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1、人教版高二英语上单元单词测试人教版高二英语上单元单词测试but.however与与instead的区别的区别辨析辨析 however和和 but 二者都意为二者都意为“可是,但是可是,但是”;but是是并列连词并列连词,连接两个并列分句,上下二句在总的意,连接两个并列分句,上下二句在总的意义上构成了对比。义上构成了对比。 However是副词,是副词,不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开并用逗号隔开。可放句首或句尾或句中。可放句首或句尾或句中。however解释解释为为“然而然而”,表示一种转折,说明后面陈述的内容与前,表示一种转折,说明后面陈述

2、的内容与前面的内容相反。面的内容相反。Instead是副词。是副词。虽然也表示转折,但它的意思更侧重于虽然也表示转折,但它的意思更侧重于“取而代之取而代之”这层意思。所以往往翻译成这层意思。所以往往翻译成“相反地相反地”。可可放句首或句尾或句中放句首或句尾或句中but.however与与instead的区别的区别1.He didnt lend me books._,he asked me for some money.2.I am quite healthy now. _,one year ago I was fat.3. I really dont like cheese, _ I will

3、 try just a little this time.4. It was raining hard. _, we went out to look for the boy. 5. He didnt went to school today. _, he went for swimming6. I was going to write, _ I lost your address.7. Id like to go with you; _, my hands are full.8. He said that it was so; he was mistaken, _.9. He looks h

4、onest, _ actually hes a rogue (无赖无赖).10. Mark is busy writing the report now. Let me go _.11.He didnt answer my question. _, he asked me a strange question.12. The cat didnt catch the mouse. _, it caught a ball.13. He didnt tell John the secret,_he told me instead.InsteadHowever butHowever Instead b

5、ut However However but instead Instead Instead but 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读APara1.1. Lead a Bible study2. non-church member3. struggle with.4. spiritual guidancePara2.5, head to a supermarket6. fight the holiday crowds7. pull out of the parking space8. filled with.9. call up the store10.In case带着一群人学习圣经带着一群人学习

6、圣经非宗教成员非宗教成员 与与.作斗争作斗争/拼搏拼搏/奋斗奋斗精神指导精神指导/引导引导 去。,朝。走去去。,朝。走去艰难地挤过度假的人群艰难地挤过度假的人群 ( 车)开出停车场车)开出停车场 填满,装满,塞满填满,装满,塞满打电话打电话以防,万一以防,万一 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读APara3.11, the rest of us12, works been tough13. Im single for the holiday14, and I cant even shop for presents without something going wrong.Para4.15, nod

7、我们其他人我们其他人 工作一直很辛苦工作一直很辛苦 我孤身一人过假期我孤身一人过假期我每次购物总是出问题我每次购物总是出问题 点头点头 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读BPara1.1,do some training 2, a sales team3, I watched them closely and below is what I found.Para2. 4. a sense of humour5, a terribly serious group of people6, laugh a little bit7, there were different degrees in this.

8、进行培训进行培训一个销售团队一个销售团队 我密切观察他们,以下便是我的发现我密切观察他们,以下便是我的发现 一种幽默感一种幽默感 一群非常严肃认真一群非常严肃认真/严谨的人严谨的人 笑一笑笑一笑 在这方面程度不同而已在这方面程度不同而已 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读BPara3.8. achieve their success9, a free pass to the upper position10, what had got them to where they were?获得成功获得成功 通向更高阶层的免费通行证通向更高阶层的免费通行证 是什么让他们到是什么让他们到达他们目前的这个位置呢?

9、达他们目前的这个位置呢?这些家伙这些家伙/人人欣赏欣赏.得到了回报得到了回报 处理信息处理信息 把把.应用于应用于. 遵循这些原则遵循这些原则/原理原理11, these folks12, the company appreciated this and their work was paying off.Para4. 13. their mind processing the information14, .applying the material to their workPara5.15, follow these principles 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读CPara1.1,a

10、list of .reveal 2, a man of many talents and interests3, his natural curiosity.Para2. 4. constantly5, figure outpara36, made important discoveries and advancement7, protect buildings and ships from lightning. 一长串一长串, 揭示了,显示揭示了,显示 一位兴趣广泛且才华横溢的人一位兴趣广泛且才华横溢的人 他天然的好奇心他天然的好奇心 不断地,持续地不断地,持续地明白,理解,弄清楚明白,理解

11、,弄清楚 发现发现., 进步进步 闪电闪电 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读CPara4.8,establish 9, insurance companyPara5. 10, as a postmaster, Ben had to figure out routes for delievering the mail.11, he went out riding in his carriage to measure the routes and needed a way to keep track of the distance.12, attach. topara613, follow the fo

12、otsteps 建立建立 保险公司保险公司 作为作为邮政局长邮政局长,他得,他得弄清楚弄清楚递送递送邮件的邮件的路程路程 他坐着四轮马车去测量路程他坐着四轮马车去测量路程,需要一个办法来跟踪它的距离。需要一个办法来跟踪它的距离。 把把.附到附到.上,上, 追随他的脚步追随他的脚步 单元检测单元检测1阅读阅读DPara1.1,this is often true with dogs and cats Para2.2, the same is true with some insects.3, the ants, hardworking as they are, have time for pla

13、y.4. .while they are occupied with these sportspara3 5, search for.6, nest7, they think in getting their material, .arranging. plastering.with mud. 猫和狗也经常是这样的猫和狗也经常是这样的 有些昆虫也是这样有些昆虫也是这样 Though they are hardworking, the ants have time for play. 从事从事.,做,做, 忙于忙于. 寻找寻找 巢,鸟巢巢,鸟巢 材料,材料, 安排,安排, 粘贴,粘贴, 泥土泥土

14、 单元检测单元检测1Para4.8,in some other respects 9, imitate10, Each kind of birds has their own way of building a nest. And so do other animals.Para5. 11, by nature para6 12, by their senses 在许多其他方面在许多其他方面 模仿模仿 其它动物也是这样其它动物也是这样 天生地,生性地天生地,生性地 凭感觉凭感觉/感官感官 必修必修5 Unit 13 粗体字单词和短语粗体字单词和短语Unit 1 单词单词1. conclude2

15、. defeat3. attend4. expose5, cure6. challenge7. suspect8. blame9. pollute10. handle11, announce12, contribute13, spin14, reject短语短语15, put forward16, draw a conclusion17. exposeto 18, link.to19, apart from.20, be strict with.21, make sense 推断出推断出,得出结论得出结论打败打败,战胜;使受挫战胜;使受挫出现出现,参加;照顾参加;照顾,护理护理暴露暴露,揭露揭

16、露,事曝光事曝光治愈治愈,痊愈痊愈挑战挑战,向向挑战挑战怀疑怀疑责备责备,责怪责怪,谴责谴责污染污染处理处理,操纵;手柄操纵;手柄,把手把手宣布宣布,通告通告 贡献贡献,捐献捐献,捐助捐助 旋转,旋转,拒绝拒绝,不接受不接受,抛弃抛弃提出提出得出结论得出结论使使.暴露于暴露于,使,使接接触触将将和和联系联系/连接起来连接起来除除之外之外 对对.严格严格讲得通讲得通,有意义有意义 必修必修5 Unit 13 粗体字单词和短语粗体字单词和短语Unit 2 单词单词1. attract2. plus3. arrange4. fold5, delight短语短语7. consist of8, divi

17、de.into9, break away (from.)10, to ones credit11, leave out 12, take the place of13, break down 吸引,引起注意吸引,引起注意加上,正的加上,正的安排,筹备,整理安排,筹备,整理折叠,对折折叠,对折快乐,高兴,喜悦快乐,高兴,喜悦 由。组成由。组成 把。分成把。分成 脱离,挣脱,脱离,挣脱, 值得赞扬某人的是值得赞扬某人的是 遗漏,省略,不考虑遗漏,省略,不考虑 代替代替 (机器机器,车车)坏掉坏掉,抛锚,抛锚,(人人)身体垮身体垮掉掉 必修必修5 Unit 13 粗体字单词和短语粗体字单词和短语Un

18、it 3 单词单词1. impression2. constant3. previous4. guide5, lack6. optimistic7. desert8. instant9. settlement 短语短语10, take up11, lack of.12. lose sight of. 13, sweep up14, slide into.15, speed up 印象,感想印象,感想 连续不断地连续不断地,时常发生地时常发生地 在前的在前的,早先的早先的指导指导,引导引导;导游,导游,缺乏,没有缺乏,没有 乐观的乐观的 沙漠,荒原沙漠,荒原瞬间瞬间,片刻片刻;立即的立即的,片刻

19、的片刻的 定居定居,解决解决 拿起,接受,开始,继续拿起,接受,开始,继续缺乏缺乏看不见看不见打扫,横扫打扫,横扫溜进溜进,(快而悄声地快而悄声地)移动移动加速加速 but.however与与instead的区别的区别 单词测试单词测试conclude, attend, defeat, exposeto., cure, blameEveryone in the office was expcted to _ the meeting.Doctors are searching for a _ for AIDS.3. He _ from their remarks(话话) that they we

20、re not in favour fo the plan.4. He was badly injured. As a result, he was _ by three nurses. 5. This medicine can _ him of his cough.6. After the experiement, they draw a _ that the sun was the center of universe.7. Dont _ yourself to the sun for too long. Or you will get burnt.8. Dont always _ your

21、 own failure on others. Sometimes the mistakes are on you.9. Being _ to the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin.attendcure concluded attended cure conclusion expose blame exposed but.however与与instead的区别的区别 单词测试单词测试defeat, blame, announce, suspect, pollute, handle, challenge10.Finally ou

22、r basketball team _ the other team though they were very strong.11.Which driver was to _ for this accident?12. the teacher _ to us the experiment result at the beginning of the first class.13. this box is so fragile(脆弱脆弱) that we need to _ with care.14.The police have taken the _ to the police stati

23、on. 15. This is a challenging job. He may be able to _ it.16.He_ that that little girl took his money.17.My present job is too routine and I want to take up a more _ one. 18. You may suffer from illness if you drink _water.19. the stewardess had an _ to make. So please be quiet.defeatedblame announc

24、ed handle suspect handle suspected challenging polluted announcement but.however与与instead的区别的区别 put forward, draw a conclusion, exposeto , link.toapart from., be strict with., make senseIt doesnt _ to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. The teacher is so _ his students

25、that they are good at maths.Can you _ this poem? Its so difficult that I cant understand it at all.I can _ without question that he is lying.The big cities _ one another by railroads.It was only after careful consideration that he _ his views._ the money , he has nothing.make sensestrict with make s

26、ense of draw a conclusionare linked to put forward Apart from but.however与与instead的区别的区别 Unit 2 单词单词attract, plus, arrange, fold, delightTo his _, he was chosen to take part in the party.I will call you next week to _ a meeting at your convenience. 3. Nine _ nine equals eighteen.4. He often _ his qu

27、ilt neatly after he gets up. 5. The Great Wall _ many visitors from all over the world every year.6. Before we arrived, they had had everything _ already.7. We were _ to hear that he won the Nobel Prize.8. Dont _ your book like that. You need to keep it well. delightarrangeplus foldsattracts arrange

28、ddelighted fold but.however与与instead的区别的区别 consist of, divide.into, break away (from.), to ones creditleave out, take the place of, break downWater is said to _ oxygen and hydrogen . He has changed a lot and has _ many bad habits.The teacher _ his class _ 3 groups.Since Mr. John was ill, I will _ hi

29、m.He decided to _ the party and formed a party of his own.His car _ on his way to work, so he had to walk to his office. when he wrote a letter to his mother, he often_ the date.He _ after so many days of hard work. _, he became the first to get the prize.consist ofbroken away from divided into take

30、 the place ofbreak away from broke down left out broke down To his credit but.however与与instead的区别的区别 Unit 3 单词单词impression, constant, previous, guide, lack, optimistic, desertinstant, settlement Her kindness has given me a deep _.You can hardly live in a _ where there is always no water and plants.3

31、. When I lay down on the bed, my mind always flashed to the _things.4. He is so busy that he always eat some _ food to spend a day.5. Her _ complain made her husband very angry.6. They had to stop their plan for a _ of money.7. He is _ about his future though he is now in difficulty.8. They went int

32、o the deep forest to explore without a _ . impressiondesertprevious instantconstantlackoptimisticguide but.however与与instead的区别的区别 take up, lack of, lose sight of, sweep up, slide into, speed up He has _ so that he can catch up with other drivers . The boat was soon _ in the heavy fog.The thief often

33、 _ other peoples house without being noticed.His hobby _ much of his time so that he has difficulty with his study.He was left to _ the classroom after class.He has to _ a new job in order to make more money.The typhoon _ the whole city and left many trees blown down.Jim _ his pen and opened his boo

34、k to write down the words.sped uplost sight of slid into takes upsweep up take up took up swept up first aid, fall ill, poison, swell, squeeze out, over and over again,in place,pour, a number of, treat, apply , make a differencedemandahead ofapprove, processbut.however与与instead的区别的区别 第四、五单元单词测试第四、五单

35、元单词测试first aid, fell ill, poison, swell, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, pour, a number of, treat, applying, makes a difference1.Whether you go there or not will _ to your life. Every year, _ students go to university for a new life in study.The nurse is _ some medicine to his wound.Im b

36、ored with doing the same work _ every day. he _ suddenly and was sent to hospital immediately. A farmer had to give _ to the injured boy before sending him to the nearest hospital.He _ the juice _of a lemon.Cancer is a kind of disease which cant be _now After the party, the students had to put every

37、thing _.make a difference a number of applying over and over again fell ill first aid squeezed out treated in place but.however与与instead的区别的区别 delighted, assist, concentrate on, acquire, assess, informof depend on, accuse.of, so as to, demand, ahead of, approve, process,1.I _ her mother _her safe ar

38、rival.2. I managed to _ two tickets for the football match.3. He always gives _ to the person who is in trouble.4. We were all _ to see our old friends again.5.The man was taken to the court because he was _ stealing money.6. This sort of work _ great patience and carefulness.7. he cant _his study w

39、ith this noise around.8. I have to make use of all my spare time to study _ improve my English.9. We have finshed the work several days _ the deadline.10. The government had _ the plan to build a new bridge.acquireinformed of assistance delighted accused of demands concentrate on so as to ahead of a

40、pproved delighted, assist, concentrate on, acquire, assess, informof depend on, accuse.of, so as to, demand, ahead of, approve, process,11. Many vegetables often have to be _ before they are sold in the market.12. Whether we can go for a camp today _ the weather.processed depends on 高二月考英语答案高二月考英语答案

41、一一.完型填空完型填空1-5 BDCBA 6-10 BADDB 11-15 BCABC二二.语法填空语法填空16._ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _21._ 22. _23. _24. _25._ 三三.阅读阅读26-30 CBADA 31-35 DCDCB 36-40 AACBD 41-45 DABCA 46-50 EADFC四四.选词填空选词填空1, cure 2, attended 3, announced 4, is exposed to 5, are strict with 6, attracts 7, broke away from 8, arrange 9, take the place of 10. consists of 11, impression 12, guide13, lost sight of 14, take up 15, delightfrom strangers which/that including and regularly written howotherstraining



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