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1、 chocolate dolphin reason responsibility sofa stranger choice 巧克力巧克力 海豚海豚 原因,理由原因,理由 责任责任 长沙发长沙发 陌生人陌生人 选择、抉择选择、抉择 click feed 使发出咔咔声 喂养 cute noisy common可爱的吵闹的常见的、通常的、普通的faithfully nearly忠实地,忠诚地几乎、差不多according to据(所说)Unit 6Oxford EnglishModule 3 AnimalsPetsPeriod 1ReadingWarming upGroup DiscussionA

2、What do you know about ?A1 Do you know any fun facts about animals? Decide whether the following sentences are T (True) or F (False). 1 Cats can taste sweets. T / FT / FT / F2 Chocolate can make dogs sick.3 Dolphins sleep with both eyes closed.Reading5 Dogs may feel unhappy if they are not taken out

3、 for a walk.T / F4 When a rabbit is happy, it clicks its teeth.T / FIs keeping a pet dog a good idea or not?PredictionLook at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 83. Is keeping a pet dog a good idea or not?EmmaMattKeeping pet dogs Keeping pet dogs is

4、 not a good is not a good idea.idea.Keeping pet Keeping pet dogs is a good dogs is a good idea.idea.B Before you readLook at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 83. Then answer the following questions.1 What do you think the article is about?2 Who li

5、kes keeping a pet dog and who does not? Keeping pet dogs is a good idea. There are lots of reasons for this. First, dogs are really cute. Its nice to hold them in our arms, and its wonderful to see them grow up. Second, we can learn responsibility from keeping dogs. We have to feed them, train them

6、and play with them. According to my mum, this help us become more responsible people. Young people can learn how to care others by keeping dogs. A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years. So I think its a good idea to keep pet dogs. Its not a good idea to keep pet

7、 dogs.Pet dogs leave their hair on the floor, on beds, and on sofas, and they need to be washed often. Dogs are noisy. Nearly all dogs bark more loudly than others. A few dogs bark all night. This stops people from getting any sleep. Not all dogs are friendly. A small number of pet dogs even attack

8、people. Whats more, its common for people to live in flats. They have to keep their dogs in small spaces. However, dogs need fresh air and large open spaces when there can run free. Finally, owning dogs can be expensive. So keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.D1 Read the following statements and dec

9、ide whether they are F (Facts) or O (Opinions).D Comprehension1 According to my mum, this helps us become more responsible people.2 A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years.3 Nearly all dogs bark at strangers. 4 Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea. F / OF / OF /

10、OF / OD2 Emma and Matt have given us many reasons to support their opinions. Read thearticle again and complete the notes below.D3 In pairs, discuss whether it is good to keep a pet dog. Give some reasonsStating opinions: is (not) a good idea.Telling reasons: First, Second, Whats more, Finally, Conc

11、luding: So Giving examples: According to ,Keeping a dog is a good idea.Make kids happy.Act as companions for the old.Help the police do some difficult workKeeping a dog is not a good idea.Bit peopleMess the house up 1.Is it a good idea to keep pet dogs? It is +n. + to do sth.这是练习英语口语的一个好方法。这是练习英语口语的

12、一个好方法。It is a good way to practice oral English.晴天去海边游泳是个不错的主意。晴天去海边游泳是个不错的主意。It is a good idea to swim in the sea in asunny day.2. Emma and Matt give their opinions on this matter. give opinions on sth.选择题:选择题: Students give different opinions _ the coming English Week.A.to B. in C. on D. with3. Ke

13、eping pet dogs is a good idea. keep pet dogs/ keep a pet dog 养宠物狗养宠物狗 养猫养猫 keep a cat 养鸟养鸟 keep a birdKeeping pet dogs动名词做主语,谓语动动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数词用单数is选择题:选择题:_ water every morning _ a good habit.A. Drinking, are B. Drink, isC. Drinking, is D. To drink, is4. It is nice to hold them in our arms, and its

14、 wonderful to see them grow up. It is +adj. +(for sb.) +to do sth.(对某人来说)做(对某人来说)做是怎么样的是怎么样的按时还钱是理所应当的。按时还钱是理所应当的。 It is reasonable to return others money on time.5. Second, we can learn responsibility from keeping dogs. responsibility n.责任责任 responsible adj.有责任心的有责任心的我们有责任照顾好老人。我们有责任照顾好老人。We have t

15、he responsibility to take good care of the old.我们应该对我们的家庭负责。我们应该对我们的家庭负责。We should be responsible for our families. learn responsibility from keeping dogs learn from (sth./doing sth.) 从某事中学习到从某事中学习到 learn from sb. 向某人学习向某人学习我们应该向抗战中的英雄们学习。我们应该向抗战中的英雄们学习。We should learn from the heroes in the Anti-Ja

16、panese War.6. We have to feed them, train them and play with them. feed v. 喂养喂养 train v. 训练训练,锻炼锻炼,培养培养 play with 玩玩玩火很危险。玩火很危险。It is dangerous to play with fire.7. Young people have to learn how to care for others by keeping dogs.年轻人应该通过养狗来学习如何关爱别人。年轻人应该通过养狗来学习如何关爱别人。宾语从句宾语从句: 连接词连接词+不定式不定式to do ca

17、re for 照顾,照料照顾,照料 by doing sth. 通过做某事通过做某事8. A dog will love you faithfully and bring you lots of happiness for many years. faithful adj.忠心的,忠诚的忠心的,忠诚的 faithful +ly -faithfully adv.忠心地,忠忠心地,忠诚地诚地 bring sb. sth. =bring sth. to sb. 给某人带来某物给某人带来某物9. Pet dogs leave their hair on the floor, on beds, and

18、on sofas, and they need to be washed often. leave their hair on the floor.把把留在留在1. Turn the lights off when you leave the room.2. If you are full, leave the rest food in the bowl.3. Its so hot. Leave the air-conditioner on. 离开离开 把把留在留在 让让处于运行的状态处于运行的状态and they need to be washed often. need to be don

19、e 这种花一星期要浇两次。这种花一星期要浇两次。 This plant needs to be watered twice a week.狗得每天带出去溜。狗得每天带出去溜。 A dog needs to be taken out for a walk every day.10. Nearly all dogs bark at strangers. nearly adv.几乎几乎= almost hardly adv. 几乎不几乎不 bark at sb. 冲某人吠叫冲某人吠叫 11. A few dogs bark all night. all night 整晚整晚 = the whole

20、night12. This stops people from getting any sleep.stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事= prevent sb. (from) doing sth.= keep sb. from doing sth.树可以阻止土壤被风吹走。树可以阻止土壤被风吹走。Trees can _ soil _ (blow) away. stop/ prevent/ keep from being blown blow away 吹走吹走 (blow-blew-blown)13. Not all dogs are friend

21、ly. not all并非所有并非所有 你所做的并非都是对的。你所做的并非都是对的。 Not all things you did are right.14. A small number of pet dogs even attack people. a small number of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 小量的小量的a large number of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 大量的大量的the number of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 的数量的数量a small amount of + 不可数名词不可数名词 小量的小量的a large amount of + 不可数

22、名词不可数名词 大量的大量的the amount of + 不可数名词不可数名词 的数量的数量 Practice _ of the milk in the fridge is not enough, Lets buy some.A. The number of B. The amount ofC. A number of D. An amount ofA small number of pet dogs even attack people. attack v. 攻击攻击 attack sb.attack n. 攻击攻击 be under attack 受到攻击受到攻击15. Whats mo

23、re, its common for people t live in flats. whats more 更有渗着,更重要的是更有渗着,更重要的是 common adj.普通的,寻常的普通的,寻常的16. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces. have no choice but to do 除了除了别无别无选择选择space n. 空地、空处空地、空处Exercises一一. 选择划线部分相同或相近的选项。选择划线部分相同或相近的选项。1.My grandma is ill. My mother is car

24、ing for her. A. taking into B. taking off C. taking care of D. taking up2.Nearly all the passengers died in the accident. A. Almost B. Actually C. Possibly D. Very3.“Sorry, I dont know,” she responded. A. said B. asked C. spoke D. answered二二. 用单词的适当形式填空。用单词的适当形式填空。1.It _( hard ) rains these days. I

25、hope it can rain later.2.She chose _( happy ) instead of wealth.3.He has no _( responsible ) to that accident.4.The dog is_( friend ) . You can touch him.5.It is your _( choose ) if you dont want to go.hardlyhappinessfriendlyresponsibilitychoice6.I wont forget the _( wonder ) trip.7.What did the _(

26、strange ) say to you?8.May is the _( five ) month of a year.9.These two events have nothing in _( commonly ).10.I have even _( bad )news for you.wonderfulstrangerfifthcommonworseHomework 1.模仿模仿录音的音的语音、音、语调,朗,朗读课文。文。2.抄写抄写单词和短和短语:chocolate,dolphin,click,reason,cute,feed,according to,sofa,noisy,nearly,stranger,common,choice;care for,have no choice but to do,head to head。3.就就“养养宠物狗是否是个好主意?物狗是否是个好主意?”这一一话题,整,整理理课堂堂讨论的所得,准的所得,准备下下节课的口的口头交流。交流。4.完成完成Reading 部分的部分的练习。



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