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1、常用的营养补充食品介绍上备份Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望 权威机构提供单位权威机构提供单位太仓身心灵健康管理生活馆以基因营养学理论为基础,各项自然疗法为辅助,为各种亚健康和慢性疾病的患者做康复调理,并致力于推广“人体使用手册”讲座,让大众对人体是如何基本运作的以及如何正确使用身体,有一个明确的了解,为更多的朋友关爱自己,关注健康,做自我健康的主人而努力。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Food)-食物补充品食物补充品更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Gras


3、酸性体质。4.其富含的Abscisic酸可促使肿瘤逐渐萎缩,有效抑制癌细胞的增殖更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass)每每1勺(勺(8g)的成分与含量)的成分与含量卡路里卡路里 35kcal脂肪9g胆固醇60mg蛋白质0.8mg总碳水化合物25mg食用纤维2gVA3800IUVB121mcgVC17mg钙35mgVK80mcg铁2mg核黄素6mg碘18mcg烟酸6mg硒8mcgVB61mg镁548mcg叶酸80mcg钠2mg叶绿素chlorophyll42mg钾230mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass)叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorophylli



6、oundsperton,about0.2%whenextracted,andalfalfaisoneoftheplantshighestinchlorophyll.叶绿素叶绿素(chlorophyll):光合作用膜中的绿色色素,它是光合作用中捕获光的主要成分,可以在很多的绿色植物、原核的蓝绿藻(蓝菌)和真核的藻类中找到。叶绿素是一种非常好的物质帮助清洁肠道和帮助排泄系统。苜蓿是含叶绿色最高的植物之一。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass)叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorella and the Channels of EliminationOne of the firs

7、t things we find out about chlorella is that it stimulates and normalizes an under-active bowel. Dr. Motomichi Kobayashi, director of a hospital in Takamatsu, Japan, prescribes chlorella for all his patients who are troubled with constipation. A US Army medical facility in Colorado found that scened

8、esmus, an alga similar to chlorella, combined with chlorella and fed to volunteers, increased the amount of waste eliminated by the bowel. Secondly, in 1957, Dr. Takechi and his associates in Japan found out that chlorella promoted rapid growth of lactobacillus, one of the bacteria that promotes col

9、on health. The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean, while the tough cellulose membrane of chlorella (which is not digested) binds to cadmium, lead and other heavy metals and carries them out of the bodyDr. Motomichi Kobayashi,日本一家医院科室主人发现叶绿色可以帮助他的病人解决便秘的问题。美国一家医疗研究院US Army 用藻类合并叶绿素给志

10、愿者服用,发现可以增加肠道内废物的排放量。1957年Dr. Takechi 和他的同事发现叶绿素可以增加肠道乳酸菌的增长,并且可以包裹类似镉、铅等重金属的排放 。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass)叶绿素chlorophyll Chlorella Helps to Clean the BloodstreamChlorellas cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of the liver, helps keep the blood cle

11、an. Clean blood assures that metabolic wastes are efficiently carried away from the tissues. My experience has shown that the buildup of metabolic wastes in the body is probably as serious a problem as the accumulation of toxic materials from undesirable foods, pollution and exposure to chemicals on

12、 the job. 叶绿素帮助建立干净的血液系统叶绿素帮助清洁肠道和身体其它排泄通道,从另一个角度帮助减轻肝脏的负担,保持血液干净。血液的干净可以阻止身体累积废物。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Wheat Grass)叶绿素chlorophyll 造血功能叶绿素的分子与人体的红血球分子在结构上很是相似,唯一的分别就是各自的核心为镁原子与铁原子帮助解除体内杀虫剂与药物残渣营养学家Bernard Jensen博士指出,叶绿素能除去杀虫剂与药物残渣的毒素,并能与辐射性物质结合而将之排出体外绿色蔬菜加工中的热烫和杀菌是造成叶绿素损失的主要原因储藏过程中,酶能引起叶绿素的分解破坏更多资料请登陆:http

13、:/ Wheat Grass)【补品规格】560g/罐【建议食用方法及食用量】1勺(8公克) *2次/每天,与果蔬汁合用,或者咨询您的专业营养顾问。【其他配料】100%有机小麦草叶粉。注:小麦草具有高碱性度的特质,可强力排除我们体内的毒素.但因他具有强烈的草腥味,所以有许多人引用小麦草之后,会产生呕吐、晕眩的症状,建议与水果汁同时服用。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care)每每2勺(勺(22.8g)的成分与含量)的成分与含量卡路里卡路里80kcal总碳水化合物(其中包含:)20纤维4g糖分9g蛋白质1g维生素C250mg维生素B20.05mg烟酸1mg钙43mg铁0.6mg磷35mg镁11m

14、g钠15mg钾125mg大麦芽种子提取(barleymaltseed)17000mg车前草属种子外壳(psylliumseedhusk)5000mg双歧杆菌包含1亿活性菌136mg乳酸菌包含1亿活性菌107mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care)barleymaltseedMalted grain is used to make malt beer, malt whisky, malted shakes, malt vinegar, Maltesers, and some baked goods, such as malt loaf. Malting grains develops the

15、 enzymes that are required to modify the grains starches into sugars, including monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, etc.) and disaccharides (sucrose, etc.). It also develops other enzymes, such as proteases which break down the proteins in the grain into forms which can be utilized by yeast. Barley

16、is the most commonly malted grain in part because of its high diastatic power or enzyme content. Also very important is the retention of the grains husk even after threshing, unlike the bare seeds of threshed wheat or rye. This protects the growing acrospire (developing plant embryo) from damage dur

17、ing malting, which can easily lead to mold growth. It also allows the mash of converted grain to create a filter bed during lautering (see brewing). Other grains may be malted, especially wheat.大麦芽经常可用于制作胚芽啤酒,胚芽WHISKY,胚芽奶昔,胚芽醋及一些烘焙食物(如胚芽面包)。发芽的谷物将产生大量的酶,它可以将淀粉和蛋白质的分子更小,从而更易被人体吸收利用。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Car

18、e)-psylliumseedhuskThe genus Plantago contains over 200 species. P. ovata and P. psyllium are produced commercially in several European countriesRecent interest in psyllium has arisen primarily due to its use as an ingredient in high-fiber breakfast cereals, which is claimed to be effective in reduc

19、ing blood cholesterol levels in those who consume it. Several studies point to a cholesterol reduction attributed to a diet that includes dietary fiber such as psyllium. Research also indicates that psyllium incorporated into food products is more effective at reducing blood glucose response than us

20、e of a soluble-fiber supplement that is separate from the food 。Research reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that the use of soluble-fiber cereals is an effective and well-tolerated part of a prudent diet for the treatment of mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. 车前草属包含

21、200多种种类,其中P.ovata和P.psyllium在一些欧洲国家被生产用于一些商业用途。近来psyllium由于含有丰富的谷物纤维引起广泛的关注,它被认可为非常有效的帮助减低血液中胆固醇的物质。研究同样指出psyllium 可以帮助降低血糖水平。此报道来自美国临床营养杂志。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care)-psylliumseedhuskPsyllium is produced mainly for its mucilage content, which is highest in P. ovata.citation needed The term mucilage descri

22、bes a group of clear, colorless, gelling agents derived from plants. The mucilage obtained from psyllium comes from the seed coat. Mucilage is obtained by mechanical milling/grinding of the outer layer of the seed. Mucilage yield amounts to approximately 25% or more (by weight) of the total seed yie

23、ld. Plantago-seed mucilage is often referred to as husk, or psyllium husk. Psyllium is mainly used as a dietary fiber, which is not absorbed by the small intestine. The purely mechanical action of psyllium mucilage absorbs excess water while stimulating normal bowel elimination. Although its main us

24、e has been as a laxative, it is more appropriately termed a true dietary fiber.Psyllium中含有一种胶状物质, mucilage存在于Psyllium种子外壳,占了约25%的重量。Psyllium主要用于日常纤维,它不会被小肠吸收,当它在促进肠道排除废物时会吸附很多的水,它常被用于做通肠道的清洁配方。 更多资料请登陆:http:/ Care)【补品规格】385g/罐【补品特点】纯天然大麦芽种子及亚麻籽种子壳提取,产品用暗色玻璃瓶包装以最大程度保存其产品稳定性和活性。本品适用于任何想做身体清洁和加速帮助排泄身体废

25、物的人,其成分可帮助排出肠道内积存的粪便及肠道积聚有害物,也可帮助净化血液中垃圾及有害物质。并且帮助建立健康的肠道内环境,加强人体对食物营养成分的吸收和利用。【建议食用方法及食用量】2勺(22.8g)一天分2次服用,可将其加入果菜汁中搅拌均匀服用或者咨询您的专业营养顾问。【其他配料】二氧化硅更多资料请登陆:http:/ Super Ascorbate C超级超级C粉粉更多资料请登陆:http:/ rose hip and rose haw, is the pomaceous fruit of the rose plant, that typically is red-to-orange, bu

26、t might be dark purple-to-black in some species. Contrary to the fairly common myth, rosehips are not poisonous.Rose hips of some species, especially Rosa canina (Dog Rose) and R. majalis, have been used as a source of Vitamin C. Rose hips are commonly used as an herbal tea, often blended with hibis

27、cus and as an oil. They can also be used to make jam, jelly, marmalade and wine. Rose hip soup, nyponsoppa, is especially popular in Sweden. Rhodomel, a type of mead, is made with rose hips.野玫瑰果是是玫瑰植属的一种,通常为红或黄色,在某些种类中也存在紫黑色。野玫瑰果很多被用来作为VC的一种来源,也被用为一种草本茶来饮用,他们也常常被用来做果酱、果冻和酒类。野玫瑰果汤在瑞典非常流行。Super Ascorb

28、ate C超级超级C粉粉更多资料请登陆:http:/ benefitsParticularlyhighinVitaminC,withabout17002000mgper100ginthedriedproduct,oneoftherichestplantsources.1RosehipscontainvitaminsC,DandE,essentialfattyacidsandantioxidantflavonoids.Rosehippowderisaremedyforrheumatoidarthritis.2Rosehipsfromthedogrosehaveantioxidantvaluest

29、hatfarexceedotherberriessuchasblueberriesAsanherbalremedy,rosehipsareattributedwiththeabilitytopreventurinarybladderinfections,andassistintreatingdizzinessandheadachescitation needed.Rosehipsarealsocommonlyusedexternallyinoilformtorestorefirmnesstoskinbynourishingandastringingtissue.citation neededB

30、rewedintoadecoction,canalsobeusedtotreatconstipation.citation neededRosehipscontainalotofiron,sosomewomenbrewrosehipteaduringmenstruationtomakeupfortheironthattheylosewithmenses.citation needed野玫瑰果的VC含量非常之高,每100g干的植物中含有VC1700mg-2000mg,另外野玫瑰果还含有VD,VE,必需脂肪酸和抗氧化的生物类黄酮。野玫瑰果的粉末可以帮助治疗类风湿关节炎从DOGROSE中的抗氧化物质

31、的价值远超过一些浆果,如蓝莓作为草本植物,野玫瑰果可以预防泌尿系统感染,辅助治疗头晕和头痛。野玫瑰果油还经常被提炼出来用于皮肤的护理等野玫瑰果还含有很多的铁,所以一些女性在经期会喝一些野玫瑰果茶来补充她们在经期中所丢失的那部分Super Ascorbate C超级超级C粉粉更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Malpighia glabra) or Acerolla, also known as Barbados cherry or wild crapemyrtle, is a tropical fruit-bearing shrub or small tree in the family Mal

32、pighiaceae. It ranges from southern Texas south through Mexico and the Caribbean to Peru and Bahia in Brazil. It is also cultivated in India. It grows to 3 m tall, with a dense, thorny crown. The leaves are evergreen, simple ovate-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, with an entire margin. The flowers are prod

33、uced in umbels of 2-5 together, each flower 1-1.5 cm diameter, with five pink or red petals.The fruit is bright red, 1.5-2 cm diameter, containing 2-3 hard seeds. It is juicy, often as much sour as sweet in flavor, and very high in vitamin C and other nutrients.金尾虎是一种很普通的灌木或者是很多人家中种的植物。从南美到墨西哥。印度也有。

34、植物约3米高,5-10米长。花期约2-5个月。果实是红色的,果径约1.5-2cm,有2-3粒的核,它的汁非常丰富,酸甜味,含有丰富的VC和其他营养物质。Super Ascorbate C超级超级C粉粉更多资料请登陆:http:/ Ascorbate C超级超级C粉粉金尾虎提取acerolaextractThe fruit is edible and widely consumed in the species native area, and is cultivated elsewhere for its high vitamin C content.In the 1950s, a manuf

35、acturer of baby food that the company claimed that a drop of acerola juice in an 8 oz. can of apple juice provided the amount of vitamin C of an equal amount of orange juice. A detailed nutrition facts analysis shows Acerola juice does contain 32 times the amount of vitamin C in orange juice (over 3

36、000% as much), supporting the claim.这种水果因为含有高含量的VC而被种植。1950年,一家婴儿食品制造商宣布他们将加用金尾虎汁在他们的婴儿食品中,因为营养学家公布金尾虎汁含有32倍的VC在同量橘子中的含量。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Ascorbate C超级超级C粉粉【补品规格】226.8g/罐【补品特点】纯天然维生素C提取,其中包含5种提取于抗坏血酸中的矿物质,其他维生素C全部提取于野玫瑰果、金尾虎。为了进一步充分发挥它的功效,加入了一系列的生物类黄酮物质,如柑橘类黄酮,芸香苷等。VC可帮助减少皱纹和增加皮肤弹性,解毒作用,协助抗体摧毁细菌和病毒预防和

37、治疗化学物质中毒,如:铅、鎘、汞、苯预防过敏,药物给身体造成的伤害,可减少患癌症的风险.【建议食用方法及食用量】1勺/1天加入果菜汁搅拌均匀服用或者咨询您的专业营养顾问。【其他配料】无更多资料请登陆:http:/ -Glutathione)卡路里卡路里40kcal乳清蛋白提取9g钙60mg铁0.8mg钠25mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ -Glutathione)【补品规格】60包/盒【补品特点】纯天然乳清蛋白活性提取,其中被提取的谷胱甘肽的成分极易被身体吸收利用是超级抗氧化产品。超强抗氧化效果,去斑、美白、护肤、抗衰老效果显著。可强肝,清除血毒,抗氧化,提升免疫力,常用于辅助治疗严重感染、

38、过敏、癌症、肿瘤、爱滋病、类风湿、红斑狼疮、肝炎等。【建议食用方法及食用量】1包(10公克)*2次/每天,饭前30分钟单独空腹使用,与纯水、生羊奶/牛奶混合使用,但不可与果汁合用,需储存冷凉处或者冰箱中。将谷胱甘肽粉倒入冷开水中(切勿倒入果汁中搅拌)搅拌均匀,请在早餐前30分钟空腹服用#1,下午3-4点空腹服用#2,或者咨询您的专业营养顾问。【其他配料】明胶,甘油,纯净水。更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cleanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)每每3片成分与含量片成分与含量卡路里卡路里5g碳水化合物1g食用纤维dietaryfi

39、ber1g钠sodium15mg氢氧化镁magnesiumhydroxide2600mg专利植物胶配方:榆树皮提取slipperyelmbark,药属葵根提取marshmallow root extract,胡芦巴 种 子 提 取 fenugreek seed extract650mg牛蒡根萃取burdockrootextract300mg专有舒缓配方:薄荷peppermint( 薄 荷 x piperita ) 叶 , 茴 香fennel(小茴香)的种子,及姜ginger(生姜)的根茎提取物150mg红苜蓿redclover100mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cl

40、eanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)使用方法使用方法第1-7天3粒/睡前(至少喝250ml水)第8-14天2粒/睡前(至少喝250ml水)注意事项孕妇及哺乳期妇女慎用。如果有腹痛,呕吐,肾结石者禁用。请勿服用多于3粒的剂量24小时内,或是使用最大计量超过2星期。如果正在服用处方药物,请咨询专业营养师在服用本品前。在服用本品时,如感到腹部不适,或者腹泻,请减少剂量或者咨询专业营养师。更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cleanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)榆树皮提取slipperyelmb

41、arkMedicinalSlippery Elm is a valuable tree that has many traditional uses. The inner bark can be ground into a nutrient-rich gruel, off of which one can solely survive for a short period. The bark also contains a mucilage that is used as a remedy for sore throats. Sometimes it is dried and ground i

42、nto a powder beforehand, then made into a tea. Both Slippery Elm gruel and tea are said to soothe the digestive tract, especially the GI tracts of those with irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis. There are no known contraindications for Slippery Elm. It is also not technically a drug because it com

43、prises mainly mucilage and various nutrients榆树是一种非常有价值的树。其内部的树皮可以用来做营养丰富的粥。树皮中也含有胶状物质,这种胶状物也用来治疗咽喉疼痛。人们有时候还会把它晒干和研磨成粉末,或者用来泡茶。所有榆树皮中的稀粥和茶都可以缓和消化道。它可以帮助肠惹激综合症和胃炎。它不是药,因为它含有多种的胶状成分和多种营养物质。更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cleanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)药属葵根提取marshmallow root extract TheMarshmallow


45、nt,ashrubbyherb(Althaea officinalis),insteadofgelatin;themucilagewasusedtosoothesorethroats.12Thispithwasboiledinsugarsyrupanddriedtoproducedasoft,chewyconfection,icecreamflavorssuchasRockyRoad,ontopofhotchocolateandcandiedyams,andinseveralotherfoodstuffs.Americanseatabout90,000,000pounds(41,000t)of

46、marshmallowsperyear药属葵根是一种糖果,它包含糖和玉米糖浆,水,胶质,右旋糖。整个结构象海绵一样。它的有用的物质基本都提取于它的根部。它可以做成糖果,冰激凌,热巧克力,也可以替代糖的使用。在美国每年约消耗90000000磅的marshmallow.更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cleanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)胡芦巴种子提取fenugreek seed extractThe rhombic yellow to amber colored fenugreek seed, commonly called m

47、aithray, is frequently used in the preparation of pickles, curry powders, and pastes, and is often encountered in the cuisine of the Indian subcontinent. The young leaves and sprouts of fenugreek are eaten as greens, and the fresh or dried leaves are used to flavor other dishes. The dried leaves (ca

48、lled kasuri methi) have a bitter taste and a strong characteristic smell.In India, fenugreek seeds are mixed with yogurt and used as a conditioner for hair. It is one of the three ingredients of idli and dosa (Tamil). It is also one of the ingredients in the making of khakhra, a type of bread. It is

49、 used in injera/taita, a type of bread unique to Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine. The word for fenugreek in Amharic is abesh, and the seed is reportedly also often used in Ethiopia as a natural herbal medicine in the treatment of diabetes.胡芦巴种子是一种方形的黄色或者琥珀色的植物种子,它通常被用于做泡菜,咖喱粉,和一些糊糊,它也是一种印度美食。胡芦巴的叶子和芽

50、可以拿来吃,也可以烘干作为香料。在印度,胡芦巴种子和酸奶混在一起用来做护发素,它也被用来做面包。在草药用途上它被用来帮助糖尿病的治疗。更多资料请登陆:http:/ (Whole Body Cleanse)彻底身体清洁-清洁配方(清洁配方(Laxative Formula)胡芦巴种子提取fenugreek seed extractSupplements of fenugreek seeds were shown to lower serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein in human patients and e

51、xperimental models of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia (Basch et al., 2003). Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and relevant animal m

52、odels (Basch et al., 2003; Srinivas, 2005). Fenugreek is currently available commercially in encapsulated forms and is being prescribed as dietary supplements for the control of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine. In recent research, fenugree

53、k seeds were experimentally shown to protect against cancers of the breast (Amin et al., 2005) and colon (Raju et al., 2006). The hepatoprotective properties of fenugreek seeds have also been reported in experimental models (Raju and Bird, 2006; Kaviarasan et al., 2006; Thirunavukarrasu et al., 2003

54、).胡芦巴种子具有低胆固醇,低脂的特点,所以可以三高的人群。同时也可以帮助1型和2型糖尿病近期研究表明,胡芦巴种子可以保护乳腺癌和大肠癌的患者。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Fusion)每每8片成分与含量片成分与含量卡路里卡路里15碳水化合物4g食用纤维4g专 有 纤 维 综 合 ( 车 前 草 属 壳psyllium husk提 取 , 燕 麦 皮 oatbran提取,guargumseedextract树胶提取,marshmallowroot柑橘类胶质提取,药属葵根提取。3.4g使用方法:第1-14天4粒/晨起4粒/睡前(至少喝250ml水)或者8粒/睡前(至少喝250ml水)孕妇及哺乳

55、期妇女慎用更多资料请登陆:http:/ Thistle)每每1片成分与含量片成分与含量卡路里卡路里100mg牛奶蓟milkthistle40mg水飞蓟artichokeleafextract10mg蒲公英根提取dandelionrootextract 10mg甘 草 根 茎 提 取 licorice root andrhizomeextract10mg使用方法:第1-7天1粒/睡前第8-14天1粒/晨起2粒/睡前孕妇及哺乳期妇女慎用更多资料请登陆:http:/ boday cleanse我们的身体每天时时刻刻都在清理体内垃圾。但是我们正常的排毒通道可能早已被淹没。环境污染、农药残留、防腐剂、食

56、物中的营养大量减少、药物的使用留下的毒素,都给我们的排毒通道带来严重的影响。所谓的彻底身体清洁计划是对全身积累毒素的一种清除,这种清洁办法可以适用各种慢性疾病的患者或者在专业人士的指导下作为亚健康人群排出体内毒素,改善健康状况的方法。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Food)-食物补充品食物补充品更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)每每2片片成成分分与与含含量量VA 5000Iu肌醇肌醇100mgVC300mg酪氨酸100mgVD200IU贞 洁 树 浆 果 提 取chastetreeberryextract50mgVE200IU胆碱45mgVK50mcgPABA30mgVB125

57、mg葡萄籽提取25mgVB225mg葡萄皮提取25mg烟酸30mg酶综合20mgVB6150mg蛋白质分解酶618H.U叶酸800mcg淀粉酶212D.UVB12500mcg脂肪酶2.26L.U生物素300mcg纤维素分解酶2.5C.U更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)VB5200mg钼 50mcg钙100mg钾99mg铁9mg硼1mg磷41mg矾55mcg碘225mcg乳糖酶93.8Lac.U镁300mg有机芦荟organicaloevera20mg锌15mg甜菜betaine15.2mg硒100mcg金 盏 花 提 取marigoldextract10mg铜1mg肌醇六磷酸

58、酶phytase20P.H.U锰5mg微量元素综合2mg铬120mcg更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)贞洁树浆果提取chastetreeberryextractChaste tree is a large shrub (up to twenty-two feet tall) native to the Mediterraneand southern Europe. Although it flourishes on moist riverbanks, it is easily grown as an ornamental plant in American gardens,

59、where its attractive blue-violet flowers are appreciated in midsummer. The Greeks and Romans used this plant to encourage chastity and thought of it as capable of warding off evil. Although Hippocrates used chaste tree for injuries and inflammation, several centuries later Dioscorides recommended it

60、 specifically for inflammation of the womb and also used it to encourage milk flow shortly after birth.贞洁树是一种比较大型的灌木(约22英尺),产地大多在南欧和地中海附件。在潮湿的河畔生长茂盛,很多的美国人家庭将它种在自己的花园作为装饰,它的紫蓝色花非常漂亮。希腊人和罗马人认为这花是一种贞洁的象征,并且认为它可以驱魔。希波克拉底曾经用贞洁树治疗受伤和炎症,几个世纪后Dioscorides 建议可以用它来治疗子宫炎症和帮助催奶。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)Current

61、use of chasteberry is almost exclusively for disorders of the female reproductive system. Oddly, the conditions for which it is most commonly recommended, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and peri- or postmenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, are associated with completely different hormone imbalances

62、.It is also believed helpful for premenstrual breast tenderness, a condition linked to excess prolactin. 近期对于贞洁树浆果的运用大多用于女性的生殖系统的紊乱。类似于经期综合症和绝经前后的荷尔蒙问紊乱表现。同时相信贞洁树浆果可以让乳房更加柔软在经期前更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)有机芦荟organicaloeveraAloe vera, also known as the Medicinal Aloe, is a species of succulent plant th

63、at probably originated in northern Africa. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD, vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries。vera is very bitter and unpalatable.42 A. vera gel, however, is used as a

64、n ingredient in commercially available yogurt, beverages and some desserts.434445 It is common practice for cosmetic companies to add sap or other derivatives from A. 芦荟是一种众所周知的多汁的植物,有可能源于北非。芦荟在选择性医疗中被常用于草本提取和化妆品的使用。天然未加工芦荟的味道稍苦不是很好吃。然而芦荟胶却常被用于添加在酸奶,饮料和一些甜点中。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)Aloe vera is all

65、eged to be effective in treatment of wounds.9 Evidence on the effects of A. vera sap on wound healing. In addition to topical use in wound or burn healing, internal intake of A. vera has been linked with improved blood glucose levels in diabetics,5556 and with lower blood lipids in hyperlipidaemic p

66、atients.57 In other diseases, preliminary studies have suggested oral A. vera gel may reduce symptoms and inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis. . vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal activities. A. vera extracts have been shown to inhibit the growth of fungi that cause tinea,6

67、0 however, evidence for control beneath human skin remains to be established. For bacteria, inner-leaf gel from A. vera was shown to inhibit growth of Streptococcus and Shigella species in vitro.61芦荟被认为是非常有效的外伤和烧伤治疗剂芦荟也被用于可以帮助平衡糖尿病的血糖水平。芦荟也可帮助减轻结肠炎患者的炎症症状,芦荟的提取物并且可以帮助抗菌和抗真菌(抑制真菌的增长而控制藓的增长)帮助皮肤的保湿和柔软

68、。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)甜菜betaineBetaine is a nutrient that plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system. Studies have suggested that betaine, along with other nutrients, helps to reduce potentially toxic levels of homocysteine (Hcy), a naturally occurring amino acid that can

69、 be harmful to blood vessels thereby contributing to the development of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease (reduced blood flow to the legs and feet). Betaine functions closely with other nutrients - namely, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), folic acid, and vitamins B6 and B12 - to bre

70、ak down Hcy and reduce toxic levels of this substance in the bloodstream. 甜菜是一种营养价值非常高的植物,在保护心血管健康方面扮演很重要的角色。研究表明甜菜的成分可以减少血液中同型半胱氨酸的作用。血液中同型半胱氨酸的增高可引发心脏病,中风。甜菜中的S-腺苷甲硫氨酸,叶酸,腺苷甲硫氨酸,叶酸,VB6,VB12可以帮助打破可以帮助打破同型半胱氨酸和减少它对血流的伤害。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)Liver Disease Studies with rats have suggested that bet

71、aine may help protect against fatty deposits in the liver, which can occur from chronic alcohol use, protein malnutrition, obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, and other causes. A few studies on people have also been conducted. In one preliminary study, 10 people with fatty liver disease from causes

72、 other than alcohol received betaine for up to one year. All of the participants had improvement in liver function tests and a reduced amount of fat and other changes in the liver itself. In another larger, better-designed study that took place in Italy, nearly 200 patients received either betaine,

73、in combination with two other substances, or a placebo. Those who received the betaine combination supplement had improved liver function, reduced fat in the liver, and diminished abdominal pain. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and to see whether it is the betaine that is specif

74、ically responsible for the benefit to the liver。老鼠研究甜菜可以帮助肝脏的脂肪代谢。脂肪肝可由慢性酒精的摄入,蛋白质缺乏,肥胖等引起。10位脂肪肝患者接受甜菜试验1年,所有的参与者的肝功能都得到改善,和脂肪的减少。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)金盏花提取marigoldextractTagetes is a genus of 52 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family (Asteraceae or Compositae). T

75、hey are native to the area stretching from the southwestern United States into Mexico and south throughout South America. The different species vary in size from 0.05-2.2 m tall. They have pinnate green leaves, and white, golden, orange, yellow, to an almost red floral heads typically (0.1-) to 4-6

76、cm diameter, generally with both ray florets and disc florets.Tagetes大约有大约有52个种属,个种属,金盏花是其中一种,它生长于美国的西南部和墨西哥。通常有0.05-2.2米高。叶子通常是绿色,花有白色,金色,橘黄色,黄色,红色等。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)T. minuta (Khakibush or Huacatay), originally from South America, has been used as a source of essential oil, known as tagett

77、e, for the perfume industry as well as a flavourant in the food and tobacco industries in South Africa, where the species is also a useful pioneer plant in the reclamation of disturbed land. erecta are used as a food colour (INS-Number E161b).Marigold (Calendula off.) flowers have been used for stom

78、ach upset, ulcers, menstrual period problems, eye infections (e.g. conjunctivitis), inflammation, and for wound healing.金盏花可以用来做成精油或者香水,也可以用于食物的染色剂和烟草行业。在选择性医疗中,金盏花可以用来帮助食欲不振,溃疡,经期综合症,眼睛感染,炎症和外伤的治疗。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Woman)【补品规格】120粒/瓶【补品特点】基础女性营养食品补充。本品为女士专用,其含有基础维生素和矿物质及帮助营养吸收的物质,含有女士专用的草本植物提取及抗氧化

79、物质。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,2粒/2次/天,随餐服用。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,二氧化硅,纤维素及甘油层,硬脂酸镁,香草更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)每每2片片成成分分与与含含量量VA 10000Iu刺五加提取物刺五加提取物Eleuthero extract100mgVC300mg肌醇100mgVD200IU锯榈sawpalmettoextract50mgVE400IU胆碱45mgVK50mcg葡萄籽提取25mgVB125mg葡萄皮提取25mgVB225mg酶综合20mg烟酸100mg蛋白质分解酶618H.UVB625mg淀粉酶212D.U叶酸800mcg脂肪

80、酶2.26L.UVB12500mcg纤维素分解酶2.5C.U生物素300mcg乳糖酶93.8Lac.U更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)VB5 250mg钾99mg钙100mg硼1mg磷21mg矾1mg碘225mcg甜菜15.2mg镁200mg金盏花提取10mg锌30mg肌醇六磷酸酶20P.H.U硒200mcg西红柿提取Tomatoextractlycopene10mg铜1mg锰5mg微量元素综合2mg铬200mcg钼50mcg更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)刺五加提取物EleutheroextractEleutherococcus senticosus(former

81、lyAcanthopanax senticosus)isaspeciesofsmall,woodyshrubinthefamilyAraliaceaenativetoNortheasternAsia.InChinese medicine it is known as c w ji (刺五加).and was previouslymarketedintheUnitedStatesasSiberian GinsengasithassimilarherbalpropertiestothoseofPanaxginseng.However,itbelongstoadifferentgenusin the

82、 family Araliaceae, and it is currently illegal in the United States tomarket eleuthero as Siberian Ginseng since ginseng only refers to Panaxspecies.刺五加是一种小型的灌木,源于亚洲的东北区。在中药中被成为“cwji”。在美国市场上被成为西伯利亚人参。因为他们内部的结构有相似之处,实际上他们是两种不同的物质,所以近来在美国市场刺五加如果被作为西伯利亚人参来出售是违法的。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)刺五加提取物Eleutheroe

83、xtractE. senticosus is an adaptogen which has a wide range of health benefits attributed to its use. Currently, most of the research to support the medicinal use of E. senticosus is in Russian or Korean. E. senticosus contains eleutherosides, triterpenoid saponins which are lipophilic and which can

84、fit into hormone receptors. Supporters of E. senticosus as medicine claim it possesses a variety of medicinal properties, such as:increased endurance memory improvement anti-inflammatory immunogenic radiological protection 刺五加作为草本植物用途的范围是很宽广的,很多的研究支持刺五加在俄罗斯和韩国运用。支持者作为医学届的宣布它的用途:增加耐力,改善记忆能力,抗感染,增强免疫能

85、力,抵抗射线。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)锯榈sawpalmettoextractSerenoa repens, the saw palmetto, is the sole species currently classified in the genus Serenoa. It is a small palm, normally reaching a height of around 2-4 m.It is endemic to the southeastern United States, but also as far inland as southern Arkans

86、as. It is a hearty plant; extremely slow growing, and long lived, with some plants, especially in Florida, possibly being as old as 500-700 years锯榈属于锯叶棕属,它是唯一的被划分为此类种属。它是一种很小的棕榈,只有关2-4米高。它大多存在与美国的东南部,阿肯色州的南部。它的生长速度很慢并且生命很长久,尤其Florida,它可以有500-700年的寿命更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)锯榈sawpalmettoextractThe frui

87、ts of the saw palmetto are highly enriched with fatty acids and phytosterols, and extracts of the fruits have been the subject of intensive research for the treatment of urinary tract infections. This extract is also commonly used for other medical issues.The existing literature on S. repens for tre

88、atment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is limited in terms of the short duration of studies and variability in study design, use of phytotherapeutic preparations, and reports of outcomes.锯榈的果实含有非常丰富的脂肪酸和植物甾醇类,研究表明它可以帮助治植物甾醇类,研究表明它可以帮助治疗泌尿系统感染。疗泌尿系统感染。 S. repens 的文献曾表明它可以治疗良性的前列腺肥大。更多资料请登陆:http

89、:/ for Man)西红柿提取TomatoextractTomatoes are now eaten freely throughout the world, and their consumption is believed to benefit the heart among other things. They contain lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, which, especially when tomatoes are cooked, has been found to help prevent

90、 prostate cancer.1415 Tomato extract branded as Lycomato is now also being promoted for treatment of high blood pressure.16 Lycopene has also been shown to improve the skins ability to protect against harmful UV rays.17 Natural genetic variation in tomatoes and their wild relatives has given a genet

91、ic treasure trove of genes that produce lycopene, carotene, anthocyanin, and other antioxidants. Tomato varieties are available with double the normal vitamin C (Doublerich), 西红柿是众所周知的食物,西红柿含有一个重要的抗氧化物质番茄红素,尤其西红柿在烹饪后。研究已经发现它可以预防前列腺癌。西红柿提取物加上番茄红素目前认为可以用来治疗高血压。番茄红素同样被认为可以保护皮肤不受紫外线UV的伤害。西红柿中还含有很多其他的宝贵物

92、质,如类胡萝卜素,花青素,其他的抗氧化物质,VC等。更多资料请登陆:http:/ for Man)【补品规格】120粒/瓶【补品特点】基础男性营养食品补充。本品为男士专用,其含有基础维生素和矿物质及帮助营养吸收的物质,含有男士专用的草本植物提取及抗氧化物质。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,2粒/天/分2次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,二氧化硅,纤维素及甘油层,硬脂酸镁,香草更多资料请登陆:http:/ Powder)标志性成分及含量志性成分及含量标志性成分每勺含量(约10克) 每100克含蛋白质8g80g【补品规格】770g/罐【补品特点】本品是以大

93、豆分离蛋白、浓缩乳蛋白为主要原料制成的保健食品。所有生物其结构主要由蛋白质提供(肌肉,韧带,肌腱,器官,指甲,头发等)增加免疫力,生成各种生化反应的重要营养素,促进伤口愈合【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,10g/天/1次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。【其他配料】大豆分离蛋白,浓缩乳蛋白,卵磷脂,二氧化硅更多资料请登陆:http:/ & Magnesium)每每1片的成分与含量片的成分与含量钙216.7mg镁108.3mg锌3.3mg铜0.7mg锰0.8mg【补品规格】250粒/瓶【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,3粒/天/3次随餐或餐后服用, 特殊情况可咨询专业人士。【其他

94、配料】碳酸钙,氧化镁,麦芽糊精,紫花苜蓿浓缩物,柠檬酸锌,硬脂酸镁,磷酸二钙,柠檬酸锰,柠檬酸铜,甘油。更多资料请登陆:http:/ & Magnesium)基础矿物质补充品。维护骨骼和牙齿的健康帮助降低血压抑制铅等有毒金属的吸收镇定神经缓解过敏促进良好睡眠酵素作用必须的矿物质缺乏镁会干扰神经冲动传导至肌肉,引起暴躁和紧张在有情况下,镁能帮助减少并溶解磷酸钙形成的结石更多资料请登陆:http:/ Germ)碳水化合物碳水化合物37g蛋白质32g胚芽油12g矿物质5g膳食纤维2g卵磷脂2g更多资料请登陆:http:/ Germ)【补品规格】500g/罐【补品特点】基础补充食物。小麦胚芽是小麦籽粒

95、的生命精华,它的重量虽然仅占籽粒的2%,但其中蕴藏丰富的营养成份;量足质优的蛋白质;维生素ADEB族;矿物质钙铁锌铬钾;丰富的膳食纤维;不饱和脂肪酸;核酸;叶酸等。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,1-3勺(10g)/天/1-3次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Yeast)蛋白蛋白质45g钙1400mg铁25mg锌25mg硒100ugVB12.5mgVB22.5mgVB32.5mgVB124ug更多资料请登陆:http:/ Yeast)【补品规格】500g/罐【补品特点】基础补充食物。营养酵母是以糖蜜为原料培育出酵母菌,其富含蛋白质,和B族维生素及丰富

96、的矿物质。其中所有营养物质经由酵母发酵后更易被人体吸收利用。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,1勺(10g)/天/次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Yogurt) 每每100g成分成分新西新西兰酸乳酪酸乳酪高高钙纯牛奶牛奶其它乳酸菌其它乳酸菌产品品蛋白质4.0克以上2.9克2.3克钙含量147毫克141毫克活性乳酸菌每克成品中高达无每克成品中130亿个100万个胆固醇无通常含有增稠剂无通常含有人工色素无通常含有更多资料请登陆:http:/ Yogurt)【补品规格】100g/包酸奶粉可制作1000ml酸奶【补品特点】新西兰注重环保,无污染,拒绝任何基因

97、改造。新西兰“易极优”酸乳酪富含多种益生菌,多活性乳酸菌,多种人体所需的微量元素,多维生素B群(含叶酸)。调理及保护肠胃功能,促进营养物质的消化吸收,增强人体免疫力。清除体内垃圾,排毒护肝养颜,延缓衰老。钙质的最佳来源,可预防骨质疏松症。含有丰富的蛋白质,有助于改善睡眠质量,舒缓压力【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,100-200ml/天/次餐前或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Cardio Factors 369) 每每2片成分与含量片成分与含量卡路里卡路里20总脂肪2g饱和脂肪0.5g单不饱和脂肪1g多不饱和脂肪0.5g胆固醇12mg蛋白质0.5g维生素

98、E21U鱼油(提取于沙丁鱼sardine,鲭鱼mackerel,凤尾鱼anchovy)1200mg琉璃苣油800mg二十碳五烯酸浓缩沙丁鱼,鲭鱼,凤尾鱼鱼油210mg-亚麻油酸176mg二十二碳六烯酸浓缩沙丁鱼,鲭鱼,凤尾鱼鱼油138mg迷迭香提取1mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ Cardio Factors 369) 【补品规格】90粒/瓶【补品特点】保护心脏,对预防心血管疾病以及降低胆固醇和甘油三酯,改善动脉粥状硬化缓解类风湿关节炎症引发的发炎和疼痛平衡内分泌,改善经前症侯群、月经不调,改善子宫内膜炎和乳房纤维化有效改善牛皮藓、湿疹、异位性皮肤炎和过敏症状促进毛发、指甲的生长,改善发质,

99、修复皮肤改善血糖平衡和胰岛素抗性【建议食用方法及食用量】成人每天2粒,为保证最佳利用率,最好与食物同服.【其他配料】明胶,甘油,纯净水。更多资料请登陆:http:/ Food)-食物补充品食物补充品更多资料请登陆:http:/ Vitamin A1000)每每1片成分与含量片成分与含量维生素维生素A10000IU【补品规格】100粒/瓶【补品特点】维护正常视力,治疗眼睛畏光/干燥/刺痛强化粘膜组织,加强对感染的抵抗力抗氧化维生素【建议食用方法及食用量】作为服用建议,1粒/天/次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。【其他配料】大豆油,明胶,甘油,纯净水更多资料请登陆:http:/ B com

100、plexs)每2片的成分与含量VB150mgVB250mg烟酸100mgVB680mg叶酸800mcgVB12500mcg生物素200mcgVB550mg六磷酸肌醇130mg大豆卵磷脂100mgPABA50mg磷脂酰胆碱40mg肌醇26mg硫锌酸100mcg更多资料请登陆:http:/ B complexs)【补品规格】60粒/瓶【补品特点】维护神经,皮肤,眼睛,头发,肝脏,口腔的健康在产生能量中充当辅酶,帮助蛋白质,糖类,脂肪等营养素代谢,帮助清除肝脏脂肪促进细胞生长和分裂,包括能预防贫血的红血球预防太阳晒伤及皮肤癌,帮助毛发恢复原来颜色,帮助毛发生长帮助抵抗压力、缓解忧郁症【建议食用方法及

101、食用量】作为服用建议,1-2粒/天1-2/次随餐或餐后服用,特殊情况可咨询专业人士。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸镁,二氧化硅更多资料请登陆:http:/ acid)【补品规格】50粒/瓶【补品特点】维持消化道正常功能,消除紧张及帮助治疗忧郁,协助维生素的利用及转化脂肪、糖类、蛋白质成能量。参与肾上腺荷尔蒙的生产、抗体的形成,消除紧张。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1粒/天,随餐服用或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料,二氧化硅成分成分含量含量泛酸500mg更多资料请登陆:http:/ 】有助于减轻体内水分滞留带来的不适胃中盐酸的制造需要协助维持

102、体内钾纳离子平衡促进红血球形成维持神经系统和大脑的正常功能减轻月经来临前的不适症状帮助营养物质转化利用【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1粒/天,随餐服用或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料,二氧化硅更多资料请登陆:http:/ Vitamin E400)每每1片成分与含量片成分与含量含量含量维生素E400IU更多资料请登陆:http:/ Vitamin E400)【补品规格】90片/瓶【补品特点】预防癌症及心血管疾病的抗氧化剂修复组织,减少疤痕组织的形成。防止胎儿流产、早产和难产提升精子品质、数量和活动力防止血管壁破裂造成的血栓防止和治疗静脉曲

103、张、静脉炎【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1粒/天随餐或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,矽,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料更多资料请登陆:http:/ -Chromium)每每1片成分与含量片成分与含量含量含量碳酸钙60mg铬200mcg【补品规格】90片/瓶【补品特点】铬又称为葡萄糖耐受因子。本品可增加胰岛素的敏感度,适当的利用胰岛素来维持稳定的血糖浓度影响体内血糖的水平,如有糖尿病和低血糖者请在专业医生的建议下服用。【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1粒/天随餐或咨询专业医生的建议【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,矽,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料更多资料请登陆:htt

104、p:/ Caps)每每1片成分片成分含量含量VB620mg牛磺酸1000mg【补品规格】100片/瓶【补品特点】眼睛,心肌,骨骼肌,中枢神经的视网膜存在大量牛磺酸维持心脏功能帮助视力正常和减轻视疲劳帮助大脑功能正常【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1-2粒/天两餐之间服用或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,矽,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料更多资料请登陆:http:/ Caps)每每1片成分片成分含量含量VB610mg酪氨酸500mg【补品规格】100片/瓶【补品特点】帮助焦虑,忧虑,过敏,头痛的治疗 帮助黑色素形成,可用于白癫风病人。缺乏酪胺酸促使大脑某部位缺乏正肾上腺素造

105、成忧郁及情绪上毛病帮助戒除毒瘾【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1粒/天 两餐之间服用或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,矽,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料更多资料请登陆:http:/ Caps)每每3片成分及含量片成分及含量成分成分含量含量VB630mg精氨酸1500mg【补品规格】100片/瓶【补品特点】有效增加精子数目,可治疗男性不孕症,促进血液流向阴茎,使之更坚挺,可用来改善性表现,但需在事前45分钟空腹使用3-6公克常和L-Glutamine并用,刺激生长激素HGH的制造,可用以消除脂肪、塑造肌肉帮助手术後和严重烧伤的病人伤口快速复原刺激胸腺,增加T细胞数量,抵抗外来感染帮助制造人体抵抗癌症的天然杀手细胞,可抑制多种癌肿瘤形成【建议食用方法及食用量】作为成人服用建议,1-3粒/天 两餐间服用或咨询专业医生的建议。【其他配料】纤维素,硬脂酸,矽,硬脂酸镁,纤维素及甘油涂料更多资料请登陆:http:/



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