八年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 It might snow课件1

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1、weathersunnycloudyrainy snowystormywindyshowery1. sun n. 太阳太阳 sunny adj. 晴朗的晴朗的2. rain n. 雨雨 rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的多雨的;下雨的3. cloud n. 云云 cloudy adj. 多云的多云的4. snow n. 雪;雪;v. 下雪下雪 snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的多雪的;下雪的5. wind n. 风风 windy adj. 多风的;刮大风的多风的;刮大风的6. storm n. 暴风雨暴风雨 stormy adj. 有暴风雨的有暴风雨的7. shower n. 阵雨阵雨 s

2、howery adj. 有雷阵雨的有雷阵雨的根据句子意思,用适当的单词填空。根据句子意思,用适当的单词填空。1. It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. Its often _.2. Therere a lot of clouds. Its _.3. The weather is snowy and theres a lot of _ in the park.rainycloudysnow4. The sun is out. Its very _ and hot today.5. The wind is very strong. Its so _ that i

3、ts difficult to walk.sunnywindy cloud shower snow storm cloudy rainy snowy sunny n. 云;云雾云;云雾n. 阵雨阵雨n. 雪;雪;v. 下雪下雪n. 暴风雨暴风雨adj. 多云的多云的adj. 多雨的;下雨的多雨的;下雨的adj. 多雪的;下雪的多雪的;下雪的adj. 晴朗的晴朗的windy skate thick ice joke might temperature adj. 多风的;刮大风的多风的;刮大风的v. 滑冰滑冰adj. 厚的厚的n. 冰冰v. 说笑话;开玩笑;说笑话;开玩笑;n. 笑话;玩笑笑话;玩

4、笑v. aux.可能;也许可能;也许 n. 温度温度minus degree although wet terrible wish probably come onadj. 负的;零下的负的;零下的n. 度,度数度,度数conj. 然而;尽管然而;尽管adj. 下雨的;湿的下雨的;湿的adj. 使人烦恼的;可怕的使人烦恼的;可怕的v. 但愿;希望但愿;希望adv. 或许;可能或许;可能快点快点minusdegree(s)temperature45 20 -5 cold cool freezing hot warm hot warm cool cold freezingCity Temperat

5、ureWeather Beijing -8 -2Shanghai 5 9Xian-5 1Guangzhou 10 21Hong Kong17 20Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the table. City TemperatureWeather Beijing -8 -2Shanghai 5 9Xian-5 1Guangzhou 10 21Hong Kong17 20Work in pairs. Correct the wrong information in the table.58-42Whats the weather l

6、ike in Beijing?-8-2 In Beijing, there will be clouds in the early morning, and the temperature will be between minus eight and minus two degrees. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?58Shanghai will be rainy and windy, and the temperature will be between 5 and 8 degrees.Whats the weather like in Xian?

7、-51 Xian will be cloudy and snowy, and the temperature will be between minus 4 to 2 degrees.Whats the weather like in Guangzhou?1021 Guangzhou will be cloudy. There may be some showers, and the temperature will be between 10 to 21 degrees.Whats the weather like in Hongkong?1720 Hongkong will be clou

8、dy. There will be storms later, and the temperature will be between 17 and 20 degrees.Whats the weather like in England in December? Not usually, although this year it _ a lot. Most Decembers are _ and _.snowedwetrainyWhats the weather like in America? It is _ in winter and _ in summer. Its _ in New

9、 York in winter. coldhotsnowyWhats the weather like in Australia in winter? Its probably _ and _ there.25 31sunnyhotWhats the weather like in Hainan Island? Its _.sunnyNow check () the true sentences. 1. Tony and Daming are going to skate.2. Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3. It sometime

10、s snows in England in winter. 4. It is not hot in the US in summer.5. It usually snows in New York in winter.6. Tony does not like windy weather.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When it is very cold, it might be s

11、afe to (1)_ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) _ feel cold, it might not be safe. skatemayThe (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even lower for several weeks, and the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is (6) _. I am not (7) _!temperatureminusdegreesdangerousjoking



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