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1、 高一英语暑期作业高一英语暑期作业 22 M 4 U 2 讲评人讲评人 启东中学启东中学 张张 菊菊 贤贤 1. 很高兴又跟大家见面了。 2. 你一定熟悉这个人,是吗?3.你一定去过这个地方,是吗?4. 他不可能到过那个地方的,是吗?5. 他会不会回昆明了?他曾说过要去看望他父母。He once said he would go to visit his parents.You must be familiar with this man, arent you ?You must have been to this place, havent you ?He cant have been to

2、 that place, has he ?Can/ Could he have gone back to Kunming? Im glad to meet you again.能力提升能力提升完形填空完形填空Summary of the passageIts a sad and touching story about what happened to an unfortunate family and what the author did to help the poor little boy to realize his wishes. That is to have enough mo

3、ney to buy a gift for his dead sister and his dying mother.动词动词 9个个 副词副词 5个个 介词介词2个个 代词代词1个个 名词名词1个个 连词连词2个个本篇文章故事性强,对实词考查较多本篇文章故事性强,对实词考查较多着重对故事情节的理解,结合上下文,进行词的辨析着重对故事情节的理解,结合上下文,进行词的辨析动词辨析动词辨析1. he was _the doll in his hand 8. “ I _ she didnt have to leave me, but Daddy says that she has to go to

4、be with my little sister”10.I quickly _ for my wallet.13. He looked at me and _, “I wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my Mommy, but ”16. a drunk man in a truck hit a car _ by a young woman and a little girl.17. The little girl _ right away and the mother was _ in a critical state.h

5、olding wishreachedadded(which was occupied ) / occupieddied / was killedleft the mother was left in a critical state那位母亲结果处于病情很危急状态那位母亲结果处于病情很危急状态leave sb. / sth. + 宾语补足语宾语补足语表示表示“使发生;造成;使留下为(某种结果)使发生;造成;使留下为(某种结果)”被动语态为被动语态为 be left +主语补足语主语补足语 leave 的宾补或主补有以下形式构成:的宾补或主补有以下形式构成:1. 形容词形容词 2. 副词副词 3.

6、介词短语介词短语 4.名词名词5.现在分词现在分词 6.过去分词过去分词 7.不定式不定式 1. I always leave a window open while sleeping.2.How can you leave your baby alone at home ?3. Many children are left behind in the country while their parents go to work in big cities.4. The couple died from an accident, leaving the poor child an orphan

7、.6.He went to play basketball, leaving his homework unfinished.7. Dont leave him waiting outside in the rain.8. Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes.Translation using the words given:1.对不起,这个位置已经有人占了。对不起,这个位置已经有人占了。occupy 2. 英国在开辟新市场方面落后了英国在开辟新市场方面落后了. leave behind3.你手里拿着什么东西?你手里拿着什么东西? holdSorry,

8、the seat has been occupied.Britain is left behind in the race for new markets.What are you holding in your hand?4. 他将手伸进口袋想找车钥匙,但怎么也找不到。他将手伸进口袋想找车钥匙,但怎么也找不到。 reach for 5. 我真希望暑假里我不要每天做这么多作业。我真希望暑假里我不要每天做这么多作业。 I wish(虚拟语气)虚拟语气)did (were) / had done / would (could) do He reached his hand into his poc

9、ket for the car key, but couldnt find it anywhere. I wish I didnt have to do so much homework every day. / I wish I hadnt missed the game. I wish I would be able to go to the moon.Passage AMain idea: The positive effect of laughing on peoples health.Remember: Laughing is the best medicine.阅读理解阅读理解Pa

10、ssage BQ1:Whats the story about? Q2: Who was chosen to be the future king in the end? Why?Q3:What can we learn from the story? Its about how an old king chose his future king from his two sons .Helping others can make one know what ones responsibilities are. And opportunities always favor whoever has a strong sense of responsibility.Remember what the future king said: When I helped others carry their burdens, I found the strength to carry my own.



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