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1、Investigating and reporting factsSkills building 3:Writing a reportStatement of the present situation Background to the situation-what happened before Causes of/ reasons for the situation Details of the situation Likely results of the situation-what may happen in the future Recommendations for actio

2、n to be taken Reasons for the recommendations A report will include all or some of the following points:Step 3: Writing a teachers report He got involved with some friends playing computer games in an Internet cafe. Report on Xu Jin stealing money from schoolStatement of the situation Xu Jin stole s

3、ome money from his classmates yesterday. Background to the situationReasons for the situation He was addicted to computer games and needed more money ecause of this. Details of the situation (Xu Jins reactions) He told the truth and wrote a letter of apology.Likely results of the situationWe should

4、give him a second chance.Recommendations for action to be takenGive his parents some suggestions, for example,Unit 4 It is illegal to copy intellectual property without permission. Intellectual property is protected by law. Have you ever downloaded a song or a film from the Internet? Did you pay for

5、 the music or the film? Why do you think copying films and music without permission is a crime?Part 1 the_ of intellectual propertyPart 2 the _protecting intellectual propertyPart 3 the _ of piracy that we are facingPart 4 possible _Definition and classificationsreasons forcurrent problemssolutions

6、to problemsThe main idea for each part of the text. 1. What does intellectual property refer to? 2. How many kinds of intellectual property are there?Para 1:Intellectual propertyIntellectual property- ideas: inventions, writing, artwork, symbols and designs used in businessIndustrial propertycopyrig

7、htinventions trade marksindustrial designsnovels ,films,music,artwork, architectural designsPara 2: If someone or a company creates something or an idea, the inventor or the creator deserves to be paid for this. 1. Do you think it necessary to protect intellectual property? Why or why not? Most peop

8、le have copied music or video material, or downloaded it from the Internet, for private use. Some people copy material such as films to sell for commercial reasons.Para 3: What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights? Firstly, we must pay to download music that is pro

9、tected by copyright. Secondly, we should not buy pirated CDs or download music from websites that are offering free music illegally. Para 4: As consumers, what can we do to protect intellectual property? 1. define: v. 定义定义defineas 把把定义为定义为definition: n. 定义定义 在这本词典里,在这本词典里,“reality”被定义为被定义为事情所处的状况事情所

10、处的状况,而不是想象的样子。而不是想象的样子。 In this dictionary reality is defined as the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be.2. apply: v. 适用适用; 应用应用applied:adj. before n. 应用的应用的applied mathematics/scienceapplicant n. 申请人申请人application: n. 适用适用; 应用;申请应用;申请这一设计有许多这一设计有许多应用之处应用之处。The design

11、 has many applications.apply常用短语常用短语:apply A to B: 将将A应用于应用于Bapply to sb./sth.: 适用于适用于apply to for: 向向提出申请提出申请我们应该把这一我们应该把这一理论应用于实践理论应用于实践。 We should apply the theory to practice.这种教学方法对我的学生并这种教学方法对我的学生并不适用不适用。 The teaching method doesnt apply to my students.我向这家公司我向这家公司申请申请了一份工作。了一份工作。I applied to

12、the company for a job.3. deserve: v. 应受应受, 值得值得他们理所当然他们理所当然应该应该赢得那场比赛。赢得那场比赛。 They certainly deserved to win that match.我希望我希望他们得到该受的惩罚他们得到该受的惩罚。 I hope they get the punishment they deserve.4. face: v. 面对面对He s faced with a very difficult choice.他他面临面临着一个艰难的选择。着一个艰难的选择。be faced with: 面对面对5. be known

13、 as: 被称为被称为; 以以知名知名; 被认为是被认为是be known for: 因为因为而闻名而闻名be known to sb.: 为某人所知道为某人所知道He is known as a famous writer.他他作为作为一个著名的作家一个著名的作家而闻名而闻名。He is known for singing well.他他因为因为唱歌唱得好唱歌唱得好而闻名而闻名。It is known to us all that he is good at writing.=As is known to us all, he is good at writing.=What is known to us all is that he is good at writing.众所周知,众所周知,他擅长于写作。他擅长于写作。



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