G2U12P2 listening and speaking

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《G2U12P2 listening and speaking》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《G2U12P2 listening and speaking(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What is fact?Fact is a thing that have Fact is a thing that have happened or to be true or to happened or to be true or to exist.A thing that is believed exist.A thing that is believed or claimed to be true.or claimed to be true.Listening & SpeakingSecond PeriodMagnetic effects Coanda effect柯恩达效应柯恩达

2、效应( ( 沿物体表面的沿物体表面的高速气流在拐高速气流在拐角处能附于表角处能附于表面的现象面的现象) )Scientific PhenomenaEnjoy a short movie about the film Enjoy a short movie about the film TitanicTitanic(铁达尼号铁达尼号)imaginary, imaginary, attractive & attractive & fantasticfantasticFrench writer and pioneer of science fiction. Science fiction Scien

3、ce fiction (科幻小说科幻小说)Jules VerneThe Mysterious Island The Mysterious Island The Children of Captain GrantThe Children of Captain GrantJourney to The Center of The Journey to The Center of The EarthEarthEtc Etc Have you read any other books of Jules Verne?Characteristics of science fiction: Science F

4、iction is a type of books thats based on Science Fiction is a type of books thats based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel & life on other planets.deals with space travel & life on other planets

5、.The French writer Jules Verne wrote many The French writer Jules Verne wrote many famous books, such as 20,000 Leagues Under famous books, such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days. the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days. Have you read any of his books?Have you read any

6、of his books?Warming upWarming upYou wont feel unfamiliar with the You wont feel unfamiliar with the following characters. Please remember following characters. Please remember the names while enjoying them.the names while enjoying them.Harry PotterHarry Potter (哈利波特哈利波特)The Lord Of The Rings The Lo

7、rd Of The Rings (指环王指环王)Batman Mask Of Batman Mask Of The PhantasmThe Phantasm (蝙蝠侠大战幻影人蝙蝠侠大战幻影人 )Daredevil Daredevil (夜魔侠夜魔侠)Around The World In 80 Days Around The World In 80 Days (环游地球环游地球8080天天)a literary genre in which scientific a literary genre in which scientific development is predicted, of

8、ten development is predicted, often based on present-day results based on present-day results A Journey To The A Journey To The Centre Of The Earth Centre Of The Earth (地心游记地心游记)20,000 Leagues Under the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916) Sea (1916) 海底两万里海底两万里20,000 Leagues Under the 20,000 Leagues

9、Under the Sea (1916) Sea (1916) 海底两万里海底两万里How much do you How much do you know about the know about the moon? moon? Glittering starsGlittering starsDebate:Debate:Topic: If man be able to live on the moon in the Topic: If man be able to live on the moon in the future? future? GroupOpinionAMankind wil

10、l be likely to live on the Mankind will be likely to live on the moon in the future.moon in the future.BMankind will never be able live on the Mankind will never be able live on the moon in the future.moon in the future.SpeakingSpeakingIn the Marianas .In the Marianas .马里亚纳群岛马里亚纳群岛(in the (in the we

11、stern Pacific Ocean)western Pacific Ocean)In the Marianas .In the Marianas .马里亚纳群岛马里亚纳群岛(in the (in the western Pacific Ocean)western Pacific Ocean)Nile River Nile River is is the longest riverthe longest river on the earth. on the earth. Nile rivers Nile rivers Location Location on the map.on the m

12、ap.Nile Rivers beautiful sceneryNile Rivers beautiful sceneryA balloon only travels as A balloon only travels as fastfast as the wind blows. as the wind blows. BalloonBalloon(降落伞降落伞)The The top speedtop speed of the aeroplane of the aeroplane is 375 miles per hour.is 375 miles per hour.Aeroplane Aer

13、oplane (飞机飞机)Listening1. Write down what Sam and Betty saw, and where 1. Write down what Sam and Betty saw, and where and when they saw it. Fill in the chart on the next page and when they saw it. Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of what they saw.and make a sketch of what they sa

14、w.Place:Description:Time:Size:A lakeA lake11:3511:35One pare looks the trunk of an One pare looks the trunk of an elephant pointing out of the water elephant pointing out of the water and it looks likes three round and it looks likes three round wheels, half out of water.wheels, half out of water.Mo

15、re than 20 More than 20 metres longmetres longListening2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following 2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.questions.(1)(1)Why does Sam need to know the time?Why does Sam need to know the time?(2) What instruments do Sam and betty use t

16、o (2) What instruments do Sam and betty use to observe the animal.observe the animal.He thinks other people will ask him later about He thinks other people will ask him later about the time.the time.The telescope and the camera.The telescope and the camera.Listening3. Listen to the tape again and an

17、swer the 3. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.following questions.(3) Who will later ask them questions?(3) Who will later ask them questions?The police, journalists, scientists4. Write down five possible questions that other 4. Write down five possible questions that other

18、 people may later ask Sam, Betty and Karen.people may later ask Sam, Betty and Karen.NoNoQuestionsQuestions123456what time was it when you saw the creature.what time was it when you saw the creature.Can you Can you describedescribe what you saw? what you saw?How big was it?How big was it?Are you sur

19、e it was an animal?Are you sure it was an animal?where did you see it?where did you see it?Can you make a drawing of what you saw?Can you make a drawing of what you saw?Can you describe the monster in brief?One part looks like the trunk of an elephant. Its like a huge snakemore than 20 meters long.

20、It has a long neck with a white ring around it. Listening Listen to the tape and try to Listen to the tape and try to catch the answer to the catch the answer to the questionquestion mentioned on the tape. mentioned on the tape.(1) What other writers are mentioned in the (1) What other writers are m

21、entioned in the listening text? What did they write?listening text? What did they write?(2) Why does Mark like to read (2) Why does Mark like to read I, RobotI, Robot ? ?(3) Lao Shes (3) Lao Shes City of CatsCity of Cats is also mentioned, is also mentioned, but it isnt about technology. What scienc

22、e but it isnt about technology. What science is involved in it?is involved in it?(1) What other writers are mentioned in the listening text? What did they write?WritersWorks20,000 Leagues under the sea/A journey to the moonThe First Men in the Moon /The war of the worldsCity of catsFrankensteinJules

23、 VerneWellsLao SheMary Shelley(2) Why does Mark like to read I, Robot?(3) Lao Shes City of Cats is also mentioned, but it isnt about technology. What science is involved in it?Mark wants to read I, Robot because he has seen the movie.Lao Shes City of Cats is about social or political science.Listeni

24、ng Science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future. The following dialogues about such topics are incomplete. Work with your partner to create dialogues using some of the useful expressions on the next page, and talk more about what you believe may come true in the

25、 future.Speaking Space travelA: I dont believe _.B: Why not? _ago nobody thought it was possible to_.A: _more than _.B: _well be able to develop.Life in 3098A:_ any life on earth in the future.B: Come on. What do you mean?A: _ some terrible disaster. Like _.B: _.Young foreverA: Do you think therell

26、be a time when we can beat all diseases?B: _.A: Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.B: _.Creatures from outer spaceA: Do you believe _?B: I dont only believe in it, _.A: Do you really? _.B: There are so many stars. Im sure _.Make full use of your imagination to create a fantasy based on the present science and technology. Some hints Useful ExpressionsAlien, UFO, YoungForever, the doublecure-all, the 2nd sun , e-friend, transplant the memory , restore organI believe /I doubtIt could bebutI suppose /Im (not) certainIts likelyIm sure that /It would takeI cant imagine SpeakingSpeaking



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