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1、LOGO侠蛹祷潍皋鄙纳辊唤宙潍统早了座赣岭汪培鸵呵恒陛藻北奔铀颠柔酒呀吹第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版广东高考英语总复习广东高考英语总复习(一轮用书一轮用书)广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社鸵搽挖邵淑紫赋绑轰降沃除详誊妒瓤迪趟蹋痒聋颅兼惠鞍搅订帽璃胞印碌第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版LOGO侠蛹祷潍皋鄙纳辊唤宙潍统早了座赣岭汪培鸵呵恒陛藻北奔铀颠柔酒呀吹第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版Book 8 Unit 5 Meeting your

2、ancestors第一部分第一部分 模块单元配套复习模块单元配套复习颠裤谜斗悠坞代甩莽绳彻钉霸稗膀笔姆踪截端矮麻坚残岿骂刻刁穆所菩涪第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读十五 26. Smoking It is well known that smoking does harm to the health. Today, so many people still keep smoking, which has drawn wide attention of the society.Smoking h

3、as so many disadvantages but no advantages at all. First, the cigarettes with nicotine in them do great harm to the health. Such diseases as pneumonia, lung cancer may be caused or partly caused by them. Furthermore, the bad effects of cigarettes cost the smokers lots of money, which could be spent

4、on other meaningful things. Thirdly, the accidents of fire all over the world every year are mostly caused by the still-burning butts (end).究或芝迢员坐吓炭孪酣看菠传迭拥酉铀傀看帕钢猿庐超擅娄涵劝焊惋早搬第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读十五 The government has formulated the regulation of no smoking

5、 in public places. Yet its result is not so satisfactory. From my point of view, it needs the common efforts of the society. Not only the nonsmokers but the smokers should cooperate on this matter.晃沉揍蘸嘱绎惑泣薄揭物硅逊铜裸镣诺札插钓脸戳宏夷岁婿老账箍蔫阻懈第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关一一 词语词语回回顾

6、顾A 单词单词 写出下列英写出下列英语单词语单词的中文意思或根据音的中文意思或根据音标标和中文和中文意思写出下列英文意思写出下列英文单词单词。1._intrpt vt. & vi 打断打断讲讲话话;打岔;打岔;vt.暂时暂时中断或中止中断或中止2._kju:t adj.有有观观察力的,敏察力的,敏锐锐的,的,严严重的,深刻的重的,深刻的3._sju:m vt 假定假定, 设设想想4._ri:dlis adj. 不管;不不管;不顾顾5._dizi adj.晕晕眩的眩的; 昏乱的;使人昏乱的;使人发晕发晕或困惑的或困惑的6._mesi adj.凌乱的,凌乱的,脏脏的的 interruptacute

7、assumeregardlessdizzymessy屡户肿越由痴条氓韭拎砸拨凰湾该咱框殷秒廓倚饼烂屠淹寇经晋蕉涎殉承第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关7._raipn vt. & vi.使使成熟成熟,成成熟熟 8._smhau adv. 以以方式方式; 不不知道怎么地知道怎么地, 莫名其妙地莫名其妙地9._spit vt.吐出吐出(唾液、食物等唾液、食物等) vi.吐痰吐痰 10._dili:t vt.删删除除 11.division divin n. _12.wrinklerikl n. _13.appl

8、aud pl:d vt. & vi. _14.accelerate kselreit vt. & vi._ rippensomehowspitdelete分割分割;划分划分皱纹皱纹鼓掌欢迎鼓掌欢迎; 赞赏赞赏加速加速; 促进促进奶夫壁抛樟衅猫树糖渔缀焊镊坪棒哼姥馒夫嫉枕刷践粮邱猩宦亩拂将埠痞第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关15.arrest rest vt.逮捕;吸引逮捕;吸引 n. _16.worship w:ip vt. & vi._17.identify aidentifai vt. _18.alt

9、ernative :lt:ntiv adj._ 19.primitive primitiv adj. _20.significance sinifikns n. _意义意义; 意思意思;重要性重要性逮捕逮捕; 拘留拘留崇拜崇拜; 敬奉敬奉认出认出;鉴别鉴别供选择的供选择的原始的原始的; 远古的远古的嘲坐蠕宛脆斜裙兆陆睡筹茎锥凸挪掇观债胀神碟价坡声族社乔址嚣茁资槛第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关B 短短语语 写出下列短写出下列短语语的中文或英文。的中文或英文。1._ out关在关在门门外外2._ to/wi

10、th填充填充,比比较较3._ on 集中集中4.clear _驱驱除除, 消除消除, 收拾餐桌收拾餐桌5.because_/due _ 因因为为6._ up上来上来; 走近走近, 升起升起; 长长出来出来, 提到提到, 提及提及7.cant/couldnt help _sth. 禁不住干某事禁不住干某事8._ out生生产产,证证明是明是9._ of不管不管, 不不顾顾10.cut _切碎切碎, 切割开切割开keepcomparedconcentrateawayof tocomedoingturnregardlessup寞札检伞祟杯溺幂入昏徘诧抒尽酶愚善雌凛缺递茶筐胎亮尾氛开畅节鳞纳第一部分模

11、块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关二二 词类转换词类转换用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1. Youll get more _ (skill) at this job as you go along.2. Theres no doubt that thousands of people are still suffering from _( starve)and cold.3. My pencil is not sharp, could you lend me a knife to _

12、 (sharp) it?4. The good news is, data is everything. The more we get, the stronger our _ (analyse) will be.5. If you enjoy seeing a wide variety of plants, I recommend a visit to the _( botany)Garden of the science museum.Botanicalskillfulstarvationsharpen analyses彰矛嫂耕东肾骄另准飘免篓阿祭肌脱摧孝截懒奠皑胀舞裳森才指忧篡误砂第一部

13、分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关三三 词语活用词语活用-动词填空动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。空。1. We are invited to a party _(hold)in our club next Friday. (2009年山东卷年山东卷) 2. We dont allow _ (swim) in this river.3. Look! Your shoes need _ (mend).4. The typhoon lasted nearly three hour

14、s, _ (cause) great damage to that area.5. We _ (put) Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury. (2011年江西年江西卷)卷)would have to be heldswimmingmending/to be mendedcausing精香纳屡源斑似翟赫遂抠铃苏殆藐歉娥添衰捍卜柜净菩赫敬凤祥师谤家蝇第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关四四 语法填空(关联单元话题)语法填

15、空(关联单元话题) 阅读下面短文,按照句子阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。What does the word “hutong” mean? The original meaning of hutong, which is the word “ally” in English, is 1 (mere) a place where people live and gather together. Its a residential ar

16、ea, 2 also refers to the passageways between living areas. Beijing has countless hutongs. A lot of tourists from all over the world flock to Beijing every year to visit Beijings hutongs. 说明文。介绍北京胡同的历史与现状。说明文。介绍北京胡同的历史与现状。 merely。构词法:形容词派生出副词。and。并列连词and连接两个谓语动词is与refers。设酿死掖晃萎举酒摆所烂部铲弟本右将纲香续税遭齿咖粟这邀毯瘫

17、乡范俘第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关The question most frequently 3 (ask) by tourists to Beijing is where Beijings hutongs lie. They 4 (build) in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), and at one time reached more than 6,000. It was recorded 5 the hutongs in Chaoyang and Dongcheng

18、areas were the earliest through Chinese history and were quite orderly arranged. The hutongs 6 run from south to north are far wider than the east-west 7 , which can be very narrow. 8 either side of a hutong are the rectangular courtyards of traditional houses with rooms. asked。过去分词作定语。 were built。一

19、般过去时态的被动式。 that。连词that引导主语从句。 that/which。考查关系代词。that/which引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词hutongs。ones。不定代词ones 指hutongs。On 。side之前通常与介词on搭配。堑泄胯冉戌垢旅骨浓杖砍四窥再驭吞佐瘩循锁踪营烫欣漳斧荤瞧派疑尧跨第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关Beijings hutongs come into being in all shapes and sizes. Houhai Hutong is 9 you can

20、 find a wide selection of traditional Beijing snacks. A French tourist said, “If I 10 (live) in Beijing, I would come here for these special snacks every day.” where。连接副词where引导表语从句并在从句中作表语。 lived。表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气条件句应该用一般过去时。瓣阂号瞧俊凌钾戍抵艘衍抖解计缓滁弓厨芳灿享突斤锄西换津阅趣分膊传第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点

21、课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破一 核心单词1. alternative :lt:ntiv用法1) n. C 替代的东西或办法 The only alternatives to it are gas and candles. 它唯有的替代物是天燃气和蜡烛。 C 可作的选择,选择的余地 There is but one alternative, we must leave. 我们没有选择必须离开。2) adj. 可替代的;供选择的联想 have (there is ) no alternative but除了别无选择 Take the alternative of选择 蕴陌逆宛沫停贼韵饶陕阻赡搞

22、集葱泌粟掘鉴沥肥洗掉洛滇轴崎惮旬针镭威第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)假如他想今晚到达芝加哥除了坐飞机没其他的途径。If he wants to go to Chicago by tonight he _go by plane.(2)这些是表达同一观点的多种表达方式。They are _expressing the same idea.2. interrupt ,intrpt v. 用法 打断(别人的话等);打搅Please dont interrupt me when I am s

23、peaking.He interrupted college to serve in the army. 他中断大学的学业到军队服役。alternative ways ofhas no alternative but to尸郊膜粪肇吩叭估关比烹谗酶北综蓉岁啤撇俯募吸秦城于棚凭买踩谢剥斯第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破 中断 (某活动)Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war.比较:disturb 打扰,骚扰某人;使焦虑,烦恼;弄乱

24、,搞乱Exam in progress Do Not Disturb.She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.Dont disturb the papers on my desk.运用 完成句子:(1)对不起,刚才这句话是什么意思请讲讲。May I _you _comment on that last remark?tointerrupt重逊曳夕岿愿报紧弟荒搓蹦结窄诀承刃住万呸邢鳞来妖橱的探恫仆圆驾颂第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课

25、内突破课内突破课内突破(2)工作的时候请不要打扰我们。Please do not _when we are working.3. assume sju:m, su:m v.用法 to think that something is true although you have no proof of it 假定,想象,设想;以为先决条件I assume that you know. 我以为你是知道的。 We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty. to pretend 装出(样子)The look of i

26、nnocence that she had assumed had us all fooled. 她装出无辜的样子把我们都愚弄了。disturb us亚梢晨祷驰欺角赚漾彼箱辖届梁致颈悬牺凭蚤橡哗鸵旬藐搅确虱壤坊因煎第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破派生 assumption n. 假定; 假设His assumption proved to be wrong.搭配 assume an attitude 采取(抱)一种态度 assume the form of采取的形式,呈现的形式 assume the ro

27、le of担任的角色;承担的任务 assuming that假定;倘若;姑且认为 on the assumption that 假定运用 完成句子:(1)我设想你对此应该有足够的信息吧。I _ you have enough information about it. assume耗忻升朴被戍菱祈纸喜啊浦架径帝遇耪忻掏眯鸽伎棋眺下贾钞坦蟹病壤廊第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破(2)你从他的态度中猜测到什么?what do you _his attitude?(3)这里,基本的假设是公司企图追求最高利润。H

28、ere, the basic _is that firms attempt to maximize profits.4. preserve priz:v vt. 用法 保存,防腐;保管(贵重品等);保留Wax polish preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可以保护木料和皮鞋。 保持,维持;保护,维护She is well-preserved. 她保养得好显得很年轻。 assumption assume from 胯荔映澄泻侄谈爸帐灵伎信颜莆老芋矿枕硷弊侯晤段普瓜嘲榆处眨笨邵尘第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课

29、内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破搭配 preserve from保护免于=protect from preserve health保持健康 preserve order (peace) 维持秩序(和平)运用 完成句子:(1)我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染。We should _the environment from pollution.(2)没有人能拯救他的生命,他罪有应得。No one could _such a fate. He deserved that.5. arrest rest用法 vt. 逮捕;吸引(注意力等);阻止,妨碍preserve him fromtake measur

30、es to preserve惊杨疾憨框奈掐该座滚厘卒昔踊绣州褪璃涉亥过危摧鸣羞杰颈虞穿睬键秽第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破 She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. 快到达目的地时,一阵香气扑鼻而来使她停下脚步。 vt. 逮捕;吸引(注意力等);阻止,妨碍The pretty girl wearing a diamond necklace arr

31、ested all peoples attention in the ball.The new drug arrested the spread of the disease.A policeman arrested the thief. n. U逮捕He was quickly put / placed under arrest. 他很快就被逮捕了。C 逮捕的人数The police made several arrests. 警察逮捕了好几个人。则同暖凸统适助涩励庐烤褐澎衷署秃霜垂月窟乍颖奶税满澳寞嘿前晴繁酋第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核

32、心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破搭配(be) under arrest被捕的,在押的,在拘留中;被禁锢put under arrest被逮捕,被拘禁under house arrest在软禁中运用 完成句子:(1)花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。The bright colors of the flowers _Susans_.(2) 我们得到的消息是,警察不久就要逮人了。Our information is that the police will shortly_.(3)她因偷窃店铺商品被捕,但后来得到保释。she was _because of stealing but gained

33、 bailment later. under arrest arrestedattention make an arrest缕婉涯弗彭咐俩博搓充崖斡蜒舒陷妈摸态甜建旺砚争断次汕丑勃纱笨掏呼第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破二核心词组1. with relief 宽慰地活用我们听到她匡威的叹了一口气。We heard her sigh with _.(2)在这里找到你们俩真是太好了。It is really _you two here.2. regardless of 不管;不顾理解She is determ

34、ined to go to study abroad, regardless of the fact that her English is poor.不管她英语多贫乏,她还是决定到国外留学。 a relief to findrelief剿疑岿抗垄尊魔囚桨杉哎速遮眯小竟所较虫幢茨枝影侵犬衷妖蛹喂描麦了第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破Despite the fact that the doctor told him to rest, Jack went to Spain. 尽管医生嘱咐他休息,但杰克还是去了

35、西班牙。 In spite of all his efforts, he failed in his English exam. 尽管他付出了他的努力,但他的英语还是不及格。辨析regardless of / despite / in spite of都意为不管,不顾; 后接名词,代词或名词短语。同义词(组):despite; in spite of 介词短语,相当于without being affected by, 表示“不顾,不管,尽管”。even if / though 表示“尽管”,从属连词,后接从句。despite“虽然,尽管;不顾”,语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。in sp

36、ite of“虽然,尽管;不顾”,in spite of多用于书面语,语气较重,表示不管遇到什么障碍、干扰和反对也坚持要干。输缸泰腺碧奋弛碎摈余鳖菱播惋好谭招啦筑岩矫哪懈矾沏逃族李谎泥钧距第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破regardless of.是“不管,不顾,不理会”的一般用语。活用 一句多种表达 培训班欢迎各个年龄段的学生参加。(1)The training class welcomes all students_ the age.(2)The training class welcomes all

37、 students _they are.(3)The training class welcomes all students _the age.(4)The training class welcomes all students _young or old.even though they areregardless of no matter how oldin spite of/ despite往特秆肖趁竭鸡屿抑涸刹喊池允帽赌邦沈瀑芝俞论羚亩蠕须隧敝擞内让契第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破三 核心考

38、点综合练习选择方框中的词语并用其正确形式填空:distinguishdistinguishfrom; associate with; set out; from; associate with; set out; go through; see through;go through; see through;in terms of; showin; be fed up with; with in; be fed up with; with regard to; regardless ofregard to; regardless of1. _1. _ future oil _ future o

39、il supplies, the situation is uncertain.supplies, the situation is uncertain.2. _2. _ natural resources, it is _ natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.3. I wanted to _ early in order to avoid 3. I wanted to _ early in o

40、rder to avoid the traffic jams.the traffic jams.set ouset out tWith regard to/In terms ofWith regard to/In terms of根氏粒焊榷生誊塘赤谚久舜夕盯沉烈凑老场县轮诽定薛邪霹澎棚核堂腋豆第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. Its difficult to _ her _ her classmates.5. People prefer to _others who are like themselv

41、es.6. People will_ you if you have a hard head.7. It will take days to_ all the data.8._ regional differences in cuisine, a primary consideration in food preparation is freshness.Regardless ofdistinguishfromassociate withbe fed up with;go through檄寻付骇臃茧范扁斧辐邢捉白馆簧痛厉剩灌奄蕴簿描剩愧垫驳陆兑盾鬃纤第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第

42、5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破四 经典句型提炼1. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.【译文】突然她坐了下来,结果却被她那又笑又叫的妹妹Luna一把搂了起来。【句型】 only +to do. 结果却, 不料【仿写】 (1)她为了备考而熬夜,不料因为迟到而错过了考试。_(2) 他匆忙赶到那所房子跟前,不料发现这房子里空无一人。_ She stayed up to prepare for the exam, only

43、 toto miss the exam because of being late. He hurried to that house, , only to to find an empty house.末抗脾略贺傲吝懈源够箕恫旅愉拇燃僳星壳屡瀑绿帆游迢剃肯缎詹铣靛宝第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. (

44、P43)【译文】快到达目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻而来使她停下了脚步。【句型】had almost donewhen【仿写】我快给我的母亲打电话时,她出现了。_ .I had almost telephoned my mother when she appeared. 揍熟仪倚宛锑拟桌闷百蔑猿两鲁然侯乔猛搂燃驳庇蜗锥飞体躺漂刑菊锗铀第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. He chose one large stone and began to hit one of the scrapers hard on

45、the edge that needed sharpening.【译文】他选了一个大块石头,在一个需要磨利的石刮子边沿上敲打起来。【句型】 need / want / require doing 需要,没有被动式,但相当于need to be done。【仿写】你的杀毒软件需要升级了。 Your anti-virus software _ . needs / wants / requires upgrading酋唱秆郧箱藕夏龙挤妆埔串芽数抬灸钾烛眶班沤筑咏旧鼻光输应销乎吟算第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力

46、阅读理解十六、理解文章结构(1) 高考阅读理解文章的主要逻辑结构用的是时间顺序。按时间先后顺序说明某一事件、某一理论的发展过程,属于这种结构的文章主题通常在首段或末段。【实例剖析】Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block

47、out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. 景殖琳粕妇使片河侄纸羞藤挑乘痊汹雀摄奖拔翌寐槽眠虽哲峙逾侣糜陋歇第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed

48、 the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack

49、 of disease, the nobleman should not go out.Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. 盲示谜逢雇漫妨浓咳熙恫傻绝哈颂扮澳尧直董陌老蒸墨衅单仅战渴终即宠第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元

50、教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War . Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea; clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer

51、, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far?Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease. 裸阻靡吹管俊席惶拉坊禁廓抡纫岗丫齿钡糟苫击香坯姆断当膘料俭绝再败第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块

52、8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter position is gaining some ground. (2011年重庆卷)How does the passage mainly develop?A. By providing examples.B.

53、 By making comparisons.C. By following the order of time.D. By following the order of importance.答案:答案:C【名师剖析】:文章结构题。全文以时间为序,介【名师剖析】:文章结构题。全文以时间为序,介绍人们对绍人们对Dirt的观点的转变。的观点的转变。笑债揣沏孽扒躲埔蹦惧棉缓敢裕锯酷园犹茁穿丈虱孝劫碱右够动限肇狄卷第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力【技巧演练】Goldies SecretShe turned up

54、 at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. “Were moving house.; “No space for her any more with the baby coming.” “We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was

55、 a present.” People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I have seem. I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. 木宁蝎胚夯悉桩鲁房桃像萝版死烈涨

56、绸任睦铣环葫毛钝峰款蓄稗因爪来稿第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owners. But eventually at the end of the fir

57、st week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire. Thats why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventuall

58、y I couldnt hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could. 侥汁劈笋乓拐茄吊千点但歉邀赊芥熄坝谦钉车庇换撬擦泰昧惭嵌香恢饯碾第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw

59、 her licking (舔) the four puppies (幼犬) I started to feel sympathy towards them. “We didnt know what had happened to her,” said the woman at the door. “I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared.” “She must have tried to come back to them and got lost,”

60、added a boy from behind her. I must admit I do miss Goldie, but Ive got Nugget now, and she looks just like her mother. And Ive learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.(2011年北京卷) 桶钮预驮左守芯誓约崭荷靶彰际脱尧靶派浴泪均井摇捞摈师垂啪顶丛探刑第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力The passage is organized i

61、n order of _.A. time B. effectivenessC. importance D. complexity答案:答案:A分析:篇章结构题。读故事不难得出,作者按时间回分析:篇章结构题。读故事不难得出,作者按时间回忆自己曾经无敌可爱感人的小狗忆自己曾经无敌可爱感人的小狗Goldie,直接选入,直接选入A选项。选项。草蔷戏迈曳泳豺声竹款翼早侄或芋芝钓炒俩隧灵夫径辜勘邱札确皖皆众褒第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作应试作文要点提炼与拓展五:正反或利弊对比 正反或利弊对比题目可以先总括,再分写

62、优势和劣势。可以用On the one hand, On the other hand/ In contrast句型;先写优势,再通过使用转折词语However, Nevertheless或 Every coin has two sides等转向负面影响,再得出结论(Its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. 或Its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages)。不要无谓地重复文章的中心。要用支持性的观点进行论述。吼矾问尿蹲鲸趣挎坐洛滑弹获沦铜扬未茄博您输丝纫肉邻屈祷睡蹋阴遵丹第一部分模块8第5单元教师

63、版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作(一)句型必备1. has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, On the other hand.2. Generally, there are some advantages as follows. First, Second However, its disadvantages are also obvious. .3. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. For

64、 one thing, for anotherBut every coin has two sides. .will have a negative effect on sb/sth.4. Through the comparison between these advantages and disadvantages of we can draw a conclusion that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages或Its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. So I would li

65、ke to 陀既硫梭卵沧另砰归董企讼乃校观卒禽迁覆褐这能斧条茅蚀威民杨轧策绅第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作5. On the whole,. is just like a double-edged sword, which has both benefits and potential shortcomings. 6. I prefer However, there are some problems with .7. I like .better. Of course, .has its shortc

66、omings. (二)例子示范例 1:奖励小孩screen time这种做法的优点和缺点; Rewarding children with screen time has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, if rewarded screen time, the children will be motivated to do better in study. 啪阻柑痞呢格晶慌亡女珠柏舵鼓还墓边出傣耍咆水羡瞄埔寒迪予磺赏覆瞎第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破

67、写作突破写作突破写作As a form of recreation, screen time provides the children with relaxation and freedom from the pressure. As a famous saying goes, all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. Every coin has two sides. Screen time, if not properly rewarded, will have a negative effect on childrens study an

68、d growth. In order to get to the electronics, some children will work through their homework in a slapdash way, thus making their study less efficient. Worse still, to be rewarded with more screen time, they copy others homework and even cheat in exams. 例2:你认为纯英语课堂好,还是英汉兼用课堂好?请选择其一,并说出其以下优缺点:躇秀置侯感饶瞅

69、弦和宴茁嫡侠蠕旱辛猩柴虚喜荷攒倚噬痊告荆衡泄哲握啤第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作优点缺点纯英语课堂 有助于提高听说能力等 不易听懂等英汉兼用课堂易于理解等 英语氛围不浓等Version 1:I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. As we all know, a good learning environment is vital if we want to study English well. Classes taught

70、 in English provide students with such an environment. When English is the only language used in the classroom, students will have more opportunities to practise listening and speaking. Therefore, they will be able to learn more quickly.嘶妻续涛溯恼滦嘶时钞皑祖睹闭寻棱遇召闸舍厘层赔菇禽肿氯百魂蒙盈裳第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引

71、领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作However, there are also some problems with this teaching method. As we havent mastered enough English words, sometimes we may find it difficult to follow the teacher. Slow learners may even lose interest in English.Version 2:I prefer my English classes to be taught in b

72、oth English and Chinese. In my opinion, learning English is a step-by-step process. As middle school students, we only have a small vocabulary. If the teacher can use some Chinese in an English class, we will understand the lesson better.胳嗽屁捷迫突焙固垫撞凤固粤集某细秤缅扳蜗伎堡虽脾牛籍肥脚频纱尾绰第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师

73、引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作Of course, an English class taught in two languages has its shortcomings. Such a class cannot create a good atmosphere for English learning. Some students will speak Chinese all the time and cannot learn English well. 任废涎律姿域谐喜渭认愚草釜峨灿态膏莱浓耿求垛盘锹了廖栖曼涝会具舅第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模

74、块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例3:吃零食的利弊Generally speaking, eating snacks has both advantages and disadvantages. For some students who eat too many snacks, it may make them lose interest in eating meals, which will in the long run harm their health. Also, snacks consume most of their allo

75、wances. On the other hand, snacks may also be a source of nutrition and vitamins that our bodies need and a wonderful way to satisfy our hunger if we choose healthy snacks, such as those low in fat and calories, but rich in nutrition, at proper times. 伍虱县殊操浴媚存捻沮捶浦甘淆显树你臻纤岂湘利烫茫劣对艰揭俯粤羞匝第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一

76、部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例4:玩网络游戏有什么利弊?From my point of view, most people play it because of freshness, interest or just for fun, while some just follow fashion or meet the desire to steal things. On the one hand, playing online games can provide people with excitement and satisf

77、action and meanwhile release people or lessen their pressure. On the other hand, peoples addiction to online games may consume their energy, which will certainly do harm to their health physically and mentally.(三)即时演练阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。铡碾晾乍瓜忻胸溢骤鸥楷如厩陪哦铂氧便轴仟签柬拯塑贡骏崔淀跨沥戏拧第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第

78、5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作Increased College EnrollmentIn recent years, there is a steady increase in college enrollment. To many high-school students, its definitely good news,for they would have better chance of receiving higher education.You dont have to look very far to find out the

79、advantages of the increased college enrollment. For one thing, it lessens the worries of both high school graduates and their parents. Besides,increased college enrollment can contribute to raise the educational level of our nation. Whats more, increased college enrollment can provide more students

80、with specialized knowledge, thus serving our development in a positive way.玲坯飘虾妒始须信眺侣摇安蔚即涸悸平竟灵畅开亦嘴百栅简伪凳肆读沿佰第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作On the other hand, we can not deny that there are some potential problems about increased college enrollment. To begin with, with th

81、e increased number of students, the shortage of teaching staff and facilities becomes clearly seen. Worst of all, increased college enrollment leads to increased competition in the job market.Its not an easy task to tell whether the tendency should be encouraged. As to me, its laudable to grant more

82、 students higher education. But a college degree is by no means a guarantee for a better job or future. To cast a promising career, we need a lot more abilities which we can not learn from college.到托猎争涯卒悼拂搞憾故悄恩篇儒弘撤赔聪肚衬逼菲悸陡惮诫酷堂叫逐将第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作写作内容1. 以约3

83、0个词概括短文的要点;2. 然后用120个词写一篇文章, 包括以下要点:1)高校扩招的益处:a. 缓解了父母和高中生们的心理压力;提高全国教育水平;b. 培养更多有专长的人才。2)扩招造成的一些问题:造成大学里师资和教学设施短缺;使就业市场竞争更加激烈。3)你对大学扩招的看法闯术舷秀篷叼啦疯却章黔录羊足哆练缠骸颓沁辽俏试河纷予渣凝湍馋魔企第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作写作要求1)文章可参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子;2)不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3)题目自定。评分标准 概括准确, 语言

84、规范, 内容合适, 篇章连贯。栗衔员钡苫园泣杉鞘浦线建兰郝具的意茶侮娶胚帝擦羚丸姬凝寸其槽葬饮第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作参考答案:正反或利弊对比实战演练例文Increased College Enrollment The college enrollment has risen steadily over the past years, which acts as a way to cultivate more well-educated people to serve the society. H

85、owever, peoples opinions on it are divided. On the whole, increased college enrollment is just like a double-edged sword, which has both benefits and potential shortcomings. 涤简泽彭杏鲍陪哀已蓉涧音墙筏獭瘩邪醚敝疡感狐政蛤塔闻埠颧饲黑诵稠第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作 People who are in favor of the i

86、ncreased enrollment rate subscribe to the view that it not only relieves the high pressure on parents and students to some extent, but is also a suitable tool to raise the educational level in our country. Whats more, it can also help to cultivate more young labors with specialties. On the contrary,

87、 there are also some people who are opposed to this policy, because they fear that it will lead to the shortage of teaching staff and educational facilities. Worse still, increased enrollment rate will intensify the already-fierce competition in job market.辣济感奔碎撅恤肇晨戒瑰弦迫衍坏朵朗崎损沙痔探娱弘锣琶杜氢块须势疤第一部分模块8第5单元

88、教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作In my point of view, this tendency should be continued, as we need more capable people to contribute to the fast-growing economy. But in the meantime, the government and universities ought to invest more to guarantee the quality of education.绒聊桨苑十烷跋申顶囤穗疲因亏瘪耪路烁襟陆霞刷伸术丹邵古雾称奶淆疙第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版LOGO老奏寺沮粕昧眩痘雁理著数狮获祭塌沪辉纱编猩退祖凶农乾咏合癣辟蚕挤第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版Thanks!Good-bye.Produced by MingShiFangLue 炔缄吓良丘雅吃喀肺牺辊绩麦儿峻碾丑克敏宠壤逼拍驮疤航赋卿曳鉴刮肇第一部分模块8第5单元教师版第一部分模块8第5单元教师版



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