冀教初中英语八上《Lesson 47 I Made It !》PPT课件 (2)

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1、Cici was a loser,because she failed in her English test paper.Her teacher Miss Xi asked her to read more and write more by heart and she accepted her teachers advice . At last she got a full mark. She made it. We are proud of her now.loser/lu:z(r)/ n.输者,败者 fail/fel / n.&v.不及格;失败accept/ksept/ v.接受;承认

2、accept指“接受”,强调主观接受,除行为本身外,还着重表示接受者经过考虑以后愿意接受。e.g.LiMing gave me a flower and I accepted it.receive为动词,意为“接收,收到”,强调客观意义,着重指行为本身,而不涉及接受者是否愿意接受。e.g. She has received his present, but she will not accept it.她搞定了;她成功了Whats wrong with you, Peter?Why are you sad?Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct

3、answers.1. How does the boy feel? He feels excited. He feels nervous.2.Who are the two speakers? A student and a teacher. A girl and her aunt.3.How did Cindy do on her homework? She didnt do well. She did an excellent job.4.How many days are there before the end of the term. Seven days. Seven weeks.

4、agree present notice fail acceptPeter came from Mexico.He_his English exam because he spelled too many words wrong. His friend Krista_that.If I can spell, you can spell,too,said Krista. Peter didnt _because English wasnt his first language.Krista helped Peter make a study plan.Peter_the challenge,an

5、d he worked very hard.On the last day of school,Miss Martin_the Most-Improved Student Award to Peter. His spelling was perfect in the last exam.Peter felt so happy.He thanked Krista.Practice makes perfect! It always works.agreepresented noticedfailed acceptedWork in groups of three. Read the lesson

6、as a dialogue and act it out.For example:Krista: Whats wrong, Peter?Perter: I just failed my English exam. I made too many spelling mistakes.Miss Martin: Good for you,Peter! I am proud of you.How did Peter make it?1. Its because of Kristas help.2.Peter keep on working hard.你的英语成绩够优秀吗?你在学习英语方面遇到过难题吗?

7、你是怎么克服的呢?你在其他方面遇到过困难吗?你又是怎样做到的呢?把你成功的例子给大家分享一下吧be not good atlisteningspeakingreadingwritingListen to the tape before classTalk as much as possible in class.Read some English stories or newspapersTry to write some English diaries.uBetter the passage you made in the class. Bye- byepractice makes perfect!孰能生巧



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