and interrogative formsbackgroundinterviewAsiandealdeal withshynessdarecrowdtonprivateguardrequire n. 背景背景 v. 采访;面试采访;面试 adj. 亚洲(人)的亚洲(人)的v. (dealt, dealt) 对付;对对付;对待待应付;处理应付;处理 n.

3、 害羞;腼腆害羞;腼腆 v. 敢于;勇敢敢于;勇敢 n. 人群;观众人群;观众 n. 吨;吨;(pl.) 大量;许多大量;许多 adj. 私人的;私密的私人的;私密的 n. 警卫;守卫警卫;守卫 v. 守卫;保卫守卫;保卫 v. 需要;需求需要;需求Words ReviewP27 ai n s i nt(r)vj u: de b kgraund ri kwai(r) g a: (r) d praivt t nkr a d di: l ei n backgroundinterviewAsiandealdeal withshynessdarecrowdtonprivateguardrequiren

4、. 背景背景v. 采访;面试采访;面试adj. 亚洲(人)的亚洲(人)的v. (dealt, dealt) 对付;对对付;对待待应付;处理应付;处理n. 害羞;腼腆害羞;腼腆v. 敢于;勇敢敢于;勇敢n. 人群;观众人群;观众n. 吨;吨;(pl.) 大量;许多大量;许多adj. 私人的;私密的私人的;私密的n. 警卫;守卫警卫;守卫v. 守卫;保卫守卫;保卫v. 需要;需求需要;需求Words ReviewP27Words review 幻灯片上单词出现时,同学应迅速读出该单词并说出意思,说不出时,可有5秒钟的现场求救时间(向其他同学),每名同学接受求救不得超过3次。Asiandealdar

5、eguardsilentcrowdrequireinterview shynesshumorousscoreprivatebackgroundhelpfultondeal withUse “used to” and “but now” to describe the following picture.ReviewShe used to play soccer, but now she plays tennis.She used to be short, but now she is tall.She used to have long hair, but now she has short

6、hair.Before you read1Look at the photo, the questions in 3a and the title to the story on page 27. Then answer the questions below.1. Who is the young girl in the picture?2. What does the passage talk about?3. Does the writer think its easy to be a pop star?1. Candy Wang.2. It talks about Candy Wang

7、, a pop stars story.3. No, she doesnt. She thinks it is difficult to be a pop star.3aRead the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears. Number the information(1-3).3a_ how Candys life has changed_ Candys advice to young people_ Candys background 231坎迪的生活有怎样的变化坎迪

8、的生活有怎样的变化坎迪的背景坎迪的背景坎迪给年轻人的建议坎迪给年轻人的建议In the pastNowreally shynot shy anymore and loves singing in front of the classtake up _singingWhile you read2 Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.For this months Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that sh

9、e used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.From Shy Girl to Pop Star从害羞女孩到明星从害羞女孩到明星采访采访19岁的亚洲明星岁的亚洲明星过去非常害羞过去非常害羞开始唱歌开始

10、唱歌对付她的羞怯对付她的羞怯敢于唱歌敢于唱歌在全班同学面前在全班同学面前全校全校不再不再观众观众take up 开始;从事开始;从事 take up 还有还有“接受接受(提议提议); 占用占用”等意思等意思 deal with 在这里意为在这里意为“处理,对付处理,对付”, dare to do sth 敢于去做敢于去做. not. any more 再也不再也不 (She no more lived here.)年轻世界年轻世界杂志杂志 I know how busy you are and I wouldnt take up too much of your time. 我知道您忙,我不会

11、我知道您忙,我不会占用占用您太多的时间。您太多的时间。 You should take up my suggestion and start saving money. 你应该你应该接受接受我的建议我的建议,开始存钱。开始存钱。 do with 和和 deal with do with常与连接代词常与连接代词 what 连用,连用, 而而 deal with常与连接副词常与连接副词 how 连用。如:连用。如: I dont know how they deal with the problem. = I dont know what they do with the problem. 我不知

12、道他们如何处理这个问题。我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。知识链接知识链接 用用deal with 或或 do with填空。填空。Can you tell me how to _ it? I really dont know what to _ it.你怎么处理那台旧电视的?你怎么处理那台旧电视的?(两种翻译两种翻译)deal withdo with She did not dare to look at him. 她不敢朝他看。她不敢朝他看。 知识拓展知识拓展她晚上她晚上不敢不敢一个人出去。一个人出去。 (两种翻译两种翻译)She dare not go out alone at night.

13、 She doesnt dare to go out alone at night.dare to do sth.to 可以省略,尤其在否定和疑问句中。可以省略,尤其在否定和疑问句中。I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like being able to travel and meet new people all the time. “I didnt use to be popular in school, b

14、ut now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.” However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I dont have much private time anymore. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible fo

15、r me now because there are always guards around me.”From Shy Girl to Pop Star成名之后成名之后能够能够总是总是过去不受欢迎过去不受欢迎很受关注很受关注太多的关注太多的关注不得不担忧不得不担忧怎样出现在别人面前怎样出现在别人面前必须注意必须注意不再有很多私人的时间不再有很多私人的时间几乎不可能几乎不可能周围总是有警卫周围总是有警卫和朋友一起闲逛和朋友一起闲逛get tons of attention 非常引人注目非常引人注目 pay attention to 关注关注 、注意、注意appear 出现出现 private

16、私人的,私人的, 私密的私密的 - privately 私密地私密地hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛与某人闲逛guard n. 哨兵;警戒;防护装置;警卫哨兵;警戒;防护装置;警卫What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous? “Well,” she begins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life. You can never imagine how difficult the r

17、oad to success is. Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”From Shy Girl to Pop Star想出名的年轻人想出名的年轻人必须准备必须准备放弃你的正常生活放弃你的正常生活无法想象无法想象考虑放弃考虑放弃继续战斗继续战斗需要很多才艺需要很多才艺很少一部分人做到最好很

18、少一部分人做到最好。be prepare to do sth 准备好去做准备好去做.; 愿意去做愿意去做.give up sth /doing sth 意为意为“放弃放弃 做做success 成功成功 / succeed in sth /doing sth 在在.方面成功。顺利完成方面成功。顺利完成.fight on 继续奋斗继续奋斗 a small number of 少量少量 / a large number of 大量大量Read the article again and complete the sentences about Candy.3b1. She used to be sh

19、y, but now shes not shy _.2. She didnt used to be _ in school, but now she gets lots of attention.3. She used to _ with friends, but now it is almost impossible.4. She didnt use to _ how she appears to others, but now she does.and loves singing in front of the classpopularhang outworry aboutanymore选

20、择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Wow! You look different! You _ wear glasses. Yes, I did. But now I am wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜隐形眼镜). (2010湖北咸宁湖北咸宁) A. could B. must C. used to D. would2. Unlike the Chinese, the Americans _ their meals with knives and forks. (2010江苏无锡江苏无锡) A. used to taking B. are used to taking C. used to take D. are used to take1. Recite the new words and Section A 3a.2.2. Preview Section A 4a-4c.3. We have _ up early in order to catch the early bus. (2010甘肃兰州甘肃兰州) A. used to get B. been used to get C. used for getting D. been used to getting



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