广东省中考英语总复习 第五部分 教材梳理 第十九节 九全 Unit 910课件

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1、第十九节第十九节 九年级九年级Unit 9Unit 10考考 点点 聚聚 焦焦【考点【考点1】I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。欢歌词优美的音乐。【解析】【解析】prefer是及物动词,意为是及物动词,意为“更喜欢更喜欢”,相当于,相当于likebetter,其过去式和过去分词均为,其过去式和过去分词均为preferred。prefer to do sth.意为意为“更喜欢做某事;宁愿做某事更喜欢做某事;宁愿做某事”。prefer (doing) A to (doing) B,意为,意为“和和(做做)B事比起事比起来,更喜

2、欢来,更喜欢(做做)A事事”。prefer to do A rather than do B=would rather do A than do B,意为,意为“宁愿做宁愿做A事,事,也不愿做也不愿做B事事”。【演练【演练】( )1. Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?Sometimes. Its an interesting program,but I _ Sport News. A. prefer B. want C. know D. reviewA( )2. Mike _ reading _ playing computer games. A

3、. prefers;than B. prefers;to C. would rather;than D. would rather;to( )3. I prefer _ rather than _ there doing nothing. A. to work; sit B. working; sitting C. work; sit D. work; to sitBA( )4. Some of my classmates _ cartoons _ documentaries. A. prefer; to B. would rather; than C. like; better D. lik

4、e; lessA( )5. My mom believes in the power of knowledge. No wonder she would rather _ in the library than _ shopping. A. read; to go B. to read; go C. read; go D. to read; to goC【考点【考点2】Youre supposed to shake hands. 你们你们应该握手。应该握手。 【解析】【解析】be supposed to do=should do,意为,意为“应应该做某事;被期望该做某事;被期望(做做)某事某事

5、”。【演练【演练】( )1. Teenagers are _ be brave enough to ask questions. A. suppose B. supposing C. supposed D. not supposed( )2. I think children _ to swim at school. A. should teach B. are suppose to be taught C. should be taught D. are supposed to teachCC( )3. Nowadays, many places may be short of water.

6、 Being a student,I want to do something,but I wonder _.Oh,you can do some small things such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth. A. what I am supposed to do B. how should I protect our homeC. why it can cause such bad weather D. what should I doA【考点【考点3】Were the capital of clocks and watches

7、,after all!毕竟我们是钟表之乡!毕竟我们是钟表之乡!【解析】【解析】after all意为意为“毕竟;终究;到底毕竟;终究;到底”,表示让,表示让步,可置于句首或句末。步,可置于句首或句末。above all意为意为“最重要的是;最重要的是;尤其是尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意。,强调要引起特别注意。first of all意为意为“首先首先”,强调次序。,强调次序。in all意为意为“总共;总计总共;总计”。【演练【演练】( )1. Im sorry,sir. I cant finish the work on time. Never mind. _, the work is qu

8、ite difficult. A. At least B. For instance C. After all D. First of allC( )2. Im sorry,sir. Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam. Its OK. _, the exam is not so easy. A. In all B. First of all C. After all D. Above allC( )3. Dont ask him to study too late into night. _, he is only a child. A. As a

9、result B. After all C. On earth D. For example( )4. _, let me introduce myself to you. A. First of all B. In all C. Above all D. After allBA( )5. I would like to buy a housemodern, comfortable,and _ in a quiet place. A. first of all B. after all C. in all D. above allD【考点【考点4】In many eastern Europea

10、n countries,you take off your gloves before shaking hands. 在在许多东欧国家,握手前要摘下手套。许多东欧国家,握手前要摘下手套。 【解析】【解析】take off意为意为“脱下脱下(衣服、鞋子、帽子等衣服、鞋子、帽子等)”,反义词组为反义词组为put on。 take off还有还有“(飞机等飞机等) 起飞起飞”之之意,反义词为意,反义词为land。【演练【演练】( )1. Its cold outside. Please _ your coat when you go out. A. put on B. dress C. wear D

11、. take off( )2. The plane to Chengdu _ just now. You have to wait until tomorrow. A. took off B. took after C. took out D. took awayAA( )3. Its so hot today. Why dont you _ your jacket?A. take away B. take off C. take back D. take upB【考点【考点5】But it is worth the trouble if you want to understand anot

12、her culture. 但如果你想了解另一但如果你想了解另一种文化,再麻烦也是值得的。种文化,再麻烦也是值得的。【解析【解析】be worth (doing)意为意为“有有价值价值(的的);值得做;值得做”。【演练【演练】( )1. How was the first food festival? It went very well,and the results were _ the effort. A. exciting B. sad C. worth D. boringC( )2. Tom,there are many magazines with beautiful pictures on that shelf. You can have a look. I saw them. But I dont think they are worth_. A. see B. seeing C. reading D. readC( )3. I have been to the West Lake three times. It is really well worth _. A. visit B. to visit C. visited D. visitingD



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